Is there such thing as a false positive?

Birth control is a free option, not to mention unprotected sex is irresponsible

It is soooooo rare but I know someone that got a false positive. I accompanied her to the ER for a blood test less than 12 hrs later. It was negative. The Physician said that sugar intake and time of day for testing can play a part in creating the false positive.

These judgmental comments are disgusting

And I wonder how many of your husbands have sex w someone then come home and have sex with you, meanwhile you’re judging her :grimacing:


Shit. Let me
Run and take this pregnancy test real quick lol. I took 2 plan b pills 5 days later haha.

Did the positive show up immediately? Also was the 2nd guy pulling out?

Blood test. Or digital test

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Yall in the comments acting like yall ain’t neverrrrr been with more than 1 person in the same week… :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming: … she asked about pregnancy test … not everyone opinions on her sex life…

But anyways … I’m sorry people are such judgemental A-holes … I’d js go get a blood test for sure though n find out babe … nothing you mentioned is 100% accurate… not plan b … not those pee stick tests … :woman_shrugging: … you CAN get a false positive …


You are giving to much information!

I had a false positive before so it’s definitely possible.

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You sound very responsible!


You can have a false positive, but you can’t have a false negative (unless you text waaay too early)


If she was a single guy, how many would bring morals into this? :roll_eyes:


I can definitely tell you that the pull out method is not fool proof!! :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: Yep! That’s how I got pregnant on my last one. Birth control with condoms can help better than the pull out method… however, it either sounds like the Plan B worked OR it could be implantation bleeding. The only thing I would suggest is wait another week and take another test. If uncertain, please go to the doctor and get checked. Good luck

Maybe stop having unprotected sex with random men…


So sorry about the rude comments! I personally never experienced false positives but it does happen. Sounds like your pregnant to me, I’d retest and then set up an appointment with the OB.


As for the comments on this post it disgusts me how many judgemental women there are on here speaking on stuff that is irrelevant to your question. Next time I would just not post so many details to avoid all the judgemental negativity. To answer your question though the only 100% guarantee of not getting pregnant is not having sex so with that being said there is a 50/50 chance that the plan b didnt work and 50/50 of a false positive I’d retest or go to the dr and have blood drawn to check to be on the safe side


I’ve taken tests before that showed positive (the regular two line one and the digital one) and I wasn’t pregnant so it’s possible. If I were you I’d schedule an appointment with your gynecologist and get a pregnancy test done there since it’s more accurate.

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Hope you are joking but these days, it’s hard to tell.


Blue dye tests give more false positives than pink. But I’d call your ob. They can do bloodwork

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Go to the doctor for a blood test to be sure.
Also have as much sex as you want with whoever and whenever you want but please look after yourself and don’t risk your health :heart:


To the people saying “oh some of these women act like they havent slept with more then 1 guy in a week” mmm yeah some of us haven’t done that. Do I think people should shame her. No but its the internet and when you put your business out there like this. People ARE going to judge you :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


These comments…WOW! Unless it’s YOUR cooch, YOUR dick, or YOUR man, it’s NOT your situation to judge! If it were a man, y’all wouldn’t think twice about it…:woman_facepalming:

As for the false positive, get a blood test to be sure.


For the people that are saying some people are judgemental they are just commenting common sense something that clearly this person doesn’t have after all this unprotected sex she’s gonna go crying to the doctor saying she’s got disease. It’s up to her how many she sleeps with but at least try to protect yourself from shit that’s gonna fuck ya life up for ever…

Plan B didn’t work for me. My baby is 9 months old now. Took it the same day.

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Putting all the information aside.
Make sure your taking the test correctly. If it says do not look at it after 10 min. (Some are different times most of them are 10 though.) absolutely do not look at it after time. Blue dyes can be a little tricky personally I’d stick to pink. Make sure you hold it. The longer you hold your urine and the less you drink - the more hcg is in your urine. I’d suggest first morning urine. Repeat the test after 36/48 hours and see if it’s any clearer. (The results) feel free to send me a pic if you would like and if I can help I will. Also, look up free pregnancy clinics in your area, maybe they can help you with any questions your have or an ob.
No judgement here. I will say I worry about you! Please be careful - pregnancy maybe unideal for some at any point in time but there are way worse things we can get from having unprotected sex. Just remember you are someone! You are loved! You deserve better!
Much love from one woman to the next.


Go see your doctor and get a blood test

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Very possible. But Pulling out isn’t a birth control and can have live sperm in it or he didnt catch it in time who knows. Possible you were pregnant long before plan b with the pull out guy. Or maybe it didn’t work. Maybe that was implantation bleeding and not a period. You can either wait n retest or go in for blood tests. I’ve never had a false positive though. 6 living 1 angel.


The dollar store test are seriously the most accurate :ok_hand:t2:4 babies ps pretty sure you had implantation bleeding it’s pretty much a getting pregnant sign not always but I did it with all my kids plan b only stops your egg from dropping if the egg dropped already theirs a good chance it didn’t work I’ve had my kids with birth control and plan b all the same dad but either way take a test first thing in the morning when your pee is the most concentrated


Blue dye tests have given me false positives mutiple times. Get a pink dye test, use first morning pee and read within 5 mins.


A faint line is positive


I have had a similar experience with Plan B. Took it, bleed for three weeks straight (light to moderate), took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Went to doctor and they did lab work that indicated my my HCG levels were low, did a recheck 3 days later and they were even lower (not pregnant/no longer pregnant). Take a test in few days and see if the line is lighter or darker and/or consult with your doctor.

Yes there is a so I thing as false positive I had 3 gor absolutely no medical reason

Good chance you’re pregnant

Only false positive I’ve gotten was at a 6 week postpartum checkup. Pregnancy hormones were still around so the test came back positive. Talk about a heart attack :rofl:


If I had unprotected sex with 2 or 3 in a week, I’d be more concerned about an STD than pregnancy, and if pregnant, and have an STD, then pray for a healthy baby.
IMHO - With ALL THE INFORMATION OUT THERE…on disease transmission through unprotected sex, a person is STUPID to participate in this practice, much less with several different short term partners.


Goodness- see a doctor! And maybe not have multiple partners within days of each other.


Wait a couple of weeks and retest

I would think the spotting and supposed period could have been from plan B or more likely implantation bleeding (if you are in fact pregnant). That’s about 2 weeks after the time you had sex and I’m pretty sure implantation can happen about 10 days later? It did for me, but I thought it was my irregular period being weird (again). I would wait a few more days and take a digital test! Or the dollar store tests are pretty darn accurate! False positives aren’t impossible, but not common….


It’s possible but you can wait 2 weeks and retest

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I might go get tested for STDs as well.


Three different guys in three days what a joke


False positive isn’t a thing. You are pregnant


Sorry these people are so rude. Probably because they have the protection of the internet. Lol. If you took plan b I don’t think you’re pregnant. People have these symptoms along with a missed period or irregular bleeding.


Abortion is also just pills if its early enough


Well what did the test say :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:, if ur not pregnant then get tested for sti’s/d’s and look into protecting us the world from this


Yes my dog had a test done and the vet told me that.First time I heard of it and I have 6 kids​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

She slept with a guy one the 13th and another on the 14th/15th. On the 15th she took the day after pill. It was two guys not three. Either way, it sounds pretty likely you are pregnant but I’d retest in a couple weeks.


That was probably implantation bleeding
You are probably pregnant .

I’d go see your doctor


False positives are a real thing I’ve had a few. Just wait and retest. Get a digital clearance blue. Very accurate.


I would see a doctor or Wait a few days and retest. To me it sounds like you could definitely be pregnant.

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Probably pregnant…maybe learn to use protection and birth control if sleeping around so much.


I’m not criticizing or trying to be Miss Perfect. I just can’t believe this conversation is taking place on FB. The end.


You probably are. Test again in week. A faint line is still positive.

I’d say you are pregnant. A blood test will be the most accurate. See a doctor.

I understand that even the faintest line is positive. I think you should see the doctor. Be upfront when you do…

I would say you’re promiscuous


I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks, my ex husband and I used pill and condoms,condom split ended up pregnant with twins. How ever careful you are it can still happen granted it’s probably unusual but it can happen. These comments about this person’s life is very bitchy,no need for personal comments


Protection isn’t always 100 proof. I got pregnant with my son while using condoms and 2 types of birth control I was told the 2 would work together to avoid pregnancy cause I had to have 2 different ones to counter reactions.

Sounds like an episode of Maury is in store for you…


Blue dye tests actually do have a high rate of false positives especially if you haven’t followed all the instructions carefully. Your best bet would be to go to the doctor for blood work or wait a couple of weeks and test again.

And to all those judging I guess they can go and sit in their big old glass houses now. The woman asked for advice not a character assassination.


Sis not judging but what? People are dirty and you wouldn’t even know it until it’s too late. Please take better care of yourself and health because you deserve to be healthy and live a long life. A false positive is very rare and I’d definitely follow up with a dr for a pregnancy and std and sti test ASAP.


OMW why would you sleep with so many guys. Are you not afraid of contracting Aids or something. WTF woman


I’m sorry for all of the judgmental comments on this thread when you’re just asking a question. What you do is your business. Likelihood of a false positive is very low. That’s because the test is looking for the hormone hCG and the possibility of you having that hormone when you’re not pregnant is highly unlikely. I’ve had light lines when I’ve taken the test early and there is less of the hormone in my body at the beginning of pregnancy.


DNA test you can do it as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy and it’s as simple as taking a blood sample from you at a paternity place

Blood test. I had 2 faint line positive tests and it was only bc I had a kidney infection. Blood in the urine I couldn’t see

I cannot even believe people ask this crap on facebook. Go to a doctor if you are that concerned or keep your legs closed if you do not want the risk. Sorry not sorry.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there such thing as a false positive? - #3 by josiecox25

If there is a line, faint as it is, the test is detecting HCG, the hormone of pregnancy.


Rarely are there false positives. Wait a few days and test again. Tell both guys and get a paternity test after the baby is born.


Definitely retest in a few days but it’s detecting hcg

It is very rare! Usually the blue dye tests are not the best so if that’s what you took I would try a pink dye. Also, pulling out does not work. I have 2 babies from the “pull out method”. Plan b is also not 100% so definitely possible.

You have an …interesting lifestyle. Maybe you should use condoms if you f… with more than 1 guy.


That right there is why you don’t go sleeping around .:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


It’s very unlikely it’s a false positive, although it can happen. I would test in a few days to be sure. I agree with the comment about and would also tell both guys and get a paternity test after baby is born.


Get an actual test from the doctor. There will be no question


A line is a line, and it’s unlikely to be wrong. As im sure you know, pullout isn’t reliable. Plan b only works for those who aren’t considered over weight and if you take certain meds or antibiotics, that can negate effects too. I would suggest go get a blood test done, a std test done and then contact each of those guys and let them know they could be the father, assuming you plan on keeping the baby


Ever heard of std’s?


The best way to find out for sure is to call your doctor for blood work!


Im not going to shame you but for fucks sakes protect yourself.


:woman_facepalming:t2: is all I’m gonna say


If theres a line… Faint or not it’s detecting hcg… The pregnancy hormone.
Anytime you have unprotected sex with a man you have a chance of getting pregnant…

Wait a few days, re test with the PINK lined tests or a digital test. No mistaking that word boldly printed on the test.

Probably should tell then both and then do paternity tet when baby is born.

Also if you happen to not be pregnant… Maybe some birth control or condoms are an important addition to your lifestyle if you don’t want to end up pregnant.


Wait a couple of days for a another positive but make an appointment to confirm with a blood test, also condoms aren’t just for preventing pregnancies they are for sexually transmitted diseases, stay sexually active but keep it safe for YOUR health and EVERYONE else :+1:t3:


Two of my kids were faint lines

I think people need to think before they write some of the things they have on here. People have different opinions and ways that they live their lives - if you do not agree that is fine, but if you’ve got nothing nice or helpful to say then don’t say it. Remember #bekind False positive pregnancy tests aren’t that common so it’s worth taking another test and potentially going to the doctors for further advice.


I’m not for certain but I’ve always heard you could have a false negative but never a false positive, that’s just hearsay tho like I said I’m not for certain but i do know for a fact that all three of my pregnancies the line was very faint.

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Unprotected sex always comes with the risk of pregnancy. The spotting could have been implantation bleeding. False positives aren’t very common. I suggest testing with a pink dye test when you wake up. If still positive you should call your doctor to have it confirmed. They’ll be able to help you explore your options from there. I wish you the best!


Faint lines have been miscarriages or chemical pregnancies for me.

:people_hugging: I hope you get the results you want

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um…use a condom or bc and dont sleep around​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


My line was faint and I was pregnant… I have an almost 2 year old boy now.

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Protection. I’d like the first thing you learned about :woozy_face::roll_eyes:


Ever heard of protection, especially having random sex with guys. Stay safe is all i can say.


I had a faint line once and it was an ectopic pregnancy


I had a faint line… she’s 11 years old now


Someone call Jezza :weary:


Can a home test even pick up a roughly 2 week pregnancy? (Maybe you are further along than pregnant from those times) I would wait a few days and test again or book a drs app.

Please don’t pay any attention to the clearly oh so perfect people bashing you but I would definitely use this as a learning experience/wake up call to protect yourself going forward.


OK am I reading that right lmao


Probably need to see a dr!

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