Is there such thing as a false positive?

Id get std tested too


If you get a positive, even faint, go to the doctor! They will tell you for sure. Good luck. Also, if you decide to go to term, make sure you get a paternity test for every person that you slept with in the previous 4-5 week period. Those dates are too close.


I love all the women supporting women on this post :roll_eyes: seriously if you have nothing helpful to say then just shut the fuck up


I’d wait a week and retest. Or go to doc for blood test

Some of these comments are disgusting. She obviously came for advice, not to be ridiculed.
I would take another test or even get one done at your doctors office and go from there. You can also ask your doctor about different birth control options too! I hope you’re okay, and I wish you the best.


False positives are very rare.

:people_hugging: So much for women supporting women. Some of yalls comments are beyond ridiculous. :roll_eyes:


Had a faint positive currently 15 weeks pregnant id go to the dr to confirm

You go girl! we can have sex whenever we want!

Now the nurse in me says go to the doctor to get a clear positive or negative and don’t forget to wrap it up cuz you don’t want to get their cooties. :heavy_check_mark:

Some of them are lifetime :astonished:


WoW , NO one is perfect and some of these comments are absolutely outrageous. If you can not say anything nice then don’t say anything. BeKIND this World is tough enough and she is definitely reaching out for some help


Go see a doctor to be sure. False positives are rare but I also know plan B mimics pregnancy somehow… I’m not a doctor so I don’t know the science behind it, but it seems reasonable to think that it could cause pregnancy like symptoms. :woman_shrugging:


Have some of you taking into consideration that she could be exclusive with just these two partners and they exclusive with only her? They all could have been tested and decided that they don’t want to use condoms. They are adults and know the risks involved with that.

Also, birth control and condoms don’t always work. I’m currently pregnant with a birth control baby, it happens. False positives aren’t very common but they do happen and sometimes they can be a sign of an underlying medical issue (usually cancer). No one has the right to be ignorant to OP for her lifestyle regardless if you disagree with it, it’s not your life, why do you care?

OP - I would test again with morning urine and also make an appointment to see your doctor to get blood work (have them do blood work over urine because they literally use the same tests we do to test at home which would kinda be redundant for the sake of the visit). Good luck! I hope you get the outcome you want and if not I hope you have a good support system to help you through :purple_heart:


Just came here to say that I’ve had a birth control baby and a failed condom baby.

Let’s stop judging this woman just because her lifestyle differs than one you would lead.

If the test had a line on it past the recommended time to look at it, it could very well be an evap line. If the line showed up within the correct time limit, I would test again in a few days and see if it has gotten any darker.

Fingers crossed and best of luck!


Stop shaming this woman! She knows she made a mistake and probably is pregnant and is worried about the consequences. Clean your own porches.


I’d either wait to retest until after a missed period or go check in with a Dr for blood work to be sure.
False positives do happen but are fairly rare

If it’s a positive its probably right. Omg. DNA testing next :woman_facepalming:t4: Congratulations though for real

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Baby girl please go to the clinic and make sure fir the babies sake. You need to start prenatal care if that’s your choice. I’ll say a prayer for you. God bless

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Your pregnant. It’s early but I am 99% sure your expecting. I’m a Mom and an RN please use birth control. Please use condoms if you have sex with multiple men…STD’S are not a joke, HIV, Hepatitis…life changing. You shouldn’t have to decide to take plan B, abort, keep, or adopt when it’s so preventable.


Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves… Help a woman out not bash her… like you Karen’s haven’t spread em like butter before :fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:


It depends on the test. If you used pink dye I would say it is positive. If it is a blue dye test then there is room for doubt. I had a super clear false positive from a blue dye clearblue test.

Take another test… if the line is where it should be and straight, you’re pregnant.

Faint usually means pos. Just take another one in a few days.

Women putting other women down is stank cooch energy


Smh some of these comments are nasty. Why is it OK for a man to sleep around with multiple women? Then you get married to said man and scream how much you love him even though he slept with most of the town smh. Best bet is to wait alittle and test again. I’ve heard of plan b throwing off your balance if your hormones are already off which most women don’t know they even have that issue till later in life. If you really need to know now you could always go in for blood work to tell if you are pregnant.

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Start taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins right away. A good brand. Not a cheap China brand. If that is your form of birth control it’s just a matter of time (real soon) that you’ll be pregnant.

Jesus Christ. The amount of judgement in here is sofa king ridiculous. So disappointing. :frowning:

Wow some of you are so quick to judge. Who are you to judge anything? She didn’t ask for anyone’s opinion on anything other than the thought of her possibly being pregnant. No one, especially op cares about your options of her sex life. No need to be nasty or ignorant, you don’t approve of her life then just simply scroll by

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I hope that you get the care you need for whatever path you end up on. :heart::heart:


False positives are rare but they do happen. Best route is a blood test. Good luck with whatever happens and whatever road you take. There is nothing wrong with multiple sexual partners but please protect yourself in the future !


But like which one is the dad though??


Lol go get a blood test done to be sure

All these nasty responses make me LOL they all HOES but need to put someone down to feel better about the Herpes they spread when their legs open

Instead of judging, I’ll answer your question the best I can. I was told by a doctor that false positives are extremely rare. If it is positive, there is a very good chance you are pregnant. I would go to a doctor soon and maybe have them do a blood test to be sure.


Like several people said already, maybe get a blood test done, to know for sure? I had a faint line, so the blood test was the most conclusive.

A few months before we conceived our 3rd baby, I had a false positive on a first response test. It was not an evap or an indent. It was pink and definitely there. I started my period the next day :roll_eyes: so, it can definitely happen. It is rare, though.

To prevent further bashing or bullying of your lifestyle I would simply go to the doctor for a blood test. I’m sorry all you wanted was some input and got mostly hate. Next time something along these lines come up, make a doc appt. Social media and the world mixed in with it is a cruel place. Good luck to you.

Just go to the doctor. Explain the story and he/she will do blood test. Better safe then sorry

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I had a faint line with my son he’s 15 in couple wks

Wow the number of WOMEN in these comments being hateful and shaming for no damn reason is absolutely repulsive. Do any of you ever stop and think before you just spew garbage out into the world? First, she never said she WASN’T on birth control or that they DIDN’T use condoms, just that they tried pulling out. Guess what: if he was wearing a condom and tried to pull out but the condom broke, she’d still be in the same situation. Same with if she was on bc and it failed, which happens all the fucking time (I have a birth control baby). Second, none of you have any idea if one or more of them are polyamorous and are completely aware of the other partners. Or maybe she just likes to have sex. It’s literally one of the most natural things we do, so stop being assholes about someone honoring their body and desires more than you ever had the confidence to. And lastly, you all have ZERO idea if they got tested before starting to see each other, or if they’re in exclusive relationships with just those partners. So to sum this all up, stop being the buttholes of the earth when all she wanted to know is the likelihood of a false positive.


Any line, at all, is positive.


All of you saying this is normal. No the F it ain’t.:person_facepalming:


The line was super faint both times I took at home tests, and I have 2 kids… just in my experience, the darkness of the line means nothing, it only matters if the line shows up at all.

Get a blood test it sounds like it was implantation bleeding but whatever u decide 2 do goodluck. I would definitely tell all options there maybe a possibility it’s their’s if u are

Women putting other women down is stank cooch energy


I’ve got five kids. A faint line just means it’s early days, but I’d say u are prego. Just test again early in the morning and see what happens. Once u go to drs and get tested u can book a early ultrasound which will pin point some dates for you. That could possibly narrow down who the father could be. But I’m thinking u will need to tell all people involved and go from there. Best of luck. I hope this baby grows to be happy and healthy. congratulations is in order I guess, ur going to be a mummy . Take care.


I had a faint false positive once, then I never got a positive test when I was actually pregnant so I had to get blood work to find out I was indeed pregnant. Just go to the doctor, they call back same day with results :heart:

i had a very faint line with my last baby. come to find out, i had like just conceived him. he was due August 31, 2020 and we found out on December 22nd 2019. i would’ve been less than 4 weeks along… it’s possible. go to your dr.

Not normal trust me. All the people saying it’s normal are lying up there ass


Go… To… The Dr… You’ll need a STD screening as well as a pregnancy test.


Wow. The comments on this post are absolutely disgusting. The comments on this post are exactly why I don’t associate with many people. Because god forbid you do something that they wouldn’t, and all hell breaks loose. There’s a difference between giving advice and being a total bitch. The way I am, I don’t judge people no matter what they do with their lives UNLESS they are causing harm purposely and with no intention to change OR it’s involving me and/or my family. Let her live her life, and if you don’t agree and plan to be rude, go somewhere else. Especially because I know damn well some of you on this post have slept around in the same manner she is. Whether you admit that is up to you. But unless you plan to give her helpful advice, fuck off.
Now for the girl who sent this post in. I would say you’re most likely pregnant. But to be sure, go to your doctor and get a blood test and while you’re there ask them to test for STDs since you slept with 2 guys within 2 nights. If you are pregnant make sure you get a paternity test and don’t just assume you know who the father is. From here on out, please make sure you are protected from STDs and it would be wise to use a form of birth control. Sending you love and hugs and best wishes!:two_hearts:


The negative comments are just from haters who can’t get it like she can.

Sweety go to the dr. Get a blood test but you’re probably going to end up needing a DNA test. Good luck :kissing_heart:


Oh girl. You preganart.


Faint positives are possible, but given your circumstances, I’d take another test and get a blood test.

I always test with pregnant not pregnant test and they can detect up to 5 days before your period

Sweetie, please go see your doctor. You are worth it.


Have another test and a doctors test just in case

I would wait 3 days and test again and call and make a appt with your doctor

Faint or not, it’s a positive. Time to sit down and do some soul searching. Good luck to You sweet girl :purple_heart:


Take a blood test to be sure. Also do a paternity test… Sperm can survive in a body upto 5 days… So if you are pregnant you definitely cant be sure as to who the dad is.

Girllll. If u are pregnant you won’t know who the baby dad is :thinking:


I’d say you are pregnant :pregnant_woman:t2:

Please see yoir Doctor

I’ve never heard of a false positive. The test had to detect more than 25ml of hcg hormone. You might be pregnant and it’s best to go to the Dr or urgent care.

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I had a false positive back in January, with that said they are VERY rare. Only a handful of things can cause a false positive, if you still have the packaging check the expiration date if you didn’t already. If the test wasn’t expired I would definitely suggest making an apt with your OB. If you are not the only sexual partner of both guys it might also be worth getting std tested as well at your Dr’s if you haven’t already. The earlier stds are caught the better, so I would er on the safe side and just get tested. I’m sure you are freaking out but try to take a deep breath and just take it one step at a time. Try not to stress on all the what ifs.

Is this for real? You just fuck men like that??? Wow :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


The most terrible thing here is that she was told that sleeping with multiple men is “empowering” and so now look. Fucking grotesque and disturbing. The feminist movement sold women a lie, and this is where it took us. No respect for women like this, I’m out. :v:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there such thing as a false positive? - #3 by josiecox25

Idk but we are looking to adopt so if you decide to go that route reach out. We have a beautiful blended family.


You don’t give away the prize silly girl,or I’ll say ma’am since you’re obviously pregnant
Good luck

Wow!! Take a break honey.


Preggo like prego :joy::sob::joy::skull:

I had faint positives before clear lines showed up and I was definitely pregnant

I wish I was having that much sex.

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From every OB and clinician I’ve ever studied and listened to, you can get false Negatives but NOT false Positives.


My doctor said nope if it is positive then it is positive. He has never seem a false positive.

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Yes you can have a false positive. You can also have a false neg. But you need to make a dr apt.


Congratulations you are going to be a mama

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I’m confused what this has to do with ‘my favorite holiday’ page… bring me a pumpkin

Any line, no matter how faint is considered a positive. A light line just means you aren’t very far along. Definitely go to the gyno to know for sure…


Wow judgmental much. Who cares if she sleeps with one man or a couple. Different strokes for different folks. I’d say if your unsure to go to the doctor to check everything out.


Do you think you know who the father is. I don’t think so
Birth control


I’m gonna keep my mouth shut on this one :point_up:


Only if the test is a dud…highly unlikely.

How about not sleeping around


Plan B won’t work if there is already an implantation.

This page needs to be called Trainwreck.


Seriously annoyed by these dumb questions not what drew me to this page !


Condoms work better than plan B plus it stops the spread of stds


Maybe get a blood test done

Take some STD test…


Yes there’s such thing as a false positive, super rare, mostly false falses :joy:. Check again in a couple of weeks.

Also I’m wondering if like dogs, a woman can have two pregnancies by different fathers at the same time.

I’m sure you know about how to protect children from being conceived and how to protect yourself from disease…

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First of all stop sleeping with ever tom dick and harry


For those of you that followed this page without looking to see what the description says…

Baking a cake and need ideas on icing recipes? Turn to social media. Need an answer for THIS question? Close your fb app and call your Dr.

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Chances are it’s not a false positive.

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I tought My Favorite Holiday was about pumpkins and stuff


Honestly just wait it out a week and take the test again

Ummmmm ever heard of freaking BIRTH CONTROL?

Out here about to catch an STD or 4 :woman_facepalming:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there such thing as a false positive? - #3 by josiecox25

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