Is there such thing as a false positive?

You had unprotected sex. Yes there is a chance you could be pregnant.

While very very rare, false positives can happen. i would retest again in a week, and then see a doctor if you get another positive. best of luck!


I don’t know the answer but you have quite a romantic life.

Sounds like ur pregnant… good luck sweetie

Sounds like a good learning experience


I’ve had a false positive by a doctor

I’ve had a false positive before

Clear blue tests are horrible, always use the pink tests

Test again in a week

Plan B can also cause some changes in menstrual cycle. It’s a high dose of hormones that your body might not be prepared for.
I would wait a week and test again. If still unsure, schedule a doctors appointment.

False positives are extremely rare, usually caused by a bad batch of tests or testing too soon after a loss. Most often people see a faint line (an evap line) and mistake it for a positive. This is why they say to not go off of the test results after a certain amount of time (3 minutes, 5 minutes, etc). If you’re questioning the results, retest in a few days. If the lube is darker it’s most likely a positive, but if it’s still incredibly faint it could be an evap line.

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False positives absolutely can happen. Even in digital tests. I have personal experience with that.


I honestly believe the pink dye ones from dollar tree are the best and accurate


It’s very rare to get a false positive. I’d wait a few more days and get either a digital test and/or a pink dye test. I hate the blue ones.
If you’re still not sure I’d go to a clinic or make an apt with your dr for blood work.

Also want to add that I’m please that there are only a few Karen’s in the comments.

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I would say you’re pregnant, all you can do is wait and take another test to confirm. It’ll be ok either way!

Take a test without lines. This was it says pregnant or not

You can go to the Pregnancy Center of Toledo and get a medical grade test for free. Go on line to make appt.

Get a digital test from Walmart. Never heard of a false positive from them

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This is the second post I saw that is exactly like this one

My sister is an obg nurse and she’s said that you have to have the pregnancy hormone in you to test positive for the test.

I hope this is a joke …cause if not maybe you need to stop jumping from guy to guy before we see u on maury :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

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I believe positive is positive. It’s detects a hormone that is only present during pregnancy


Emergency Contraception Pills do fail sometimes and without typing out a long reason why here is an article from the web explaining why… Why the emergency contraception pill fails

Hi! I work in the medical field. False positives are rare. Please please PLEASE if you have ANY confusion, just go get a blood test. Theyre 100% accurate and most OBs accept it as a legitimate result.

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Blue dye tests are horrible for false positives.

It is very rare and unlikely to get a false positive. Is it possible you’re seeing the line out of anxiety? Or did you check the test after the allotted time… the vape line will show on most of you did.
Your body has to provide a certain amount of hcg to trigger a pregnancy test positive. Your body will only produce when pregnant.
Wait two days and take it again. If you’re pregnant your body will double the amount of hcg, making the test show positive more quickly.
Or contact your ob/gyn and they can run a blood test- but will need to be done twice within 48 hours…

I’ve had this happen same thing with the period, wasn’t a proper one… I was pregnant :grimacing:

I was pregnant with a faint line. Do a blood test. Plan B also has a weight limit over like 150 or 170lbs

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TMI FFS go to the dr


As my doctor would say, stop having unprotected casual sex :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


i would take a faint positive as a positive as i did and i was actually pregnant

Literally ignore all the hate, you didn’t do anything wrong. I would go get a blood test with a doctor jic, you can go to a health department or planned parenthood, which should be free. Planned parenthood would also be able to help you if it IS positive and you’re looking for help terminating the pregnancy. The earlier you find out, the better. You got this!! :muscle:t2:
P.S. people ask things on fb when they need advice and have no one to ask IRL. Y’all need to stop being so fucking hateful for just 5 minutes, damn.

Unless you are on a hormonal birth control, it’s positive. Most false positives are due to hormones found in birth control.

No judgement… you do you sis and ignore the slut shaming…

Anyways it sounds like it is definitely a positive. The spotting sounds like it could possibly be implantation bleeding!

Either way good luck for whichever answer you’d like it to be! :two_hearts:

My face reading this


No judgment here! But just word of advice, please use protection! They prevent way more than just pregnancy. And I would also maybe look into some form of birth control too. But it does sound like you may be early on in pregnancy so I would recommend going to see a dr.

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Pregnancy the only positive people are concerned about #sad

Wow people she just ask a question,and it wasn’t for judgment.

Just wait a few days and take another test. Maybe the digital ones that say Not Pregnant/ Pregnant.

Get a life, there is more out there than sex! I’m going to pray that God will find a better way for you to live!!


I am in no way judging you. I just want to give a friendly reminder to use protection, especially when sleeping with multiple partners. Not only for preventing pregnancy, but also STIs and STDs.
First and foremost you need to get to a doctor and let them test your urine and take blood to test as well. Then you need to make an appointment to get tested for STIs and STDs.
You need to be selfish when it comes to protecting yourself sexually. If the guy says he doesn’t like the way a condom feels, then he has two choices with you. One, wrap it, period. Two, have sex with someone else. Please, please take care of yourself honey! I’m sending you positive vibes!


The chances sound very highly that you are pregnant
Pulling out is not a guarantee that you wont get pregnant there is still plenty of pre cum that can get you pregnant.but if you also took plan b you might want to go to the doctor and get a blood test done

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condoms… stds are as real as a pregnancy

Girl you got too much time on your hands :joy::woman_facepalming:

More than likely it was implant bleeding. Which is common in the first week or two of pregnancy. Pull out game isn’t always spot on. That’s how my mom got pregnant with me and I know a couple other girls that got pregnant that way

Go to your doctor and get tested. It sounds like you’re pregnant and then, go to the Maury show and find out who’s the daddy.:woman_facepalming:


It’s very rare there is a false positive. My advice is to wait another day take a test then schedule a dr appointment just to be sure, they can do a blood test. Then go from there

A local Carenet will offer free medical grade pregnancy test . They are caring and supportive. All the best …

Time for paternity tests!

Th ed re a good chance it would be the third guys child . Because first pulled out the two times with the second guy you took the B plan day after pill so it would have to be third guy.

Definitely go to the Dr. Best to start there. Just remember to breathe, it will all be okay.

I am positive you need a healthier hobby.

How about we act like decent fucking people and stop shaming this woman… Good god people, what fucking gives us any right to say anything negative to this girl? And yall a bunch of goodie tooshoos right treating people like shit and judging people and situations you only got the jist of whats actually going on!!! How about we answer the damn question at hand and mind our business about the rest!

Ok that’s it, I’m leaving this page! Done with the damn stupid questions!


Maybe see a psychiatrist to see why you are so easy


If you seem like you don’t want kids wear condoms or use birth control :joy: like honestly. Dumb.

Positive for what???Asking for a pervert.

Usually false positives don’t happen and when they do they arnt usually a good reason. you should probably just go to a doctor to be sure. Either way you’ll find out what’s up

I got a positive at 3 weeks gestation and we had twins 34 weeks later :woozy_face:

You had sex, of course it’s possible you’re pregnant. You have asked this question hoping to find at least one person that will say, “yes false positives happen all the time!” And then you’ll ignore what everyone else says about the likelihood that you are pregnant.

Retest with a digital test or call ur obgyn or dr for a blood test

You are more likely to have a false negative than a false positive… maybe try a digital and then another one… go with best out of five!

Wait a week, test first thing in the morning. The hcG hormone should be stronger and more detected in a week (if present at all)

Also plan b does not work if you have already ovulated.