Is this a harsh punishment for a 6 year old?

My husband is grounding our six-year-old daughter for the rest of the month for disobeying him. I am currently deployed. And my daughter likes all kids like watching YouTube videos. So she was told not to watch it. But as a kid, she did so behind his back. I said six days he says the rest of the month. Am I wrong? Is that a harsh punishment for a six-year old?


I would say a week and be done with it. A month is ridiculous

Grounding in what way? Grounding from anything she can get to youtube on for a month is not unreasonable if he engages her in other activities so she knows youtube is not life.

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My personal opinion that is way to harsh to ground a 6 year old for pretty much a whole month for that.

I have a 5 year old who watches youtube. Had she disobeyed me, I would have taken her tablet away for the rest of that day. A month for a 6 year old is harsh.


Imo the child will forget why she’s being punished after that amount of time for that age and will cause resentment.
A day for each year of age. And the understanding of why they are receiving these consequences.


A week is sufficient. After that day she probably learnt her lesson to listen. I agree, a month serves no purpose- they are so young that there’s bound to be repeat offenses with tv/tablets and such… it will take time to understand the lesson.

Gosh this is harsh … I struggle to stick to a day :joy:


Two weeks and 5 days. Nope not too much at all.

This is an on going issue with my 7 year old hes always turning off Netflix and sneaking onto YouTube on our computer!! But a month grouding is long hey do t even remrber what the reason was for the grounding at the end of it we usualy turn the computer off and more for the day. Or take a toy away or something

I’d do a month too…if your too easy on kids they keep doing things mediocre punishments make kids think the punishment wasnt too bad therefore the behavior continues


I would personally say the following day. Children learn from constancy and you can practice rules and discipline more when you have shorter timeframes. To a child an hour is a lifetime.

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That’s almost 3 weeks…way too long to ground a 6 year old. At that age the child should not be on the internet unsupervised anyway.


Yes, I believe that’s too long for one that age. I think a week would be acceptable.

I have a 6 year old depending on what she did determines the grounding. The rest of the month for disobeying him is harsh

Tough love. Maybe she will think and listen and not sneak around. Then when she’s 12 or 13 wont be sneaking out of the house.


Every child is different so a month may be harsh to some but my 6 year old knows right from wrong and I absolutely would ground him for a month for doing certain things. Deliberately disobeying me would be one of them :woman_shrugging:t3:


At 6?? Way too much. That seems like a teenager age punishment. Maybe a few days or a week, but not for a month, imo.


I think he needs some parenting classes


Way to harsh. Take the tablet or whatever away for the rest of the week, but not the month. She will grow to hate him of he keeps being unfair like that

Well it’s basically lying. So depends on how seriously you take that. If she forgets why she is in trouble he can always explain why she is still in trouble. His thought is probably if the punishment is harsh enough she won’t lie again. It’s a hard lesson to get to stick so I don’t have a judgement either way.


That’s way too much because she doesn’t even have concept of time yet so it will feel very inconsistent to her

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Just take away YouTube. There are ways to delete or disable it on every device I’ve seen. I didnt want my kids on it so I just got rid of it🤷‍♀️ a month is a bit much for a 6 year old though, it should be more like a couple days to a week.

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A 6 year old wouldn’t understand 30 days. It’s going to build resentment for her father from a young age. He needs to think about the long game not this battle. I would ask her what she thinks her punishment should be and if it’s not adequate tell her why she deserves more time or harder punishment.

Too harsh. Maybe take away the device for a little while but a month is insane.

Even 6 days are harsh🙈

Lol he’s grounding a 6 year old?
I have nothing to say about that but laughter.
A 6 year old can’t even comprehend what being grounded means let alone have the brain span to remember what they are in trouble for.
After a couple hours she’s Not even going to know why she’s still in trouble.


She’s 6 years old!! Not 15. How about supervised or do something else to keep her entertained and interact with her.


My son wasnt supposed to watch youtube on his tablet and when i walked away he was sneaking it. He didny get grounded however he is not allowed d to watch youtube anymore just because i dont really know what he is watching. He told me he was watching ryans toy review but ended up watching some people fighting and learned how to choke people. So we do not do youtube anymore!


What the heck is so important on U tube for a child? I don’t get it. She shouldn’t even have access to this.


Too harsh, punishment should fit the crime, she watched a video she shouldn’t have, she loses YouTube or the app she was on for awhile. I’ve taken electronics away from my kids cause of this and them not learning but that’s if your repeat offends

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I agree with everyone else .

We do “grounded from electronics”, not actually being grounded. And never for a month, but, if its just taking away her tablet/phone/computer… A few weeks won’t be a huge deal :person_shrugging: if you’re deployed and husband is home alone withthe kids, try and cut him some slack and be on his team. Hes probably overwhelmed and doing his best.

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Child development classes I’ve taken says yes. The punishment needs to fit the age. They suggest doing timeouts for as many minutes as their age. So I’m going to say a month is definitely too long of a punishment for a six-year-old. I think it’s going to do more harm than help. Mostly for their relationship. At the age of six they are still very self centered that’s how kids are and don’t really have a full grasp on time yet. And my house I have a 4 and 5 year old. If they are not following directions and we have to repeat our self they will lose screen time for the rest of the day and the following day. If things continue then we get up to a Max of 3 days. At that point on the 2nd day if they have been behaving for the last 2 days they can earn screen time back on the 3rd day. Outside of that they can end up going to bed early or possibly lose other things that they like. We canceled a trip to the park because they couldn’t behave and follow directions. We’ve left places early and gone home for the same reasons. I would say when my kids are around 8 and 9 then they will start losing things for weeks at a time.

For those saying 3 wks is too long… we’re talking about taking away ONE privilege. Not a necessity, and not grounding her from life. I think it’s fine.


I got punished for a month in jr high (I was around 13 ) for getting drunk and sneaking out lol that’s a sufficient punishment. NOT for a 6 yr old tho . not something like that. But your deployed. So what really can u do about it?

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By the end of the month the child forgets why there even grounded tbh if you make a punishment to long its not effective they feel like why should they even be good the rest of the month


A little harsh in my opinion. A whole month is ALOT. 6 days seems appropriate in my opinion. Yes she lied and yes that’s horrible but 6 days gives her enough time to think and he can communicate with her on rights and wrongs and what she did wrong and why she is being punished and if she continues with bad behavior then I would tell her that her punishment could be extended based on her behavior


Shes learning more about the kind of relationship she is going to have with dad rather than why she cant watch youtube. Shes 6. Teach her why and show her what she can do.


Due to the dangers now with kids and YouTube or the internet/ pedophiles. No I don’t believe its harsh at all.

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It’s a little over 2 weeks. Not too much. But it depends on what all she is grounded from. Just from YouTube? Sure. But other toys need to be allowed.

Why don’t you have parental controls on her devise? My 8yo is cut off of YouTube. I blocked it. Kids will go behind your back. Even adults do. You have the power to prevent her from going on YouTube. Use it. As far as punishment yes I feel it’s too harsh. Especially when dad isn’t being responsible himself.

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Way too harsh in my opinion. I have a 7 year old who did something very similar at 6…watching videos I had told him not to. 3 days with no YouTube was enough to make him never do that again :joy:
A month is an eternity for a kid so young. I’ll save that for when he’s 16 and sneaking out or something worthy of a months grounding

My son hasn’t had his tablet for months bc he can’t follow directions everytime he gets it back its the same ole stuff. So he has shown he isnt responsible enough he is 8


That sounds like psychological control. If he didn’t like her doing it he shouldn’t have never let her watch any. It makes her happy now she won’t understand why he is doing this it’s just going to hurt and confuse her


I think it’s too harsh

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Way too harsh. They don’t have the attention span for that. I say the rest of the day and maybe the following day unless it’s a repeat offense. The thing about overdoing it with punishment is it will start to lose its meaning. Like who cares if I act a fool because there’s nothing left for me to lose?

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Shes not even gonna remember why shes in trouble after a week

Bet she won’t do it again though :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I think he is being to harsh ,she is only 6 ,take the electronics away for a period of time :thinking:


Block the site on the device shes using.Down load the app for parental control so you can prevent her from even getting on it at all

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A month is insanity.

It’s not that big of a deal… and it’s just one privilege being taken away…

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Too harsh! He is angry and that doesn’t teach.

I personally do not allow my 6 year old to watch YouTube. But I’d definitely say that is harsh. There are better ways of redirecting a child’s behavior then punishments. Just my opinion.

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Maybe 1 week. She’s still too young for half a month of grounding. But then again kids are so electronically concerned. Taking away YouTube isn’t a bad idea. Let her watch a movie each day and she will be fine.

Depends on parenting. For one she lied about it and did it behind his back, for two. There is really awful content on you tube that she could be exposed to. If it were my 6 year old a week or two of no screen time would be enough in my book. But he needs to also explain to her why he’s punishing her for so long. 30 days is a bit much for a 6 year old. But then again its just you tube. She will live and hopefully she will understand why it’s not ok.

I think it is fine. YouTube has introduced my kids to lots of topics I don’t like. I didn’t realize it because I had parental controls, erc. and thought things were fine. I took YouTube away for much longer than just a few weeks. She will be ok without it for awhile.

My kid is now grounded off her tablet for a week because she re-download a game I’ve removed twice! :exploding_head: but she keeps pushing it… she won’t see that tablet for a very long time and shes 7 :woman_shrugging: tough love!

But youtube is whats in right now… she has kids youtube so she’s always on that.

Nope!! Sooner they learn the better! I bet she’ll think next time she don’t listen to her daddy. I WISH my man was like that he lets our kids get away with murder!

Its not like he is forcing her to stay in her room and stare at the wall for a month.

Rest of the month isn’t a month… trust Dad and stand united with him. Maybe he will give time off for improved obedience.:heart::pray:


too harsh in my opinion. Punishments of that extent are too long for a child that age. She will lose sight of the reason & just feel hurt after a couple days.


When my son takes advantage of screen time then we take the iPad away for a week

Also thats way to harsh for 6 years old.That will back fire badly as she gets older…


Shes fucking 6. And the offense wasn’t that serious. Seriously? Your husband is being WAY too harsh smh.

Can she read books? I think it’s fair. A month will send the right message.

No. This seems appropriate since she’s to young to be on YouTube or any electronics anyways.


A month is a little extreme in my opinion.

Grounding fully. No not for a 6 year old.
A week should be plenty sufficient at that age.
Now if they are not old enough to stick to the rules with electronics, ill. Take thise for longer depending on the rule broken. But it would have to be something sever for a month grounding and my girls are 11&12.

I dont think its harsh YouTube has alot of inappropriate content hidden within the kids videos


All kids watch YouTube videos? Not my kids!! But yes I agree he is being too harsh. 6 days makes more sense for a 6 year old then 3 more weeks

as long as he has alternate activities in mind.

My son is 5 about to be 6 and I would not ground him that long for really anything. I doubt he would know why he was still being punished towards the end of it. I wouldn’t go over a week or so of punishment at that age and only that long if its taking away a single privilege not several.

Delete YouTube… Download YouTube Kids


They youtube kids now. They cant get on anything like the regular one.

Its only 2 and a half weeks. She will be fine. If she is sneaking behind his back to watch it, then yes she has an addiction to watching it and a kick for lying. He is doing good. He is nipping it in the bud.


Lol that’s nothing. My kids did that after saying no not too. They didn’t have the tablet for a year. They don’t even try to get on those vids now


Personally id say at such a young age thats abit too long of a punishment…shes more likely to start acting out the longer it goes, a week or two shel see she did wrong, a wrek or two will still seem like a yesr in their eyes. My girl is 7 so ive tried and tested :rofl:

Nope! She was already being punished and snuck to do what she wasn’t supposed to. I just took internet from my 8 year old for 3 months and YouTube for 6 months.

To me it’s not a logical consequence- what does grounded mean exactly? To me what I would do is take away the device that she used for YouTube for a week. Then set up a way for her to earn time on the device.


Why are you even more worried about your child being upset over a punishment versus the fact that she was deceptive and did some thing she wasn’t supposed to? Lying and sneaking is huge and if she’s starting it at the age of six already? Better watch it


Honestly, we took YouTube away from our 5/6yr old daughter with no time frame on how long (it ended up being about a month), and her behavior became SOOO much better.

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she needs to learn how to respect the rules now or she won’t abide by the laws when she is older. punishment in my day was an ass-kicking-yes at age 6. so she is getting off light.

:flushed: seems like 6 days would have been reasonable… the rest of the month seems unmanageable

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It depends on the child really. I would try a week at 6 though, but I would also replace screen time with books.

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To long , a week maybe

I feel like a punishment like that might be messed up in the sense of giving in and letting her use it before the month is up then making her not take punishment seriously. I would do a week max. YouTube helps occupy them when needed so a month without that would suck for me personally :laughing: not to mention a month time is a bit unfair for somthing so small…


What do you mean by grounded?

I think it may be more important that your daughter NEVER know you do not agree with him. It’s very important that parents present a united front to children, or else the manipulation will begin…


I would take the interest for a month but only ground her for about a week she is 6 so she understands what she did but thats kinda harsh

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A month is way to harsh for a 6 year old.

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I see nothing wrong with it. I mean she knew she wasn’t allowed and did it behind his back. May as well teach her about consequences while she’s young. Maybe she’ll think twice next time.


I feel like there’s not enough info to judge, but I also feel like a month grounding is harsh for anyone under 10.


Two weeks is not that harsh. She was told no. Did it anyway. If you were in his shoes you may have done the same thing. He may have warned her a few times to. Maybe he took it away for a week before this and she is still doing it

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That’s more a punishment on him lol. :joy: Joking people.


Its 2 weeks and 5 days, I mean if it has been a problem before I think that’s reasonable… however, if this is the first “offense” I think 1 week would get the point across. Just a side note though, I have a device set up with youtube kids that is on the highest content filter they have available for young kids and my almost 5 year old watches it a few times a week

Need more info… grounding from what? YouTube, all screens, what is the punishment. If it’s no YouTube I think that’s totally fair. She can learn to do other things than YouTube with her time. Honestly, I have an almost 6 yr old and she doesn’t even know what YouTube is. I don’t think she’s old enough to understand the dangers associated with it.

I just took it away from my 9 year old for life! Her attitude has gotten so bad! Some of the stuff I’ve heard her saying was insane! And if she does watch it again it will be videos on having manners!

No electronics without supervision maybe for a few months. Maybe lose the tablet entirely for a week.

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