Is this a harsh punishment for a 6 year old?

A month is too long for that age.


You tube is trash for kids anyway. Idc how many ā€œkids videosā€ there are. Iā€™ve gone down a rabbit hole with kids you tube and the shit they can accidentally come across is disturbing. Iā€™ve seen cartoons about killing your step parents while they sleep.
Iā€™ve seen sexual images pop up in the middle of a ā€œkids videoā€.
Kids donā€™t fucking need you tube.

A couple of days maybe. They have no realistic concept of time yet.


Yes. Harsh for sure

I do the rest of the day. Each day is brand new. A chance to make better Choices. I wouldnā€™t do a whole month.


I have read all the comments. I am not here to argue about the length of time. The point is that the child has to learn to obey without question. It may save her life.

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Too a day would had been effluent for a 6 yr old

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Not obeying, at 6 yrs old is defiance! Long punishment now is better than a long regret later!


I say no YouTube for the rest of her elementary school days, tbhā€¦ However, so that it feels less harsh, she could be introduced to YouTube Kids. This is only kid friendly videos. Itā€™s a free app. My toddler is watching it as we speak. He is watching clips from Peppa Pig. There are slime videos, and toy collection videos, just like on real YouTube. She wonā€™t even miss YT, and you donā€™t have to monitor what she is watching.

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What was she trying to watch that the dad didnā€™t want her to watch? More context is needed.

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going with their age is what is recommendedā€“time out for a six year old is six minutes, ā€œgroundedā€ would be 6 days. but at 6 she should not have access to a device to get on youtubeā€“dad is not doing his job of supervising. This is a 6 yr old , not 16!


I think sitting her down and explaining why we donā€™t lie and how to be honest would be the what is bes t in this situation. Then tell her if you do this again blank will happen.


Too much for a 6 year old. Even a week would be a bit harsh .
One weekend would be sufficient, IMHO

Be is sowing the seeds of future rebellion and a broken relationship :slightly_frowning_face:

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Not too harsh, they need to learn young that no means no. :woman_shrugging:t3: Our 4 kids have and will continue to have punishments as well as chores. They started chores around 6 slowly and our oldest two are 9 now. Youngest is 6weeks and our youngest middle is 3 in Nov. he has to pick up after himself all the time. They need boundaries. Itā€™ll be ok mom!

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Punished meaning what? No iPad? Or in the room for a month? Thereā€™s a difference.

It sure is take control of your little girl

Kids shouldnā€™t watch YouTube period.

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I wouldā€™ve said no internet whatsoever and take away whatever devices shes using for maybe a day or 2 first, if she doesnā€™t listen then a whole week.

Agree with her husband.

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Thereā€™s some terrible things on YouTube my children arenā€™t allowed to watch it either. I dont personally think it is too harsh. These days itā€™s dangerous for our children to not listen, and follow rules.

Honestly no kid should have access to you tube. Heā€™s correct.

A month is a little over the top :woman_shrugging:t3:

Everyone on here saying kids shouldnā€™t be watching YouTube, let me just point out that alot of these famous YouTube stars on there today started out as children and some are family channels with children themselves and Christian families who are kid friendly and turn off the comments so that your children donā€™t have to see the hateful things people have to say out there and how do you think your children are get inspired if not to see they have the opportunity to go out and do things like this themselves? YouTube doesnā€™t have to be this horrible thing as long as you make sure your watching the right things and keeping your kids on the right channels. Just a word to all the Negative Nellieā€™s here in this comments section. I think the punishment is too long for a 6 year old. A week is long enough. Let her know if she does it again the punishment will extend a week longer. Thatā€™s what I did when my daughter acted up and it worked. And we watch YouTube :wink:

No , they need to learn early, , too many things they can get on on utube, that are not appropriate for a 6 yr old. thank you for your service

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A whole month for a 6 year old feels like years, especially after the 6 months we all just had. 6 days I think would be better.

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Little harsh for a 6 year old . I believe in punishment but the punishment should be age appropriate!

To harsh for 6. Your husband is a jerk

You never punish a child the day after the incident has happened!!