Is this a harsh punishment for a 6 year old?

Why is you 6 yr old allowed you tube take that crap off their tablet.

Donā€™t go against what he said. Stand by him. You are a team. Itā€™s just YouTube. She will learn to obey him next time.

shes only a baby ffs!

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First, and foremost, this should be taken up with your spouse. Not social media. Second, Just because heā€™s angry at the moment doesnt mean he will stay angry. We are already almost halfway through the month to begin with thus leaving 2 weeks. (A few days over) Finally, what are the terms of her being grounded? No YouTube? No electronics? Or are we talking locked in a room with only a matress and bread and water?

This is not grounding actually. Let them play with real toys and experiment somethingā€¦ Some funā€¦ we were kids and we had so much to doā€¦ Why these kids were on YouTube always? Having a five year old who strongly fights with me for her screen time

You are wrong for asking other people what is right .If you on deployment the let your husband parent your not there

Wow some parents on here are well harsh. A child should be able to be a child no matter what a day at max to punish her fresh day fresh start. you lot commenting on here dont know what goes on behind closed doors shes asking for advice not judgements. You tube is also educational too if he aint gunna sit n be a dad then why cant she go on it. Seriously no wonder some of your kids are miserable or lil shits getting arrested etc ā€¦ you do whats best for u n your daughter hun a month is absolutely ridiculous x

Grounding from what? Thatā€™s a longtime for punishment for a six year old but it may in fact be appropriate. Plus itā€™s the 12th f the month. Thatā€™s a difference of like a week. And even if you disagree with him heā€™s already said it so he needs to follow through

No, and you also need to respect dadā€™s decision on how he grounds her or else she will grow up not respecting both of you. Try making her play outside, do some art or anything creative to take her mind off of youtube she is still little you guys can figure something to do.


I think that since dad is the one at home, he should decide the discipline actions needed. A six year old will be just fine if she is ground for 1 week or 1 month.

I honestly would take it away from her permanently until shes older. Its a bad habit to get kids hooked on social media


Lol. No. Thatā€™s whatā€™s wrong with kids these days. Parents are too soft. Let him discipline her. Kids arenā€™t going to die from not being able to stare at a screen for a month. Kids need guidance and he did the right thing.


Yes. Sheā€™s 6. They donā€™t always remember the rules. Iā€™ve grounded my teenager that long but it was for a different reason. I agree that she should follow the rules but the punishment should be age appropriate.


He is there, and she must respect/obey himā€¦else, while you are deployed or otherwise away (and he is in charge) she could be in danger because she did not listen to him or do what she was told to do by him. When you are home again, the two of you should discuss your parenting/discipline boundariesā€¦but for now, I lean hard toward what he says goesā€¦


We (as in her parents n I)punished our granddaughter for 2 month at age 8 for watching YouTube in attended. She was warned several times. So many predictors online and videos that are not appropriate for little kids.

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Is not a harsh punishment. I didnā€™t let my daughter watch YouTube at that age either. Now thatā€™s sheā€™s 9 and has an iPad (because she needs it for school) I downloaded all the kid version apps for her. You guys need to be on the same page.


Parents should back up what the other parents punishment is are kids play them against each other. I would say maybe two weeks and then if she does it again longer next time. Iā€™m a Mom and grandmother

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6 years old watching YouTube without a parent present? Do you know whatā€™s on youtube? She broke a parent rule so a month is appropriate.


A month for a 6 year old is a lot. What is wrong with her watching you tube anyway? She wasnā€™t getting into trouble or doing anything to hurt anyone else.

As a mama of 27 years I say thatā€™s way too long. They say as a rule of thumb to stick with using their age as a gauge for punishment. As in 6 days, 6 minutes, etc. Maybe yā€™all can talk about it again calmly and you can help him. Dadā€™s are definitely tougher with these things and can often times benefit from the softness from the mama that makes for good balance. :wink: Good luck sista and thanx for your service.

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Thank you for your service! :us:
But, to answer your question: youā€™re wrong, and no thatā€™s not too harsh. First, you and your spouse need to show a consistant front, donā€™t change what he has already said. Secondly, discipline is healthy and needed and going behind your parents back is a serious offenseā€¦ it might 'just be YouTube today but they get away with it or get off easy, what next? I think establishing core values and high morals in your children from the start is important. (Mom of 3, heavy disciplined, healthy, employed, upstanding, functioning adults!)


I would respect what he says, or compromise and make it like 12 days. Thats roughly half of the the rest of the month.

Yes, sheā€™s only 6 for goodness sake. Punish her but a month of grounding? Why does a 6 yr old have access to YouTube?

Small children, small punishments! 6 days was good.By the end of the punishment they forget what it was for. I have 4 adult children now & all were punished at one time or another!

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See i think heā€™s being nice, my kid disobeyed my rules by watching you tube on his device after I told him not too and I took the device away permanently. Homework was done on my device with my supervision only. Heā€™s now 17 and just this past Christmas I bought him a new device. You can ask him today and he will say donā€™t break momā€™s rules. Sheā€™s mean lol

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This literally just happened with our 6 year old son!!! We didnā€™t want him to have electronics in the first placeā€¦ but eventually caved! He loves to play outside and has no problem being a kid without electronics BUT one time he did the same thing and went on the iPad after we told him noā€¦ so we took it a way for a weekā€¦ we kept reminding him ( not harshly) every time he asks for the iPad and gently reminding him why we took it away. I believe he gets it but forgets everydayā€¦ over all even though it was annoying to constantly remind him why he canā€™t have itā€¦ we never caved for the whole week! I was proud hahaā€¦ consistency is the key! I think a month is too muchā€¦ I do not believe at their age can possible wrap their minds around a monthā€¦ thatā€™s excessive in my opinion. Good luck!


I think a month is excessive. Iā€™m not a mom - so maybe my opinion doesnā€™t weigh as much as everybody elseā€™s - but I think 6 days or a whole week or something like that would be more along the correct lines.


He has to stick with it nowā€¦ He has set the concequenceā€¦ Itā€™s only a monthā€¦ She will be fine. But I would discuss with him setting up parental control on utube so she can watch it on occasion.

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May be too long but parents should be on the same page with punishment. That way the child knows neither one will waver.


Nope, she needs to learn to follow the rules her parents have! She will survive!


If heā€™s already set the punishment, he shouldnā€™t change it to be a lot less or she might think dadā€™s a softy. But I agree a week for a 6 yr old is probably enough

My punishments are severe. Ask me if they do the things I say.

The punishment stands she went behind your husbandā€™s back. Whenever, my husband and I punish one of our twins we always back each other on the punishment.

Not from YouTube its not. There are other things she can do instead of on a computer, tablet or phone. My kids never had all this electronics and they did just fine.

Dont any of you parents know how to set up the parental control on you tube so they dont find videos of things u dont want them to watch. If not then its on you as the parent for failing your kids. Now a month is way to much. That sounds like punishment a teenager would get.

No this is an issue that needs to be dealt with and the child needs to know the parent is serious about it

The rest of the month is ENTIRELY too long for a six year old. A week, yes. Any longer is too long, period.

Let it be a partners decision agree with your husband it will teach the kids a lesson

Too harsh and unreasonable. A person earns respect not demands it.

What kind of video did he catch her watching ?

This is Bullshit. 6 days for a 6 yr old is plenty to get a point acrossā€¦

Yes one day for each year way to harsh

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A lil harsh. But his rules. Got to respect that.


I say yes. I agree with you and I am a mother, grandmother, great grandmother and a retired school teacher.

Sheā€™s 6. He should watch her better to know what sheā€™s doing. :woman_shrugging:t2:

That is not a harsh punishment.

A week is like a month to a child.

If you think you should be deployed instead of being home where you belong you have no say. Let the man do the job you werenā€™t woman enough to do.


No, my daughter was caught on YouTube after being told no at age 7 I grounded her a week and let her have it back, she just became sneakier and when I found out then I smashed the phone with a hammer she is now 15 and allowed no electronics except for the computer for school with supervisionā€¦


I think 6 months is too long . personally you both need to be on the same page with the discipline thing . the child needs to see that mom backs up dad and dad backs up mom . otherwise if they see a chink in the armor they will use it it is the kid of it . perhaps you could talk to s.o. privatley the child will not comprehend 6 months . 2 days and then say you lost your privilege because you broke the rules . if she repeats it then make it longer . but just as you shell out the discipline be lavish when she behaves with the praise .

Hell no she needs to learn yā€™all mean business

Donā€™t undermine your spouse


I have a hard time keeping my 6 year old grounded for more than a day. By day 2 the upkeep of reminding him heā€™s grounded and why he is grounded every 5 minutes is draining :woman_facepalming:

A month (or the rest of the month) sounds pretty harsh and she likely will not even remember or learn anything from it.

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I feel like thatā€™s way over board. A week would have been good enough for that age. There is no reason why she should be grounded that long unless she did something to threaten her life in my opinion or if she was 14+ years old


My 7yo has zero concept of time for her that wouldnā€™t work and sheā€™d be more pressed about getting back whatever was taken vs understanding/caring about the punishment.

It sounds like your husband is doing his best with you being gone. I know as a military spouse if my husband undermined my discipline while gone i would be upset. With that being said my child disobeying is not a small problem. These things turn into much bigger deceit. If itā€™s a month off you tube I say let it lie. If itā€™s a month in her room alone I think i would take issue.


I believe the threat of a month sounds severe especially to a 6 yr old and think he should negotiate when he feels she learned her lesson . Could be 6 days but sheā€™ll be thankful that thatā€™s all it was and most likely will learn her lesson.


Give Dad some credit. Itā€™s YouTube. 6 year olds can be doing a whole lot of other and more beneficial activities. If she is obsessed with it to the point of disobedience then expose her to things that will be be more entertaining so she wonā€™t be tempted.

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After a few days a six year old wonā€™t even remember what they are being punished forā€¦ what she will remember (for a very long time) is how her daddy made her feel & how he overreacted to something so trivial & that will damage her self esteem & their relationshipā€¦ kids are put on this earth to test boundaries, they learn by correction & showing them the right thing to doā€¦ your little girl will develop a fear of telling him things & believe me that will cause a whole load of troubleā€¦ I would not tolerate my husband doing that! Very harsh way to deal with her & would be setting of major alarm bells in my head!!


Maybe take away the electronic from the 6 yr old she is too young to be left alone with that why is he not watching her and what sheā€™s doing on the device!


I think it kind of depends on some things. Was she caught looking up inappropriate things or unsafe things? Not necessarily this time after being told not to but before too. What all is she grounded from? Just things that has access to YouTube or grounded to her room with nothing?

YouTube can be dangerous. I think he is doing great by standing his ground during a stage of the childā€™s development where follow through and caution are learned the most and quickest.

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Parenting and marriage is about compromise. If u say one week and he says three, why not meet in the middle with 2weeks? At the same time she is only 6. And what does this grounding consist of? Total lockdown or jus no electronics? Maybe the compromise can be lockdown for a week and no electronics for the rest of the month?

She wonā€™t even remember what she was grounded for by the time next week comes around. Maybe do time in instead and some extra chores with bonding time.

By the end of the month a 6yr old wont even know what she did wrong. Thatā€™s ridiculous!

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You tube should be taken away till the end of the month. Idk what heā€™s punishing her with.

I think youā€™re right. Seems awfully harsh for a 6 yr old. After a week I think she will understand.

She is probably bored like everyone else parental controls !

See here is my thought.

Seems info is missing. Was this a first offense? Second? I can see his view and yours. Without being in his shoes I cannot correctly make a decision if it was too harsh.

Here if my kiddos did this, for a first offense and depending what they were watching, it would go from 1-2 weeks. Happens 2 times they lose it permanently until they are older. Obviously they are not ready for a device. We have them but they are used for trips 3+ hours only. We feel children do not need them and can go play with their toys or outside. My children are 14,12,8,7,5,2 and 6months


You two need to be on the same page with punishment. But I believe for a month at that age is a bit excessive for a 6 year old. Maybe have dad make routine so she donā€™t have to much time on the internet/YouTube.

6 year olds shouldnt be on YouTube anyways, i think she will be okay to learn how to play and be a kid agian :slight_smile: time off electronic devices is always good.


With that suicide video being passed around and imbedded into things I donā€™t blame him, I just removed the app from all televisions and my Sons tablet to be safe. 1 month sounds harsh but I also think heā€™s looking out for your childā€™s wellbeing. I guess it depends on what grounding intels. No electronics? No friends over or going to friends? Every parent is different on ā€œgroundingā€

Far to long the wrong doesnā€™t fit the time, jeez she hasnā€™t stole a car!


What was she watching on u tube? And how many times has this happened? There are parental controls use them? Limit useage to computer.and be there when there using it .

What is ā€œgroundedā€ when youā€™re 6?? Like how many places does a 6yo go? Iā€™d say no more youtube/electronics for the rest of the month.


way to harsh some form of restriction from internet coupled with some extra chores

Well she will learn he means business!!

Thatā€™s way to harsh a punishment for a child of that age. Ridiculous!

Depends on child punishment should fit crime .

And if he sits down with her and tells her why and he can amend the punishment

Ban her from you tube, period but grounding for rest of month??? Not fair

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I say you support him. He probably wonā€™t last with the grounding anyway

Yes in my opinion itā€™s a bit harsh


Not a harsh punishment, they have to learn. Maybe after a month, she will know not to do it again and be aware of the consequences. It takes children a little more time to learn. If sheā€™s already disobeying him while youā€™re gone , let him be the parent that makes the decision of the length of time and I mean that in the nicest way possible. My husband deployed and I was by myself taking care of everything . While his input was welcomed it wasnā€™t always taken tbh. Iā€™m at home with the kids and he is away. Itā€™s hard enough for him that youā€™re gone and arguing about whatever punishment he chooses or doesnā€™t choose just adds extra stress which isnā€™t fair . Cut him some slack. Iā€™m sure he will give in before the month is up.

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Um how bout a day. Because sheā€™s 6.


Too long for someone so small, in my opinion!

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His way sounds fair to me

No itā€™s notā€¦ Itā€™s just YouTubeā€¦ Besides YouTube is bad if you donā€™t monitor themā€¦ I wish it was banned

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I personally feel like a punishment should be carried out until they learn that they have to listen to their parents and not just be bratty, ignore them or disobey them.
ā€œJust kidsā€ turn into ā€œjust adultsā€ who donā€™t listen to the law or authority. That can be dangerous especially in this day and age.


Thatā€™s fucking ridiculous in my opinion.


Dont let her on you tube full stop its not for childrentheres all sorts on there he was right take her of it altogether

A month is long for a 6 year old under 10 I would use their age as the days so yes 6 days

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UTube is not suitable for kids anyway

Yea even 6 days is harsh, 6 minutes in time out will do just fineā€¦ i had to take YouTube of my daughterā€™s tablet cause she was watching some medical stuff, but she just didnā€™t need to be watching it, it was pretty graphicā€¦ i honestly didnt even punish her when I found her watching it cause I didnā€™t want to embarrass her and make her not want to tell me things, I just told her thereā€™s things on the internet sheā€™s not allowed to watch for her safety and that was that

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You should discuss with him. However, not being able to watch YouTube is not a horrible punishment. Keeping her from social media is actually a good thing, especially in todayā€™s world. There are other ways to stay entertained. It also teaches her that she most respect her parents decisions, it is to protect her. The decision was made out of love. Itā€™s a parents duty to protect their children from harm. The media can be harmful.
I say stay there course. She will be fine.

Seems to have dominance issues

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Its like 2 weeks left. But i think thats a bit harsh for watching youtube videos. A week tops.

You isolate and make a kid depressed and lonely by grounding them more than a week for a serious offense. There is info. on net that talks about this to back you up when you two discuss it again.

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A 6 year old doesnā€™t belong on YouTube in the first place.


I mean sheā€™s 6ā€¦ a think a week is long enough