It bothers me that my boyfriend follows beautiful girls on tiktok: Advice?

I think it all depends on how much you trust him. We don’t have tiktok, but I wouldn’t mind if my husband follows other women. He loves Norah Jones for her talent and follows her music and career. But it doesn’t mean that he’ll leave me for her. First, that’s an unrealistic thought, and second, I trust him and our marriage/ relationship enough to know he won’t do anything to break that trust. And of course it goes both ways.

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Yes, you’re greatly overreacting. Guys are gonna look whether you get mad about it or not. Those girls are on tiktok and unreachable. At the end of the day, he comes home to YOU. Chill, really. He’s a boyfriend, not a simp.

Maybe you should work on your own insecurities and figure out why you feel the way you do instead of making everything a big deal. No one likes the obsessive and controlling gf. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but you can’t run his life like you’re a mom…it will only make him hide the things he looks at and make him a better liar. Remember: He’s a grown ass adult, You’re not MARRIED, He’s not your son.

If you can’t trust him, break up.


It’s disrespectful for him to follow these women. There’s one thing looking but following ie actively seeking these women out. Have an open chat, if it makes you feel uncomfortable it’s not about jealousy


Jealousy is a nasty emotion. Completely natural for him to look. You too…look…


Seems to me like you guys didn’t fix your trust issues and still may be toxic yea it’s disrespectful and would probably bug me too but trust is everything you wouldn’t need to worry with a good man

Always be honest. Always. Always. Always. Bc soon, if not already, it’ll seep into your mood and thus your relationship. Always let him know how you feel and what you think, so he can decide if he wants to help those thoughts and feelings stop by clearing the air. It’s all good. Just calmly discuss it.


Better to end a “relationship” that most likely isn’t really before you get left in the dustbin of his “relationshipS”?? Ask him to define what “love” is and you define that word also?


Ignore the haters. Yes, you may be over reacting, but this is how you feel. The best thing to do is talk to him. Think of WHY you don’t feel comfortable with him following them. And tell him, ‘Hey, I noticed you followed several sexy girls on Tick-tock, and I don’t feel comfortable with it. And this is why’.

You can’t fix something unless you talk to him. Work through it together. But make sure you tell him exactly WHY you’re uncomfortable with it. Otherwise there’s no point mentioning it.


Fact check! I don’t go in my wife’s purse, she doesn’t go through my wallet. Neither of us would ever cheat on the other period! I think my wife is beautiful, I think she thinks I’m handsome(hope so anyway), we have one wallet (we share all our money). We are a couple, I did the same with my ex, that did not work out. You must have trust and faith, if it doesn’t work end it. I was and am not a wealthy man but happy. I was trusting and generous, not as much now, unless its my wife of 30 years now and she is my second wife has more than proven her worthiness. Bottom line is trust which is earned, do not freely give it. My ex stole alot from me but thank goodness I was able to trust again. Fact is you must make your own rules and guidelines, and fallow your own heart. Good luck and may you have a fantastically beautiful life all my best wishes hopes for you.

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At the end of the day his head lays beside yours a night to go to sleep :woman_shrugging:t2: idk that wouldn’t bother me because I don’t have trust issues. There’s beautiful ppl all around the world.

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What are the women doing? Is it a cooking show, a welding lesson, or do they just post “sexy” stuff. What is his motivation for following them? I agree with the person that said that you should talk to him about it. Your agreement doesn’t give him license to walk over your feelings. And, start being who you were created to be. Love who you are and you will be so vibrant that you will attract confident, healthy people. You won’t need a BF that doesn’t respect and honor you.


I def think its something you should talk about and honestly if he ain’t willing to stop following another girl because it makes u uncomfortable he’s not the one my fiance would block any other girl I felt he shouldn’t talk to of course I do my research and try to see what kind of person they are before making any decisions


There are millions of beautiful and sexually appealing people in the world, you can’t punish each other constantly for acknowledging that. Being beautiful does not make you special… so if you don’t feel special to him for more than being attractive, you guys should break up and you should take some time to really look Inside and learn to appreciate other values


This isn’t about him and who he follows on social media. It’s about you and only you. You have some work to do on yourself. :woman_shrugging:


Here’s a little tip I learned… he don’t touch my phone I don’t touch his phone, social media is just that, I don’t want nor care if he follows beautiful girls or whatever cause guess what I know where he’s at in the morning after noon and night… at home cause he on house arrest lmfaooo​:rofl::rofl::rofl: naw but for real though I wouldn’t even pay no mind to it he follows hot girls you should be able to follow hot guys y’all love and trust eachother right? then it shouldn’t be any issue, unless there’s more to it…


While yes, I think you are overreacting, you can’t help how you feel. Communication is super important in any relationship. I know you two are trying to “not be jealous” anymore, but just talking about it doesn’t necessarily have to be a fight about it. It may even make you feel better just hearing him say out loud that he loves you and you have no reason to be jealous :slightly_smiling_face:

That would be a hard no for me. Ive been with guys like that. Its not fun and heart breaking.
Only you can decide what’s a deal breaker.
This IS a deal breaker for me.
I’ve been married 30 years now to a man who is not interested in any of that. Thank God. Hugs. Hang in there


His respect for your feelings should be more important to him than his need to follow other women whom he doesn’t even know. Period.


I always say that communication is key. If you feel any which way about anything, always say how you’re feeling and never bottle it up. Even if it’s ridiculous, and you know it’s ridiculous, you should never hide how you feel.

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I don’t feel like you’re overreacting, but I don’t see why you two are together if something like this bothers you. Trust is key in a relationship. I don’t even look nor do I care who my significant other is following or friends with on any social media platform, we both have friends of the opposite sex on Facebook TikTok whatever. If you feel like you can’t calmly talk to him about this without an argument arising then he’s not the one for you, and you aren’t the one for him.


You don’t follow those “sexy guys” out of respect for how it may make him feel in my opinion. I don’t think this is about jealousy, but respect!


Why would you care ? You can’t control someone what he’s doing isnt wrong :expressionless: and stop assuming he’s Gona cheat or that these girls even would want your man jealousy is ugly

Personally if my other half started saying I couldn’t follow people because they were attractive I’d leave them because they need to work on themselves

it sound like you might need to see a therapist because it’s not healthy to be jealous over this ( this isn’t a dig, genuinely think it will help )


That doesn’t fly here.
We’ve been together almost 10 years, and neither of us follow shit that makes the other uncomfortable.
Whether people want to acknowledge it or not sexual images, porn, etc all can be destructive to relationships and mental health. Relationships are already complex enough, adding on an issue like this: having daily at the hand access to essentially porn, cause lets be honest half the shit on Instagram and even TikTok is scraping that boundary these days.

Another thing is algorithms, they are a thing- when a new account is set up for a male what do you think is the suggested content?


If you’re acting this way over social media then you got bigger problems to deal with than whining over him looking at other girls he’s never going to actually talk to. You have some major insecurities that you need to work out. Sounds like you aren’t emotionally mature enough for a relationship.


My husband admits to loving women and loves looking so.etimes I do too.
BUT I know he would NEVER CHEAT

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What you allow will continue.
Slippery slope. He should know better if he knows that’s a trigger for you.


You seem young…
Sexy ‘girls’…
Not understanding that you are still jealous, not that you used to be…
Talk to him about your thoughts…
But also work on your own self esteem…

Yes you’re over reacting but more than that, it sounds like he has fixed his jealousy problems and you’ve only silenced yours.


Nope…you’re not overreacting. If it makes you that uncomfortable, then he should unfollow them without hesitating. Vice versa, as well. Communicate!!!:heart: Been married 17 yrs, but we’d never had jealousy issues…

He could look at that first pic of them, but definitely no need to to continue to follow them.!! Not on for me,I,d be very pissed off, I’m sure if u started to follow guys it would be a different story. Try it see how he reacts.!!!:joy::joy::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

When in doubt talking about it is always the best option. How it affects you and why it may be affecting you open communication should be the #1 key. We all suffer from jealousy every now and then and its natural but it should always be addressed in a way that makes both partners feel heard but not attacked. Self reflection is a big part of growing as a person​:blush::ok_hand:

Get married is best, dont live with Bf your too easy so he will wonder off. You need to live alone ur own place and play hard to get.

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So i met my bf on Tik tok, he too follows a bunch of very attractive woman. Does that make me a little insecure yes because i came from a relationship where my ex cheated on me with multiple women. I don’t have a problem with him following these girls, or liking their videos but commenting and sending a DM is Not ok. As long as he doesn’t cross that line I don’t have a problem with it.

A man that loves his partner does not have to be lusting others. With do people stay with people that disrespect them. To allow a person to be lusting over someone other than the person they are with is begging the person to stay with them. When a person is loved and respected they don’t need to beg for love from anyone. Don’t let your significant other kid you and don’t kid yourself. Things people see goes into their eyes then mind and heart. Next they become their actions. A person’s actions show who they are. Respect yourself and dump him. You are better without your partner. It is always better to stand alone than to fall for someone’s lies.

It is right to tell him you feel insecure and hurt. Ask him to stop because it affects your relationship.

Like I was told. You can’t get arrested for window shopping. I used to get passed off bc he would draw their attention to him so he was actually flirting. Then I said to myself you can have him and all the issues he has goes with it As long as your not insecure and no harm done start following and see how he likes it

So you look but dont follow and he’s okay with that, he looks and follows and your not okay with that?

Sounds more like you have a control issue than a jealousy issue. Ask him why he is following them, accept that reason as he is allowed to have his reasons. You both are doing the exact same thing except he is following them, literally no different that what you’re doing except they pop up on his feed first rather than what you do and scroll for them.

If he isnt chatting with them inappropriately, then what he is doing is no different than if he were to follow a celebrity. I can guarantee that you’d be totally OK if he were to follow Scarlett Johansson, Gal Gadot, or any other “hot” celebrity, the difference is whether they’re famous or not.

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You either trust him or you dont. So if you trust him you wouldn’t have posted this, you shouldn’t be mad. Jealousy will kill you especially when you jealous of people out of reach.

It depends do you have guys following you because you’re sexy? It might feel it as well seeing the attention you receive

Be more worried about what he hides from you.

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You don’t trust him if you’re asking this. You’re definitely overreacting. You’re already aware that the jealousy is toxic but you’re letting it back in. It’s an app. It’s not that serious.


If you trust him you wouldn’t of wrote this post. When on social media there is both men & women I personally don’t see the issue an you don’t own your partner he doesnt just need to have males because of your insecurities


How do you know who he follows couldn’t even tell you my fellas profile pic :joy:

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If you DON’T say anything, THAT will ruin your relationship!! I KNOW… Been w my husband over half of my life

Advice for him, get yourself a secure woman, my god that is ridiculous.

Both of you should grow up

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I wouldn’t care too much, I mean I follow sexy girls on tiktok🤷🏼‍♀️ and I’d never contact them or anything because I have a boyfriend and I respect him enough not to do something soo stupid. If he truly respects you, he won’t contact those girls, and you said you trust him? So leave it me be, or have a mature conversation about it

Girl if you don’t go follow some sexy men and stop being jealous. Remember it’s only social media don’t take this serious.

Look at the sexy women with him

Your overreacting I follow tons of ppl on TikTok it means nothing

You are overreacting. unless he is actively reaching out and attempting to communicate and set up interactions with women, it’s completely normal. Restricting these behaviors of social media and internet browsing is extremely toxic and will destroy your relationship. Personally, I suggest going and speaking to a therapist or someone you trust. It sounds like you have self-confidence issues which is going to ruin any relationship you put yourself in. It sounds super cliche, but you need to fix yourself before you can succeed with anyone else.

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Kinda sounds like she didn’t fix the jealousy after all

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My hubby says I’m sexier than any of the nasty skanks on tiktok​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

We don’t know your ages is he 15 or you 16 are you children still teenagers early twenties if so it would be unreasonable to commit to marriage at this age and this is a healthy way to play the field while still remaining monogamous with you… If you are both in your 30s then maybe He’s just not that into You.

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I’m just gonna say it. Yes you are overreacting.

grow up or get out of the relationship

If you don’t have trust, you don’t have nothing.
It’s good not to be jealous, but if you’re in a couple relationship, there must be commitment and trust.
Otherwise, check out the sea, there are plenty of fish, some that will actually care and respect you.

If he’s on tiktok your bf is a gf

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Well he can look but he can’t touch! Don’t you check out some of the guys on TIK Tok? Omg there are some hot ones.

Tiktok is for entertainment. It’s no different then YouTube. I highly doubt those women are talking to him outside of the comments section.

When I left my ex and became confident with myself, I noticed the following of guys I got with it. Loving yourself is so much more attractive to men than a pretty face. Those women might seem gorgeous but a lot of them are probably depressed/ uncomfortable with themselves where they feel the need to use makeup/filters to enhance what they look like. He might not think anything of it because well, guys are a little dumb sometimes. Having a chat with him expressing how you feel does not mean you are jealous. Jealousy, when left unchecked, leads to very destructive behavior. Having feelings about one thing that may seem minor to him but major to you, is normal.

If your salty hes watching chicks do videos you.are the problem

People who say you are overreacting are gaslighting you…

We dont have tik tok or snapchat in this house. Facebook only. Sleazy prices sliding into ya woman’s dms lol

Doesn’t look like you fixed anything.

I don’t know how old you are but you need to grow the fuck up

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You dont trust him, let him go so someone else can… You shouldn’t be jealous over following people on tiktok 🤦

He follows Internet comedians?

If your following boys then he should be allowed to follow girls.

If it bugs you let him know

Are you Naive…get you another boyfriend…

Be a sexy girl on tiktok. Then kick him to the curb.

Get away from him. And I am.speaking as a divorced woman after 36 years of being Gaslighted .
I wanted my dream. Dug in till it became a nightmare.
You don’t trust him and you are in denial about that and the disrespectful way he treats you.
Why are either of you on Tiktok
Because neither of you are getting your needs met that’s why
Or you are 12 emotionally and in fantasy land.
Sorry to be so abrupt but come on already.
Wake up i wish someone had told me to wake up .


The internal misogyny in these comments is astounding lmao. “It’s what men do” “no one likes a controlling girlfriend.” “Fix your self esteem and leave him alone.” :rofl::rofl: It’s about RESPECT. She doesn’t like that he follows “sexy women” and he’s clearly not showing her enough love & affection for her not to feel this way. They are BOTH jealous people not just her. Again…it’s about respect. Not, her being controlling or needing to work on her self esteem. :woozy_face::woman_facepalming::clown_face:


You don’t trust him. If you did, it wouldn’t matter who he follows. It’s still toxic. Why are y’all together?


It’s the way the world is today, deal with it or be alone … pretty simple


Completely 1000000% overreacting.

It’s social media, who cares. He’s going to look whether he follows them or not. You don’t lose your eyesight and no longer find other people attractive once you are in a relationship. Putting restrictions on him (or vice versa) is only going to have them do it behind your back. This type of behavior is extremely toxic. The two of you need to sit down and thoroughly work through your insecurities together otherwise just agree to let go, because no relationship will survive this kind of unhealthy jealousy.

Your first mistake was asking here.


I don’t think I have any good advice but my partner is on insta and he looks at a lot of women different to me. It’s social media. It’ll happen. Just understand its only social media. He can’t touch them he’s not direct messaging them it’s all good. Jealousy wastes a lot of energy if it bothers you that much tell him but I’d suggest you maybe focus on your own issues and insecurities first because living like that can’t be healthy for either of you.

Just start following hot guys. I dunno, if it’s a double standard or there is an issue with cheating, I’d end the relationship. I already have been in that kind of relationship, and I took it to the next level and then left.

Guys and Girls are gonna look. Why would you try to control your partner.

Think it’s more sad that you have tik tok :rofl: but in all honesty i think it’s very sad when people follow random people on any social media


I can give you a list of men to follow. This whole thing sounds pretty and toxic anyway. 🤷

Why don’t u dress up like the chicks in tik tok everyone and then I’m sure he would love that then he can give u a donkey punch

That’s good four or five out of 10,000 they try to shove down your throat

It’s not like he’s going to be meeting them :woman_shrugging:

Tiktok ? Jezzzz social media is stupid

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If he isn’t making comments and he doesn’t know them who cares. My boyfriend’s whole follow list on insta is porn stars. They’re men lol. They’re pigs. Lol. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

Out of respect for you and your feelings he should not do that … a man will disrespecte you till you stop letting him. Kindly talk to him about it and if he doesn’t show you respect… dump the mother fucker

“We used to be jealous but we talked it out and fixed it. It’s good now”

“We have a good relationship but I just want to ruin it over petty jealousy of some Tik Tok Thot”

Fixed it for ya. And oh boy aren’t you going to be surprised when you find out how many girls he is following on OnlyFans. That shit costs money

Follow Strippers then :o::v::v::v::v::v:

yes you are overreacting

Tell him, geeze don’t feel bad for having boundaries.

Tik tok is for children and you’re both stupid for a) having it and b) letting its contrived standards of sexuality and attraction distract you from your relationship.

Greetings :sparkles: from a fellow lady someone who experienced this on both ends AND works as a therapist for folks…

  1. Your emotions and reactions are honored and welcomed. It’s a beautiful thing you’re observing how you’re reacting to this and processing what to do about it. It’s okay to feel jealous and to go through what it means for you.

  2. Communicate with your partner how something is making you feel. Not as an attack, but to express your feelings. You’ll know where his Intentions are in the conversation.

(I personally draw a line to following models / thirst traps as just being honorable to our partners)

  1. Additionally I would work through any lingering insecurities, as they are signs to deepen your self love and self worth :heart:

My partner and I use to have toxic jealousy. Most of it was past traumas, pains and insecurities. We worked through and healed a lot of that. After that, we stopped experiencing so much jealousy.

After some time, I did find a bunch of naked models on my partners account and just politely asked if he could delete them, out of respect for me. He had no problem with it, he said they were from when he was single and just didn’t think about them.

Now if we ever experience jealousy, we not only check in with each other to support, comfort, validation but we also set aside some alone time to work through anything we personally need to do for our own healing and self love. :heart:

I find that if you experience jealousy… work through where the root of this is coming from and also check in with your partner. The two of those will aid in your inner peace :sparkles:

Thats unnecessary. He is immature.


Tell his ass ur not cool w that. Delete it.

I’d personally start following hot guys, but that’s just me.


It’s normal to feel jealous. Learning to accept yourself for who you are and knowing YOU are enough is what you need to focus on. If there are no inappropriate comments, texts or any other things going on, it’s possible he’s just following them for the content and NOT just because he’s not in to you. I personally follow many men on FB, Insta and tik tok…some are very good looking. I follow many women too. As does my husband.
Feeling insecure about yourself or your relationship is tough and I completely understand. Maybe try letting him know how insecure you are feeling.


I just supposedly lost a good relationship because my bf was sneaking and talking to females he was just liking their posts on fb. When i asked who you over there talking to he would say a guy then later the guy would be like ya i was busy and im thinking like werent you two talking earlier lol i didn’t wanna be one of those i gotta watch what you do to feel secure types so i said nah bye. Thats what you need to decide for yourself. Are you going to lose sleep and chances at being happy to be with someone your unsure of? A cheaters not gonna want some one who cheats duh. That’s their job lol and some guys will play off what other guys did!