I've caught my husband in multiple lies: Help?

Sounds like he is hiding another life…he would be divorced fast.


You need to find the courage to leave and protect yourself get a lawyer and get anything he opened need to be transferred to his name or cancelled he committed financial along with other fraudulent acts he needs to own up to his actions


I would go to citizens advice and find out where you stand legally,


Hes committed fraud and if anything your name is the one on the chopping block if it all goes to sh*t. You need to seek legal advice ASAP and stop accepting his lies and excuses… I won’t be surprised if he has a whole other life and family…


If you don’t leave nothing is ever going to change. :heart:


Get a lawyer and get a divorce asap!!!

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Better to divorce then letting your kids see this and thinking it is ok. That is why cycles never end.


100% what he did by opening accounts using your social security number is illegal it’s constitutes fraud. Immediately check your credit reports. I would file for divorce. You aren’t happy. Counseling didn’t work. He’s a liar and a thief. You have no clue how many loans or accounts he’s opened in your name. I’d not only file for divorce but I’d let my attorney know that you’d like him charged for fraud. A good father doesn’t cancel his children’s health insurance, a good father doesn’t lie and steal from his children’s mother, and lastly a good father doesn’t treat the mother of his kids like this. He will never be transparent so the only route will be court. When he leaves one day go through your financial records. Take copies of anything you can find of importance.


There are many sanarios on what he could be doing, drugs, gambling. Another life, hoarding money etc. I would of never stayed with him. Also using your name and social security number is very illegal. I would contact an attorney over this. I wish you the best of luck


I bet he’s got a whole other family


This man used your name for credit card. Your social for all of those things, took out money on insurance and canceled health insurance for your children ?

This is all so disturbing to me. Yoh don’t deserve that, and now your stuck with the ass end of everything cause it’s all in your name… I would be taking some legal action against his ass and leaving him.

This is not normal or healthy for anyone.

Holy crap. I feel so bad for you.

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Your husband obviously wasn’t handling the finances before he changed jobs and made less than 1/2 his salary. Don’t wait around for him to completely destroy your family with financial ruin. Get a lawyer and plan. NOW


If you have to ask this question then deep down you already know the answer. You don’t need conformation. You know what’s but for your peace of mind.


I’m sry to hear what your going threw but as deep as your problems go face book is not where I would look ,I would consult an attorney .best wishes

Yea very illeagal get separate everything he is going threw change and when he dumps you for a younger women you will be ok also I think of your dog you will find a drug or gambling issues for gambling it can be on line

He’s gambling he’s got a bookie I know Dr’s that do this or have, but I’d get financial advice


Sounds like he could have a double life or gambling issue. Could be depressed as well. So sorry you’re going though this. 22 years is a long time, but if your both unhappy, divorce may be your best option.


I’d get a lawyer and a divorce


l get paid over $ 177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 15588 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This. https://DollarEarn38.pages.dev/

Yeah hey you’ve been being fincially abused for like the majority of your relationship and you should probably start hording your money to get the fuck out

They don’t stop lying.
You may need to talk to a professional, if you can’t afford or insurance don’t cover it, there’s churches or domestic support groups. It may not feel like abuse because it’s not physical but they can help you understand what you’re going through.
Please know this, I tell you this from my own personal experience. Seek help & don’t let him know.

Your kids are adults now? Why stay? It will just be you and him for the rest of your life and he’s not going to change at his age. Go and be happy with the life you have left, before he completely ruins it all.


if he opened an account and got a loan in your name then your husband stole your identity


File for divorce … Pack and hide everything sentimental and of value to you outside of your house. He took a lower paying job so he doesn’t have to pay support most likely… 


Only you have the answers. Follow your gut any heart

Yes….that’s fraud….your husband took our money in your name without your consent, and the banks will hold you responsible for that debt!! Report it, honestly he will ruin your finances and credit!! He is either gambling or supporting someone else and needs the free time for it, either way he gotta go to jail. :woman_shrugging:t2:


You knew what to do already. Prayers for strength.


I would be putting a pin on my social security number and running my credit report, contacting all the credit card companies and getting statements for all the cards you didn’t know about and figure out WHAT he has been doing. This is probably the only way you will know what is truly going on. I would also document when you found out about the credit cards and financials in your name and start documenting things so if you do get divorced they can make him responsible for those debts in a divorce proceeding.


Pull a free credit report and find out the state of all of his and your accounts. The gov gives you access to 1 free one a year. You can google the web address. From there, you’ll be better informed on what to do. Best of luck!

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l get paid over $197 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18345 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info. https://superdollarpay210.pages.dev/

Omg. It sounds like your life could be a Lifetime movie where the wife ends up with absolutely nothing. Wake up and open your eyes. Divorce!!!


Also…press charges for any and all credit cards he opened in YOUR NAME


He sounds like a zipperhead! The fact that you stay with him says more about you than it does about him!

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All you’re teaching your kids is to settle for a spouse who treats them poorly, steals their identity and money, lies, and neglects their needs. File theft and Identity charges on him, divorce him and enjoy a life without him.

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Your adult children will be fine. Get the divorce.

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Freeze you and your children’s credit ASAP!


Is this a marriage!Leave him wth everything he did and lies.Using your name and doing things behind your back.Go find a lawyer.Everythinv he has done in your name.So maybe you will find it what your are under or entitled to as his divorced wife. A doctor changing careers??? Doing what hes doing?You will probably find out more dirt.

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and that’s just what you know about ,there is always more…


What did he do with the money is the big question. I would definitely find out. Get as much proof as you can. Talk to a lawyer. Don’t let him know what you are doing until you have your ducks in a row.


You need to go talk to a lawyer asap. He’s going to pull you down with him when stuff hits the fans. You need to get proof and check your credit stuff like everyone else said. He’s up to no good. Pack up things that mean a lot to you that can randomly hide so he doesn’t notice. I would honestly see if a private investigator can help too. I’m so sorry.

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Did he loose his license to practice? I would check into that too? It doesn’t make sense that he would quit his career?


When you have had enough - you will walk

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Why are you still there?

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He either cheating or doing drugs.


That is not how marriage works…

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Freeze you and your children’s credit asap.


I would take steps to protect your credit as well as your children’s. I would also change all of my passwords for everything that belongs to just you. Meanwhile, register for something like credit karma where you can see exactly what he’s done so far and it will also notify you if he opens up anything else.


He’s tying up loose ends, a lot of men do this when their children go to college so they don’t have to pay child support

Get rid of him before it gets worse.

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Leave him now before it gets worse your not doing your kids any favors by staying

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Well, the question I would ask “Is who is your next wife and how old is she?”


He switched careers so he wouldn’t have to pay so much child support I would think


He might have an addiction to something.


I am a lawyer but I am not your lawyer so let’s leave the legal questions and responses for someone licensed to practice in your state.

See if you can get LifeLock or one of the comparable agencies to protect your credit going forward. If you can, this would prevent anyone from using your social security number for a loan without your express permission.

You need to have your accountant go over your finances and the finances from his prior medical practice. There is something not quite right in all of this. If somehow you do not have an accountant, you need to get one asap. You need to pull a credit report and you need to do that right away.

Are you able to have lunch with the office manager from his prior medical office? Do you know any of the staff? You need to find out why he really left. Was there a lawsuit against him? Does he have a substance issue? Does he have a gambling problem? Is there a medical board you can check to see if there were complaints? You might need an attorney to help with this but you are entitled to know. Knowing what went on in the office may give you better insight into what his issues are and why he needed all that money.

You do need to speak with an attorney licensed in your state to find out what your rights are with regard to your husband taking money against the life insurance policy, and opening accounts using your social security number and to give you advise on how to separate your credit in the event you decide to divorce. Your attorney can help you get copies of the fraudulent loan applications and provide notice to the lenders of the fraud, if those accounts are still open and active. You may want to freeze all of the fraudulent accounts so that your husband cannot continue to encumber you/your credit with debt. You attorney should be able to advise you on how to preserve your own credit and maintain your own credit so that your life can continue.

I also humbly suggest that you continue with counselling even if your husband will not go. You need to understand what is going on, how your husband is affecting your life and get help figuring out how to get things back on track, if you can, dealing with the issues, if you care to do so, or working to preserve your sanity and helping you work past the anger that seems so justified under the circumstances.

I think you need to do some serious digging to get to the bottom of the issues you are facing with your husband and the sooner you do it, the sooner you will understand what has been going on and what you are going to need to do in order to prepare for the future, for your future and the future of your children. Good luck to you!


Get a lawyer and get out


I would get a lawyer and get out, I feel like he might have maybe an addiction to something and he is trying to hide it. Has he always been this secretive in your relationship? I would feel disrespected.


GET A GOOD LAWYER, cut your losses, roll up your sleeves, put your big girl pants on and get TF out


How old do your kids need to be? Just because you leave him doesn’t mean he’ll stop being their dad.


Wow go get legal advice all of what he has done is wrong :roll_eyes: & you need to stop him he must be gambling or has a secret life that you don’t know about " but get help please before you end up with nothing :wink:

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Why stay with someone who doesn’t make you happy ? Cut your losses and don’t live miso lives for your kids . I promise you they see how unhappy you both are.

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i was see if he was disbarrrred as a dr also see if he has had malpractice suits against him that coulkd be reason he quit doctoring something happened there. then contactn alawyer and get out of this relationship


You need to get a lawyer asap - yes what he has done is illegal. Now that the children are grown up and going to college- maybe it’s time to find out who “you”are - sounds like he might have a problem- ie gambling, addiction or something that requires money. I know, my friend, the “D” word hurts- but you’ve worked hard - do you really want him to piss it all away.

Unethical, yes… against the law, depends on your location (?) women and men apply for credit cards all the time using their spouse’s income only or along with their own income. I wouldn’t care about breaking up the family, it’s been broken since he stepped behind ur back. I under stand it’s difficult, but once u make that move and stick to it , u feel a big relief. :pray::pray::pray:

I worked with a guy that did all of those same things. He was addicted and gambling on top of that to save himself. His wife had no idea. Checks bounced, somehow he mortgaged the house to the hilt.

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Sounds like midlife crisis. Get a lawyer. Protect your finances.

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That is totally unexceptable! You are married to a complete stranger for years! Get a good lawyer and get out now!

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You need to find out all financial things before you seek advice from a lawyer.

Sounds like he has an addiction or whole other life that he’s also trying to support, I’d get a lawyer or even a P.I. at this point.

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DIVORCE. Him and to it quick


I think him going behind your back doing that is wrong.and should not be using your name to do things without your permission. If the kids hear you 2 arguing it’s not good for them. They will understand if you choose to leave. If they don’t now they will later. But it has to be your decision weather to leave or not. You know your situation better than anyone else.

DIVORCE Him and do it quick cause what he did using your name and social security number. is a crime .He will get you in more debt GET OUT FAST


Get out now before he puts you further in debt!


You want to stay with him for the children but if this goes on, you and the children will end up with nothing. He is showing you his true colors…lieing, using your name without consent, showing no remorse…Start digging into your finances, protect your assets or get advice from a lawyer.


Go to an attorney & tell him everything you’ve said here. ASAP!


It’s not a very good situation for children to see parents so unhappy and stuck together. Divorce is not the worst thing that could happen. The children will be fine.

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You cannot justify staying married to this man for the sake of marriage. He sounds like an extreme problem and yes it’s illegal. It’s called fraud and financial abuse. He is taking advantage of your naivety and trust. Go and stay with your parents or someone while you sort this out, there’s something very wrong with your husband, if you have a life insurance policy then take him off as beneficiary. He’s displaying strong traits of Narcissism. Do not trust him with anything, do not tell him anything. He’s gaslighting you by making you think you’re over reacting, holding on to the past and the truth is he just doesn’t want to be held accountable. If he’s not sorry then believe him. If you aren’t careful this man will leave you and the children with NOTHING. These behaviours are extreme. You need to talk to your family/parents ASAP and tell them what’s going on. You need to gather paperwork and get legal advice. Otherwise you may lose the house and be left with all his debit. PLEASE.


“For better, for worse”? Honor your vows and work it out or get out!


He can’t be trusted that’s for sure. Your both unhappy. I’d say it’s time to part ways. Your children are out of the house and it’s time to find happiness. Best of luck. :heart:

Dont be mean wrk things out he probably had a raugh patch in life end of the day his ur husband n im sure he did it to mk ends meet. I hope things cum ryt n yeah his ryt wen he sd u dnt knw wat it tks to run a house hold bt if ur after money n assetes url are not gona last

My husband makes like 25k a year…we get 6k at tax time that last like all year and we still do fun things and vacation. Our lives are very comfortable even on such low money with 2 kids… Yall need to take a hard look at your spending (if you do want to fix this) it takes a lot to keep things up but not THAT MUCH

he is a liar, you either live with it or you don’t

We’re the money going is the big question :unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:


You can take him to court he used your social without your permission taking money and loans out in your name thats going to screw you up in many ways if he’s not paying stuff back and all that.

Divorce him. Kids are almost grown now.
Figure out how much debt he acquired under your name. Could cause Credit issues êspecially if you have to start over. I would think that’s illegal. You may have to use it in court later. Move slow, quiet, deliberate. Thêse issues are not new. You are just tired.
I wish you the best of blessings in this


Your kids are old enough now to understand
Better to come from a broken home , then an Unhappy home
Why haven’t you left long ago
After the 3rd lie

Kinda sounds like your making excuses for him

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He sounds like a narcissist to me! Get out!!!

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My parents separated when I was 19. My mom stayed with my dad because she couldn’t trust him and didn’t want him having me unsupervised. If the kids are older, you should divorce. They can speak for themselves if they’re alone with him. Don’t allow him to bring you down. Kids will get through it. I didn’t want my family of 9 years to be broken up but he left me because he knocked up some other female. I lost my stepsons which I love and have watched them grow. But he was toxic. He brought me down. Now I have a job I love. Going back to school. I have a family unit again and I love them just as much as the ones I lost. Happiness was worth it. Even my kids are happier because they see me glowing and growing again.

I agree with barb open a new bank account only in your name and transfer cash and anything else as well as report your husband for fraud he will destroy your credit and you will be held accountable pack an emergency back pack hide outside when the time is right leave quietly when he is not around taking only what you need and call women’s refuge all the best but do get out of there!

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do what’s best for you. What makes you happy and healthy will trickle down to your children if you do it in a healthy way.


Sounds like he is gambling


He committed fraud, and if nothing is done about it, you are the one responsible for all that debt. You need to take care of yourself and your kids.


It’s better for the kids if you end it now. Show proof in court that you didn’t apply for those things

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Divorce him…should’ve a long time ago!!

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U can press charges that’s identity theft

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Amazing that he’s done all of this and you had no clue! The stories that are put on Facebook are mind blowing! Why would you ask complete STRANGERS what to do? I’ll stop there