Just needed to vent about Thanksgiving drama

You have the right to be upset! You were excited about something and wanted to share that time with your family and someone else tried to overshadow you and your good news. It’s not about stealing the spotlight or being immature, which so many of these comments seem to suggest. Its that someone who loves you is deliberately trying to make you less and important.


Forget that insecure jerk “sister” that needs so much attention she has to steal it from you. But don’t look at it that way-No one dulled your sparkle! Your family is happy for both of you! Congratulations!!!

My husband could have died during Thanksgiving…he was involved in an ATV accident…he was flung out of it…so that’s my thanksgiving drama…

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Omg of the engagement went like this I can’t imagine how everything else will go lol

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i thought the story was going to be the ring was inside the turkey and someone accidentally swallowed it

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Congrats! F her…just sayin’

All I know is if I was recently engaged to be married, the last thing on my mind would be talking about family drama.

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My petty ass would announce my pregnancy at her baby shower

I don’t associate myself with people who don’t respect me anymore. That’s a terrible thing to have happened to you :disappointed_relieved:

THIS kind of stuff has been going on for years … I have a friend who many years ago got engaged and within days both of her sisters did too and I really felt like they stole the spot light from her … The mom had all three wedding showers together in a hall for them … it was ridicules… They each sat In a chair with a different color bow and a balloon tied to it while each opened their presents … Here is my opinion … Let a person have their day in the sun


Kinda reminds me of when my husband was coming home early from being away on military duties to surprise me and my sister in law told me. Or when I got pregnant and the same sister in law got pregnant weeks after me just so she could get the attention. She did the same thing when the other sister in law got pregnant too.


Plan something really exciting as a couple to do on Christmas and don’t tell them this time, do it for them for the baby hah :woman_shrugging:t3:
But really maybe her intentions might have been to push her boyfriend to propose since she’s pregnant… maybe she thought since ur boyfriend was going to do it the traditional way? she became jealous
Sometimes when people steal the spotlight they do it out of jealousy, but realize that means all she sees is you…
Be happy for you because no light shines brighter! And Congratulations !!! soon her surprise will be old news and the tables will turn. Just stay humble and patient. I wouldn’t confront her or address it, I would keep my head held high and stay focused on loving ur soon to be niece or nephew. I think this is a reason why a lot of new moms get depression bc the spotlight is on their pregnancy & baby comes and now it’s on baby! whether it’s her ego or jealousy when that baby comes she will be in the background in 9months or less, lbvs.


My sister in law announced her pregnancy on the same day I was going to. My Mom crazy gushed over her. She always did over my sisters in law. So I didn’t announce and I was hurt for a long time. Looking back, it was a really stupid grudge for me to hold on my part. It wasn’t intentional. Neither of them knew. I was just hurt and being unfair. I understand that’s not the same as your situation, but dont hold the grudge. You will only be hurting yourself.

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I’m petty…ask.to be the person who knows the gender…and than tell everyone before she does. #whyihatepeople


Never mind some people cant help themselves. As long as you are happy you can laugh it off. And say there she goes again. Trying to up stage me. X

Read this and my thoughts were… at least they got to be together at Thanksgiving. My parents ate by themselves, my sister and her family ate by themselves, and I didn’t have any Thanksgiving meal at all and I’m pregnant and could definitely do with some mashed potatoes, turkey, mac and cheese, and rolls.


One (or more) in every family! Sad for THEM. They are pathetic, and most everyone else sees it whether they realize it or not! Best wishes on your engagement!

Tell him to propose on her baby shower or gender reveal :rofl: yes I’m that petty lol


My brother did that to me the day I had my first child, and his wife had already had 3… they came to the hospital and was like “You’re gonna be an Aunt, Danielle is pregnant again”! Yea… took my shine like always… I’m sorry that happened. Siblings suck!


Congratulations!!! I’m so sorry that happened to you super frustrating but you are going to have an amazing wedding and you will be a beautiful bride!!!


I don’t have drama because I do my own thing for the holidays. I came from a toxic family and refuse to put my own kids through it.

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I would have just laughed at her lol she is obviously insecure. Life is too short to care about such things.

Congratulations on your engagement! I’m so sorry your sister did that!!
Unfortunately I’ve heard of things like this happening often… so you are not alone!!!

But things like this do make me glad I’m an only child! I cant imagine!

My sister-in-law was the same way… we were going to announce we were pregnant and she announced not only was she pregnant but she was having a boy… 2 years later repeat- we were announcing I was pregnant and it was a girl (had lots of issues), she announces that she was pregnant again…

We had told everyone we had an announcement to make and would make the 4 hour drive…

You just learn that they need the spotlight, and I just let them—- don’t worry about them- and just enjoy you and your life—— you don’t need their drama and need for spotlight in your life all day every day.

Or you could totally call them out on it, in front of everyone and then come back snd tell us the results!!!

Wow, that’s not cool at all!!! I’d be putting her in her place, honestly, family or not. That was supposed to be an exciting time for YOU and your soon to be husband. Screw her for ruining that!!

Excuse your sisters indiscretion. She obviously isn’t as mature or confident as you. Growing up can be painful for some. Just be yourself and enjoy who you are!

1st congrats to your sister for her new journey on being mommy and 2nd congrats to you for getting engaged. You both deserve this moment. No need to be petty. You both have what other women wish for.

Have you talked to her about it though? I would probably start there. You would get more answers than strangers on Facebook, I bet.

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Congrats. Sorry her jealousy & insecurity upset you but maybe one day she will gain the maturity & self esteem to see her previous errors

Punch her in the vagina! Then plan your wedding the week before she’s due!

I’m kidding but I can be that petty too!

Let her have the spotlight, some only get attention when around others and not at home! :wink:

I would’ve said something, no one is going to walk all over me… I can’t stand people like that. My brothers sister in law is the same way and she’s beyond annoying.

Sorry that happened to you and I’m sorry so many selfish people are trying to make your post a pitty party for them selves. Jealousy in a family is never good. Congratulations on your engagement be happy and enjoy your life.

Same here I get engaged my sibling gets married. I have a kid on the way 2 weeks later so do they. Update: sibling divorced…dna not the father…

Just uncalled for b.s.

I feel ya supposed to be something romantic for you and she stole it from you basically sorry that happened congratulations :confetti_ball::tada::balloon::champagne: on your engagement

That wasn’t cool shame on her ! She needs to grow up.

As long as she doesn’t plan her baby shower date the same as you wedding date

Can suggest don’t ask her to be your maid of honor. She will be trying to steal the limelight from that day.

Some. People. Are. Like. That. It. Is. Not. Anything To. Be. Upset. Over. Don’t. Let. Her. Still. Your. Happiness

I understand where your coming from…vent all you want…also. remember I was told this bit of advice and it so true. Everyone than knows your sister…well, knows what its about… True

Announce your engagement at her gender reveal


Happy engagement, so when’s the date? Lol

There was a shooting at officers on thanksgiving here. They tried to serve an arrest warrant and the guy shot at the police…

Wasn’t there a whole “Friends” episode about this? - stealing one’s thunder.

Bottom line, if you want to keep a secret don’t tell ANYONE!


Welcome to my life! My sister always has to be the star of the show!!

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Don’t let her selfless spoil your happiness.

I wish he would have waited … now you will forever think of this drama whenever you think about your engagement. Your sister sucks.

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I would have done my announcement right after hers and giggle that she’s hasn’t gotten a ring yet but she’s preggo​:woman_shrugging::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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While you are planning your beautiful wedding she is gonna get fat and be sleep deprived so at your wedding you WILL shine!!!.. enjoy the moment and be happy!!!:heart::heart::heart::heart:

Let it go…trust me, smile and move forward! Best wishes and congrats to you and your future hubby!

At her wedding announce you’re pregnant.

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So, rude! But on a positive congratulations :tada::confetti_ball:

I think I’ve always been the better sibling bc I make better more mature choices.
And my brother has hated me for it oooooo lawd.
It’s gone extra far at this point where he is with holding a relationship with my niece just to hurt me.
I know how it feels to have that spot light taken away by someone trying to just ruin something good you have because they have nothing good going on.

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Dont even bother with her…enjoy your moment.

Congrats on the engagement thats very exciting.

Sorry, you should have told your boyfriend by now how she is.

Congratulations to you both.Some times we just have to vent.

Golly! Well for what it is worth, congratulations on your engagement!!:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

That’s SO ANNOYING. At least you still got a ring and she still has a BF :joy::white_heart:

Your boyfriend should have just waited till Christmas lol

Let it go… how much will this matter in the whole scheme of things…

I like to keep things on the down low until the last second. I do not have siblings and that was the best thing my parents did for me. If I had a sister who pulled this shit on me I would disown her. No one deserves this in their lives. Live and learn it’s all you can do

Stab her in the eye.

Ah ignore it, you’re engaged. Next time tell your big mouth fiance to keep his mouth shut!

You know before there was Facebook people could not go on here and show everybody their business. Nobody could ask people how to raise their kids they just raise their kids without Facebook well guess what Facebook is not a diary of your drama your soap opera problems and your soap opera life people need to stop. I’m going to start posting these and all the mom groups and everything if they kick me out oh well I don’t care to hear how their husbands don’t have sex with them or whatever you know who cares if their husband doesn’t find them attractive before Facebook you could even blast your privacy out there anyways have a good day

Your sister is what the bible calls a sinful silly woman!! Just keep on loving her and praying for her she will get her. She has child on the way, babyyyyy just wait…
Pay back is a bitch. Watch.

Don’t let that bother you. He still proposed and you guys will be married that is All that matters! Cheers and congratulations

You could not wait until Christmas for your engagement then?? You will be married for the rest of your lives, so waiting 30 days to be the center of attention is really not that big of a deal. You all sound like self centered vapid children. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

That’s really shitty. I have a niece and a daughter like that. They make everything about themselves. Sad

Omg, stop with the “I know someone who died of Covid” stories. That has nothing to do with this.

Throw an engagement party & don’t invite her :wink: jk…kinda. Congrats!!!:ring::tada:

Family’s just wonderful sometimes!

Sucky sister if you ask me

Congratulations and best wishes to you and your man!!!

And wow she is a bitch sorry girl

I’d be upset with my sister being so inconsiderate, too. Idk why people think venting is some kind of malicious serious competition. It’s okay to be upset with your sister. Maybe have an engagement dinner with the family, so you can get back your own moment. :woman_shrugging:


Been there. We eloped. It cut off the drama. We sent out beautiful wedding announcements before we told a soul. So everyone found out the same way. Nobody could steal our thunder! Basically did same thing when I was pregnant. Baby came, went home for Easter. Everyone was shocked and counting, I did the math for them. We were married 18 months before he was born. But it was my news. I stopped the drama. I stopped the interruption. I stopped the “competition”. Sister doesn’t feel as threatened now that she sees I’m not willing to play her game.

I guess for me that moment would be more important for us n not the show for everyone but that’s just me. I would be happy with a private proposal… I would also like to add what’s family without a little drama. :upside_down_face: we all have drama girlie ur not alone.

When my first son was due to be born, my sister in law planned her wedding on my due date in another state so I couldnt go and all of my family would be away.
I couldnt believe she hated me that much, im not very sociable but I always tried to be polite to her.
Anyways that sucked.

Shes horrible! She also needs to grow up and cannot be trusted.

Nope, never had a drama on a holiday. And I plan to keep it that way. Holidays are meant for fun, food, family, friends, and love. Not drama, and dysfunctional mental issues towards each other. I keep that away from my kids.

we always have to ask my sister who’s coming to each holiday. she’s got several important people in her life … :joy: never know which one will show up :roll_eyes::sweat_smile:

She wouldn’t be coming to my wedding… sister or not! She’s clearly a toxic person

Stealing someone’s thunder. Nobody gives a shit. Wow, your family is blessed. Take it all in. Stay humble.

CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you! Now you have a funny story to tell your children at future family functions!!! :rofl::joy:

I’m not understanding the “competition” here 🤷

You got a proposal & she got a baby. With this pandemic & the country possibly being shut down by January, why can’t the whole family celebrate TWO joyous occasions at once?

I’m thankful my daughters don’t act like this 🤦 how stressful on the rest of the family :broken_heart::pensive:
Sure takes the fun out of celebrating either in my opinion.

Kinda selfish on both sisters… Enjoy each other cause one of you might not be here next year.

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Who cares who shares first, spotlight like what y’all all sound immature are you getting married to be together or for attention and spotlight and who cares if she pregnant and she said it first she finna have an entire person who gets attention and you’ll have a whole wedding to celebrate
You need to chill out and grow up mature a lot please before you get married

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Idk but i dont deal with drama and why sit and talk negative. Bye toxic is what i do. Bam

Next time dont tell anybody

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I think it sounds petty…

I would of ruined her announcement with my proposal :joy: two can play that game!!