Just needin to vent

Take it from someone who has been in this situation

It’s better for your kids to see you single and happy or with someone who treats you good then to grow up seeing you treated poorly and think that’s normal. You don’t want that life for your kids… I was raised in it and almost raised my child in it because I thought it was normal or something g I just had to accept but I realized my daughter deserves a man who will do right by her all the time not just when it conveniences them or there are other people around. :heart:

Hope you find some peace. Much love and luck to you :heart:


Vent your frustrations to the Lord Jesus Christ for permanent solution, like i did and i m free…

Its worse to stay in a relationship that is bad as your children learn to act the way the parents did and feel this is ok to treat someone bad when its not. Better to get out now and teach them right before they learn the wrong things.


You are so young! Move on!


Leave. You are not too old to start over. Leave. Do not show your child that it is okay to be unhappy just because you have children. Leave. Value yourself and your happiness above a man that refuses to respect you and your boundaries. Leave. Know your own strength. Leave. Love yourself and your child better.


That’s not good for the kids


I think doing it while they’re smaller is actually better.


Never too old for new beginnings. Many marry for the first time at your age.
Move on. Live your life and begin again. Be happy


It is not worth the emotional garbage, get out and move on.


OMG 35!! DO NOT live the rest of your life miserable!! YOU ARE NOT TOO OLD to start anew. Don’t waste your life being unhappy!!


35 is young. Leave. Leave now. Your kids need to see you in a healthy relationship or being healthy alone.


You are never too old to move out of a relationship that isn’t working! And your age definitely isn’t old.


It’s better for your kids to be raised in a home with a good single-parent than in a home with a toxic relationship.


You are so young!! You can do anything you put your mind to! Do not settle for this treatment :pray:


Doesn’t sound like a good environment for kids no matter how young they are

You’re actually doing more damage to your children by staying in that situation. Staying in a toxic relationship because you don’t want to start over in your mid 30s is ridiculous and selfish.


First, you are not too old! Second, I’m sure you don’t want your kids growing up thinking that is love and normal. You and your children deserve to be happy. You deserve to be respected, cherished and loved!!!

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You are never too old to start again! No one deserves to be mistreated! Think of the environment you are raising your children in. You deserve better and so do they! I would suggest consulting an attorney.

35?? Too old gurl u better shape up ! Get off ur ass and leave him . I left the father of my 3 kids at 34 . And God I’m so much happier without him . If I can do it , you can do it . :muscle:

So, bc you’re scared, you’ll allow your daughter to think that’s how a marriage works?? Seriously?
You aren’t scared, you’re SELFISH.
35 isn’t old. I’m older than you & if my husband ever, I’d be gone. You don’t teach your kids to accept abuse bc it’s hard to leave or scary. Wth is wrong with you? :woman_facepalming:
If your daughter was in your shoes, would you tell her to stay, at any age? For real? :roll_eyes:

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NEVER stay with someone because of your kids. It’s not good for them to see that and feel all that negativity. And you’re young!

I actually understand you and feel the same way. I know you don’t know me but you can write me and vent just to have someone to talk to if you’d ever like to.

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Better off if your kids are small ! It won’t cause too much damage if you get out now ! No reason to live unhappy. Even if you don’t find someone new. You are still goi to be happier !

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Everybody deserves to be happy especially in this crazy world we live in so take a chance and be happy for yourself and your children!

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You need to be happy for yourself and you kids, loving like this isn’t good for any of you. You are not too old to start over, I finally did at 38 and by 41 had found my forever and couldn’t be happier. It’s never too late but don’t waste more of your life being unhappy.


Start now learning to take care of yourself. Start a savings account and put money in. Even if it is 5 dollars from the grocery money. Maybe take some classes at the local community college. Look for some scholarships or free classes. Do some volunteer work to get some experience. Get ready to take care of you and your child. Your smart. You can do this.

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That toxic environment is really hurting your children
Think about them and save them from repeating the cycle! Leave this buffoon now!


Its better you leave a toxic relationship and your children see you happy and single. You don’t need daughters to think its ok to be treated like that by men when they grow up or sons to think that’s how they should treat women. Honestly you are still young and there is still time for you to find someone else. Get out of this relationship, heal and then you can focus on that. Do. Not. Stay.

Pretend this is 20 years down the road and you have a daughter in this situation. Would you tell her to stay and continue to get emotionally abused for the sake of keeping the “family” together? I think not. I hope not.

You can do this.


Never to old to move on 35 is still young, my partner is 39 this year we are planing to have kids in the future I met him at 36, you need to show your kids that’s not ok behaviour to have and show them they need to have respect for their partner

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I was 50 years old when my husband left me for some one else, and guess what I made it !! And 10 years later I meet a wonderful man andi finally know what it is like to be happy !!!


Is it better to teach your children to live in a home where the man treats his wife like dirt and that’s how life is or is it better to teach your children to respect themselves more than appearance sake??? Better to teach your kids to Hold their heads high and have more respect for themselves than to be a doormat!!!

Girl I moved on with a two year old and three month old at age 39.
If you’re not happy, leave him. You’ll surprise yourself on how happy you can be. You only have one life. Don’t waste it.
Set a good example for your child on how to treat women, and how not to be walked on. You deserve love and respect.


Too old? My mom got married at 41. Just make some friends. Reach out to some women who live in your general area who seem nice. Talk to your neighbors.

Get some counseling. Phone therapy makes it more accessible. Call a women’s center for info on separation, divorce, benefits available for single moms. Contact a divorce lawyer to see what you could get in terms of child support, etc. Create an exit plan even if you choose not to leave. No knowledge is ever wasted.

Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases if you have slept with your husband recently. Who knows where his dick has been.

No family on whom you can rely? Create one. Except for my 2 children, all my relatives are “related by love,” not blood.

I know it’s easier to say than do but leave. Make a plan and get out. You and your kids will be happier

It’s better to break it off young. As a child that grew up in a relationship where my parents were like that. It was horrible and it was so amazing when they finally split. You need to be happy for yourself.


You’re not doing your kids any favors by staying with a jerk . Take your kids and your self respect and leave before your kids grow up thinking it’s ok to be treated bad by their spouse. You deserve better .

I’m 34 and while we weren’t married I literally just moved out of my exes place yesterday. My son is almost 2 and I know it will suck he won’t see his dad everyday I’ve seen how it affects kids when the parents are miserable and only stay together because of the kids.

You are breaking the family though . Showing your kids it’s ok to stay in a relationship where you are not loved can absolutely set them up for traumatic relationships ahead .
Don’t be me .


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Babe get the fuck out of that. For the sake of your kids! Its going to be hard but so worth it. Easier said than done but you’ll never know if you don’t atleast try.

Break the marriage so you and your child can be happy. What you holding on too??? You want your daughter to grow up thinking it’s ok to be treated this way.


Either show them what real love is or you’re setting them up to think that what y’all have is real love. And that’s the same kind of relationships they’ll end up in.
Don’t hold yourself back because you think it’ll do good for the kids.
It won’t.


You are so young still! Don’t stay in that misery! Sending love :heart:


Please leave so you can be happy. Is there a friend who can help you? Do you have a way to save money and get out? You’re still young and it’s never too late. You know what you need to do. :heart:


If you can physically leave now get out

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You are not too old to move on… I was in an abusive marriage for close to 15 years I was 36 when I got my divorce. I am now 39 and engaged to a wonderful man. The point here is you can move on, you don’t have to live like this, and your children deserve to see you happy.


Once a cheater always a cheater, they never change.


One of the best pieces of wisdom I’ve ever heard when someone is afraid to “break up” a home is that your children deserve 2 happy parents, even if that means they’re happier apart. Being together but being unhappy is way worse for children- they see it and will learn from you what they should expect from life and relationships. Show them that it’s ok to leave something that no longer brings you joy or is toxic to you and your well being- they will respect you more one day for taking care of yourself, making it possible for you to take the best care of them.

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Get yourself a side piece and some hobbies that are just for you if you intend to stay in this marriage. I get why you are staying but you deserve some happiness and to have your needs met also


Leave and take your kids back home with you


Get out you deserve happiness!! Never to late to think about you and your child’s happiness


I stayed in my marriage for 12 and 1/2 years he lied and did drugs you name it crashed my cars it was horrible never had a decent holiday and I did stay because I wanted to create a family I had my son from another situation and I had our daughter and I soon got pregnant and I stayed because I wanted to keep the family unit and I wound up hating that man more than I can hate anybody and it wasn’t good for the kids if you’re staying for the kids just know you’re not doing them any favors by sticking around

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Don’t go wasting the last young years on a piece of shit who’s showed you his true colours more than once, leave :heart: you deserve the world. Perhaps I should take my own advice too​:pensive:

My mother left our father, we have never been more happy that she did take that step to happiness :purple_heart:

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Do you want to live like this till you die??? Ask yourself 35 is not old jesus kids adjust and they will be feeling your mood while your stayimg move out n be happy


So you are teaching your children to grow up and abuse their spouse or accept abuse from their spouse instead. That’s what my parents did, too. I stopped when I saw it happening again and my kid was 3 months old. I’m doing it alone for 2 years now and guess what? It’s not half bad.


Move on,for your littles. They deserve better. So do you.

35 is young. Do you have an education, college degree? If so get a job, find someone to babysit while you are at work and kick him out or leave. You are a prime example of why American men look to get with Asian women. An American woman would have left him in the dust a lon time ago. Your daughter needs a strong role model for a man respecting a woman and you are not doing it.

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Well I hate to break it to u but if u wait longer it will be harder to leave . The kids are gonna be upset no matter what age . But ur teaching them it’s ok to stay in an unhealthy relationship. That’s not fair to you or them . They don’t need to see u unhappy :slightly_frowning_face:. U definitely need to talk to a therapist see how to handle this it’s gonna be hard I’m sorry :disappointed:

If you stay together just for the kids it’s just going to get worse the resentment will build more and hate will set in. The kids deserve to see momma happy, not in a abusive relationship. When the kids are grown and see how he treats you there going to think that’s how a relationship is supposed to go.

From experience…leave. the kids will adapt. They know what’s going on even if you think they don’t. When I finally left my kids told me it was about time


You are YOUNG! My advice after 72 years on this planet…don’t be afraid. Get out of this toxic relationship before your kids are old enough to resent you for staying. They deserve more and so do you. It’s rough in the beginning but soon you will wonder why you didn’t get out sooner! Change is hard but so worth it!! Good luck, honey, and you have my prayers.:pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:


My friend is 37 with children. She finally left her shity marriage and is now with a man who treats her like gold and she is so happy she practically glows. Your kids will move on and adapt. They are surprisingly resilient. Just make sure you spend time with them as well as any new man in your life and take things really slow. He clearly wants to be single, so let him.

It is never good to stay in a relationship like that just for the children. You realize that it’s actually harder on kids to grow up in a situation like that.


The minute I start to feel how you are feeling I withdraw from my partner and get ready to leave. I’ve done it before. I can’t stay with someone when I begin to feel unloved like how you feel.
Never stay together for the kids!! That’s your first mistake. Second mistake was taking him back after he did such a betrayal. He obviously doesn’t care if y’all work or not. If he cared at all he wouldn’t be hiding things from you.
Plus you staying with him after all he’s done - you are teaching your kids that it is okay to stay in a toxic marriage.
There is NO good in staying in a relationship “JUST” because we have kids. Ultimately, it is your life and your the one that has to deal with this life.
You deserve to be happy and to find someone who matches your efforts and is completely faithful.

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Get counseling. Please. It is worth the effort. Your life is valuable and has meaning. Please find time to speak with a professional.

Leave and find a real man, he’s not going to change! And you might end up pregnant again , LEAVE


You are never to old to move…stop faking it before you go crazy….


move on for the sake of your child - yr child will feel the distance there is between you and your husband - they are much smarter than you think and yr not doing yr baby any favors by staying - bite the bullet and leave - hit the courthouse and file papers for child support and be happy - you certainly deserve it. There are no alternatives.


Where there is a will there is a way , if you don’t leave for yourself then do it for the children they deserve a happy child hood and a happy mother .


35 is not to late to move on. Why are you staying in a relationship you are miserable in. Ask yourself that question. People find love at every age. Go watch first dates Australia

Leave! You are too young and deserve happiness! My parents split with 3 kids… you’re never too old to find the happiness you deserve! Your child will thank you later!!


Why do people stay together for the kids.
You can do more damage staying together than being apart.


Leave, it’ll be the best thing you’ve ever done.

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you deserve respect……hes gotta go

Maybe find a friend to stay with or co worker? We have helped friends that cane from China before and let them stay with us until on their feet. Let them stay if they just watch our kids one to two times per month and are genuinely working to get things together and save up money to move. We also have a homeless shelter in AL that will take in single moms,get them jobs and cars,and let them stay there free for up to 2 years. Id look at your options and try to find a way out. Sounds like a miserable life. Never too old to start over.

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Definitely not too old. Get out of there. Ur happiness and peace are too important

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If you feel too old to leave and start over how do you think you’re gonna feel 5-10 years later when you finally snap and leave him

Leave while they are young they will get use to things easier that way they need a happy mom it’s not healthy for you at all move on and be happy! It will be hard at first but it will make you feel so so so much better

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Move on lady if you don’t then you will regret it later on. Take your child and run. You will not get any younger as time goes by. Make yourself and your child happy. I will be praying for you sweetie to make the right decision.

Your not too old to move on I’m 33 and I left my mentally abused boyfriend today.


Is this what you’d want for your kids? Nope… So why do this to yourself?!


I promise you, staying in an unhappy marriage is not good for anyone, especially a child. It could be the best thing you ever do for your daughter.


Break what family? That’s no family. You want your kids to learn how life is through that mess? No.

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You can move on and you can be happy again, you just gotta leave first!!!

Honey DO NOT STAY for the sake of your kids! Kids would rather come from a broken home then a home that’s broken….let them enjoy the best of you both separately, rather than together and miserable….

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Move. Your daughter will grow up thinking it’s normal to be treated badly.


Move on hunn… you have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t wait for him to dump you for someone else he hooks up with. The only regret you’ll have is that you didn’t do it sooner xx

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No offense, but this is 2022 girl. The kids? They’ll be better off with two happy parents who are divorced.

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Get a job, get government assistance, get away from him. He’s a loser.


Remember, they can feel the tension and its not good for them. You deserve to be happy and so do your kids. You are never too old to be happy/start over.

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You are with what we call a narcissist. Get out now. I left my narcissistic abusive ex at age 45 and my son was about 6. Now…I can see a huge difference in my son for the BETTER. He is so much happier. He had started to pick up on the way his dad had spoke to me and I have gotten him to stop. He is excelling in school. The huge change in me has been amazing as well. I have not slept so good for so long. Felt so relaxed for so long and so on. I am in a MUCH healthier and happier relationship with an amazing guy. I have family not too far from me, but when I left my ex…I kept them in the dark. I realized they were not healthy people to be around and I also realized they were also narcissists. Which is why I kept falling for these guys. I would also suggest a therapist too. So I had no family to lean on. I had to take a chance with one manager at work who I felt she would help me with my job stuff and helping me get time off when I needed due to my new circumstances. I was right about her. I also had moved from Oregon to Georgia right before the pandemic hit. I had one friend and lost her to covid. I have a neighbor I speak to a lot and she wants to help and even tries but I try to calm her down from trying to do too much. She has 4 types of cancers and also only has about 40% of her heart working. I made it all work. It was the hardest thing I ever did and it was worth it. Once I got things rolling and was taking care of everything on my own, with a few conversations here and there with friends over the phone long distance. Don’t be embarrassed to talk to those who you feel safe with. They can at least be your best cheerleaders and if you feel like you are going to break or of you need fresh eyes or mind working on something you are trying to work out, they are great for that too. My sons hugs and snuggles are what mostly helped me get through. I came out the other end a LOT better than I even imagined it could be. Then I met someone awesome and understanding after coming out of his own hell and healing from it. We both wanted gentle, quiet, funny, adventurous on a whim, someone who would communicate in healthy manner, someone who could have true compassion and understanding, someone we could trust to lean on when needed. Almost a year later we are doing awesome. Even living together. We both went through so much trauma and pain that we never want to inflect that on anyone else. A much better life is out there for you AND your children. I promise…this relationship is affecting them pretty badly too.

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Do it for the sake of your kids and get out !! You’re only 35 still so much life ahead of you. Find your peace and happiness.

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At 51 I found out my ex had a mistress. We always argued before that. He always flirted with women in front of me. I left him. I had two teenagers. I stopped trusting men.

You are in a toxic relationship… you are keeping your kid in one. Move on. Be happy. Had my kid at 38… never too late

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It’s not worth living in a relationship that is hurting… the children will hurt in the long run if you stay. I don’t really have family to lean on either and the best thing I did was move on with my life without my now ex husband.

Staying in an unhappy relationship doesn’t do any good for the kids. And staying in a broken relationship “for the kids” isn’t healthy for them. You already sound line you haven’t forgiven him and never will. Nobody said there is a age limit on starting over. He broke your relationship, you leaving will give you and the kids peace of mind and a happy home

Break the family its not worth to stay in a unhealthy relationship. Plus your kids see or will see it and think that’s how a relationship is.

See a lawyer. Most of them don’t think much of abuse, mental or physical. You may have to make a few adjustments, but you are too young to live like that.

First of all, your not old at all. You don’t need an man to be happy, your happiness is your baby. You’ll be happier if you leave and your parents & siblings would be happy if you call them. No matter how old we get; we are never to old to want our parents and in our parents eyes, we will always be their babies no matter the age. One day when you at least expect it, you’ll find the man your truly meant to be with. I definitely would leave, might be hard at the beginning but it’ll eventually get better and you’ll be happy with your choice but whatever you decide to do girl; do what’s best for you and your baby. Your baby doesn’t need to grow up watching how your husband treat you because what he or she learns from you both, it’s what he’ll or she’ll think is normal!!!