Just needin to vent

35 is not to old I moved on at 42


you are so young, move on, start an exit plan so you know yu are financial stable and be able to be on your own, it hard I know.


Check out organizations in your area for help and support. Find some help to get a job and make him pay support. You can do it start a new lift 35 is still young


Get out, you’ll be ok


Never stay in a relationship for the sake of the children, that is the most ridiculous, needy dependant thing to do. He will cheat again. Because by staying you let him get away with it. Kids would rather have two happy parents apart then have two angry parents together

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You can either continue to be unhappy or do what you need to do to find peace

Sometimes it is better to come from a broken home than to continue to live in one


The family’s already broken honey, I’d leave


How has any of this benefited your child?
All you’ve done is set bad examples of what a relationship should be :woman_facepalming:t2:
Your husband already broke your family


Staying in a loveless relationship for the children never works u don’t want your kids growing up thinking this is the norm when it’s not . And 35 isn’t old crying out loud I’m 35 lol

Im 37 and just had my husband arrested and removed from the home a month ago because it escalated to physical abuse more than once or twice.
Please get out!
You have no idea the weight lifted once you get out!
I have 2 toddlers 16 months apart. But it escalated and he got physical in front of them.
Please trust me when i say youre not doing yourself or your babies service by staying.
You can do this!
Better to see a happy mama than a broken mama!
Your son will see how to treat a woman.
Your daughter will learn how to be treated.
All by what they see YOU DO.

I dont want to put guilt on you cuz i know FIRST HAND how hard this is.
I was you 2 months ago.
But please know that you have everything available to you.
You have happiness on the horizon.
But not until you let go of the bs holding you in darkness :heart::heart::heart:


Leave. In fact RUN! U are never too old to move on & please believe in yourself, u CAN do it without him!

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You deserve some peace and never be afraid to leave get proof and take that to court for divorce he will pay alimony and child support until you can get on your feet hun


Simple question. Would you expect your children to stay with someone even if it was killing them slowly? If the answer is no, then YOU don’t need to stay either. You stay and your children will learn that it’s ok to stay with someone even when you’re unhappy. That’s showing THEM that that’s the same kind of “love” they deserve. Do better, for them but most importantly. For YOU! 🫶🏻

No girl just go ,you aren’t too old to start over , you deserve happiness and peace , he’s not going to change

Co not waste the best years of your life w/a loser

Never too old to know your worth.you can’t find the right one wasting your time on the wrong one.i got divorced 3 years ago after a 20 year abusive marriage.i have finally found the l9ve of my life that treats me like a queen.we have been together almost 2 years and never even had an argument…true happiness is out there u just gotta find it

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Was married to a psychopath, and he tried to get help, he was beyond help, sometimes it’s just bad luck to be with the wrong person, but never too old to get the strength to change your mindset, there are women’s groups for DV which I attended, went to counseling to understand how I got into that mess and how to recover my self esteem, and start my life over, I met and married a man who was also married to a hateful person, and I had our kids at 36 and 38, became a sub teacher and later a full time state employed social worker, you have to think about your future, he is not thinking about you, find the support you need in your community it is out there.

He already “broke” your family. now it’s up to you to pick up those pieces and put them back together. Only this time, build something new. you’re children see you and your relationship. your emotions reflect on them way more than you would think. they deserve to see you happy as much as you do and by staying and suffering it’s only hurting y’all. you wanna do right by your kids, remove the toxicity. you wouldn’t tell your daughter to stay would you?

also reach out to your family. probably help you more

Sis put that boy on alimony and child support. Save up any money he gives you until you can afford your own place somewhere new. I can promise you that you’ll find someone else or if you want you could be alone and stress free. It’s not that bad once you realize you deserve better.

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Get out now!! There are lots of ways to get help out there

Move on, get a smart lawyer and he will have to pay

Never too old to be happy. Leave that asshole and make a better life for u and your babies. Who knows how he’ll treat them if he treats u badly, they don’t need to see that anyway

Don’t stay for the kids
That’s worse
That’ll teach what love isn’t & they’ll think that’s normal which isn’t!
You deserve better and your kids deserve to see someone loving you right
35 ain’t nothing to fret on
I know folks in their 50s finding new love


Never stay in a relationship just becouse you have kids. They will pick up on it the more time that goes on, kids are not silly. Unhappy parents= unhappy children.
You cant brake something thats already broke hunnie.
Your happiness needs to come first, not just for your children but for you.


Move on and your still young and you deserve better good luck hun

Your family is already broken. And your child is going to see all this, and think it is what a family and relationships should look like. Is this the life you want for your child?


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It’s worse for the kids to grow up in a house where there’s no love, respect, and fighting. You need to get out of the relationship. You’re not too old to move on.


Take your daughter and leave that misery! I promise you are still young and will feel young again as soon as you get rid of that douche bag! He is draining your energy! :heart:


Don’t stay for your kids… they’d rather see you happy and treated right. Growing up with that much tension and animosity isn’t good for them any more than it is for you


It breaks my heart when people say they’re staying together only for the sake of the children. Do your children a favor and be happy! Leave toxic relationships! Your kids need happy parents. Not together parents.


You deserve better!!

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38 years of marriage ended. I found love again. Now I am engaged. I am 64. Never lose hope.


This breaks my heart message me if you need to vent, I’m here to listen.

I stayed when I shouldn’t have either. Ten years too long. I knew it wasn’t how I should be treated, but I stayed. We had two children. Then I made excuses to stay for them. Little did I know it was not the best thing for them or me. I left. Got away for good this time. Fast forward, my 19 year old daughter doesn’t visit with him much. My son, however does and sees his father differently than she does. I had to leave for me, so I could leave for them. I hope you find the courage to, it is never too late to start over…

Kids will be much happier if you leave. Even if it doesn’t seem like it. Is that the way you want them to think they are supposed to be treated/ and to treat others?

35??? Girl ur life is just starting, get out while you can and enjoy every bit of it!


Worse for kids if you stay


That just show that you do not value yourself,you need to look after yourself first.

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You and your child deserve better. Ditch him!

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Your teaching your daughter a bad lesson staying. She’s going to grow up thinking that’s what she’s supposed to allow and she’ll have toxic abusive relationships. Grow a back bone and leave. Your not too old you’re afraid. That’s ok but teaching your daughter by example that abuse is ok is just poor parenting and setting her up to fail.


He already broke your family. You leaving would be the first step toward building one worth having and without him

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You’re breaking your kids by forcing them to stay in this miserable lifestyle. You’re also showing them it’s ok to be treated this way and to treat people this way. Get yourself into counseling to work on your self esteem. 35 is not old

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Too old to move on? I met my husband at 31. Granted I settled down later but I thought that was still young! 35 is very young. Also as a child my parents stayed together for the sake of us kids and it was hell on earth. Good luck to you.


You are breaking yourself……get out!

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You are not too old to move on. Would you want to stay another year in this situation or another year happy alone…or with a real ass man. Time is precious… find your worth!!

You will be doing your daughter a favour by leaving kids can pick up on every emotion your going thru, your daughter will prob be happier if your happier xx


From someone who stayed 20 yrs for the kids. It’s the worse thing you can do. They will resent you for bringing them up in a home a strife. I left 8 yrs ago started from the bottom and gain everything I lost back . And I’m so happy. But the relationship with my children has suffered tremendously and I don’t know if it will ever be good.


You are still young u deserve a life.


Please just leave. For yourself. You can be happy again. 30’s is still young. You got a whole life ahead of you. Find a job you love, save money, find some hobbies you enjoy, and after you have enough money saved GO!!!

Imo you should go. You don’t want them seeing that treatment and thinking it’s okay. You’re stronger than you think :heart:

If you don’t want to end the family but you are staying due to ur kids what are you teaching your kids!!!

It’s better for kids to come from a broken home than to live in one.


Move on. It is NEVER too late!!

I’m 60 and moved on this year do it.

I had small kids and left their dad because of his continued cheating, non- support, physical and mental abuse. My kids grew up just fine w/o him in their lives. They don’t like him because of the meaness he did to them. Do yourself a favor and leave the bum, get a divorce and have a much better life without his cheating and/or mental abuse. It’s never too late to leave that kind of a relationship and start over. You should let your parents know so they can at least give you some moral support.

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Can you start going to a good Bible teaching church. Often so much support and comrade not only for you but your child…maybe find a part time job…prepare to be on your own. You are stronger than you think!

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A lot of people have miserable marriages but I think at your age you don’t deserve one. Find love without alcohol, drugs and extramarital sex.

Look into your resources mama. Apply for income based apartments in your area, get on the waitlist, don’t let him know until you are approved for a place … there are resources to help us single moms, day care, food assistance ect, look into what your area has to offer

So your going to live miserably for the rest of your life.
And what gives you the notion that 35 is too old to start over :eyes:.

There is sooo much I wanna say I really wish I knew you personally.
But I’ll just say this
Your kids are watching and they’ll come a time when they begin to notice how unhappy you are and that will have an effect on them.
Why she you live miserably while your husband lives his life and gets the best of yours too .
Sis life is too short.

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Ur wasting ur time & ignoring the inevitable

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35 is not old at all. You’re still a baby and have lots to do, including living in peace.


You are not teaching your children how they should be treated by a man and especially a dad. They may grow up and be just like him. Cut the ties


Don’t teach ur kids to accept emotional abuse of a spouse to be normal. Teach them strength and resilience, respect and love for yourself by ending things and separating. Go back to Asia if you have to but find support and do it. Separating from my abusive spouse was the best decision I ever made and my son flourished from that decision.


Having children with someone is not a reason to stay with them! Your children will notice the distance between the two of you. They will hear the arguments and sense the animosity. It would be an adjustment for everyone, but all parties would be better off if the two of you separated and you allowed yourself to find happiness. I PROMISE you that you’re not to old to move on and start over. I was 35 when I met my husband, he was 36. I had been divorced twice and he was divorced once. Neither of us have been happier than we are now, together. I often tease him about what took him so long to find me.

Also, being in the states, there are assistance programs that will help you, as a single parent, get into your own place (or manage your current place if you decide to stay and have him go). There are assistance plans with food, utilities, medical and child care.

You and your child(ren) deserve to be happy and those kids deserve to see their mother happy and healthy!

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You are only 35 years old! You have your whole life ahead of you! You don’t want to spend another year with this guy who doesn’t love you. You don’t want to raise your kids like this.

Here’s an idea :bulb: LEAVE !!! It’s not ok to let your child see the tension between you two !!! Also it’s not ok to stay with someone for the sake of your child. You need to be happy first and foremost! Then you can make your children happy. You need to leave and find your happiness

You didn’t break the family, he did!! You don’t deserve to be feeling like this daily. Go and move on, it’s never to late to meet someone else.

Leave. Take your kids and move on. You’re still young and have plenty of life to live.

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You are NEVER to old to move on!


Sometimes you got to do what’s best for you. And your children needs a happy momma not a misable momma.

There’s community programs in the US that can help you leave him… they will help you get on your own…

I just turned 32 the 16th I was with my x for 13yrs he was my first everything he cheated lied hit me yelled at me treated me like trash took me 13 yrs I left almost a yr ago we have 3 kids together all young and they are happy I left and so am I you can do it

Go. Leave. I got remarried at 37. It’s never too late to be happy.

You have your whole life ahead of you, do what you need to do.

35…. I had bot even hit my prime yet. U r young and u should move on while young


You are not too old to start over, I promise! Do it now, you will be so much happier!


Leave, & the sooner the better before he gives you a disease & breaks you further down emotionally. All you need is you & your kids, that’s it. You can do it!!!

Go back home & tell your family

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I did it at your age…I am 65. Life is great but I’m not going to lie, I had to juggle but I got so good at that circus act. GET IT GIRL​:bangbang::bangbang:

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You stayed because you love him aswell.But I do think it’s time to move forward for yourself. Don’t waste your life on someone who doesn’t value you,trust me it’s an absolute waste of your life you can’t get back.

Hope you’re going to be okay

This is so heartbreaking. You deserve better and should get better! Don’t stay because of your age. Don’t stay because you feel you have Nonone. Get out! Get an attorney and file for separation. In the divorce ask for the house and child support/alimony. It will help maintain the home while you get on your feet. Trust me! You and your child deserve so much more


Get your stuff together and leave his sorry butt

You didn’t stay for your daughter, you stayed because you wanted to. Being with or without him, doesn’t change the fact he is going to be a father. The family is already broken. I’m sure your children would want to see you happy. Staying for someone else is never the answer. The most courages thing a parent can do is leave a bad situation. Don’t put this on your kids as a reason why you stay. Your kids should be the reason you leave.


Leave!!! You’re doing the kids more harm by staying then you would if you left. You’re kids deserve to see you happy and treated right and you need to be the best mom u can be to them. That’s not going to happen in that environment. And you are NOT too old to start over. Do this for yourself, do this for your kids. :muscle:


Your not helping them

I started over at 36! You can do this!!!

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Girl you are in your prime !!! Go out & enjoy life ! You will regret it if you stay in an awful relationship any longer than you have too. You don’t want your children growing up thinking his behavior is okay because it is not.

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im 39… I got married in November - love doesnt have an age

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If after five years of this
Why did you put up with this
And have not already left him
It’s not healthy for your child

It’s better to come from a broken home Instead of an Unhappy home

It comes across as you have accepted his behavior
And is using your kid to justify
Staying with him


you would be better off with out him 35 is not to old


My ex husband did not cheat, is a great father and we are great friends.
We just did not love each other romantically anymore.
I was 40 with 4 kids (2 teens and 2 littles). Its MUCH better this way. We are both happier so everyone is happier. I have found love… someone who loves me even at 41, even with 4 kids. Leave and don’t look back momma.


Your kids are whats going on… you’re not staying for the kids, you’re staying for you… they’re young enough that if you leave now, it’ll be ok… if you hate him, then that shows every day, and your kids will grow to hate him too… just leave, it’ll be healthier for everyone

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You are never too old to respect yourself. You aren’t even middle aged yet geeze be nice to yourself! You’ve got plenty of time. You can’t find your forever husband if you’re wasting time with this fool.


Move on, he doesn’t deserve you. He’s a pig. I’m 50 yrs old and am now in a very healthy relationship. I was mostly single and on my own for 20 yrs before he came back into my life. Heck, I even had a set of twins when I was 38!!! You’re only 35, so lots of life in you yet my dear!

It’s never to late to start over. Emotional abuse, IS abuse. You do not need to live with that. Your child does not need to witness that. You will both be better off if you leave. I’ve been there. Everything will be okay. Stay strong.


Leave! Never to old to start over! I guarantee if you leave you will look back on this post in a couple years and laugh at yourself because you will find a new person that will treat you amazingly! I hate the excuse ppl use about staying for kids. The kids can’t be truly happy unless you are truly happy! And that is not going to happen being miserable everyday! The kids should not have to grow up in that environment! Get out and live your life happy!! You won’t regret it! Yes it will be hard at first but it will only get better!!


I’m 50 and started over. I was in a loveless marriage. I waited longer than I should have to leave. I found the most amazing man and we were engaged December 18th, 2020 but he died February 17th, 2022. Don’t stay sweetheart and be miserable for your child. I did that and regret it everyday. Find happiness, you and your little one deserves it.