My husband told me this morning I don’t have a job or contribute, I work 12h a week. I gave up my 35h a week job as he is always traveling with his job and there is no one to mind our children, we have absolutely no family. He is always working, travels a lot. I just need to vent here; I don’t have people to talk to. I feel like leaving with my children.
Stop cooking and cleaning for him. Tell him how much child care will cost for them to go in full time and then let him see how much you do!
You don’t need to justify yourself to anyone, if your partner finds belittling and berating you okay then I think you should really tell him how he’s making you feel and if he doesn’t see where he is going wrong and doesn’t consideryour feelings, then you should decide if you want your children to watch you be emotionally abused. From personal experience the only person out of you and him who is hurting from this is you.
You need to tell him straight yes he works and brings in more money than you but whilst he is working your giving up your life to look after yours and his children and sort the house out it’s not easy and being a mother is the hardest unpaid job. Your a cook, a cleaner , a child minder, a teacher ,a personal shopper , a personal taxi(if you drive) , a carer, a personal arse wiper lol the list can go on and on ,but your doing all these jobs at once and it’s hard not to mention not having a social life not being able to talk on the phone without kids in the background ,not even allowed to go to teh toilet in peace he needs reminding of everything you actually do and like I said it’s the hardest unpaid job you can do, so…so what if he brings in more money your giving up your life for your family and If you switched rolls he would be begging to switch back after 2 days …
My partners job stops me from having a job as he works away a lot or daft hours plus weekends and I always feel bad myself that I don’t contribute as much as I could but you need to remind your husband exactly what my partner tells me…… With out you being home to watch the kids, he wouldn’t be able to go out and work to earn money to also provide for the family. With out you he would be stuck! You do everything at home for him and your kids, cooking cleaning all the usual that us mums do.
You need to sit and talk to him and tell him how your feeling, he needs to understand that he can only work because you are there to take care of everything else.
Is he feeling a bit run down from working too much? If so then tell him to take a few days off if he can….and if he does then you put your feet up and let him do what you do
You want to remind him that even if you are not bringing in as much money as he is, you are still contributing by looking after your children as you have no family to mind your children. Say that you know he is stressed right now and you appreciate what he does, but that you are working less hours so that you can take care of your family rather than leaving them with a stranger and that a childminder would cost money. It sounds like you need to spend some quality time together where you are both together and not at work or apart, even if it is just a walk to the beach . I hope this helps
Trust me as a stay at home mum ( not by choice ) I had to leave as childcare was costing us my salary 1600 a month … it wasn’t sustainable for me to be in work, being a full time mum is a full time job ! Tell him to wind his neck in and try doing what you do for a week then he will realise what you actually do x I actually find being a sahm of a 3 and a 4 year old harder than working a 30 hour week and being a parent, it’s bloody hard work especially in the current climate. This is why I’m off back to university in September now one of the boys is in full time school
Shows how much he values the upbringing of his children. He doesn’t appreciate you. What an arsehole. Leave his ass.
tell him you’ll switch roles and see how long he lasts, hardest but most rewarding job there is, is bringing up your children the right way.
Id offer for him to quit and be a stay at home dad and youd happily go back to work.
Your still working and thats a start! Happyier offer him to swap you places and let him stay at home because its easier at work. As a family it works both ways😘 xx
If you charged him minimum wage for every job you do, you’d outstrip his wage by a long chalk…he could not afford you in other words. Know your worth. You’re worth far more than him. He’s a selfish knob