If the adults are outside then it’s not a big deal. It’s best to learn what stuff is from family rather than the streets.
It really does not matter what I think. If you don’t like it that is what counts.
Are they doing it around your children or influencing them? Do they act crazy or not normal while partaking while doing this? If not then I don’t see a issue… if they r keeping it away from the children and the children are still being taking care of and not neglected I don’t see a issue. But then again your opinion is the one that truly matters
Pot is legal, if they smiled outside I’d have no worries
I dont smoke in small confined places with my children, cus im not tryin to hotbox em. But, I will walk around freely in my home and smoke a blunt while I cook. Its medicine its not like cigarette smoke, thats cancer causing.
Dear God, they’ve probably done it for so long you wouldn’t even know they’re high if you didn’t see them doing it. Grow up lol.
Do you allow them around people under influence of alcohol?
Yet im sure you drink while the kids are home though right? ignorant
My opinion not a big deal! Plus you said they were outside and the kids are inside so really don’t see what’s the problem.
Absolutely not. I wouldn’t want my kids around that.
I have prescribed weed and smoke for chronic pain. It’s legal, my kids know that it’s just a special kind of medicine.
Do you feel the same way about alcohol use? Cuz pot is like the same thing
If they are smoking away from the kids I dont see what the big deal is. Its becoming more and more legal because they fact its not harmful is coming out.
Not that big of a deal
Unpopular opinion: If a mom feels uncomfortable with someone smoking or vaping any substance whether it is medicinal or not than she has every right to feel that way and pursue whatever route she thinks is necessary there should be no hate to this mom or people saying “get over it” when her feelings are valid. No she shouldn’t try to change the people doing whatever they are doing but she can change having her kids from being around it. It’s simple if you are uncomfortable than remove them or even talk with said people about your feelings they may listen and figure something out with you
But I’ll bet drinking around them gives you no pause…
Pot… the most unharmful, non-dangerous, most beneficial and uplifting plant medicine that anyone can partake in? Yeah I wouldn’t be worried about cannabis smoke any more than sage smoke. It’s no different. And my experience with people who smoke pot is that they generally do it because they know it actually makes them a better person for the time being. It helps someone to be more present in the moment and not dwell on negative thoughts/emotions. Cigarettes and alcohol are another story. Those are the things I would keep my kids away from.
Leave your kids at home that they home leave yours home
Easy don’t send your kids I would not
Nope. Kids don’t need to be around any kind of smoke. It doesn’t matter what it is, even if they’re doing it outside. Kids are in and out and will be going past and breathing it in.
Their house their rules. If you don’t want your kids around it don’t take them there. I’m not a pot smoker but in their house they get to do what they choose
I hate that. It stinks and is damaging to their lungs.
Seriously. Its pot and its 2021 almost 2022 it is legal in several states what is the big deal. I smoke pot and my nephews mom doesnt stop me from seeing them because i use it medicinally. I have been on depression meds since i was 12 finally got diagnosed as being clinically depressed with suicidal tendencies i have been smoking pot and i dont have to take any depression pills my daddy died 2 and a half years ago but for over 20 years he smoked keeping his seizures under control since dilatin and other anti seizure meds did nothing but famnge his liverm it never got to a therapeutic level n him. Smoking pot kept the seizures at bay.
you have wine with your children around? Lol i don’t see a problem with them if they’re smoking outside.
It doesn’t matter how anyone else feels, it’s how you feel about the situation. However, IMO, it would be a hard NO.
Doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Mom is uncomfortable with something regarding her babies. Full stop. That should be respected.
Being around them alone or Being around them in a general sense? Going over there or them coming to you?
I don’t smoke, but I know people who do…Who have prescriptions for it because it definitely has medicinal properties and less major side effects than many pharmaceutical in drugs.
Would you be comfortable for your kids to be around someone drinking alcohol?
Would you be comfortable for your kids to be around someone on an SSRI? Or other Anxiety med? Would you be comfortable with your kids around someone who was prescribed pain medication for a chronic condition?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions then I would say it’s important for you to reevaluate exactly why you’re uncomfortable with one but not others.
Perhaps, you grew up in the type of household who held stringent beliefs that it was a “gateway” drug, but realistically speaking the science around it proves otherwise. So that would be the other thing, really look at it verses say alcohol or it verses a Xanax…or it verses a hydrocodone.
Do a little research before you ban family members from being around your kids, when all you really know is a preconceived notion.
As long as my son isn’t inhaling the smoke I don’t care that he sees it. I have a medical card so to me it’s not any different than if he sees me take my anxiety pills
As a parent you get to decide what you are and aren’t ok with.
Personally “pot” (I hate calling it that) is no big deal. It is natural and legal in a lot of states.
I persoanlly have a bigger problem with my kids being exposed to alcohol and what behaviors tend to stem from that.
To each their own…but don’t give Marijuana a bad wrap, just educate your kids and say it’s YOUR preference for them not to be around smoking.
Nope second hand smoke of any kind of bad for kids(really for anyone).
They should at least respect and not do it while they are there
For a start it’s drugs regardless what anyone says here in uk it’s illegal for a reason because it’s drugs just like the rest of them I wouldn’t personally be happy about it . I would explain that they can do what they want but are not to do it around your kids if they can’t accept that then my kids personally wouldn’t be there .
If it’s in their house then you don’t have a say so. Simple as that. Don’t take your kids around it. I’d assume they won’t smoke in your house cause it’s just simple respect, but as far as their own you aren’t entitled to what they do in their home.
As long as they are outside how is that affecting your children? You just trying to stir up shit on your in laws. Grow up
If they are outside smoking I don’t see the problem it’s not going to alter them enough to hurt ur child like drinking would it don’t work that way
Then don’t take them around them when they are?
Is it there house? I mean… u can’t tell an adult what they can and can’t do.
I smoke weed around my kids. Not in their face but around em. Seems to not bother em I’ve even ask hey do y’all mind? Always tell me do you(finger snap)…I use to hide it but kids know. I’m happy I can be so open and honest with them.
Nope, it’s more of a respectful thing not to smoke around children in my family. Second hand smoking is a real thing, I know it’s weed but it still stinks. (People that I know that smoke weed also smoke reg cigs) They reek of it and it lingers in clothes. People that try to cover it up with perfume or cologne makes it worst imo. It doesn’t work lol
At the end of the day, their house. It’s legal in most states now and unfortunately even in the housekeeping me get rooms that stink cuz of it. We have to put ionizers in them. They smoke in rooms with their little ones but that’s their business. It’s a hard no to have my own around that.
Bring it up to them. Tell them that you feel uncomfortable with them smoking while your kids are there. But ultimately it’s their house so they can say they aren’t going to quit and it’s their right. Just take that into consideration. Just like it’s your decision if they see them anywhere but your house where you can tell them they cannot do that in or at your house. But first talk to them and see if y’all can come to some sort of understanding then set boundaries about smoking pot when the kids are around. Like I said, you can always tell them they can see them at your house but there will be no smoking of any kinds on the property.
I’m a daily smoker. And it’s normal for mine. I obviously do it in the other room but I don’t leave if they run in and ask me a ?. It’s normal in my home always has been. However if they weren’t my kids I wouldn’t smoke around others. ps I’m in a legal state.
If it’s their house they make the rules.
Be thankful it was just pot! If it had been crack or herion that’s a problem
Make your parents some edibles. Show them how. So they can spare their lungs but still get the benefits.
I don’t think they should smoke around them, but smoking is fine.
I think it depends on the ages of the kids
I live in Canada and everyone smokes here
They’re outside and not responsible for your kids. It’s their property if you feel uncomfortable then state your concerns but you can’t stop them. You can ofcourse remove yourself from the situation if you like.
Im a legal, medicinal patient. I wouldnt ever smoke around small child. My kids are grownups they are aware. If you arent ok with say something
My mom is a heavy smoker. But she won’t smoke in the house when my kids are there. If she did we would just hang out outside or not go over. It’s her house. When I smoked I never smoked around them. I also hate smokers houses I could never. Always a outside smoker peraonally
If it’s there house it’s there rules. If it’s your house they are smoking outside of then ask them nicely not to.
Do you allow anyone to have a glass of wine and be around them?
I refuse to allow smoking in my home, car, or won’t go into a home of smokers. Of course my son smokes and I visit him - but he NEVER smokes in his home.
With a sensitive nose- I can smell a smoker in a grocery store. We refused to buy a home recently due to the nasty cigarette stench- but guess what? It’s THEIR home, their body odor, their health - so what would I do? Not allow my kid to visit in their home- especially if your child has any respiratory issues.
If they smoke outside what more do you want? The pollution outside, processed foods they eat and dust mites inside are doing more harm. Take a lead out of their book and chill out.
Better than cigs . pot second hand is nothing like cigarettes second hand. If they are in an other room. Not a big deal.
Uh do they see them smoking? Also they hv no idea what it is anyway. Plus pot is a lot more sane than alcohol to me and alcohol is more reckless and intoxicating. I think its fine.
They’re your kids. You make the rules for them. Tell the adults plain and simple that you don’t want it around your kids.
I don’t like pot or drugs so I make damn sure my kids aren’t around it.
They smoke outside… what exactly do you think is going to happen???
It’s their home. It’s acceptable there. Just like smoke a cigarette with their kids on their lap in the 70s and 80s. If you don’t like it, don’t go to their home.
I smoke pot I don’t do it in front of my kids but I’ve been stoned in front of them they can’t tell a difference and they are almost teenagers. But I’m what you call a functional pothead I can smoke then clean my whole house and all that where I know people who if they smoke are stuck sitting on the couch for 6 hrs watching TV so if that’s how they are and they are watching your child then no they can wait till the baby is gone if they are like me then they are fine as long as your not doing it right in front of them
Not that serious. They are smoking outside and children could be playing somewhere else.
Yeah definitely put an end to that ! Nip that in the butt now they say it’s a gate way drug it’s isn’t but it is
it’s changes your social group at school ect where kids make friends who smoke spot … and other things that’s the gate way their less likely to find this in a friend trying to get a college scholarship in sport ect a little but times aren’t the same anymore people walk around smoking it in pens while they shopping
…. Personally I was a troubled youth
I think everyone was in a way it’s one thing to try it … it’s another to have it become a life style you want your kids to be open with you but you don’t want them doing what ever they want behind your back either
it’s a difficult situation to get threw good luck
It’s outside they’re inside it’s ok its probably better and safer than the old auntie that can’t stay away from the wine
I don’t mind if people smoke whatever they want outside but I do not want them smoking inside when we are there. If they choose to smoke inside we would simply leave without a argument. Pot is a plant and medicine for lots of people I just dont want the smoke enclosed with my kids.
Their house their rules but also my kids my rules.
So don’t take your kids over there problem solved I’m a 420 mom and I’ll be damned if I stop smoking my weed because your kids came over I bet you don’t mind ppl drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes around them but omg pot is the end of the world
Pot should not be on the list of shit to worry about when there’s so many valid things to worry about as parents already.
Who is taking care about the kiddies when they are outside smoking? Are they kept unattended? can’t they help themselves for few hours while children are there? It’s a hard NO from me.
Safer than cigs or drinking alcohol around them lol
I’m a child of the 80s if you’re in their home it’s their right to smoke where they want. If they come to yours… you can have a designated area
I would want them to refrain from smoking it in the children’s presence. I’d rather they smoke pot than getting wasted drunk in front of them if I was going to draw a line. Pot is not the devil you think it is
They’re probably calmer and more likely to play with the kids. It’s fine. Grandma can have 7 glasses of wine at family dinner and no one bats an eye, but let granny go outside her own home and smoke a joint and it’s just unacceptable .
You should probably join them.
I hate the smell of weed makes me nauseous. Could care less people smoke it. But they are your children so I’d suggest having a open conversation and if they can’t respect your parental views then maybe it’s not the best place for your children. I wouldn’t allow my child to be there and that’s my right as a parent.
Don’t see the problem here?
No pot near my house since it’s illegal in my state. All other smoking has to be done outside. And I hate pot smell so it would never be done even if it was legal. If it’s their home it’s nothing you can do but not be there. I would not be there.
Stop stigmatizing marijuana. If there were blowing it in their faces, that’s wayyyy different… do u allow ppl to drink around them? I’d rather be around a bunch of potheads then drunks🤷🏻♀️
they should not smoke in their view or in the home with them but if they’re outside then that’s completely acceptable. Definitely NOT something I’d worry about IN THE SLIGHTEST.
If it’s legal in your state, they view it the same as alcohol… so if you’re not comfortable with your kids being around people smoking pot, are you comfortable with your kids around them while they’re drinking?
Just wondering if all the people who are so against it, are also against cigarettes and alcohol to the point they wouldn’t go there if they had those instead
They’re not smoking crack. It’s like Tylenol calm the hell down.
Nope no way Narda. Please don’t
Man makes alcohol, God made pot…who do you trust?
Smoking outside is not an issue to me so long as kids are cared for. I do try to keep my kids away from pot for now but I’d just keep them inside when others go out to smoke. Our kids generation will be seeing pot as medicine so it’s not an issue. I mean I’m not gonna be upset if my family takes their medicine right? Our kids will probably be prescribed pot at one point or another lol I’m so jelly.
To each it’s own I smoke but I don’t infront of my kids because that’s what I choose to do and I don’t allow ppl to smoke infront of my kids either and it doesn’t matter if it’s legal I’m the parent and that’s t decision I choose and that’s that, I wouldn’t care how nobody felt about it these my kids, Worry about your own.
That is completely your choice to have them around it or not. You could maybe just ask them to not do it if the kids are around. It also depends if they are at their own home. If they are, then not too much you can really do or say. The only advice I have on that is keep them away from their house. Other than that if they are at your home, make it clear that you do not like smoking around your kids in your home and if they choose to do it, they need to leave. If they can’t respect your boundaries and rules in your home, they don’t need to be there. But again if you go to their home, it’s their house their rules. I don’t allow people to smoke or drink in front of my kids at MY house. However, if my guests choose to go outside and smoke or drink then that is okay with me. I’d just prefer my kids to not be around it. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t always happen that way though. If I am that uncomfortable with the people I am around when they do either I simply say my good byes and thank our friends for a good day and go home. All my friends know my boundaries with my kids. They respect me enough to follow my rules at my house and I respect theirs back. It’s not a bad thing in my opinion. I personally do not smoke at all, but idc if others do. But just let them know your boundaries and rules politely and just leave their home if you are uncomfortable with what they choose to do. Good luck!
weed is legal in many states. As long as they are not doing it IN THE HOME, leave them be. If you are living with them, you have no right to tell them what to do at their house, with the exception don’t smoke in the same house my children breathe in.
Haha. Their house or yours? That should answer your question. How old are your kids?
To me smoking pot in front of them is no different than drinking alcohol in front of them. They are both legal to do. So I don’t see a problem with it at all.
Oh you’d hate me as a mother then:woman_shrugging:t2: we smoke outside my kids know what it is. And also know that its waaaay better than sitting around drinking alcohol
As a mom who smokes cannabis, I smoke outside. Or I have my bedroom door completely shut with my window wide open. I never smoke around my son. I’d be uncomfortable with them smoking around my kiddo too if I were you
I have no issue with pot. But don’t smoke anything around kids. I’m okay with drinking responsibly around kids. Edit: I missed out saying OUTSIDE. If they’re outside, they’re being responsible and not doing it around the kids.
I smoke weed outside and then go inside with my kids
So, if you don’t allow it, it shouldn’t be done within eye view of them. HOWEVER, as long as they do it outside, the kids don’t know, and it’s not around them, then I don’t really see the problem. As far as smoking and then coming inside and being around the kids, that shouldn’t be a concern, as long as they are coherent and not stupid
Not good for the lungs. Whether it’s legal or not, it’s a bad example
Not an issue at all, my parents don’t really smoke, but we do. Outside, or in the garage or something is fine, as long as he is away from the smoke itself. It is used for the most part as medicine in our house, and when our son is big enough to pick up on what we are doing, it will be explained as such. I sometimes make edibles at home (stored well away from anywhere my toddler could access). And we are into herbal medicine in general, I make medicinal salves and tinctures fairly often, adding marijuana wouldn’t be off the mark by any means lol. It is legal in my state.
I am a huge supporter of legalization but I don’t allow anyone to smoke anything around our kids or inside our house.
Pot? Do what you do.
Cigarettes? Hard no.
Absolutely not okay to expose children to second hand smoke from any source.
100% not ok with it, and as a parent, it’s your prerogative.
Just like people aren’t always ok with their kids being around someone who is or has been drinking.
Smokers may get offended by it, but oh well.
You wouldn’t want to be at my house either then!! It’s legal here, thank , but it’s always been around my house, even before it was legal!