Kids around smoking, what do you think?

Your kids your rules i suppose but I hope that runs across the board though bc its pretty hypocritical if you drink or use any mood or mind altering substances yourself and/or allow your children around individuals that do🤷‍♀️ Marijuana is medical too so do your feelings extend towards individuals who take psych meds? Idk to each their own but this whole thinking your like above someone else bc of something so insignificant that literally doesn’t even affect you is weird af to me😐 It speaks volumes about you all to me and most of the ppl I know in recovery that are the most judgemental of others in the program are the ones that have really deep rooted issues they refuse to deal with themselves so they in turn take to this type of behavior. Hope for your sake your as perfect as your judgements make you seem but if not it’s never too late to start to heal and grow


Cigarettes no. Pot I smoke all day long and take care of my two kids


As long as the kids aren’t participating in 420 themselves no biggie…

At our family gatherings we smoke outside and there’s also some drinking but that’s just how our family chills. Nobody seems to have any issues with it. Until someone gets too drunk n wanna act out is when I leave. Ha

Well since it’s legal in Canada now it’s kinda a hard one if they aren’t smoking it inside and they aren’t getting stoned out of their tree we let it pass but the minute it over steps into the stone out of your tree you can barely keep your eyes open it’s time for them to leave

No issue as long as they don’t do it in front of the kids. Get over it it’s 2021


I smoke weed outside my house when my kid is inside. My husband smokes cigarettes outside the house too… nothing ever in the house though

No its not ok to do it around the kids like that


Oh no…it’s like handing a kid tobacco


Each to their own but I think its kinda not your choice what they do with their body. If its not effecting your children, they won’t know what it is, if they have ever seen someone smoking a cigarette its not going to seem any different to them. As long as it doesn’t effect those adults ability to care for said children whilst under their care then its not a big deal in my opinion. Your the mum though and no one can tell you how to feel about it.

I’d rather my kids be around stoners than drunks :woman_shrugging:t3:


Is it your house? Then tell them not on your property. If it is not your house then just don’t go. You can ask but I wouldn’t be surprised if they said no.

The adults need to go outside.

They smoke their cannabis outside. I don’t understand the issue here. :woman_shrugging:t3:


They’re outside so mind your business. Also it’s Christmas go enjoy . Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


It’s weed if you don’t like it then keep your kids home.


It’s up to you.
In some places it’s legal & some ppl use it for medical reasons.
I know plenty of parents who are prescribed it for anxiety or insomnia. So, unless you check with everybody around your children, realize, they probably already know.
Kids aren’t stupid.

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Do you drink 1 or 2 alcholic drinks around your kids? Same thing, chill out.
You literally said they go outside. They’re not smoking in the same room, blowing it in their face. And as long as they’re not getting overly shit faced to the point they’re incapable of taking care of them.

I think you’re silly to worry about what they are doing outside when you’re inside caring for your children. What is it exactly that makes you feel your children are being harmed? People will smoke. Some people will not. You can’t change that. Is the purpose to shelter them on weed for as long as possible? Or is it because when they’re coming inside they’re doing something that is inappropriate or harmful to your children? If they’re doing something you should address their actions. Otherwise continue taking care of them and don’t worry about what they’re doing unless if it would actually harm your child.


It’s not an issue in my opinion. You’re just making it an issue.


Do you also ask them what medications they’re on? Do they consume alcohol? All more dangerous and addictive. If anything they will just be way more fun to play with & eat all the kids snacks…but maybe they smoke to tolerate your judgment​:joy::joy:


One of the many things I was instructed to do when I did a weekend of temporary foster care is that the substances consumed should be legal, not consumed around the child, and there must always be a sober adult to provide care.

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You shouldn’t smoke anything around your kids. If it’s legal, go for it. If it’s not, you shouldn’t be doing it. :woman_shrugging:

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There’s no issue with that. They’re outside and your kids are inside. They’re adults girl common


People are telling them to mind their business and just stay home.
It is completely ok to not want your kids around smoke of any kind.
It is completely ok to not want your kids around people under the influence of ANYTHING.
Don’t let people dismiss your concerns.

OP, you gotta decide if it’s a deal breaker or not to let your kids around them


You have a right to not want your kids around anything. Smoking pot included.


If there outside smoking then kids should be inside that’s what I do. We don’t smoke in our house at all. So when we go over to family and they do that’s how it goes

As a stoner we are the most fun parents we also make sure all stuff is put up so no little hands can get In to it. Trust me when I say we can make it fun for the Littles. You bake cupcakes for the kiddos and play imagination games. Don’t stop just cause they do something to keep them happy they could be alcoholics :woman_shrugging:


If they already go outside to do it you should just calm down your kids are fine


It’s literally just pot…its not like its booze. People arent dangerious while high like they are with booze​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: mind your business


Are you going to their house? Is so then don’t go. I’m fine with people smoking outside and away from the kids especially in their own home. If I don’t want it to happen I’ll keep my kids at my house where I can control their surroundings


I smoke n most of my family does. I allow it outside when we’re at my house but my kids can’t be outside. If we go somewhere else n they smoke inside or around my kids I just get up and leave. It’s there house there rules. But I’ll respect them and I’ll leave.


I would not allow it at all. It sends the wrong message.


If they smoke outside then you are over reacting. It wont hurt them at all its almost legal anyway

if they are doing it for medical purposes, you can’t say a thing, If they are doing it for recreational purposes, that is something different

Hahahaha we smoke in the house with our kids. We don’t hide it, especially now that it’s legal.


If they’re smoking outside what’s the big deal? Mind your own business if it’s their own home and then simply don’t go over. :tipping_hand_woman:t4:

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What is this 1977? :roll_eyes:


Shouldnt smoke drugs around kids PERIOD


It really depends. Is it your house, or are yall just guests??
If they are doing it outside I see no issue with it at all
I’d much rather be around stoners than drunks (not casual drinkers but drunks who dont know how to limit themselves)
Our bodies make small amounts of thc naturally🤷‍♀️

They are smoking out side what’s the problem?

Not your house. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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My house I pay the bills don’t like it 2) options 1)start paying ALL my bills or 2) don’t come over

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No different than smoking cigarettes outside in my opinion.
As long as they aren’t smoking in front of or around them then I don’t see an issue


Smoking outside? No issues.
Smoking inside? Ew.

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All smoking is done outside. Doesn’t matter cigs or pot.

If you don’t want them around the kids after the smoke I’d say maybe ask yourself some questions- like do you feel the same way if they are on glass 2 or 3 of wine or if a beer etc ?

Either way it’s your house so :woman_shrugging:t4:


They’re outside smoking sooo not sure exactly what the problem is??


Their house AND it’s done outside.

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I would rather pot than cigs!!
It’s a natural plant that grows from the earth!:woman_facepalming::tipping_hand_woman:
I would say it should be normalized more than drinking in front of kids!


The real question is why the stigma?
If they were drinking house prolly wouldn’t give a shit. Leave em alone.

I rather have my children around somebody who has smoked pot vs someone drinking.


To me it can be a drug depending on how its used… If you do it solely to get high not for medical or mental health it is just my opinion though everyone has their opinions. :slight_smile: I don’t care what anyone does personally it’s their life not mine but I will say it’ll be outside not in my home around my child but that’s even with cigarettes. It’s all smoke and smoke is not good for baby’s lungs again just my stance :slight_smile: but also if it isn’t your house it’s not your call unfortunately. Try to sit and talk with them and give your views

If they are smoking outside it’s 100 normal and totally fine ! Just as long as it’s not inside, it’s jus like smoking cigarettes outside , although cigs are worse than weed tbh

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Do your kids see people drink in front of them? Cause that’s worse


In most states it’s medicine.
For young and old.
Can you say that about a glass of wine or a mixed drink? Or even a cigarette? Witch are all drugs.
Personally I don’t shelter my kids. That’s not my job, my job is to parent them.
Mery Christmas!

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I’m quite sure I am a rarity on this page so I’m gonna chime in. I work as the inventory manager of the #2 dispensary in WA. I love my weed. I smoke outside and keep all paraphernalia locked in my room. I’m a fantastic mom and pretty solid human in general, literally would give the shirt off of my back to someone. Let me tell you smoking the devils lettuce has not messed my babies up one bit.

Do you drink alcohol? Do you bother to hide your glass of wine? If the answer is no then I’m going to need you to calmly apologize for considering them bad people. If the answer is yes, you do hide your alcohol then I’m going to ask you to please stop. Seems silly but your children are less likely to abuse alcohol or weed if they see responsible consumption. My kids have seen me walk in from work exhausted and cranky. I step out, take a toke, come back in and fix dinner and play with them.


Leave Granny and Pappy alone damnit.

I’m not okay with it. Kids be innocent adults can wait for the adult things

None of that should ever be around kids Ever

If they’re outside it’s not a big deal

No one would ecer smoke pot around my children or me!

Smoking pot don’t make you a bad person, pot is not dope it’s a plant and medicine


Regardless of anyones opinion on weed itself. If you don’t want your kids around it then they should respect that. If not then just don’t let your kids visit :woman_shrugging:


They’re outside? So?

If you’re not comfortable, then do not allow this to happen !!! You’re the parent and it’s up to to protect them!!


It’s outside. Not a big deal

I mean if you’re at THEIR house and you don’t agree with it then just don’t go. I mean they are outside smoking so just keep the kids inside. It’s not rocket science. It’s actual medicine for some people.


They’re outside, not around your children. It’s fine.

This is a personal choice here. Anyone who supports it will tell you you’re being crazy and it’s fine. Anyone who is against it will tell you to not let your kids go over there without you. It doesn’t matter what Anyone here says. You know where you stand. I say stand with your gut and do what’s best for your kids even if the majority don’t agree with you. Your kids, your choice.


Do you have a problem with someone taking Tylenol for a headache? I doubt it. Then there’s no difference. It’s medication imo.

Do you have an issue with someone having a drink in front of your kids? Alcohol is 100 times worse.


Both my husband and I smoke, we do it outside and mask the scent until we shower. Our toddler never sees because we keep it out of sight.

If they aren’t high and acting weird I feel like it shouldn’t matter personally. But that’s just me :blush:


I medicate with my kids in the house. They have other rooms to hang out in or I’ll crack the sliding door. I don’t see it as an issue unless there’s an actual cloud in the room.


You just take them and go. No use to make a big deal out of it. Say sorry but I don’t allow the kids around pot and say see you later.

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The adults smoke outside while the kids are inside? I see 0 issues.


It’s outside. If you don’t like it, leave their home lol. It’s not like they’re smoking meth.


Worry about the alcohol not the smoking pot👌


Any smoking belongs out side ! Save our kids lungs !!!


I feel like it’s the same as people smoking cigarettes around children. I’m not personally ok with it but I know some are and if we are visiting with people my child can always just go to the other room while they are smoking

They are outside. And marijuana isn’t drugs, people use it as actual medication. Also if you don’t like it then feel free to keep your kids at home

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If your uncomfortable don’t take your kids there


It’s not a big deal. It’s their house. It’s outside. It’s a plant grown from the earth that man man illegal. Alcohol and tea used to be illegal too. It’s a medicine. They are grown adults.


Its one thing to enjoy smoking pot, but there should be a designated area and it should never be done in front of or children.
Just like cigarettes, second hand smoke is a thing and asthma is 10 times more likely to develop in a child’s lungs when they are exposed to a house filled with smoke…because remember it lingers, it goes in the walls. Seeps up in the paint. If you choose to take your child to someone’s house, and they are smoking in front of them, i would ask them to smoke in a different area or remove your child from that room. Because remember, why would it be ok to let an innocent child sit in a room with lungs that are not fully developed yet due to age and growth breathe in harmful substances?! You wouldnt.

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Alcohol is 100x worse nothing to worry about


OP probably hasn’t been around pot very much. Not everyone understands pot isn’t that big of a deal. Not knowing that is nothing to be insanely harsh with anyone about. Not wanting young kids to breathe any kind of secondhand smoke is very reasonable but since they’re not doing it in the same room as the kids, you’d be wise to look at it like they are drinking coffee. It’s a bit mind-altering but it’s not really going to change anyone’s personality and it’s not actually scary.


What they do in THEIR OWN home is THEiR business ! You don’t like it leave !!! Live and let live ! And if you ask me their being really considerate of you by doing it outside ! Geeeeez entitled much ???


Only anti stoners have problems


I have never taken drugs, only prescription ones. I am totally against smoking drugs. That is my choice. I don’t care what other people do. What they do to their bodies and in their own home is their business and nothing to do with me. I suggest if you don’t like it, then stay away. It’s as simple as that.

Nope nope nope. Never.


Ummmm. They’re smoking OUTSIDE. Your kids are INSIDE. There really is zero issue here.


I bet your fun at parties!


Theyre doing it away from your kids outside. All good.

As long as they aren’t smoking in the same room as your kids then what’s the problem


Even if its at your house they are respectful enough to smoke outside.
If its their house…dont visit if it bothers you.


Don’t go around them SIMPLE


That is a personal choice! I smoke, not inside, but my kids are quite aware of what I’m doing


If its a joint no biggy !


Whitney Pults thought best had before others thought u agreed :joy:x

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If outside no big deal

They’re outside for crying out loud

If they were smoking inside id be upset but they are outside and it sounds like your kids are inside so honestly I dont see a huge issue but end of the day its your kids and your decision