Kids around smoking, what do you think?

I smoke with my daughter, so…

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Well… I guess you cant have a glass of wine in front of them. Weed is NOT a Drug.


Smoking outside while they are inside us fine coming from a pot mama


I rather people smoke weed outside while my children are inside then have drunk ass people in my house with kids in it. It’s just weed. Stay cool dude. If they ain’t asking if ur kids want a hit let it go

My house my rules. I smoke pot in my house period . I have my license . No small kids in my family. But I only smoke at night .

If they’re outside I’m really not understanding the point of this post?


I smoke with my kids so…to each his own rather them smoke with me than get some laced shit on the street and in most cases the ones who make it a big deal kids gonna want to do it that much more couse you all upset about it everyone has there own way or choices

How old are your kids?? Whose house is it?? Simple solution. If it’s your house, ask them to please refrain from smoking pot, even though it might help their elderly bodies. If it’s their house, shut your trap. If you don’t like it, don’t bring them there.


Go outside and smoke with em you sound like you’d benefit the most! Smh


Whatever you do don’t take the people away from the babies our grandchildren my nieces and nephews our youngsters there’s a light of Our Lives I’ll refrain from smoking around them but if it’s outside like the other lady said what’s the point of this post


Don’t listen to ppl saying smoking inside is ok they can’t get second hand drunk but they can get second hand high as a pot mom I smoke outside if it’s bud and inside but blow my smoke out when it’s the vape it also depends on age if they are old enough like 15+ and don’t mind who cares I say 15 and not 18+ bc I have cousins around that age smoking or started

But I’m guessing if they drank a beer or smoked a cigarette it’d probably be just fine right?


Are they watching your kids without you around? If so and you are uncomfortable with them getting high or even drunk around your kids. Don’t send your kids there without you period! If you are around and they are outside that is their choice. But if they are watching your kids they need to be able to drive them to the hospital if something were to go wrong and they can’t do that intoxicated by whatever their choice of weed/alcohol. If you don’t like being around it yourself then don’t go over and visit them.

Atleast they aren’t smoking meth


My momma smoked weed my whole life and I turned out just fine. She didn’t even smoke it outside. So I’d say they will be okay.


If they are out side n kids inside what’s the problem? Not like the kids are staring out the window asking what are they doing what are they smoking I assume ur kids are are young n probably care less and wouldn’t pay no mind even if they were outside around it

As long as they aren’t smoking In the house :woman_shrugging:t2:

If it’s their house it’s their rules. Simple. I used to smoke pot and it was inside but not anywhere near my kid ( I was in the laundry at the back of the house) it’s weed, not a needle .


Hell no. It’s not ok for them to get a second hand high from that! I’ve had people I know lose their kids over that. Definitely not worth the risk!


As long as dont do it in front of the kids and not in the house it should not matter.

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Don’t like it don’t bring them there pretty simple to your complaint. At least they smoke outside and sure it doesn’t change anything about the way they take care or treat People


Outside? And at their own home? I’m not seeing the problem :woman_shrugging:


Are you ok with them drinking alcohol around your kids?


I would rather my kids be around a bunch of people smoking pot rather than people drinking


Then don’t bring them around there. It’s 2021 and legal in a lot of places.


You’re kids snacks might be in a danger but that’s probably about it :woman_shrugging: they aren’t smoking in the house or around the kids. Don’t like it, don’t send them


:roll_eyes: they went outside, at their own property.


I dont think you need to be concerned if they’re doing it outside. As long as they take off what they were wearing outside while around your kids, your kids will be fine!

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I mean, they’re not around them if they’re outside and the kids are inside…. :thinking:

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I have 0 tolerance for people getting high when they’re supposed to be caring for my kids.

I’m surprised people on here are okay with it, honestly.

If my kids are going to be in your care, you’re going to be sober or ill find childcare elsewhere. Family or not.


Stoners are perfectly fucking able to care for kids yall need to calm the hell down and stop believing propaganda

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Nope. I would not allow

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To each their own. But I’m laughing at the comments about second hand smoke. They aren’t even in the house… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well in my family we do both. Smoke pot and drink when we are together. But theres about 20 of us at a time in one place and there is always 4 people not drinking or smoking pot minus the 8 kids. In all honesty we pay attention more when drinking or smoking pot. BUT that is just us. We do smoke cigarettes inside and pot inside but we converted the garage into a smoke room/man cave. We also have one exhaust fan to pull a smoke out of the room. We will be installing two more. 🤷🤷


I bet half the people on here saying no to smoking pot while having their kids probably drink… while having their kids :clown_face:


Maybe you should smoke with them…


It’s…weed… not heroin :woman_facepalming:t2:


Your kids will be fine. You, on the other hand… :woman_shrugging:t2:


I would not like it at all.

Your decision. Apparently it’s been happening for a while and you’re not comfortable with it so now you’re asking. So I don’t know how old the children are and I don’t know how your lifestyle is so you have to decide what lifestyle you want to have for you and your children. So continue going there and being uncomfortable or continue to not go there and explain why &.let the chips fall where they may. Only you know what you can live with for your future & the future of your children.


It can calm the kids down its harmless .


A big No from me, people get fined for even smoking cigarettes in the own cars if they have kids with them, and medical pot is available here in script, but I certainly don’t or didn’t smoke around my grandkids, I don’t smoke at all now, but I only smoked cigarettes and I smoked outside of my own house as well


Imagine all the feds reading all of this and how many people will get raided, I think it’s an hilarious topic to post on fb, but hey, I got nothing to hide


If they are outside no biggie


You literally just answered your own question… if you are not comfortable with it then don’t let it happen. They are YOUR kids. No one else needs to tell you what to do.


FUCK NO! No smoking period no matter what it is. Keep it private and properly aired out. I grew up with severe migraines almost everyday and smoke was a trigger. My oldest sister smoked like a chimney. I’d be in pain so much sometimes from the migraines that I’d vomit and get diarrhea. When I was a teenager I had friends who smoked pot. If they started smoking then I would have to leave because the smell triggered my migraines as well.

Then take your kids to a park so they are away from all of that. Its not a good environment or role model.


My family did it all the time when we was growing up as long as it isn’t in the same room

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Some of these comments sounds like y’all need to smoke some weed sheesh.


I personally wouldn’t be ok with it, it’s still illegal here. But it’ll also depend on how high they get. Same with alcohol, people shouldn’t be wasted in front of kids.


I don’t smoke pot but I love the smell of it! Go outside & breathe that shit in, you might calm down :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I don’t see an issue it’s outside. My grandparents smoked weed around me growing up not always outside n I turned out Ohkay🤷‍♀️


I personally don’t smoke but I don’t care as long as it is smoked outside and my kid can’t get into it

As long smoke outside not inside with kids I think that’s ok with me .but this is your decision to make and and only yours xx

Does your family drink at Christmas dinner? Wine beer spiked egg nog? Cause really its the same thing


just the same as a couple of drinks…x

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Well it’s not illegal in my state anymore, and you said they were doing it outside. That takes away the unhealthy factor for the kids. As long as you don’t leave them high in charge of the kids, what difference does it make?

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I say mind your business :woman_shrugging: they are outside. Wtf!


Your boundaries are your own, and you should be able to make that decision. If you feel uncomfortable, don’t take your kids over there. Idk why they can’t wait until the kids leave to do that tbh since they know it makes you uncomfortable


I don’t personally have a problem with this.

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Outdoors only and where the kids are absent.

Both me and my partner smoke for our mental health and other medical issues and recreation and it doesn’t effect our ability to take care of our kids. The only thing I’d worry about is them eating the kids snacks lol


So you don’t feel comfortable with your kids around them just because they smoke pot??? This world is full of craziness and if pot was all we had to worry about then we’d have no worries.


It is legal in my state and my neurologist told me to use it, but I still don’t in front of my children. I go outside and try to wait until the end of the day ( no driving exct)

But I’m sure your OK with them having a few beers openly around the kids. :unamused::unamused::unamused:



As long as they aren’t smoking inside with the kids inside I’m fine with it.


Sooo. My question is…. How long have they smoked? While they were raising you (or your partner). How’d you turn out? Good? Then what causes your issue? I live with 3 grown men who smoke daily. You know what I’m worried bout with my 8 year old when they smoke? That they play too much and annoy me with their stupid jokes that only they and the 8 year old can laugh at. Lol


It’s none of your business.

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I wouldn’t allow it, just because it is legal everyone now is okay with it. … I don’t allow cigarette smoke around my granddaughters either… and for those saying alcohol is no different? Well yes it is … smoke is dangerous for the lungs , especially in kids , second hand smoke is just as bad as smoking … and weed can get ur kids high , by contact high… this world has gone nuts… if someone drinks around a child once in awhile or a beer a night is not hurting the child ( it only effects the one drinking) but smoking pot or cigs does … no matter if they smoke outside they come in with it all over them and pick ur kids up … only thing is if it is their house, not much u can say or do except not go there … if at your house make sure they know no smoking anything on your property…


You seem a tad uptight, go smoke with them. It’ll help, I promise.


As long as the kids don’t see them rippin huge bongs. I wouldn’t worry. Having a joint the kids are seeing no more then a random at the shops smoking a ciggy. So who cares.
They aren’t tripping out on pot they aren’t going to put the kids in an unsafe environment like meth or something would make someone feel.


I grew up with my mother hiding her marijuana use and it was absolutely detrimental to me. I thought she was using hard drugs… then I thought she must just do it to get away from me. As far as thinking she was using hard drugs because I was so difficult. I carried this heavy secret I couldn’t talk about until she had a conversation with me and became open about it.
I smoke medicinally as an adult. I don’t smoke near my children (because ALL smoke is bad for your lungs and they know that) but I certainly do not hide it. I’ll watch them play at a distance while I smoke. They know exactly what my bong is and what marijuana is. They know why I smoke it, they call it medicine and are allowed to ask me not to if they need my attention. It never comes before them. I also NEVER lie about it to them(or about anything). It has worked out so well.
Hiding anything from your children or lying to them never works. They’re smart and will ask other people questions you refuse to answer.


I would not allow it. Smoke is bad for their lungs, second hand smoke is worse. It doesn’t matter what it is. If a child can’t advocate for themselves, our job as parents is to protect them. Now, if they decide to start smoking when they are older, that’s their choice, but as children. No.


If you aren’t comfortable with it that’s all that matters. If that’s not a lifestyle you want around your kids that’s your choice. I don’t understand why people have to be so disrespectful about it. Just because some people smoke and you’re fine with it doesn’t mean everyone else is. Tell them you’d appreciate it if they weren’t doing it when the kids are over.


They are safe from smoke. Obviously they care enough to step outside to ensure their safety. That alone should help you understand that they are safe.


Personally I wouldn’t allow it …

They smoke outside…at their own home… what’s the issue?


It’s legal so is that like saying it’s not acceptable :joy: is all I rather someone go outside n smoke then I would someone staying inside popping pills just a thought

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As long as they are not close to you I don’t see a problem it’s just pot

If they smoke outside who gives a damn

Would this even be a question if grandma was having a glass of wine???


They are smoking outside not inside, personally I don’t see a problem with that weed doesn’t make you crazy and most people know how much to smoke and not to smoke, if your ok with having drinks then weed shouldn’t be a problem as long as kids are not inhaling smoke there inside while they are outside


My parents smoked pot in house and in their vehicles as my siblings and I were with them honestly didn’t do anything to us maybe chill us out.

I think the overwhelming percentage of laugh reactions says it all.

It’s fine by me as long as they can function if they are the ones watching the kids…pot doesn’t rly make people act crazy…maybe they will make nachos for everyone

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Why is this even a question, anyone with enough common knowledge should know that smoking anything around your kids is not good for them


I would not agree to this at all.

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Poor role modeling whether inside or out.