Legally what can my ex do?

You need an international lawyer and one that knows Hague convention law. These are usually family law attorneys that know this.

The uk isnā€™t a great place to live right now. Are you sure?

Consult with Legal Aid or aka Solicitor in your country?

See an attorney. Donā€™t ask for advice on FB.

Have you contacted legal advice? If not, do so ASAP

Donā€™t know about the UK but here in America you can go to court and quietly get full custody of the baby. I know it can be done. I did that several years ago. Try and file the paperwork yourself. But talk to an attorney. Mine told me how to do this myself. Once you bring attorneyā€™s then he will be notified. Try and get back home as fast as you can and file that paperwork. People telling you he needs a father, yes he does but not one who will kick him out of his home. There is a reason he is not having sex with you. You just donā€™t know her name yet.

Definitely cannot take baby away !! As long as you are a great mom!!

a childā€™s parents are not married when the child is born, the mother automatically has parental responsibility and the father acquires parental responsibility if: He obtains a parental responsibility order from a court.Dec 17, 2019 ā€ŗ library
What rights does an unmarried father have? -

This sounds made up to me

Legally he can take you to court and go after full custody, you would have to show up, if you did not show up the judge could grant him full custody, and then with a court order he can come and legally get your daughter. You need to speak to an attorney because if he files for full custody and you miss the court date he automatically will be granted full custody, and wouldnā€™t even need an attorney, also being in another country you may never see the papers as they could go to your last none address that the courts would find. You need legal advice because since you moved over seas things can be very tricky for your daughter, also its your word against his and despite what you say he could out the blame on you and say you up and moved without letting him know you was moving out of the country. Also each state can have different laws and as a father he does have certain rights, legally unless you can prove he is dangerous then no matter what a court will grant him some type of visitation, sadly makes things harder on you because if you refuse then he can get you in contempt of court and it all become a legal battle, but sounds like there is more to the story, as in you are refusing him to now see his daughter so he has threatened you. As she was born in the US and is a legal US citizen you may have to come back to the states to go for full custody.

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Get a lawyer and keep your intimate personal details out of the public forum. I also must say if he suggested I " go back to my country" I would take my baby and do that.! Especially if your country is the United States of America.! It would be very hard to come here and take your baby as long as youā€™re being a good parent. Best wishes.!

Youā€™re an asshole. Kids need both parents. Period.

Honestly, most states allow joint custody. Do not leave the country with his child without going through the courts to establish a schedule for both parents! You need an attorney to help you navigate this.


Based on your wording, it sounds as though you are not married to the father of your child; however, if his name is on the birth certificate, only a DNA test could determine him not to be the father, for custody purposes. If he is the father, then you will need to handle the custody matter before making any plans to leave the country, and in doing so that usually restricts the custodian parent from leaving the country, in order to comply with visitation rights of the other parent. On the positive side, the father would be be required to pay child support. If you donā€™t settle the custody matter before leaving the country, you leave the door open for him to go to court in your absence, gain full custody of the child, and then extradite the child back to the UK.

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No matter where you live get an attorney! Only they can give you the information and advice you need.


Iā€™m in the UK :uk: Weā€™ve had mothers who havenā€™t been able to have their children returned when the roles have been reversed and given mothers are more favourable by a long shot. I highly doubt he has a leg to stand onā€¦ Of course, if he does track you down heā€™d need a dodgy passport for the child to take him back to the UK anyway. Ensure you report to the police and ask it to be logged rather than taken further. It will help you. Good luck :crossed_fingers:


I know in Colorado if there is no parental agreement through the court it is 50/50 custody. If he takes the kid you can not press kidnapping charges nor will the cops do anything because it is 50/50 rights at that point. I would call a lawyer just to have it documented. You do have a strong case because you are the mother and he threw you both out. Good luck :heart:


I know someone who lives in uk

Get a good lawyer is all I can say cuz Iā€™m sure he will get one and he could claim kidnapping where u left the country if u donā€™t have the proof ur told u to

Be very careful as a friend off mine went to uk and her hubby said she could take kids and then changed his mind out off spite. Check to see what your country has in regulation to protect your rights as she had he kids taken from her as she didnā€™t have it on paper.


If your not married u have no worries. He can petition court for custody or visitation but u ultimately can live where ever u want. And I wouldnt worry one bit since he suggested u move back home.
I would also call a u.s. attorney. Most will answer questions free over the phone and tell u what u need to do or not do.

If you have proof heā€™s said stuff like this take it the police then try and apply for custody :two_hearts:

I am from the uk, he would have to have a court order to stop you and itā€™s only usually granted if itā€™s not in the childā€™s best interests

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I take it your not married. If not you can leave only when married its different we have been though this

If he is on birth certificate he can claim kidnapping if out of country. Iā€™d go for full custody and get an attorney to protect your rights. Donā€™t allow him unsupervised visits until all is finalized either. Donā€™t beat yourself up. You tried. Need to finalize things. If you think he is a threat get a court order. Iā€™m not from the UK so I donā€™t know the laws.

You need to contact a lawyer in your country and do things legally so he canā€™t take your baby away

See a lawyerā€¦ immediately!!! They can tell you your rights and responsibilities. They will also help you address the threats. Be very careful and if they suggest some sort of safety planā€”do it!!!

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Stop posting your drama and dirty laundry on social media. Get an attorney. For proper legal counsel hire a lawyer.


If the child was born here in the United States you cannot leave the country with the child without permission from the father fathers have rights too Facebook isnā€™t the right place to be asking for advice or for legal help if I were you I would get a lawyer and go for custody of the child

You need a lawyer, some do a one hour consultation free, take advantage of that

Go filr for custody n help before he does. Also fi for child support. Go talk to a lawyer ASAP.

Deputy told us if there has been no custody hearing and rules set in place you can go with the baby.

Also keep proof of any and all contact. Especially threats

That baby needs to know itā€™s father, do the right thing.

File abandonment first and foremost

Last I knew he would have to file in the state/ country the child lives in so I agree the embassy or an attorney would be best

Anne John What right has he got If he kicks!!!.. Her and their 2 year old Baby out on the street !!!..After a 5year relationship then say to her she should go back to her country . Which she has done.
I hope she getā€™s proper Legal advice for herself and her baby. A Good Man Donā€™t Throw His Baby Or The Mother Out.NASTYā€¦

Well he made threats tape him threating you .prove paper trail get lawyer .and u have right to defend your self child if he tries to hurt you

My want to consult an immigration atty or your countries consulate in Washington DC

I donā€™t know the laws in the UK. Get a lawyer or counsel. Find out your rights.

Are you married to this person ?