My 10-Month-Old Has Suddenly Become Really Mean: Advice?

He’s only teething, makes babies a bit grumpy but it’s a passing phase. Get a teething ring of you didn’t already and govt extra cuddles and kisses. Baby still loves you just growing up

No wonder so many kids are biters and can’t go daycare like normal kids… cause y’all really out here just hugging them and telling them it’s ok :rofl::rofl:

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Snack his hand and tell him NO in as stern of a voice as you can. My 2nd son is 16 months and I dont have any of those problems anymore simply by smacking his hand and telling him No. Now all kids a red e different so what works for one may not work for another. But you can try. You have to be firm. And consistent. Everytime he does it, smack hand, no.

Just try to remember that children crave attention. I’ve had situations with all 4 of my boys and nipped it in the bud using the walk away method that has been mentioned already.
First, I’d suggest trying to help with the teething pain. Frozen fruit is good. My go to. Or a Sophie giraffe toy was two of my boys favorite. Good luck and don’t get discouraged. You’re doing a good job. :grinning:

Are there other people living in your household. (Children or other relatives) or is he bring left at daycare/sitters who may be hurting him??

All it takes is ONE abusive person to a baby to “teach” a baby to hit, punch, bite, etc.
Check that FIRST and verify who’s with your baby.

Eliminate those people from your baby’s life.

Baby’s aren’t “naturally” mean. Show consistency by holding his hands or mouth away from you the second he acts this way, and consistently telling him “hands are for gentle touching”, or “mouths are for gentle kisses”.

FIRST and foremost verify (with cameras if necessary) the actions of other people around him. Child abusers unfortunately are often those “closest” to babies.

My kids used to try and do all that the hair pulling I’d tug their hair and tell them no and how it hurts everytime they did it. The pinching and scratching resulted in a tap on the hand and told no it hurts. And the biting would end in a pat on the butt and told no it hurts everytime. I know sounds horrible but they have to learn that doing it in general is not okay.

Okay I might be the worst mom ever but I would do it back. Not hard of course but so they could understand what ouch meant… And if they were older than 4 the sibling they bit got to bite back…we had alittle talk first so it wasn’t straight on Donkey Kong but they got the message…They do not understand that what they are doing really does hurt! And then I would say how does that feel? Oh it hurts? Well it hurts me!

This normally happens because the baby is frustrated and can’t communicate try teaching him some basic sign language to help him communicate better. You can find basic sign language for babies on YouTube. My daughter is two and we use sign language to communicate with her she just started speaking recently and if it wasn’t for the signs things would have been really rough.

Is there a pattern to the biting, and hair pulling, is it usually before nap or meal time. It could be that the baby is tired and hungry, try putting it to sleep with some milk❤️ all the best

I’m in the same boat. My 10 month old tries taking off my glasses and then when I don’t let him take them off my face he smacks me or scratches my face. I punish him by putting him in the crib, he hates being in there when he’s awake.

When he try’s to bite you, stick his own arm in his mouth so he bites himself. Sounds so mean but he will get the picture that it hurts.

Alot of babies/toddlers go through this phase. I dont feel like you need to discipline your 10 month old. Lol.

When my twin daughters did this I would first grab their hand or their face gently and tell them no in a stern way and say we love each other then I would grab their hand put it on my check gently and say again we love each other and are gentle then I would slide their hand across my face gently and smile they need their negative action to be replaced with a positive action

Simply put him down and walk away and start a totally different project wait a few minutes and be very clear that that is not acceptable. If he cries let him cry. You may have to do it alot. But he will get it. :thinking:

Okay, I have boys and only one out of the two was a biter and hitter. All I did was yell out and cry, then run a few steps away. I can be a bit dramatic sometimes, but it worked. I would also throw myself down on the ground and have a toddler fit as well. They looked on in horror and never pulled that card on me ever again. :joy: now I have two young men that can deal with a crazy women​:joy: find the parenting style that works for you and your family.

All you people out there saying be nice about it tell them no no even though they’re ripped a piece of your hair out that’s what’s wrong with the kids nowadays be nice to them don’t show them there’s consequences, b******* they pull your hair you pull their hair back you’re an adult you know how hard to pull just so it hurts a little bit and then you tell them see it hurts don’t do it to me. If they do it again you pull it a little bit harder that means they didn’t learn from the first time. If you don’t show them there are consequences when they’re little, when the consequences would be small then they learn they can do what they want when they get older and the consequences get bigger like death or jail!!! Nip it in the butt when you have a chance to when a little tug on the hair or a minor bite on the arm to show them there are consequences remember you’re an adult!!!

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When my kids pulled my hair to obviously be mean, I pulled theirs back. If they bit me, I bit them back. It breaks the behavior.

You can break them from biting the same way. Bite them back. Just have to be sure you bite hard enough to hurt.

You just have to be persistent keep telling them no , it doesn’t happen with the first no, you are the teacher they are the student they are born in this world knowing absolutely nothing , don’t say something you can’t follow thru on. ( your in time out for ever , etc. ). I had four children, it takes time! You can do it!

Grab his hand, gently but firmly, when he grabs your hair and give him a loud stern NO. You have to let him know it’s not okay or it will continue and maybe even get worse. YOU are the boss.

Is he irritable or angry when doing all this? It could just mean he has stomach issues or something. Babies can’t speak for themselves and we need to look for cues in their behavior and crying.

He can’t communicate his feelings. He is in pain from his teething. Get him some tylenol

I would set my kid down in a safe spot, tell them that it hurts and ill come play when they are ready to be nice and walk away

Tell him
No! If you haven’t yet and can’t at 10 months…you’re going to be lonely as people aren’t going to want him, hence you around at 2,3,4…10,11,etc because they Will say No to him and you’ll freak out and get bad at them, not your son

Just tell him that’s bad abd gently grab his hand and pull it tellong him no that his actions are bad. Mine always stopped fairly soon I think uts a fase all for of mine did that it will be ok he loves moma

Smack his little hand hard enough for him to get the point, and say no Everytime. Eventually he will know what no means.

Does a baby that young even know or understand what you atr saying. He might understand the word no cuz he’s probably heard it a lot. Explaining to him or talking to him doesn’t seem like he would even understand.

Your baby is growing up. This too will pass.

My 7m old does this and we tell him NO be gentle and show him how to “be nice”

First time a very loud firm NO
Second time? Loud firm NO and put baby down and walk away

Don’t react to it. That’s what he likes. It amuses him. He’ll stop when he stops getting a reaction.

Do mankind a big favor. Put the child up for adoption to someone that will discipline and teach. If you can’t control a 10 month old, how you gonna control a teenager?

Say no firmly and grab his hand firm enough to get his attention but not to actually hurt.

Ur 10 year old needs his ass whipped

Tell him to stop a couple of times, if he doesn’t, spank him on the butt

Have him checked for sensory integration issues.

…so welcome to parenting lol

My daughter, now in college, started pulling my hair when she was 3 months old. Every time. She did it I would pull her hair back until she cried, and would say, “ if it hurts you it hurts mommy!” Her dad would get so mad but soon she stopped pulling my hair

One of the preschoolers in the preschool Im a teacher assistant at is the same way. He thinks ita funny every time you say ow after he yanks your hair or after he hits you. We keep saying thats not nice or we use gentle hands. And we keep demonstrating gentle hands. He and the other children in our school are delayed and he is also blind but he knows what hes doing he just thinks the reaction is funny.

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flush him down the toilet

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do it back to him. hell learn quick

the people who are saying they bite and pull the babies hair back🤮 THE FUCK is wrong with you🙄 I don’t want you to do this to me so imma do it back to you and expect you to not do it again🙄 ACTION TO REACTION

Hinesh Kumar Sadhna Kumar seems familiar

You let it happen so now don’t complain!
How can you not bring a 10 month old under control?
You must be some kinda dumbass!!

I have raised 2 child of my own plus a younger brother. None of them did anything like it. Children knows even at age of 3 months that they can manipulate u. Babies does what u do and copy us. Each time babies that that put the child to the playpen. Just like a dog u teach em to obey. Childrens are not stupid. Same way as babies they will try.

Has he had a change of mediation or diet?

You are teaching him by this behavior to be violent!

He’s too young for complex verbal reasoning. Think again…

If they are old enough to nite they are old enough to learn not to bite. Trouble today is the teaching that supposed babies are stupid. I have memories from around 1 year old and I recall knowing right from wrong at a very early age. My mother taught her children early. If you don’t have a child under hand by 3 you probably won’t have.

Babies are Smarter than we think! Lol! The word NO is probably one of the 1st words they were taught or at least mine were. I’d be damned if I allowed my Babes to Continue to Pull Hair, Bite ect. They learned quickly and Don’t have to be Abused in the learning Process.