Having issues with my almost 2yo too (2 nov 5th) they’re testing boundaries and are looking for reactions. However…I have a rough 5yo son too as much as I try to let my youngest see me correct him when he gets crazy so he can see “that’s not going to be fun if I have to go to bed/chair/corner/etc maybe I shouldn’t do that.” It’s never too early to start teaching them. Good luck!
Get his ears checked. He may need tubes or have an ear infection. Get his tonsils and adenoids checked as well. My sons were like this and then when they either got tubes or tonsils removed, it was like night and day. Before my sons could express their pain in words, they’d get frustrated and hit you. That’s how I could tell when an ear infection was coming on.
Someone needs a child development book
He is looking for the reaction.
I tell my daughter no with a sad face and tell her shes being a meanie and that we dont act meanies
I totally agree with Katrina smack his hands.
I bet the kid too is just protesting Endsars
I grab my sons hands and we say “we use gentle hands, nice hands. we dont hit. we dont grab” and I gently show him how to pat or rub my face or arm. its all about stopping the action and using repetition and redirect to something that can get physical with. maybe go outside for a bit and get some energy out. throwing a ball around or something. sometimes I let my older son punch pillows. give them an outlet that is safe. check out Janet Lansbury podcast its called Unruffled.
Kids are assholes even as infants. I always did the same to them at that age. Only ever took once with all 3 of them.
His little but u can put him on time out
Bring him for me … I’m Caribbean !!! I’ll send him back STRAIGHT
Pretend he made you cry
Mad or not idc,whoop him now I ain’t saying abuse him but tap that butt he’ll stop!
Pop those hands and tell him that’s a NO NO!!!
If they hit, take their hand a touch where they hit. Make a sad face, say do nice and rub their hand over the spot and then smile and say nice…repeat that over and over everytime…it works!!!..really!!!
When my kids were that little I just stressed that said behavior was bad and we dont do that. I might give a little pop to the hand. I’d put them in timeout too. I’d scold them and them set them in the playpen for a couple of minutes. The older they got I’d do the same and then remind them that they were mean so I dont want to play. At that point they were older than 2. I had a nephew who was 3-4 and he’d bite you so bad you’d bleed and bruise. He thought it was hilarious. I put him in timeout and later when he wants to play I’d tell him no, show him the mark and tell him I dont want to play because he bites and that’s mean.
Pop his butt and tell him “No Sir!”
I’ve done this before. Lol
Pretend to cry…say ouch a lot…tell him you love him but don’t understand why he gave you an owie…worked like a charm with my daughter
Spank him once on his bottom. And yell “No” in his face. Problem solved.
I did the biting thing, " not hard" just enough to let them not it hurt me and I never left teeth mark. Well I couldn’t leave teeth mark I never did it with my teeth in(dentures). If they pulled my hair I did the same to them, just enough to let them know it hurt, now the scratching thing I never had in issue with that, mine would pinch and again I did it to them just enough to let them know it hurt but never left a mark. After a few time of doing it back to them they stopped doing it to me!
He pulls yours you pull his . He will learn
Pretend to cry whenever he does it. Yelp out or something. They’ll stop.
smack a hand and bite back, its takes a time or two, but he will get the point
At this age, they are seeking reactions. They are kinda looking at their world as cause and effect. When he does these things he is just watching for your reaction.
Sign language is a big help! Use the three step discipline. First time they do it, grab his hand, get to eye level and sign no, hurt with a sad face, and the be gentle sign with a happy face. Second time, grab their hand, very sternly and loud enough to grab their attention, say and sign NO! And put them down. This should be done multiple times before step 3.
Step 3 is a quite different approach and not accepted by many. But I’ve worked in child care for YEARS and raised/raising 5 kids. I know what does and does not work.
Remember that what he is looking for is a reaction. So the reaction he sees you have is pain. But he doesn’t understand why you are reacting that way, only that each time he does this, he is rewarded with a reaction. So he simply has to understand why you are reacting the way you are. So next time he bites, hits, pulls hair, or pushes, sternly say no loud enough to get his attention, and do the exact thing he done to you back. It will cause him a little pain, and his developing mind will begin to understand your reaction whilst associating those actions with pain and that when he causes pain, he might recieve the same action warranting him pain. His brain will begin to realize that if the body doesn’t want to experience a painful reaction, don’t do those things.
Out of our 5 kids, we have NEVER had an issue with physical aggression because they had full understanding that if they physically hurt their sibling, we would bring that sibling with us to have a talk and that sibling would absolutely have the opportunity to do the same thing to them under supervision. So if one child was to smack another child on the arm, we would pull them together, speak with the offender about how their actions affected the other and then the sibling would get to show them EXACTLY how it hurt them. We only had to do this once with each kid (not yet with our toddler)
With all that being said, positive reinforcement will also help tremendously. When he responds back to your cuddles react with “Aww [baby’s name], thank you so much. You’re so sweet!” Anything they do nice or out of their way, be extravagant in your praises. Make big facial expressions showing happiness and joy and tell them how nice they are and how much you love them each time. I mean for each nice thing! It will blow your mind at how well they respond to positive reactions! They will want to find more ways to make you have a positive reaction.
Your doing great Momma. This stage until about 18 months is difficult. But if you stay consistent, you will not have to go through the “terrible twos or threes”.
Smack his hands with a big fat NO and a stop it… he will stop
Its amazing how many child abusers are in this thread .I feel for your kids. Some actually said hit hard ,bite, this is abuse,
I move away and sign no and direct his attention to a toy
After 5 boys, I will say I tried literally every method, and the only one that worked for me was doing it back, but obviously to their age level, and so as not to hurt them but get their attention and show it’s not nice and doesn’t feel good, then I would take their hand and rub my body where they just hurt me in a nice sweet gentle way and tell them to do nice, or touch nicely. We don’t give ouchies we give loves. It worked with all 5! Your goal is not to cause pain but get their attention and give alternative way to touch that is appropriate.
I’d put him down & walk away from him. I wouldn’t interact with him …at all …for a few minutes. You aren’t going to teach him anything by hitting, smacking or spanking him. Violence to stop violence… really? Praise him when he gives hugs, kisses, gentle touches.
Pinch him and tell him sternly NO.
any tablets or smart devices ?
Mean kids are so hard to be around. My dad told me if my kids bite, bite them back. If they pinch, pull or push… so it back. Treat them like puppies in a litter. And it’s true… little animals learn to not be mean by getting nipped, squeaked and stared down. My little man kids were only mean once. Momma bit back. Not hard, but I got their little attention. Good luck.
Grab his hair back lol jp
Man pop that booty a few times. My kids got whooping early. If you don’t want a hot behind don’t do things that get you a booty pop.
wow I can’t believe how many parents are out here biting and pulling their children’s hair wtf.
Your 10 month old baby is not being “mean.” A baby that age has almost no impulse control and they don’t yet even understand that it hurts. You just have to tell him that it hurts you and say no. If he continues you can try putting him down when he does it, to show that you don’t like it, but it’s probably just a phase. Please do not spank your baby at 10 months old. I’m not anti spanking, but you’re hitting a baby that doesn’t even know what they’re doing. Anyone that hits a baby, especially at that age, is abusive.
10 months is just too young to know exactly what he’s doing. All he knows is he does it and you react. He is just now starting to notice that I have different reactions to different things and figuring out what exact reaction means. All I ever did with any of my 7 kids was say ouchie, please dont pull mama’s hair and then move their hand away. It takes time but it will get better and as far as biting is concerned it’s all basically the same thing. He is seeing what all his teeth can b used for so with gentle and consistent guidance that will also get better. Just keep in mind he is only a baby and this too will pass.
Fuming… You ladies over here talking about hes 10 months old its child abuse. NO THE HELL ITS NOT. Its called regulatory reaction. Meaning your literally teaching your child that there is a equal reaction to every action. If he bites bite him back not hard enough to leave a bruise or anything but enough for him to understand it hurts. Its exactly the same thing as your child learning that the stove is hot. They feel the heat. Humans learn through experience its our natural adaptation. Not reacting will cause a child to continue to act out. Hes 10 months old hes not an infant. Hes probabky standing and maybe even walking by now… Think about it how did he learn to? By falling and trying again. We are creatures of habit and practice.
Pop him. Dont he a push over and show him who is boss. He will run you over for life if you dont correct him now
I wouldnt suggest the whatever he does to you, do back to him method, bc in my opinion youre confusing them telling them not to do this or that but than you do it to them! Just be stern, saying no. Put them down telling them you will not hold him if youre going to hurt mommy. Its just a faze. Testing boundaries
pop his hands just enough to startle him, not hurt him. and say stop or no firmly. he will learn.
Slap his hands when he bites or pinches you! He’ll figure it out (even at 10months) that he doing something wrong.
Maybe he’s the spawn of satan
Whoop his ass!
Maybe I’m joking, maybe I’m not
Bella, Alyssa,
He’s little it’s not mean
yea, Google “the effects of adult domestic violence on babies”. just screaming in another room causes stress, anxiety and has the EXACT SAME physiological effects as a person who has been punched in the face. just imagine what YOU’RE actions are doing to them:rage: by all means, say “no”, but you ARE abusing your BABY if you pull hair, bite or smack their hands even just a little bit too hard. idgaf what you were taught or what your grandma did & idgaf how many kids you raised! there are new studies every day. shit changes and you are not only teaching them violence, but doing irreparable, long term emotional & mental damage. while you’re Googling that, also look up separation anxiety and sleep regression… BOTH happen around 10 months!!! y’all are fucking ABUSING BABIES for shit YOU’RE doing or not doing. nice parenting:unamused: try researching & parenting classes!
Sociopath. Get rid of it.
CheŁsea Qammaniq check this out, Litu One does this a lot to you too.
Wow all you idiotic people saying bite and hit back how stupid are you ?!?!
The amount of morons on this post is HORRIFYING. Spank, bite, or hit a 10 month old.
And they literally have kids.
Spank him on his hands, and tell him no no. He will understand. If you don’t now you will later.
I think this can be very normal and if you don’t stop it right away it continues and can get worse. I responded quickly and sternly and got it under control right away. However you choose to deal with it discipline wise, be consistent. Eventually he will outgrow it.
That baby is 10 montha old… no whopping or doing the same to that baby. He doesn’t do it on purpose. Every time he tries to grab the hair, just grab his hand and tell him no, when he tries to bite do the same, move his face and said no it hurts.
My son started this too at that age. It’s attention and he’s testing you. Definitely have to be firm with him. Tap his hand if needed. My son broke out of it. But when those terrible twos start, it may come back. And my son didn’t learn this anywhere. He’s an only child and always with me.
Thats how all my kids were starting around 8 months old. Its new to them your reaction to what is happening. Ive had 4 kids they all do this for a while. Try saying no no and removing their hand from pinching or pulling. They stop when they discover something new. Try giving sensory toys.
Pycopath in the making Better find out now or in 15 years he will be on…evil lives here
Babies learn from watching others. Surely you know who your baby spends time with and therefore you should already know where he’s learning his behavior from. You’re the parent so he’s either getting it from you or whoever you’re letting him be around. Either way, it’s your own fault.
Its not unusual for babies to do stuff like this. They dont really understand that it hurts. U need to b stern in telling him no. And u also need to b consistent with it. Every time he does it remove his hand and tell him no. Every time he bites u do the same thing. Teething can b part of why he started biting and the reaction may b part of why he keeps it up. It will take a bit for him to learn that no means no but at this age there isnt a lot more u can do cuz he doesnt really understand yet.
Ok so he’s not being mean he’s being a baby! You need to TEACH him as his mother whats right and wrong. Lolol my goodness did you even read the post before you posted it, my baby is being mean HAHAHAHAHA
Most babies and toddlers go thru a biting phase. Most babies also like to pull hair They don’t understand that what they are doing is painful or improper behaviour. Your baby is still just learning the world around him.
When he grabs your hair, grab his hand and firmly say in a stern but calm voice “NO! That’s NOT nice!” Do not smile, do not speak in a cutesy baby talk voice. He needs to learn to differentiate between tones to understand what behaviours are desired and what isn’t.
Don’t yell at your baby either. You want to show him that what he’s doing isn’t appropriate- but you don’t want to scare him.
If he bites, hold his chin and say the same thing.
If your tone doesn’t seem to be enough to curve the behaviour- try doing what I said above along with putting him in his playpen and walking away. If he cries- do not try to soothe him. Let him cry for a couple minutes. Eventually he will learn that mommy doesn’t want to play if I bite her and pull her hair.
If you don’t have a playpen- use a chair u can strap him in. DO NOT use his crib because you don’t want to associate bedtime with discipline.
Some ppl will tell you to “bite them back” but that didn’t work on my daughter when she was little All it did was make her bite more! It became a game!
My son used to do this and the pediatrician told me they do it when they don’t want to be held. Sometimes it’s hard to let a baby that age roam around on their own as much as they want to but its important to let them, it’s good for their growth and development, even though it’s harder for the parent.
He has to be picking up this behavior somewhere is he around other children? At anytime babysitter? Do your research ask advice from a pediatrician as to what u can do because.the baby is still infant pulling hair biting u never do the same to him cfs finds out there could be trouble get.professional advice on what to do. Good luck
Be a parent and teach him right from wrong
Spank him if need be
Be the Parent
I think all little kids do this tell him no pretend to cry so he knows it’s hurting u
Umm…he’s a 10 month old BABY…he can’t reason.
Pull his hair, lightly, back. It hurts and he’ll figure that out when it’s done to him.
Look him in the eyes… say a stern NO with taking/holding his hand. If that doesn’t work, you may have to say NO and a ‘little’ spat on the hand. They do have to be taught… even at 10 months. Never laugh when he does it. He needs to understand it’s wrong.
The child is teething and is experiencing something new. Help to soothe is gum and see if anything changes.
Put the child down somewhere safe.
He’s testing boundries. Calmly get his full attention (eye contact) say harshly “NO.” Tell him it’s not going to be tolerated. And give him space, don’t be available for a few minutes so he can’t get you. Just little words as possible. Get your stern message out. And do it Every time. Try it. Violence begets violence. Slapping and telling him “not to hit” it’s crazy. Sending wrong message. Good luck!
I realized my 2 year old didnt understand why she was in trouble. I was mad, but she didn’t understand why. So I got her face to face and said “this is not acceptable”
My granddaughter was doing same but not was biting and now she is 17months old.she stopped by self…she started at about 9months same time start teething now most teeth come out and she stopped herself. It was hard for my daughter. When we try to stop her and she was doing more otherwise she stopped after bit…I am sure your son stop aswell. Give him some teething toys. Take care
He seems frustrated and angry. Maybe even frightened. Have him evaluated by md.
Just a “baby” n thats what babys do! read-up n be gentle, but firm! good luck!
It’s normal he’s not being mean he doesn’t know it’s wrong or that it even hurts all you can do is keep saying no and eventually he’ll stop it might take a bit but the more you say no eventually he’ll catch on it took me awhile with my daughter she’s 2 now and she just recently got out of it she used to like the fact everyone would say ouch when she did it but he will grow out of it
My 13 month old has been grabbing my hair for a while now. I do have my hair up but he goes for the small hairs at the back and yanks. I tell him no that hurts mommy. He usually does it when I’m getting him to sleep. So if he does it again I tell him I’m helping him sleep and not to hurt mommy he usually stops. The hitting/scratching he did the other night. I told him no that hurts in a strong voice. He tried again and laughed. I said again no that hurts and put him down. Just be persistent. He’s 10 months old. He doesn’t know what he’s doing is mean. But don’t label him as mean or he will continue. the others that he is doing it to has to do it the same way you do or he won’t know the difference, it has to be consistent for him to learn. Try explaining it hurts people when you hit, pull, bite. Show him gentle hands with your hands and lightly bring his hands to your arm and say gentle as you stroke your arm with his hand to show gentle hands. I’ll put him either on the floor or in his playpen. But only for a min or two. But never his bed. He needs to know his bed is for sleeping not for punishment.
I think alot of children go through this phase… my son did alot of hair pulling, pinching and slapping. They think its a game sometimes and they get a reaction out of you. Reasurre that its not nice to do those things. Don’t give out a huge reaction, show gentle gestures etc…
He’s a baby. That is normal. Just tell him no no that hurts mama
He is 10 months old
It is totally normal for them to grab and pull things
Get some sensory toys with different feels and textures when he goes to grab your hair say no and pass him one of the sensory items
He isn’t “mean” he is a baby
It’s normal, just distract him with other things when he does that. He’s just a baby, it’ll pass.
It’s normal behaviour. Put your hair up, and when he does the other stuff say something to the affect of no, or put him down for a couple of minutes when he does is. He’ll soon learn, or give him a toy.
What ever he does to you do it back to him. - in the privacy of your own home. He has to learn.
No need to be a lazy parent by biting and hitting a baby to get the message across. There are other ways to do so, it just takes a little patience and self-control on the parent’s part. This is totally normal, and he is just exploring cause and effect, so he shouldn’t be punished for something he doesn’t understand is wrong. That’s just cruel. He won’t even begin to develop impulse control until 3 years old so the only thing that works is redirection. Tell him it hurts and show the appropriate action, give him something else to bite and/or move his focus onto something else entirely. When you tell a young child “don’t do this” and that’s it, you have not given them the proper education on what they can do instead, and when you perform the very action you don’t want them to do in an effort to teach them not to do it, then you’re just confusing them. They still think biting and hitting is ok, just not to do it to you because they now fear you will hurt them.
He is young and donr even understand being mean yet. Just take his hands away, say ouch that hurts, gental hands and stroke the area hurt. If you are holding them put them down immediately or if plying step away. Say We dont hurt people.
Continued, repetative correction works without spanking, Hitting only breeds more hitting.
In a daycare situation we have to learn to correct without spanking or hitting and it works.
Normal behavior- once babies start with cognitive behavior their brains are constantly learning and evolving… a ten month is NOT going to know that grabbing and pulling hair, biting, etc are painful… I wouldn’t even call your ten month old “mean” when he doesn’t know what being “mean” is yet… I would try being consistent and follow with correction with the behavior that is being done… distraction and giving a baby focus on something else is also a good alternative to getting the behavior to reduce BUT your baby is learning… when he does this tell him “ouch this hurts please don’t pull, bite, etc”and be consistent about it…continue to do this and correct him whether it’s moving him to where he can’t bite or pull hair… honestly I kept my hair up (mom hair lol) until this stage was done…I used the word “ouch” and “hurt” a lot whether it was to correct behavior or if he got hurt (bumping head falling etc especially when they’re beginning to be more mobile and start walking) and eventually your baby will put those words to mean the same thing (mom uses “ouch” when I bumped my head crawling mom uses “ouch” when I pull her hair)hopefully that makes sense… u just have to be consistent and Remember he’s little and he’s developing… just wait until he bites u and means it when he’s 3
I would just hold my kids hands and tell her she needs to find something better to do with her hands. No intense reaction on my part, just stated it. I always thought it was just her figuring out cause and effect, if i pull on moms hair she squirms funny. Lol that young, they just dont know better, you have to teach them.
Good grief. This can be eliminated within two weeks if you and your care team (sitters, grandma, whoever) are consistent. When he bites or pulls hair, remove the offending hand or mouth gently but firmly, look them in the eye and say in a calm and firm voice, “No! We do NOT bite/pull hair. That hurts.” And you put them down -gently- in a playpen or crib with something they can play with. Yes, they might cry, that’s ok, let them. Remove your attention. It will work.
My advice is to say “no we don’t hit mummy please” calmly but firmly. Also I would create a distraction. Important thing is not to encourage the behaviour by laughing etc. Please don’t worry mine went through the same phase it’s completely normal
He is too young to understand that what he is doing hurts or is bad
It’s normal but I started pulling my daughter hair back when she done this( not hard but you know just enough she give me the “did you really just do that” look ) and I popped her hand every time she tries to slap or scratch,
It amazes me all the people saying a 10 month old doesn’t mean to do something…really?
I watched my daughter intentionally get her brother in trouble at 10 months old! She was in her play pen, and he was 8 feet away watching tv while I cooked dinner, she started screaming and pointed at him like he hurt her… I came in the room, and of course yelled at my son. He told me he didn’t touch her. He wasn’t a child who lied a lot so I peeked around the corner to “spy” on the situation, sure enough… she was trying to get him in trouble!
Babies are a lot smarter than we realize, and they can be taught right from wrong! While I certainly don’t think spanking is an option for a toddler, it’s amazing how quickly they learn when they understand the consequences for their actions. If you show a toddler that biting hurts, they will often stop. I’ve seen a toddler laugh because they pulled someone’s hair, but as soon as you pulled theirs it wasn’t funny anymore and they stopped pulling hair. Children develop very quickly at that age and they are constantly learning new things, they can learn right from wrong just as easily as they can learn how to ask for a bottle.
I purposely put my hair in a bun because my babies all pulled my hair all the time if I didn’t. Biting? I know all my kids went thru the stages of biting because they’re teething. I always made them stop what they were doing and I would say no sternly. They would always look at me and cry. They did that because I always talk nice with them any other time…except for the behavior I needed to change. I remember them scratching too! Same concept. Try not to pay much attention to the behavior you want to change. If they see they get too much attention, they’ll keep doing it.
When my daughter had the same problem I told her to say “OUCH, THAT HURTS” loudly and sit my Granddaughter on the floor. This worked after a few times
Any time my son starts hitting or being mean I just cuddle him and hug and kiss him like crazy and say no we are nice to mommy we use nice hands and I pet my hair or arm with his hand Nicely and change his attitude that way.
When my son did this, I would say nooooo, that’s not nice! I would use a very stern face. If he did it again, I’d put him back in either his playpen or in the floor. Wait a bit. If he wants back up, try again. Keep repeating until he understands that you won’t cuddle or play if he’s mean. Just my humble thoughts
I pulled hair and bite back. At that age they don’t understand that it hurts other people when they do it to them. You don’t do it hard, just enough to make it uncomfortable for them so they get the point.
Its just a behavior that has to be broken. He has to be taught and told every single time. It has to be consistent. He has to learn that it is not ok behavior. I have 7 kids and worked childcare for 7 years. They can most def be taught!!
When my oldest bit me I bit her back not quite as hard as she bit me. She got me on my inner thigh so much more sensitive there. I think I did it twice before she realized “hey, this hurts”
I would yell OUCH! Then say that’s not nice! Put them down and “ignore” for a min then try again… If the behavior continued I would pretend to cry, next u know they were crying and lovin on me unfortunately with babies they don’t fully understand what they’re doing causes pain to others so just gotta keep repeating yourself very expressional and they will get it