My daughter won’t sleep at a decent time. She is ten months old and will not go to sleep until 11-12 at night! I’m not with her during the day because I work, so I don’t know how much she sleeps. She wakes at night to feed, but that isn’t the problem; the problem is she will not settle down to sleep when I give her a bath at around 8:30-9. It is messing with the way I sleep because she will not want to settle down and stop playing until almost midnight every night. Is there anything I can do to get her calmer and ready to sleep?
Try and use the lavender baby bath, not sure if you have tried it or not, it does help.
You can try a relaxing bedtime routine, the relaxing essential oils, instructing to reduce naps during the day to care givers, etc., but some babies are simply hardwired to be nocturnal. I was and still am and it’s believed to be a left over instinct to ensure there were always members of the pack who were alert at night to guard over everyone else while they slept to protect the camp from predators.
My pediatrician told my mom as long as I couldn’t get out of my crib, didn’t try, wasn’t upset, was content to lie there and talk to myself, etc., to let me coo quietly in my crib and get some sleep.
All parents are different as are all babies… I would just lay baby in crib at the bedtime u set. Tell them it’s bed time now and stick to that routine. Bath, book, bed. After a few/many cycles they will adapt n understand that’s the way it’s done n it is what it is.
Somersault her she has her days and nights mixed up
Ask your daytime care giver to not let her nap much. Set a routine. Bath at 8, read a book, soft music with lights out. It can take a while, but she should get used to it. And yes, it is ok to let her cry for a while. The more you go in to check on her, the longer she will stay up. This is how I did it for my 4 kids. Hope you get her schedule fixed soon.
First check her sleeping hours with who she’s with during the day.
Second… Pure Lavender & Cedarwood Essential Oils either in a spray for her pillow or diffusing it will knock her out.
It works on adults & kids & it’s safe bcus it’s natural. Just mk sure it’s pure & organic.
Have the nanny change her sleeping habits during the day for earlier or no naps at all for about a week to reset her sleeping routine
Don’t give in mom. Set bed time for 8-830 and stay with it. She needs the rest. So do you. She’ll calm Dow in a week or 2. Try reading a book , prayers then nite nite
Stick her in her crib with a few toys. She will go to sleep. If you go in because shes crying or let her stay up…you are only prolonging it.
Try bathing her earlier. She has a body clock too. So her clock says she gets tired 2-3 hours after her bath. Also try the sleep time bath soap with lavender. It works a treat.
Find out from her daytime care giver her napping hours for the day. You may have to plan activities to keep her busy during the day then lavender bath book and bedtime when you choose. She needs reset.
You could have the person watching her to put in writing what they do with your daughter through the days and readjust the nightly routine. My babies were in the pack n play around seven pm to wind down a bit then around eight a little rocking and laullaby and they were out like lights. Every baby is different so it would take a little time to get the child on your night schedule LOL
Benadryl in her bottle.
She must be sleeping during the day. Ask your caregiver if she could keep her stimulated during the day? She probably naps a couple of times a day, ask her to wake her up in an hour. This might fix your problem with her schedule Good luck tired Mommy!
Look up sleep hygein on Google. Explains how the melatonin works within the brain and affects sleep
Most likely she is sleeping during the day! Nanny or whoever rather have her sleep than babysit. Good for her BUT bad for you
Find out the nap time situation. I was having the same. Then I found out he was asleep most of the day! So I ask them no more sleep after 2 pm. Asleep by 9 now
I was a baby that done that. Everyone’s internal clock is different. I had people my entire childhood trying to force sleeping habits on me. It only frustrated me and caused my sleep to get worse. I was glad to finally be an adult and sleep when my body wanted rest.
Have to agree with the other ladies sounds like she is taking to long of a nap in the afternoons or to many naps all together.
Try giving her a bath earlier because a bath is refreshing to an adult so to a baby it can stimulate them, this is something that I went through with my son when he was younger and this is what his pediatrician said to do, you can also try using a soothing baby body wash and lotion as well
If she cries ignore her.
You are away from her all day, no wonder she wants to be with you at night. Bedtime has to work for both of you. Take her to bed with you so she gets you time without being pushed aside.
Less naps or shorter naps during the day and make sure they aren’t late naps.
With my babies when they were going to sleep that late that were taking a late afternoon nap. When I had naptime go back earlier they went to bed earlier and easier.
How about bathing her in Johnson & Johnson lavender bath gel. I’ve heard it works miracles
shes 10 months old? she shouldnt still be waking up at night to feed …
Find out the sleep schedule. You’re the mother. If she’s taking a nap right before you get there, you should know about it. Does it change on days you don’t work? Then you should know on those days whether or not she naps or if she sleeps better at night. If your child is in daycare, you need to ask what your kid is doing during the day. The “I don’t know” isn’t really an excuse.
Giving bath earlier and set her up in her bed /crib and play lullabies with dim lights
Try finding out what time the sitter puts her down for a nap , if it’s after 2 pm you will need to have them change it no napping after 1pm no matter what that way she should be ready for bed by 8pm
Are you breastfeeding? At 10 months old she shouldn’t be eating that often… But I reckon that depends on when you feed her in the evening. But she’s normal. Fighting sleep is a babies favorite thing to do at that stage. Not much you can do if you’ve tried everything and nothing works. Just gotta outgrow it
Shorten nap time… And use more energy in the later evening around 6…
Give her a bath and feed her. If she can eat other foods than formula, spoon feed her. Then, a warm bottle of tea, 4 ounces, would be good. Mint with a little bit of milk in it. Or, make some cream of wheats or oats and spoon feed her. Give her some room temperature water when done.
Its sounds like shes getting too much.sleep.during.the day how is she when your home with her on your days off?? It could be the care giver.letting her sleep too long.ask them. If not take your.pediatrician get advice good luck tired.mumsy
As a childcare provider and as a mother of 5 children, I have never and would never wake a sleeping child from their nap. Daycare is almost always loud, if they’re sleeping, they need it.
I’d find out her daily schedule from daycare then address it. She should not need mire than 1.5hr nap during day. You may also want to bath her a bit sooner, perhaps right after dinner. My son stopped naps at 12mths, bathed at 6:30, Bed by 8:30 & slept til I woke him at 6:30. Best of luck to ya.
I would bath my son with lavender bath gel & spray his bed linen with lavender spray. I would also massage him after his bath with Johnson & Johnson lavender baby lotion. Believe me it worked for my son.
What time does she wake up get her up at 5 or 6 am and not let her sleep
I have been a daycare provider and I worked in a Child Development Center and the kids had scheduled nap times. They went down at the same time everyday and woke up at the same time. As a provider I took my parents needs into consideration. Working parents need time with their children, that’s what dinner time and play time and bath time were for. Working parents also need time together, seperate from the children. My feelings were never “Get the kids to sleep and let them sleep till they wake up because the parents would never know”. Caregivers, nannys or whatever you choose to call them work on the schedule the parents set. I would be upset if my caregiver put my kid down for a nap and let them sleep for 4 hours.
Health food shop can advise you
Try patting her back to sleep, I do this with my Preschoolers and if you put her on her tummy and pat her back for about 10-15 minutes it will help so much
Soursop leaves boil in tea and give her it works and is gentle
Try doing earlier bedtime … Chamomile and lavander scents will help…i have 7 kids and found each one is different…find out what the sitters r making her nap naptime should always be before 2pm right after lunch
Its a personal theory… my kids both boys were born during the morning so they kinda did the same thing they somehow thought night time was the time to be up …well this happened between 0 n 8 months by the 10th month they were on my schedule she may just be taking her own time to regulate her circadian rhythms
Tell the sitter not to put her down so late for a nap
Find out her day sleep pattern. She might just want to spend time with you.
Talk to your pediatrician about baby melatonin. Mine suggested use for 7 days to get mine on a certain schedule and it worked. I dont reccomend giving that unless a doctor says too though!
Dnt gve her bath before sleep son used to do the same then i realised its the BATH BEFORE SLEEP tht makes him more active n fresh…days without bath before sleep he used to sleep on normal time
Your baby just don’t have a set routine, find out her sleeping pattern threw the day and bath her earlier if you can, bathing her that late at night prob ain’t helping you, it’s just refreshing her x
Try not giving her a bath so late. Water gives some children energy while others it relaxes them. Also nap time should be in early afternoon. I can guarantee that if you change these two schedules she will be in bed by 9:30pm
Leave her in the bed with the door shut. Let her cry all she wants. Will fall asleep sooner or later.
Start the bedtime routine much earlier
Ready sleep training books
Babies don’t need additional “ supplements “ to sleep
They need a consistent schedule
Ask what time she goes down and wakes up from a nap. And if you get home earlier than 830… try giving her a bath earlier around 6-630
Tell her babysitter not to give her naps
Try waking her up early in the morning
speak to who watches her. sleep during the day. try to make the
keep her busy.
Someone is allowing her to sleep to much during the day …
Who is watching her during the day? You need to ask them what her schedule and nap time is like while in their care, and then you need to alter it. If she takes a 3 hour nap, have them cut it down to 1 hour. Or maybe waking her up earlier in the morning. I think around 10-12 months my girls all slept 1 or 2 hours for nap time.
Earlier bed time/ bath time. Less sleep during the day!
Wake her up earlier or make sure she nap(s) earlier. Maybe even both
Cut out the late afternoon nap or shorten it…shes getting to much sleep during the day
If she is getting an evening nap she won’t want to sleep til late. Have whoever is watching her put her down for one nap a day. And you should know when and how much she is sleeping
Waker her up earlier, and fnd out how many naps she’s taking while your at work. May have to put her on a nap time schedule. Also if at all possible switch her bath time to an earlier time. Try also blackout curtains where she sleeps.
Whoever is keeping her during the day needs to keep her up more
Bath done by 7:30. No sugary drink or food after. Shut the lights and activity down.
I would assume she’s getting a really late nap. If possible I would try bedtime even earlier.
Time to cut naps down to one a day!
Try shutting off all the light untill she falls asleep and hold her untill she does it worked that way with all my children it might take a little bite untill the baby it’s use to it but once the baby does it woint take no time to put the baby to sleep
Make a bedtime routine and stick to it and talk to the people watching her about omitting a nap if she still takes two. If she is up all night I’d almost guarantee she is getting too much sleep during the day.
Wake up earlier…speak to who shes with during the day…maybe shes sleeping too much during the day. Bedtime routine should start around 7pm. Bath, snack, story, bed.
Sleep training is important, not only for her, but for you. You need down time. You need sleep. At 2 my little one was in bed no later then 730pm. Start the bedtime routine way earlier then 830-9pm. That’s too late in my opinion.
My daughter is in bed by the latest 9. We have a strict bedtime routine that we follow. Bath, lotion, pajamas, brushing teeth, tell daddy goodnight, and nurse to sleep. (She gets up at night but usually goes right back down) She never fights it… unless she had a late nap. They could be the problem. Most days she takes one big nap around 12. And then bedtime routine starts around 7:15. Like I said never any problems unless she has a late nap or her routine gets messed up.
Make sure who ever watches your baby isn’t letting the baby sleep past 5. And stick to a routine the best you can.
I have 9 kids and found you’ll have to battle for about 2 weeks but make it a routine it’s hard at the start but no matter how many naps they have during the day if u make it routine come the time its lights out just don’t give in when making it routine that’s how they get you once fed watered and changed👍
She is sleeping too much during the day then. Or waking up right before you get home.
Give her a bath earlier
We are early risers (5:30-6) so my twins (12 mo) have gone to bed super early for months now. They have their bedtime bottle which is their only bottle now since turning one at 6:30 and in bed by 7. Sometimes before 7. They are up by 6 if they sleep well and nap from 8-9:30 and again from 11-1. Maybe try a different daytime routine?
Bath time is too late, create a bed time routine and stick to it
Someones letting her sleep too much during the day. Make sure she plays a lot before bed. If they dont exercise they wont tire out.
We never do baths at night as it’s been a guarantee that my daughter (now 2.5 years old) won’t sleep for 3 hours after. My daughter is now in bed by 8 and sleeps til 6:30/7 with a nap 1-3. I don’t know your work hours, but I’d definitely suggest lights off by 9.
Make sure she isn’t napping too much or too late. Also, try moving her bath to another time, it may be stimulating for her.
Check on what sleep hourd are with baby sitter
She she be waking up around 7:30-8am, taking her nap around 12-2 & sleeping no later than 4pm if you want her in bed by 8-9pm.
Welcome to parenthood
I used melatonin oil 2 hours before bedtime to train her to go to sleep takes about a week or two
Try massaging her feet with a small amount of lavender oil after her bath. Pop some socks on after
Stop naps and make sure your in control ypur the parent…
I hope this directs you to a brief video…a hypnotherapist uses little tricks to help induce sleepy time.
Bathtime is definitely too late. 7 is bath time and heavy play after. 8 o’clock is when we start to settle down and eat our last bottle. 830 is when we rock in the glider and 9 o’clock in the crib whether you’re tired or not
I do home child care. What time is she getting up? For those saying she’s sleeping too much during the day- you can’t make a child sleep more than they need, but if she’s sleeping late in the morning, her whole routine is going to be later. You have to choose- late nights or early mornings. You can’t have both.
We started a routine with our girls which are 3 and 2. When they were babies we did bath bottle bed… bath around 6 or so bottle around 7/8 ish and then bed by 8:30… turn off the lights and create a calm semi quiet atmosphere. This worked well for us. And now both girls are in bed at 8:30 and usually are asleep by 9
She’s probably napping too late in the day or too long. Make a schedule to have your daytime child care follow. It could also just be a phase. My girl did this for a couple months when she was like 10, 11 months ish. If that’s the case, she’ll just have to grow out of it. Stay strong mama
Some babies just have different sleep patterns. Definitely adjust naps if needed, same routine every night, and be as patient as possible.
All lights out… Make sure lights go out. And put a movie on … know the time of the movie … so that once the movie is done… it’ll be done about 10 pm… then everything off… and night night time
Check with the babysitter.
Where is she during the day? Find out how long they are giving her for nap time? You may want them reduce the time period that she sleeps during the day.
I wouldn’t let her sleep past 2 or 3.
I found baths at night hyped up my infants thankfully not so much now their older depending on your work comments can you morning bath or earlier in the evening. I know this might be impossible but just thought I’d suggest before you start using supplements like melatonin which can interfere with her body producing it’s own
Check with your caregiver and No caffine or sugar drinks. Real fruit juice Only at breakfast. Colas have both caffine and sugar. No sports drinks either. Know what she is eating and drinking!
Schedules are super important to get started and kept especially for babies and children. Talk to whoever is watching her during the day and start a schedule like this and stick to it too.
Up at 6 am
Nap from 11-noon
nap 2-3
Dinner 5-530 pm
Playtime (30 min)
Bed 7-730 pm
If your sitter and you can write out and keep a schedule like this I promise you she will be tired by 7 pm and will be ready for bed.
This is how I have done it with my kids since they were about the same age and still do to this day but with bedtime a little later as they get older.