My 10-year-old constantly talks down to me: Advice?

Boundaries n stick rigidly to them
Teach choices equal consequences n use examples of good n bad choices/decsions
Nip things in the bud b4 they esculate
Catch em while theyre younger
10s a bit late but doable if you implement the above
IF THEY REACH HIGH SCHOOL LIKE THIS CHANCES ARE YOUVE LOST EM unless you get a really good teacher on board that will invest in them n can help you turn it around oh n ps look at the friendships shes keeping n keep a close eye on that area both in n outa school n limit/monitor fone/ laptop use … her attitudes coming from something/ somewhere good luck mama

She needs her teeth knocked out sorry not sorry


Time to bring out the belt.


It is time to ask for outside help. Make an appointment with a counselor and you go until she gets it. They are great support for you. I know many that are going through the same thing

Buckle up Moma
Its gonna get worse the older she gets

As parents of pre teens
We need to learn to pick our battles

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I ask my kids if something is going on with them or their life that’s bothering them that i dont know about. Sometimes you have to look past the behavior and wonder if theres a heart issue going on and realize theyre kids trying to navigate growing up and how to express things etc. Maybe she feels lonely because school is out. I have a 14 and 15 year old and its been a ride for sure trying to figure out how to approach things during different phases of them growing up. Ive learned to not react with feeling disrespected etc snd to see them as a person and nkt just my kid who might be going through something i have no clue about. And i have been right more than once. Even as young as 9, bullies at school, feeling inadequate or not enough compared to others etc

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She is just at the age when her hormones will start to kick in. You should talk to her about this. She may not want to talk that way to you but her body and brain are in a frenzy

What is stepdad saying about it seeing that she is more easier on hin?

Maybe he should have a chat with her…are there younger siblings involved that could be why shes feeling a certain way towards you. Please dont push her away, continue to show love and best pratise during this phase as it could either make or break her future years.

All of these people jumping to physically harming their children. Just wow …

Have you spoken to hear teachers? Is it just at home? If it’s just at home than it may be because you are her safe space. She knows that you love her and would do anything for her so she tests boundaries… Possibly when she’s had a rough day at school or something is bothering her but she doesn’t know how to talk about it. I’m not saying that this is good and isn’t hurtful in how she deals with it, but continue to discipline (NOT PHYSICALLY) and she will see that you aren’t backing down and that it’s not okay. Yes, things may get tougher as she gets older but she sounds like a good kid otherwise… Don’t give her a complex by beating her :sweat_smile:. I can’t believe half of you.

Only , You , can stop the way she speaks to you. Make her respect you and remind her that you are her , Mother !! , and she is not allowed to talk down to you.
Once this is reinforced in her brain , she will also learn to respect herself. I’ve had 5 children and they all at one time or another needed reminding . Teen years are around the corner and if this is not put in check now , you will never get control of this child.
A warming on the butt gets their attention and it’s not abuse. It’s proper guidance. Hug her a few hrs after when she’s had time to think about what consequences she left you with.
Best of luck to you both.