My 10-Year-Old Started Her Period, Do People Still Use Pads?

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"My daughter is 10 yrs old. I think she has started going through puberty. I feel stupid but are girls still using maxi pads? (The thinner ones) is there a video or book we can refer to?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I use pads as an adult. Thin ones may be more comfortable on her but you may have to try a few different brands until you find ones she likes."

"My daughter started hers at 11 1/2. She uses thin overnights. We buy the Walmart version. They work just as good at the fraction of the price."

"Yes of course nothing wrong with pads, they make thin small ones for younger girls"

"Washable cloth pads are getting more popular these days, as are silicon menstrual cups."

"I use pads, have been for years. I actually use reusable pads. They had a wide variety of choices, sizes, styles and they last forever."

"They have teen pads I mean I know she’s not a teen yet but it’s appropriate for her especially just starting out."

"Young girls seem to be more comfortable with pads. Ask her which she would prefer and explain the proper use of each. A new trend seems to be the menstrual cup. I know nothing of these. My days of needing supplies is long over."

"Pads for beginners and then eventually if she’s comfortable I would suggest tampons. There are also period underwear that you can buy and you don’t need either pad or tampon."

"It’s all my daughter uses! Look into period panties also. We got some on Amazon. They’ve been a lifesaver."

"They have “teen” pads she can try until she’s comfortable with tampons."

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