My 11 year old came out as bi-sexual: Advice?

My 11-year-old daughter just came to me recently about thinking she is bisexual. She says she likes a girl in her class, and she’s had a crush on boys. I don’t care if she likes boys or girls; I just feel she is too young to need to define what sexual orientation she is. She defines people by them being gay, lesbian, or straight. I try and explain to her they’re all still people. What they choose sexually doesn’t define them. Idk how to deal with this. She only recently turned 11. She watches a lot of stuff on youtube that I don’t approve of, but until I get my own place, she and my son are at their dad’s grandma’s, and they really don’t get involved with what the kids watch on youtube. She watches stories or plays games that define the characters through how they identify sexually. Gacha life if anyone has ever heard of it. I guess I’m just looking for suggestions… thank you.


If you think it doesn’t define a person then why do you care if she thinks she bisexual?


Your daughter didn’t choose her sexuality, just as you didn’t choose yours. Just be there to love and respect her.

The need to seek out stories regarding people’s sexuality is most likely an effort to find a place to be accepted and belong outside of the family.

Just be there to listen, any judgement or disapproval could affect your relationship down the track. At the moment she trusts you, because she shared this with you.


Shes looking your attention spend more time with her


Open honest communication. Let her lead. Just spend time listening to her Answer her questions.

As far as youtube and socal media…you and dad need to be on the same page.

Just be grateful she tells ya things momma… My daughter has always told me everythinggggg… some things were a faze, some werent… but I always let her know its ok…
I do want to say tho… mine thought she was bi when she was 13 bc alot of other girls were experimenting w it.


She’s curious about sexuality which is totally normal at that age maybe she’s hitting puberty, I started at 11 :woman_shrugging:t3:

In all honesty I knew I was bisexual at 7. I had sex with a girl long before a guy. So she could be or she could just feel that way and it could also never lead to anything with a girl too. Just be supportive


I knew I was bi in the fourth grade. Support her and love her no matter what

Let her talk to you whenever she wants without judgement or she will clam up , she’s still very young & maybe a bit confused or lonely?

You need very open honest communication with out judgement. Take it from a mama who’s son showed signs of his sexuality and likes at age 10. He came out to me as gay at 14. Ask questions like why does she think this, kids now a days know more then we realize. Her sexual preference does define who she is as whole.

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My daughter was 15 she has a girlfriend ,I accepted it but I don’t allow hickies and I saw one on her neck I didn’t like that at all no matter boy or girl ,she didn’t like the rules ran away dcfs call false statement ,short story if they respect you and whoever she chooses respects her ,believe me I been thro it she’s almost 17 this is her first relationship and she’s still with her

My 13 year old daughter got in the car last week and told me she had a girlfriend ! I said "Yay, congrats baby ! " :woman_shrugging: I will love my children unconditionally regardless !


I was bi curious since a pretty young age. I feel like it fairly common…? I’m 42. I wish I could have talked to my mom about it. Be greatful your daughter shares.


Same boat. I just read a story about a nonbinary kid being beat up in the school bathroom and it scares tf out of me. Such a tough age… I think they are definitely finding themselves right now and when I was in middle school we were finding ourselves too. Just support her and listen to her because if you don’t she might decide to stop opening up. I never talked to my parents about anything. Ever. :person_shrugging:

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My step daughter is the same exact age and watches Gacha Life all the time. She came forward to us a few months back about thinking she wants to be a boy. But all her friends are in this phase where they all think they’re bi, or gay or trans as well so we think it’s nothing more than peer pressure. They all also watch those weird youtube animes. We told her there’s nothing wrong with being a tom girl and not liking girly things which is the whole basis of why she thinks she should be a boy instead. We tell her the most unique and special thing you can possibly be is yourself. If it’s something she still is passionate about as she gets older…we’ll support it. But we have not been asking or overbearing about it and we certainly aren’t pushing any ideas onto her. She just dropped the subject on her own completely. 2 weeks later it was onto a new anime on YouTube and wanting to join the volleyball team with all her little girlfriends. As soon as her friends dropped the topic…so did she.


You don’t deal with it. She is who she is. Accept her support her and thats it. She is at an age where she is going to start liking people and if she likes both genders then she does and all you can do is support her through it


I knew before puberty so sometimes it does happen that early!

My son has said he’s bisexuality hes 12. Could be a phase or he really is coming out…no matter what I show support. He has taught me some of the pan sexual etc stuff…

I’m open with both my children…what ever they wanna do I support.

If straight people can know their sexuality and gender preferences by that age, gay people can too. Sounds to me like you just don’t wanna accept her and are coming up with excuses as to why she shouldn’t define herself.


I’ve always instilled in my kids it doesn’t matter who they fall in love with (not so much the youngest yet, only 8 but will do). What matters is they find someone who loves them for who they are, treats them with the respect they deserve and makes them as happy as their dad and I are.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them. She’s bi. Accept that as her normal life and she will be better off for it.

Just carry on loving and supporting her mama :heart:


I knew I was bisexual at maybe 10 when I started having crushes on both girl and guy characters on TV. Nothing to do with social media back then and it wasn’t accepted and no one “believed” me and it has been one hell of a road. I wish I had had games and people to identify with as I was always so confused!
Well almost 25 years later I’m still as bisexual as ever! Be happy she feels comfortable enough to tell you things! Always just be supportive and not dismissive! :hugs:


my daughter just turned 17, but told me a year ago that she’s bi and she now has a girlfriend… which is totally fine because it’s her life not mine. and I’m also gay and I knew when I was at least 8yrs old. she is who she is and nothing can change that. just let her be herself.

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I went thru this. When my daughter was that age that’s all the 4th & 5th grader was either gay or bisexual. She’s in middle school now & gotta boyfriend. But in 5th her friend kissed her another little girl got jelious & told I gotta phone call from the guidence counciler. It’s so much pressure on the girls & I felt like she was way to young. I told my daughter I would support her no matter what.

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Sexuality at 11 is disturbing… Good luck mom…


Okay I’m gonna be the black sheep here and give u straight facts. Your kid is 11. They’ve only lived 11 years on this earth. They know almost nothing but what they have seen with their own eyes. And what YOU as a PARENT have tried to teach them.

Your kid isn’t “bi” your kid is barely hitting puberty and your gonna let them decide to swing both ways??
Stop letting your children fuck up their lives and their mental states in order to fit in. Be a fucking parent. If you still have this problem at 14? 15? Maybe just decide your child will always be a follower, and they have YOU to thank for that.

Plus… Everybody is bi or gay now… Pay no attention to it… Just pay attention to her… She is 11 she should be excited about games and going to play with friends… Not about sex…

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As parents, we too have to grow with the constantly evolving world. The 11 year olds from a decade or two ago, are completely different than our teens today. Our teens live in a completely different world than we did. Whether we like it or not, we have to evolve our parenting skills/strategies to match the ever changing world. Try not to be so closed minded. We can’t control our kids every move, I wouldn’t want to anyway. Our responsibility as parents is to guide them, so when they are alone they will make the right choice. And if they end up making a mistake, they are comfortable enough to be honest. I mean she did come to you and open up about a very intimate issue, that’s a good sign. Accept it and accept her. She took a big step, now it’s your turn Mom​:blush::green_heart::green_heart::blush:


Just support her. There’s nothing else to be done except say “ok honey, I love you for you and whoever you like if they make you happy and treat you right that’s all I care about” you don’t need to go into detail or anything. Just support her.

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I feel there is so much pressure on kids nowadays to identify as sexually different. When did it become such a fad. Granted there are kids who are legitimately this way, and you love them none the less. But there is a growing number of kids who are doing to feel different or special in a certain way.


OK first of all sex and orention do not go hand in hand you do not need to have sex to know you like girls a lot of kids know if they are big or gay ect before they are a teen this does not mean she’s having sex and if you don’t care what’s the point of the question I’m not trying to be rude but you your self said it doesn’t matter so you should already know the answer just be supportive like you said you are if your unsure say that but age 11 is not too young to know who you like not to mention she’s a preteen so hormones are kicking in she’s too young to be dating in my opinion but she definitely knows who she likes


I say she knows what she likes. I came out as bi at 9 almost 10 years old. Had my first gf in high-school. Let her be happy :woman_shrugging:t3: It maybe just a phase then again she may be serious.


Ask yourself these questions: did your kid come to you above all else and confide in you? Did she look to you for support for this change that she is going through that she may not even grasp yet? Now, do you know how many kids die each day because of the lack of support that they DONT get from their families? Trust, information, knowledge, communication and understanding :heart: My kid is almost 15 and I would be lost without them. I almost was, please be their support system. The world is an ugly place & we are here to instill love and peace not hate & close mindedness.


I know someone who is going through this. She is 13. Her mom told her. Your young at the moment. It might just be a phase since its everywhere the videos of lgbq thing. She told her she will always love her no matter what but whatever she decides she will support her. I support my sister as one. My brother. They are the same people still. Told them as long as your happy im happy. Btw, I watch those videos amazing work they do with make up or those tik toks. Facebook videos.

Just support her and let her know you love her no matter what. My daughter recently came out as bisexual and she’s 11 as well. I told her “ok I love you no matter what and as long as you’re happy with who you’re with that’s all that matters”. She came to me and told me a couple months ago that she has a girlfriend and I said ok. I know the girl and she’s a nice girl. Whether she decides she wants to be with a girl or boy or both I don’t care.

My girl came out when she had just gone 11 she is now 16 and is dating a boy bit still is attracted to both sexs - ive always had a open relationship with my kids and glad she could come out so early and not hide who she is im so proud of her :heartpulse:


Love and support. All she needs.
As more and more people find this out about her, the more supportive she’ll need you to be. People are ignorant and she will struggle through bullying from children and adults alike. Support her but don’t ever ask her to hide it any more than you’d ask her to advertise it (not the same as coming out).

Listen to her mama!! It may just be a phase, but you don’t want to dismiss her. This may be who she is and she may end up dating both. Kids know who they find cute/ugly… So for those of you thinking it’s gross, grow up.

Sounds like she just admires the girl and with puberty and hormones is getting confused.

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Some of these comments are disgusting. Just be happy she talks with you… comfort her support her that is all!


I wouldn’t worry. No matter what, just love her and support her. I mean she’s not dating yet so wait until then, she will find her way.

You’re doing the right thing so far being supportive and understanding. Just keep gently reinforcing the idea to not define people by their orentation. Dont be afraid to ask her questions this will also help her understand herself abit better and help you two grow closer and maybe have a talk with their dad about being abit more stern with the grandparents about paying attention to their online presence.

Good for her for feeling proud and brave enough to share that with you. I was 11 or 12 when I knew for sure. I am now almost 30, My feelings have never changed although I am engaged to a man and have a son, he knows and supports the other part of me! :heart:

My daughter also started to get more curious about sexuality around age 11. Then we had a long discussion about how her feelings were completely natural and should she chose either sex I would be proud and love her either way. I told her I trust her judgement and that whatever she choses “in the future” is fine as long as she is not “acting” on those feelings at this moment. Communication is key. :slight_smile: Just keep the subject from becoming taboo and she will feel open to talk about it more with you.

I’ve known i was bisexual since I was like 10, I didn’t tell my mother until I was 15 because I was so nervous, and scared of being judged. And my mother told me that she was proud of me, and that she thinks it’s absolutly beautiful that I can love entirely based on who someone is, thay gender, race, appearance, etc. doesn’t matter. And that support really meant so much to me, I’m now almost 23, married with my own children. And I will absolutely never forget the support my mother gave me and what she said. She will still tell me to this day that she is proud of me. Just be there for her 100% because trust me it’s a struggle even with support, so just be there for her and make it as easy as possible for her.


Bottom line, if she came home and said she had a crush on a boy, you wouldn’t say she’s to young to know if she likes boys…


I cant stand Gatcha life! My 11yo is into it too. I have no problem with anyones sexuality. My issue is with the youtubers these kids watch. All they talk about is sexuality and labelling everyone. Some seriously depressing stuff on their too. I had a talk with mine about how content she watches can influence her and that she should not define herself by what some Gatcha life youtuber has said. Not denying she has real feelings at all. But please please please be involved in whatever she is watching on youtube and talk about it! Grandparents just dont understand how much the internet has a hold of our kids. Youtubers/TikToks are who they look up to now.

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She’s not too young to know. I had my first crush on a girl in 4th grade. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I am not saying an 11 year old can not be bi or that there is anything wrong with that, but I think these days it does seem to be the new thing in, my 11 year old daughter has been telling me since year 4 that some of the girls in her class are gay or bi. This is about half of her class and they change there sexuallaty weekly. So although it would be good to support your daughter and show her that you love her no matter what, but I would not be taking it too seriously at the moment.


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Just explain the best you can and let her be sometimes your a two spirit sometimes your just figuring out life. All you can say is just be true to oneself and others plus to respect your body as it’s only loaned.

Support her regardless if she is legitimately bisexual or not. She is finding herself and if you don’t support her she may not come to you for anything else. If it’s a phase it’s a phase and if it’s not and this is who she is, support her.

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Does it matter. We sexualize our sons to say lock up our daughters as infants. We sexualize our daughter that they fear life with men. But your 11 can’t enjoy exploring who they may or may not like. If you discourage her she will not come to you regularly or at all. She may have a crush she may not who frugging cares.

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I dont think what she watches is going to determine her sexuality. If she likes girls she liked them before watching tv. Just be proud she trust you enough to come to you with a conversation most 11 year olds would hide from there parents. I think your doing doing an awesome job with communication skills most parents dont have with their kids.


As hard as this is to accept, it’s not an uncommon thing for teens to become sexually active fairly young. Of course 11 is very young, but I know plenty of women who lost their virginity at 14/15. So it’s not something to be freaked out about that a preteen is expressing attraction, she is probably beginning puberty. But as humans we biologically are sexually attracted to others very young we just don’t consciously acknowledge it until later. It’s normal, there is nothing to be concerned about, she is her own person and you it is An amazing thing that she has come to you with her expressions, that should be a huge compliment to your parenting because I never would have expressed it to my parents. Also keep in mind that attraction doesn’t always have to be sexual especially in younger ones. Kids can date and be intimate without having sex. Make sure you educate her on everything she needs to know, trust her, guide her and help her when she needs you. :heartpulse:

11 is when her hormones are changing and her sexuality begins. Let her talk openly. Support her.

I have this same thing going on with my oldest. She is 9 though. 10 this year…she says she is a lesbian. But i think she just curious. She always liked little boys and flirt and talk with them…but anyway i tell her u have more than enough time to decide what/who u are or choose to be…i dont care about it. I just want u to focus on school and being a kid…

Firstly be proud that you raised a child who is confident in themselves and in their ability to come tell you things regardless if those things are hard.

Second my son told us at 12 he was bi. He has since changed it and is now pansexual. I accept and love him regardless. That’s who he is and the most important thing is he is loved and accepted and I’ll go to war with anyone who would want to change him!

You just love and accept her. If it’s a phase it’ll pass if not? Oh well it’s not the end of the world


She will be attracted to the same things no matter what she watches. She is plenty old enough to know her sexuality and express it.

I knew for forever I liked both. I started noticing both genders around 9. I got a name for it at 10. It’s not to early at all.

My son is 10 and one of his friends got him into gacha life. He told me he’s gay. I was like, cool story bro, because if he is, he is. If he’s not, he’s not. Unfortunately, kids are going to expose other kids to things, if not YouTube, books, movies, overhearing conversations, etc. At this age they’re testing the waters. I understand people being weirded out by it, but when I was young, kids had pretend weddings in 1st grade. When considering the next few years, i think there are so many worse things he could be doing or learning about. Learning about how they feel is a part of life so we just have to remember we did that too, it may have just looked different back then. Let her talk her talk, make HER explain what she means and how she means it. She most likely knows much more than you think she does, in which case she may very well be capable of defining her own orientation.

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She’s not too young at all to know if she’s bisexual. Just love and support her :yellow_heart:

Some of you might not agree with my viewpoint but people are born the way they are born in most cases!I was born bisexual!I always had feelings for boys and girls!!She is not too young to know!When you know know,you know!!Maybe it could be a curiosity or it could be an experimental faze eventually!Who cares!If you make a big deal of it,she’s going to think of it as a big deal!The best thing we can do for our children is support them,no matter what!:blush:


My 14 year old just came out as bi sexual also. Just be supportive and let her know that you are there for her.

Just keep listening and being supportive. I knew me at that age. My gay son knew even younger. As you said, sexual choice is not the only descriptive in a person’s life. It is good she feels secure in your live for her. Well done.


Just support her. I knew from a very young age that I liked both


My middle son told me this at 9. I told him I don’t care what he is or who he’s with but he’s too young to label himself. Just like who you like and when you get older if you wanna slap a label on there then that’s his decision. And I am a lesbian and have an amazing fiancé who all my boys love. But they’re young. Their opinion might change as they get older. So I just told him it’s all his decisions and I support him no matter what… just wait for labels til your older and understand things more. He hasn’t brought it up since then and he’s 11 now. He just likes whoever he likes. We all talk about everything. Openness and understanding and acceptance is key.

Its Not about age. It’s a feeling of attraction. She cant help it


My daughter, 11. Told me she was a lesbian.
I was shocked.
But I fully support her. :heart:


Don’t tell her she shouldn’t define herself by her sexuality, tell her that she can define herself however she wants, and that who she is or how she defines herself will change and develop as she grows. Then tell her you’ll support her no matter who she is - now, or in 10 years - she’ll always your best girl.


I always knew I liked girls when I was as young as 10ish…it wasn’t until I was 13ish that I didn’t like boys… so :woman_shrugging: whatever she is, bi, lesbian,gay,pan, ect…just support her

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My friends daughter is 12 and recently came out as bisexual as well. She is a very confident, sure of herself kid. She said she has known for a while. Both parents are supportive and proud that she felt comfortable to come out. If she had the courage to come out at this age, im sure she has had many mental talks with herself about it and is sure of how she feels. :heart:

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My daughter is 12 and has been going through the same thing for a couple of years. I think the world we live in has a lot of impact on these kids and they wanted to be included. Being gay looks cool with all the amazing parades and what not they have, without understanding the hardships these people faced to get to that point. Heck, it makes me want to be included as well. However I let her do her own thing. I love and support her no matter what she chooses. I tell her to just enjoy being a kid, but I will still let her make her own choices. It’s her life not mine.


This whole conversation is just fucked up wow what had this planet come to? No wonder we as people are so messed up.

Just be supportive it’s not hard. Love your children for who they choose to be


Always be her #1 supporter! She needs it and it’s so great that she felt comfortable to come out to you :two_hearts:


My daughter is 11 too and is confused if she is or not because her girl cousins date girls. I keep telling her she is to young to know what she is because she does like boys. And when she gets older and she does like girls I will support her. But she doesn’t have to make the choice now. I told her that her opinions might change. I just feel like she is confused because her cousins date girls and she looks up to them. I feel like she is to young to date period. She has dated a girl in school already. If she does like the same sex I will support her but if she has to ask me if she is than obviously she doesn’t know yet. She is just confused because she sees everyone else doing it and wants to be included.

wow… I’m so happy I ran across this post… My 15 yr old son told us he is Bi-Sexual. My hushand and I were initially shocked but talked about it and are going to back him on what he feels or says who he is. We agreed that no matter what, we will support him 100% … We are not going to be the kind of people/parents who disown their child… I mean I don’t understand his feelings but who ever he chooses… I will be his biggest supporter


Hunny. She’s not too young. I’ve had a few nieces and nephews come out as gay or bisexual when they were 5-8 years old. 10 years laters their minds haven’t changed. I’ve known I was bisexual since I was 9. I didn’t have support for it so I didn’t come out until 2 years ago , When I was 24


Remember to be supportive. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything :black_heart:


I kissed a girl at 11. And started secretly dating another girl, for quiet some time. I like men more than women, but I still have a strong female attraction. Sometimes you just know at that age. Sometimes it’s a phase and she likes girls all through middle school and then the attraction fades. Whoever she likes don’t take it to heart it being male or female. Let her introduce you to anyone and everyone.


My best friend told everyone she was a boy when we were 10 years old. We all accepted it. Fast forward a bit, she identified as a girl through high school due to teachers and her mother. Fast forward to age 22, She is now a he and is incredibly happy.

My point is, you’re never really too young to know yourself. Some people just learn earlier, while some learn later. All you can do is let her be happy and comfort her when shes sad.

She more than likely knows who she is kids know but she also could be confused :woman_shrugging: possibly to she still could be struggling to find out who she is but kids do know pretty young my daughter who is now almost 13 had crushes on boys in kindergarten than told me at 10 she was straight and I asked how do you know she said because I’m attracted to boys they are cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and I said ok but that’s all you can do is think there cute no boyfriends your to young worry about your education before boys ands she’s about to be 13 and I tell her same thing your free to be who you are but education is what you need to focus on right now and you have plenty of time to date boys later my point is just love her be accepting of her and let her be who she is

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So cool that she trusted you enough to tell you what she is feeling and who she is attracted to. My daughter is bisexual too. I honestly just love her for who she is… And she is the coolest.
Hug your kid and tell her that you feel honored that she told you and like I told my daughter it is normal to have all this feelings at your age and feel attracted to other people… Just remember you are still too young for that type of relationship so enjoy your crush and the fantasy but don’t play grownups just yet…


Accept who she is. At the same time, your sexuality is really not a topic of casual conversation. Whomever she meets that she has an interest in shoud be acknowledged and accepted, but she is 11. Start slow and discuss feelings for people, period.


main advice is BE SUPPORTIVE. doesn’t matter if your kids change their mind, you can still be supportive. i’ve known people who were gay or trans say they knew when they were TODDLERS so i don’t really think 11 is such an early age. but definitely do your own research so you’re knowledgeable and can help your kids when they feel like this! it’s a delicate subject because so many people don’t accept others, families get torn apart. be open minded, be supportive, be someone who they feel safe and comfortable to openly talk about things like this. such a topic could lead to depression and if you can’t be open about this then they probably won’t be open about their emotions and mental health.

These are the most supportive post I have ran across. I want to thank each of you for being so kind. It’s hard to find others in this world who aren’t judge mental and listen without judging the parent. My daughter is pansexual. Although she is only 12, I trust her to know herself. Her feelings may change as she matures… but she has consistently told me “love is love” since she was very young. She’s very bright, well informed, and I am a must letting her be herself and she grows and learns. I will support her no matter what. I am so proud of her and I can’t wait to see the person she’s going to grow to be. :heart:

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Just let her be who she is. Who she defines herself as, not who everyone else defines her as.

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Of course she can define who she is now she is 11 going through puberty and realises who she is and what she wants so of course she is going to put some definition on that. Just be there to support her and show her you love her no matter what. Btw I have a son that is bi-sexual he came out when he was around that age and came out as non binary this year, all you gotta do is be there and love them


Seriously just let her figure it out, my nearly 15 year old has explained to me she’s panesexual, I don’t know why there’s so many identities but that’s hers, I literally was like, ok, I’m happy for you, and I love you Even if you are attracted to trees, now what do you want for tea? Don’t over think or over complicate it, just let her be and she will figure it out, atleast you know she will come to you. The world and tv has evolved since we were younger, sexuality is explored in most things now a days, be confident she has her own mind and her own feelings and remember she’s young and has plenty of time to figure it out, could be a phase or she could know exactly how she feels

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Be supportive, don’t treat her any different than you normally would. No matter what she’s going to make her own decisions in life. What she needs from you is support and love.

Support her and encourage her to continue being open with you. At 11 she may not be totally sure of her sexual feelings. She will eventually figure it out and will share it with you if you continue to give her support.

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I was 8 when I knew who I was… A gender fluid lesbian. Kids know who they are from a young age.


When my daughter was 12 she came out to me as well. I sat her down and I was supportive and listened to her. I also asked her a lot of hard questions such as “how do you know?”, “ have you ever had the experience of being with a girl or a guy?” What do you prefer, and not what one of your friends is telling you to prefer.” Her answers were I don’t know, no I have not, and I don’t know what I prefer. I then followed that up with don’t put yourself into a box and don’t label yourself until you’ve had the experiences to back that label up. She then admitted to me that she was trying to fit in and find her place in her friend group. Cut to a year and a year and a 1/2 later and her friend group has changed…

The world is a very different place now and 11 is not young. They feel. They see things. It could be just a phase. It could be what they really feel. They’re exploring life and exploring who they are that transition from “kid” to almost “pre teen”. Lets say. Be supportive. Try and understand. And always be open with each other. It’s alright to be concerned as a parent as she is still young and your baby always!

I don’t know what else to say besides… I knew by the time that I was 11/12 years old that I was bisexual. Simply by the way I looked at girls the same as boys and was interested in both and etc. So it’s not entirely impossible she can feel that way at this age.


I feel sexuality is very natural regardless of what any child has been exposed to/or seen. I would believe her as she says this. Yes maybe too young for boyfriends/girlfriends but well old enough to be starting to understand her orientation. Don’t make it a huge deal. Just listen and let her know you’ll be there for her regardless.