My 11 year old came out as bi-sexual: Advice?

I knew I was bi around age 9 or 10… im still in the closet with a lot of people in my life because I grew up in an area/time where that was ludicrous. Just listen to her. Trust her. And be supportive. Still talk about safe sex and consent.

I just went through this with my 11 year old. She told me “mom, I think I’m Bi”, I asked why she thought that and she told me the same thing yours did (I use to like a boy but now I like a girl). I said if that’s what you feel then I’m good with that, we love you no matter what. Personally I think it’s more about her curiosity and we all go through that. As a mom I feel like she hasn’t had enough life experience to actually KNOW but she’s on a path to figuring herself out and If she’s happy I’m happy.

Hi everybody. I recently saw a testimony about chief dr gorvo in a blog I visit for relationship and dating counseling problems because i had been having serious issues with my boyfriend and we had been dating for six months, he just suddenly changed, he wasn’t returning my calls,he started cheating,he was hurting me in many ways i never thought possible and I just thought I should try itmaybe out of desperation of some sort…and I contacted chief dr gorvo …At first everything felt dreamy and unbelievable, his consultations and solution was a little bit easy and strange and I was scared a little cause I heard read and heard lots of stories of fake spell casters,scams and i never really believed in magic…I played along with a little hope and and faith and I sent some few stuffs after everything and it worked like a miracle,everything went to a while new direction,it was and is amazing…I guess it was all good faith that made me read That particular post that faithful day…I hope he could help other people too like he did me…I did a little and I got everything I wanted and wished for*my husband,my family and my life back. E-mail: Or you can also WhatsApp him on +2349039343473

My daughter came out as bisexual at 12 and I went and bought her an :rainbow_flag: flag. No one questioned if I was straight at 12 who am I to question her preferences at the same age? The only thing I care about is that she ends up in a healthy relationship one day that allows her to be true to herself. Support your child without trying to find justifications for why she is who she is because that makes it seem like something is wrong with her when there isn’t.

Omg your so right lavender xx

I dident need to look for attention cause my parents loved usxxxxx

Lots of people never question if they’re straight, they just know they are…

Ah let her figure it out she’s old enough to know what a crush is and who she has one on. I didn’t know til I was 18 and met a woman that I fell in love with that I was open to loving both. Just support her as I’m sure she will face struggles

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My daughter came out to me at the age of eight. She’s never had anything more than a passing interest in males. She is now 20 and that hasn’t changed. Don’t allow your opinions , or those of others to create a shadow in your relationship with your child.

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I found my daughter’s notebook this past summer, she had just turned 11 in Aug 2020 and i had peeked in it and there was a few drawings of women she did ( anime) and under one of the pics she wrote (´ Am I gay?) And she always tells me she doesn’t like boys at all and she always hangs out with this 1 girl who tells ppl she likes girls so I’m pretty sure my daughter is into girls but i told her we will always love her no matter who she wants to be and love one day. They are young and just figuring life out a little and themselves.

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Ughhh. Why don’t you sensor what your young children watch??? Regardless of were they are and who they are with, you are still their mother! You should care about all of this sexualized b.s. that is put out there for young CHILDREN to be seeing. They are not adults. And it sounds like you should be talking to their father and grandmother about to content they are able to access.


There is literally no such thing as too young…she’s obviously old enough to tell you so she’s old enough :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

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I came out to my parents to around age 16, but I knew around 12 that I was bisexual. I knew I was attracted to both boys and girls…
I would just support her as much as possible as she is going to go through alot with her emotions and figuring things out.
I do agree that what they watch should be monitored, however that is not going to stop her sexuality from being what it is.

My daughter is 12 and she just told me the same thing but in conversation she said she was confused and just wanted to be like everyone else I just told her that she was young and had time to figure it out and she needs to be herself and do what makes her happy not anyone else and I would stand beside her and love her no matter what always

Just say “okay” and let her know you are always there to talk about these big complex emotions without judgment.

I knew I was bisexual at age eight. There is literally nothing wrong with it and kids can absolutely know at a young age. Why do people get so concerned with kids being “too young” to know their sexuality when they’re lgbt, but being straight as a child is perfectly acceptable? It’s all the same. Lgbt identities aren’t “adult” concepts.

How would you have responded if she just told you she had a crush on a boy? Would this have been fine with you because heterosexuality is the “norm”? If you’d have no problem with her labeling herself as straight at 11 then there’s no issue with her labeling herself as bisexual at 11.

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I have bi sexual teens, they just know I’m there if they need to talk, and they know they’re accepted either way. It’s the same as them just liking boys, you guide and support them just the same, and make sure they are looking after themselves first and foremost.

I’m in the same exact boat. Following for advice

My daughter is 10 and I also let her know I think she’s to young to be focusing on any of that. After she told me and my husband she ended up coming home weeks later telling us she has a boyfriend. She also watches gatcha life and you tube. She has out support 100% for who ever she likes. I also feel like with the world today she fully don’t understand what it means to be straight gay or bisexual.

I’ve known I was bisexual since I was 12. It seems young but you just know

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No big deal.
Love is love.
Kids today should not be taught love in any form is wrong.

Just make sure she knows you love and accept her whatever she is, and that you are her safe place when she’s facing difficult situations and choices, nothing more is needed.

As long as you show your support thats all that matters. Unfortunately even in today’s world labels in the LGBTQ+ community are still a big thing.
As a bisexual woman I knew that young. Hell I think I even knew sooner, but didn’t come out until I was older.
Be thankful she trusts you enough to talk to you and express how shes feeling.
No matter how difficult things may be thats what is important. That your child feels comfortable coming to you no matter what. Keep the lines of communication open always! Keep it up momma!

Sometimes parents know that a child is gay or bisexuality even before a child is aware. give her grace to like whoever she does 11 is not to young to know who you like kids have crushes at like 5 but they don’t call it that. Our feeling are ever evolving with age

Totally get it! I feel like all kids have somehow developed the idea that they have to decide. Instead of letting life naturally happen. This is leading them to “come out” as mostly by-sexual, non-binary, a-sexual and a whole host of other labels. It id great that they are so open and accepting we have come a long way. However- I agree most are too young to be attempting to flat out label themselves maturity levels aren’t even there yet. I also feel some are labelling without enough life/social/relationship experiences.

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Leave it well alone, my first kiss was a girl, i loved my best friend but as u say that was too young to know my sexual orientation and no one made a big deal out of it, love is love male or female, i grew up and realised im attracted to males and ended up having kids, we need to leave kids live and stop over thinking everything, let them go through the motions of life without making a big deal of everything, u wouldn’t see a post about how my daughter’s just come out as straight… any advice ? Well its the same thing lol love is love, just constantly tell her its her life to live as long as she loves and knows she is loved alls good.

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Sounds like she was identifying that she has a girl crush. She should be told that that is okay. I didnt tell anyone about my girl crushes when I was a kid. Be glad that she felt comfortable to come to you, her momma. Dont make her not wanna come to you about those things anymore… just be supportive

That ain’t right… sad


What’s the difference between this 11 year old girl & an 11 year old girl who is “boy crazy?” This is just regular adolescent shit to me. Mom is uncomfortable with the gay/bi component & can’t admit it.

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I agree with what your saying about defining your sexuality with a bunch of terms when your young but I would say lots of us are bi and just never said it. It’s just of my opinion that there is no reason to define sexuality at a young age if you aren’t sure. There is no rush, it sounds like your an understanding parent, so what is the rush?

At 11 I “had crushes” on my friends. Turns out I just thought they were pretty and loved them because they were the best people I knew. The world is pushing this which is fine, but it makes it confusing also. She talked about it with you, so good job in that!

Stop letting the world influence your child. The brain is not fully developed before age 25. Being 11 she isnt fully understanding what is going on.

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I’m right here with you. Both my girls ( 8 and 11) have decided their lesbians. One has a gf the other has a crush on her friend in class. Who she told that and her friend was totally cool with it. Also they both play gatcha life as well. But I dont think they’re too young. I was 9 when I had my first crush on a girl and 10 for a boy. I was 14 when I met my first lesbian and shes the one who explained that I’m bisexual. Honestly support from parents regardless of how you feel about it is what they need. They’re still kids yes but they have their own personalities and to develop strong women from our babies we need to let them be themselves and not try to contain them in what we feel is right. I know it’s tough momma but just be supportive. I promise itll work out for the best.

My daughter told me she was gay when she was 8. I knew I liked girls around the same age. Just be supportive. I agree though, I believe technology and tiktok and games and such do influence kids more to feel the need to decide where they fit in. It could be what’s popular and it could be true. Either way, just support her.

Way to go momma for letting her come out and say what her sexuality is. Keep up the open communication with her. You are right for being in that mind set. I am in that same mind set. You love your kids no matter what.

Where I happen to think people get hung up is when they hear the term bi, lesbian, gay (anything but straight) they immediately equate it with a sexual identity or nature no matter the age of the person. When for some strange reason a young girl says she likes a boy or vice versa it doesn’t get assigned a “sexual identity” it’s just “normal” so it’s not thought about anymore than that and the “sex” part of the conversation is left out because it doesn’t apply. It’s such a weird concept to me. Why is sex automatically where we go if there’s an actual title of identity thrown into the mix? If your child comes to you and says…this is how I identify Congratulations!!! That’s the biggest part of the battle as far as I’m concerned! Making sure your child is secure in coming to you for anything is what we all should want as parents. So this was brought to you by your child because they were seeking something from you. Start talking and find out exactly what it is they want from you out of this conversation and then proceed with the intention of fulfilling that. And keep talking. This isn’t a one time convo and then it’s over. No! Keep showing interest in what they brought to you for discussion. You’d be surprised how fast things change. Especially with your child’s relationships of all kinds. Asking questions let’s them know you’re invested in how they feel which is so important. We have so many kids convinced that nobody cares how they feel so they don’t talk about it. We have got to change that for them! Just keep talking and listening. That’s the best thing you can do.

Could just be a phase she is going through? Possibly. It’s very common these days and some kids just see their friends and think it’s a thing. If she is bi than just reassure her your love for her isn’t gonna change. It could change 11 is kinda young. It’s a tough thing to go through. I wish the best for you all either way