My 11 year old came out as bi-sexual: Advice?

the first time I was attracted to a member of the same gender, I was eight years old.

did I really know what it meant? No. no more than I understood what it meant to like a boy But did I want to hold her hand, and be around her all of the time and do the same things that I did with the boys that I like in the class? Yes.

(I’m pan)

I don’t understand how people think that children cannot understand homosexuality. You sit there and put Ladies Man on newborn babies onesies, talk about having a little girlfriend or boyfriend in preschool, but somehow when it’s the same gender you… What? Forget critical thinking?

anything other than “I accept you and your journey however you need to take it” is diminishing, dehumanizing, and homophobic


She ain’t gay shes being influenced

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Some niddle schoolers get confused at this age. Especially now days. Thry may find a girl pretty and not really understand that even straight females look at other fenales and admire other females features and find ppl beautiful. Some are trying to still find themselves. Its a faze for some. But then its not a faze for other… But time will tell.
But 11… You do have control over if they’re looking at stuff you dont approve. Take that phone away.

Advice for what? Suggestions for what? If she says she’s bisexual, cool, support her in that. She’s 11. Talk to her about safe sex not just between men and women, but that it’s totally normal to happen between those of the same gender identity as well. Talk to her and help her understand that there is more to people than their sexuality.

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Just love her; it may just be thinking and not full on life. Mine came out too at 13 but turned out to be nothing more than thoughts. It’s a rough period for them and peer pressure is everywhere.

11 isn’t that young to know. Most people know when they’re younger than that whether they have crushes on boys or girls. So why is 11 so bad to know that she has crushes on both?
It’s not a big deal. Just tell her whoever she likes is okay and go on about your life.

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Came out to my mom at the age of 12 but knew way before then. It’s not too young to know what you’re attracted to. I’m 30 now and I’m glad my mom and siblings were very supportive.

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Patty Fuller might help us with our situation

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Put parental blocks on youtube. An 11 year old isn’t mature enough to understand sexuality. Could she have certain inclinations? Yes, but does she fully understand it? No. Does she know about sex? Does she have visions of herself being intimate with this woman? Or does she just like the girl because they have a lot in common and get along extremely well? Sometimes that could also be confused as love. You say she has CRUSHES on boys which implies she’d like to call one of them her boyfriend. I’d sit down and have a long discussion and figure out if she’s actually bisexual. If she’s is, be supportive.


I knew by then I was bisexual. I had my first “girlfriend” just a couple years after that - the hand holding and hanging out together kid shit. And my first kiss was a girl.
I’m 22 and still know I’m bisexual.


My sister came out as bi at 13 shes 18 now and lesbian

All this homophobia in these comments are about to make me identify as a fuggin problem :slightly_smiling_face:


I knew when I was 11. I’m what you would describe as a bi romantic heterosexual. I can kiss, cuddle, and be in a romantic relationship with a woman or man but sexually I’m all about the D. :joy:


Did you know who you liked at that age? I did. Kids know and I think it’s awesome that’s she’s comfortable sharing it with you. Her feelings may evolve the older she gets and that’s ok too.


My advice it’s to leave her be. She knows what she is right now and that may change as she gets older. I do agree with you on the defining people on their sexuality should stop. Being open about sexuality is happening alot these days and that’s great but a person should not be defined by their sexuality alone no matter what it is.


When i was 10 I was 98% sure I was into literally everyone. Bumped up to 100% and coming out when i was 12 :person_shrugging:. I wasn’t thinking of it sexually at all till I was like 16 it was just “hey I’m into you, your friend, your sister, and everyone else in the room everyone is pretty”

I have no advice for you and I do sincerely wish you the best​:heart: I just came here to say that the 4 people that laughed at this post…y’all maternal parent is a long handled garden tool :wink:

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I literally dealt with this last year. I told her she is too young to know anytsolid yet, every feeling she has is valid. And to give it time to see. No pressure one way or another. I told her to understand that straight is ok, gay is ok, but this weird “binary” shit is just stupid. I told her that if you want to be a man, and you choose to make yourself look like a man and choose to go into the man’s restroom then you can’t be offended by what you see. You should choose a stall. Close the door and lock it. We hear about trans men being in women’s restrooms but never hear of trans women being in men’s rooms. I had a trans friend BRUTALLY raped in a MENS room, bc she looked too much like a man to go into a ladies room. Let’s report that instead of men taking advantage of women’s sports.

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Shes your kid, just love her and support her.

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Honey, that baby is too young to know what she wants to be for the rest of her life. This is such a hormone filled-confusing time for them. Just ride it out for awhile. Keep an open mind. Love them like crazy and don’t judge or label. And encourage them not to label or pigeonhole themselves into any one else’s description of them. They are a unique. One of a kind and a miracle! God does not make mistakes. And this from a devout Christian. Just love. That’s all…just love!! :two_hearts::sparkling_heart:


I knew I was gay when I was between 11-12. I knew I liked girls then

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Support her she might change her mind when she’s older she’s your daughter love and support her bi or not

Wait hold on… I gotta say something despite my personal opinion…

I went to school to be a truck driver… I AM STRAIGHT. I THINK GAY IS A RIGHT BUT DONT BUY INTO THE BINARY BULLSHIT… as a STRAIGHT female, TJERE WAS NO FEMALE BATHROOM AT THE TRAINING FACILITY WHERE I RECIEVED MY CDL… TOP NAMED SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY… Respectful people get respect regardless of gender in my experience.

Parents have these girls / boys thinking if they find someone of the same gender attractive or not ugly that they’re automatically gay / bisexual. They’re too young at that age to fully make that decision.

This isnt as uncommon at this age as you think.


No it’s a pretty normal age and normal feelings all kids get around the time of puberty, just think back to when you were that age, having “crushes” on people, celebrities, popstars, it definitely starts then if not sooner. But it’s never questioned if its the opposite sex so why is sexuality questioned? I knew I was Bisexual as soon as I started getting romantic feelings for people at around the same age as your daughter. I knew I liked men just as much as women and I was more interested in the person rather than what they had between their legs. I’ve been in relationships with both men and woman over the years and now I’m in my 20s with 2 kids and engaged to a man. It’s really not a that big of a deal and I think you need to allow her some time to figure it out for sure. When hormones and feelings are surging, it is best to wait but always encourage her to talk about things if she needs to.


Just give her love. I am not looking forward to my daughter growing up too soon. I can’t imagine these kids today. When I was 11 the last thing on my mind was anything sexually oriented. Have mercy. Hugs to you and yours.

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Her watching YouTube doesn’t persuade her into being bisexual :woman_facepalming:t2: she’s old enough to know if she’s into boys, girl, or both :woman_shrugging:t2:


I would stress that “people are people” and are not defined by thier attraction to others. No need for labels .Just be a kid.

Why is anything being even mention ( sexually) about an 11 year old take that kid to a roller rink …


All I want to say is, whatever she decides eventually, I think it’s a VERY good reflection of your parenting that she was comfortable enough to tell you! Good job mama!!! :clap:


Not a big deal. Just keep on parenting

Imagine all the movies she watches about heterosexuality. It’s the same thing, if she can understand a straight couple and “how babies are made” she absolutely can decide how to identify herself. Children can learn at very young ages, I wouldn’t try to suppress this from her. Children see their parents kissing and holding hands, why any different if two moms? I think it would be appropriate if she is already aware. Suppressing this or shaming it could cause her to lash out or “not feel accepted” by her mother when she came to you in trust to tell you how it feels.

Try not to put your opinions and views in her way. Let her think freely. She does not have the homophobic minds like the rest of the world, she just sees love, preference. This is beautiful that your daughter is so accepting of new ideas.

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I was 12 when I knew I also liked girls too. Don’t make her feel like she’s too young to know. 18 years later I still am bisexual and only came out publicly as so two years ago.

I knew I liked women when I was in 4th grade. Didn’t come out until freshman year though.

Before I knew any of those words and labels - I was attracted to girls.

Honestly I think you’re doing fine. She knows what being attracted to both sexes means. I don’t think YouTube had anything do with with it other than educating her🙄

It’s not that deep.


Ask her if she knows what bisexual means. I had the same situation happen, and turns out she didn’t know what bisexual was, didn’t know it was preference of sex and intimate relationship with men and women :grimacing:. It was peer influenced because another child’s older sister (8th grader) said she was bi and brags about it, talks about it in front of her 11 year old sister. Little sister started saying she was and it was the cool thing. Idc if she is down the road but in 5th grade, you can’t remember to put homework in your book bag so lets mature first and not let friends influence your choices


Shes old enough to make that decision if she likes boys and girls. Just move on

Who the fuck cares, just say it’s completely normal to feel like that. Like girls or boys it’s your choice :woman_shrugging:


Hmm…if you don’t mind if she is or not what advice do you need. Do nothing. Tell her you love her and it doesn’t matter.


Ok… best thing to do is tell her w.e makes her happy makes you happy. That’s all a parent really can do. Right ? I mean… You voice disapproval you risk losing communication. You show support / indifference you seal the whole she can continue to feel comfortable telling you anything. And isn’t that like an ultimate goal of a parent ? To be 100% able to be talked to ? Face it… not all parents and their kids have the most open relationships. I had my eldest when I had just turned 16. Hes 22 now :slight_smile: dont you know that this boy brought to my home a transsexual drag queen proformer ( is that how u put it ?? ) … I was iffy about it. I Buuuuut ultimately its his decision. Its his happiness that matters NOT MINE when it comes to his relationships. And I did manage to get a bunch of make up tips from him/ her … seriously her / his make up was sooooo on point. They broke up shortly after. Then he started seeing a woman older than myself… again… I just said… im happy if you are :slight_smile: and its true. I am. I maaaaay not agree with his choices all the time but they are his choices to make… not mine. My sons are 22, 13 , 6 and 5.


I think in time she will figure it out. But I really feel all woman think other woman are beautiful and love certain things about some woman. Now that wouldn’t be a crush or bi I feel that’s normal. If she can fantisize about sexual interactions with a girl (not suggesting she is or having you ask such at such age) then she would be bi curious.?
I’m 38 and love looking at woman and letting them know they are beautiful. I would say the same for men but I’m married and really only find my husband attractive and crave him all the time. But I tell woman all the time they have nice eyes and such. I compliment them but doesn’t mean I find them sexually appealing.

I think maybe normal for this age. Idk 11 is too young for any further choice I think. But go with the flow see what comes with it.

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Just listen to her and accept where ever she is right now. 2 of my kids came out to me and and have dated like hetero’s so, whatever.

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That’s a pretty normal age to start discovering things like this. Especially these days, with so much information and exposure. My advice would be to sit down with her and have an open conversation. Ask her about how she feels, and allow her to express herself. She’s at the age where she’s changing and she’s gonna start discovering more about herself as a woman, and a person in general. She may change her mind as she gets older, I personally did, or this may be who she is and there’s nothing wrong with either of these things. I thought I was bisexual when I was about 13 because I had a crush on my best friend. As an adult I know I’m not sexually attracted to women, I’m just by nature a deeply caring person, and I appreciate women’s natural beauty. She needs time to figure it out, and it doesn’t mean it’s anything sexual or unusual for her age. It’s a crush, no different than if she came home saying she had a crush on a boy in class.

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I’m going to throw this out there and I might catch crap for it but I don’t care. When I was 11 I knew the difference between girls and boys and I knew what sex was. I knew I was different because I liked girls and I liked boys the same. I honestly thought I was gay because I preferred girls. Now fast forward to late teens and early adulthood. I finally found boys attractive and looked at them differently. In actuality I am not gay and I am not bisexual. I am not sexually attracted to women at all. She’s 11. I thought I was gay at that age simply because I preferred being around girls. That age is too young to know anything definitively. Just my personal experience.


What she needs to understand with having any feels toward anyone is how to define her feelings. There are many kinds of love… which one does this child feel toward this girl? Sexuality should not be defining anything in her life and if it is work on that problem first. Yes i know kids are doing things earlier than we did, it dont make it right or good.
Define love and the different kinds of love. They will help her decide what it is. Then you can worry about the harder talks.

Most 11 year olds start thinking about crushes this sounds normal. It’s ok for her to define herself and it’s OK if what she sees herself as changes too. It seems like you’re the one who is defining her by worrying that her being bi means something more than that she just thinks she likes boys and girls.

Just keep loving her! And keep commination open so that she can come to you about questions. It’s so important for teens, to know it’s ok to talk about how they feel about any subject.

I was 11 when I found out I was bisexual. Didn’t mention anything until I was in high school, I told I went to an lgbtq club during lunch and she freaked out and said not to go and that I would be “ostracized” I still haven’t told family anything. I just do me

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Let her be who she is. My nearly 12 year old daughter has a girlfriend

I don’t beleive kids can really identify as any sexual orientation til they’re sexually active. They can find people pleasing to be around and look at but a sexuality preference cant truly be decided til one is actually having sex.
That being said let her express herself she will decide when she’s older her ultimate preference(s).


I was 10 when I came out bisexual :woman_shrugging:

I have known I am bisexual since before I was her age. Some kids just know. My advice is to not speak on the matter again until she brings it up. And when she does just love her and support her. Saying the wrong thing or saying something in a way that she may think your upset by it may repress who she is. She may think you don’t want her to be who she is. Just love her and support. That really the only thing to do. She will figure the rest out.


Social media is getting into these kids heads way to much :roll_eyes: I was playing with my toys at 11 not even thinking about sexuality


I knew when I was 6 and too excited to watch wizards of waverly place and see selena gomez :person_facepalming: it’s just like one day boys have cooties and the next day boys are to die for and ur sympathizing with juliet when romeo dies :person_shrugging:


Mark 10:6
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

If you were born male, you are a male; if you were born female, you are a female.


Age is just a number and some kids even younger than that just know who they are be it sexual orientation or even gender related- I’d embrace it and accept it if it were one of my children

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Just went through the same thing couple weekend ago with my 10 year old daughter. Just not bi but lesbian. She started liking boys I kindergarten so I was completely caught off guard. She was completely scared to tell me which I was so upset about. I reassured her that she shouldn’t have been, that we love her regardless and it’s not a big deal!!! She was so happy to hear that, I could just see the huge relief on her face! :heart::heart:


My daughter told me at 11 years old she didn’t know if she liked boys or girls. When talking to her therapist he said it’s common around this age for girls to feel that way.

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Ok I have a special needs daughter who I have caught watching boy on boy porn. However when we watch movies she thinks a boy is cute, but she also thinks some women are beautiful. Im still confused. At this age we dont know yet. Dont freak out just yet. Let them find their own own way and when they do, just accept it. Love them and still be a part of their life and support them. Sometimes you cant help who you love. The heart wants what it wants and sometimes thats what you need to accept. Let your kid explore. They are only trying to find themselves. They are still growing and maturing and it can be a phase. However whatever they choose, support them, love them, and still accept them as your little one no matter what.

Do you really believe that they know what there going to be as t 11. My god just l eff t the kids be kids. Explain to her she’s still a child.


Nancy Collins Bruns Straley Let me ask you a question, Nancy. When you were 11, did you know that you liked boys? Did you feel the need to sit your family down and tell the you liked boys and did they tell you that you were only 11 and that you had no idea whether you liked boys or girls yet and that you should wait until you’re older before you made that decision?
I’m going to go with no.
Why? Well, because you are straight and liking boys was expected.
If you knew from whatever age you weren’t attracted to girls and that it was boys who piqued your interest, why is it so hard to believe someone at 11 knows they are attracted to boys and girls?
It has nothing to do with actually having sex. You do understand that, right?


Not downing what anyone truly is but I think right now in the world there’s alot of this because it’s the new normal they see so much of it they feel like they’re supposed to be attracted to both genders and there’s probably going to be alot of young girls thinking they should be lesbians because jojo siwa has come out


Uh you support her but dont take it as gospel? My sisters 12 years younger than me. She says shes bi and maybe trans. I have her preferred name and ask about her pronouns. I give her advice on dating a girl she likes. But if she turns 21 and says hey im actually just lesbian or im gender fluid, thats cool too. People change and im happy either way. I was bisexual at 14. But at 21 i discovered Im actually asexual. I thought because i find both men and women attractive but dont want to sleep with them I was just bi and very picky lmao


My daughter came out as bi when she was about 12. Easy to do in our family as I am bi and so is another member of the family. About 6 months later she amended herself and told me that she is gay. I have always encouraged her to see people not gender and she has always understood that if she doesnt want to label herself she doesnt need to. She also doesn’t have to be open with everyone about her preferences if she doesnt want to.

Just editing to add that I had some inkling that she would eventually come out. Probably about 6 months to a year before she did


I’ll tell ya, my daughter told me she thinks she might be. I started with you can be anyone you want to be and I support you but are you sure you are truly prepared to be in an emotional/sexual relationship with women? I asked her if she truly understood what that was, is that how she felt and does she really think she feels that way. A few months later she told me she doesn’t think she truly felt that way. I told her I think it’s totally ok to be and do what makes you happy but I didn’t feel she truly felt the way she was thinking. She told me it had a lot to do with her surroundings and the current pressure to fall into a different lifestyle other than being straight. It helped to be loving, accepting and to talk to her about what she actually felt and what made her feel that way.

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I agree. Shes too young.


Just love and support her. Leave her be. She is who she is.


She very well may know she’s bisexual. One of my best friends told her mom at the same age that she thought she was a lesbian and she is. Just because she’s young doesn’t mean she doesn’t know for sure what she’s attracted to. Just support her, don’t try to discourage it. That may make it to where she won’t want to come to you again.

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i was boy crazy by 4th grade. i realized in 6th grade that i had a crush on a female. just tell her its okay, she can love or like who she wants to but let her know that she’s still a kid and shouldn’t worry about those things yet.


She feels she needs to put a label on how she feels. Accept it and move on. Don’t make it some big thing, let her be who she is and tell you how she needs to tell you.

Whatever you do, don’t put her down or judge her or push either side. Let her decide with no pressure or belief that you want it to be a certain way. Remind her you love her regardless of who she finds attractive and she will change many times, even into adulthood as well as that her feelings are totally normal. We are ALWAYS changing and I think people forget that.
Coming from a woman that is pansexual, previously ‘lesbian’ with a history of believing I was a boy and identifying as such for an extended period of time during childhood into puberty… Ultimately it turned out I was just a SUPER Tom-boy that really just got along with the boys in my neighborhood that felt attraction based on personality. I knew I was not straight around her age (perhaps younger) and it’s normal to experiment in terms of different beliefs and thought at this age.
I am so grateful my mother was the woman she was and addressed it the way she did and you want to be that beacon of trust and reliability for your child.
Just really sit down with her and give her all the information she needs about these topics and encourage her to really analyze her feelings and thoughts and to ask any questions that come up for her. Support her through it. All kids have many points of confusion during childhood, that doesn’t necessarily mean that this is her being confused or influenced from the outside but it definitely could also be the case as you’ve mentioned she’s soaking up content that is questionable.
It’s common at her age and she will decide what’s best for her.

My daughter came out as bisexual at Thanksgiving dinner about 5 years ago. Shes 28 now. Nobody batted an eyelash, just pass the cranberries. I’ve always told both my kids I didn’t care what they were. My love for them would never change. And thats all thats important to your daughter. She wants to know you’ll love her no matter what


isn’t it funny how parents will say to a young boy “he’ll be such a ladies man” when he’s very young, and expect every child to be straight, and then when a child says that they aren’t straight it’s somehow hard to believe ?


Um gacha life is the worst. I totally understand this women. It’s not an issue of her daughter being Bisexual, it’s an issue of age appropriate and defining people. Keep doing what your doing Mama and supporting her and emphasizing what’s appropriate and not for her age! :heart::heart:

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You lost me at …you let her watch stuff you don’t approve off​:thinking: Why do you do it ? And she’s too young to know what she wants :relieved: I didn’t even know the deferents between a boy and a girl at 11 :rofl:


To be honest I think kids now a days take this as a trend for the most part. One off their friends like a girl so now they all think they like girls etc. I told my daughter it ok for her to learn about all of it and to think she has crushes if she ever does. But she’s too young for boyfriends or girlfriend equally. Personally I knew girls in elementary school who swore they were lesbians and never dated or kissed a girl in their life. I also tried to explain to my daughter girls also see other girls as perfect sometimes like it’s not a crush it’s more like you want to be that girl because of how she dresses and how she is or her life whatever it may be. But yes definitely too young for her to identify as straight lesbian or bi imo. I told her to just be a kid she’s only 11 as well.


Don’t sweat it. Be glad she even came to you to tell you instead of living with in as a glooming shadow from not being able to tell you at all. Identifying as any sexual orientation at any age doesn’t mean they are going to hop right in to being sexual. She knows she likes both genders. Nothing wrong with that. Just be supportive.


My 11 year olds exact story to the T. Told me she was a “flag” liking boys and girls. I sat her down and told her she was to you g to make statements like that but we would talk about it as she gets older that she was. Just spouting out words. Two weeks later she said “mom your right I’m not a flag”… even though I wanted to scream at her at first I found a way to learn to talk to her and discuss things but not when I was mad or freaked out. Some things will pass but the videos online are warping our kids :broken_heart:

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Wow what a backhanded response. :clap::clap: way to go

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I knew before 11 that I was into both men and women. It can definitely start very early.


It s just normal, natural and expected evolution of her emotions at her age… I wouldnt call it bisexuality… She s discovering herself and the world… And a good mother accompanies her with grace…

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In Africa it’s an abomination in most cultures
Learn to teach children to love themselves the way God created them. No debate here

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Oh jeez, tell her that it’s ok to crush on the girl in her class, but she has lots of time to figure out it all out.
And to just like friends for who they are to her, and maybe, just wait a bit for the extra stuff to become clear?


You don’t have to be a certain age or even sexually active to know what you’re attracted to. Just let her know you’ll love and support her no matter what, because sexuality is an ever evolving thing and she can feel bisexual now and maybe not feel that way a few years down the road… The argument that “they’re too young to know what they want” is just dumb and outdated honestly. They wouldn’t say that about the kid having an interest in art or sports, they can’t help what they have an interest in and sexuality really isn’t any different :woman_shrugging:t2:


Not too young. I remember having crushed on girls that age, and being confused about it. It was a different time to have those thoughts and feelings. My daughter came out at 12 as bi, and shes now been with the same girl for 3 years, and shes happy. That’s all that matters.


I believe my gay friends knew they were gay, at that age.

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I was around the same age when I realised I was bisexual I tried to hide it as my mom is very old fashioned. The worst thing you can do is shut her down over it. If she feels the need to be upfront about it then let her be her. As she gets older she will understand more and be more private :blush:

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My ten year old daughter as well. I’m ok with it but like you I’m what, what?! Time will tell I’m just glad she felt comfortable telling me, instead of hiding it from me.

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Lol well I was younger… In gym glass girls all saying ain’t he soooo cute… uh oh I was thinking … something fucked up I’m looking at you girls not the boys bahahahaha ! Look I wouldn’t sweat it… I can only hope if this happens to my kids they come to me so I can tell them my story lolol what odds :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: … I personally have no “label” I’m Sarah… Sup?

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Let her be. Let her figure herself out. Take it with a grain of salt and move on.

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Would you say the same thing about her being too young to define her sexuality if she told you she liked a boy in her class? I had to ask myself that question. My answer was no, and I had to adjust my thinking.


kids see romance in the media (in children’s shows and films) from as soon as they are old enough to talk. It is only same-sex attraction that is treated as something you need to be older to understand and acknowledge – and all that does is teach queer kids to doubt themselves, hate themselves, repress themselves and just overall cause problems.

it’s amazing for a young person to not feel they have to limit their attraction.

I would suggest the parent support their kid by learning more about LGBTQ rights and how the right to define yourself is really important to LGBTQ folks and it is usually only straight people who use “labels don’t matter” as a way of not actually dealing with their discomfort or the discrimination facing LGBTQ people.


I knew I was bisexual when I was 5.
Except I didn’t know thats what it was called.
Xena and Olivia Benson had me feeling things long before I was 11 years old. Bahaha.

Just let her go and support her. Our kids know who they are more than we do.


You are never to young to know your… sorry. Some girls. children are boy or whatever crazy from a young age. Other’s NOT till later. It’s okay, just talk to them about everything. I am in my 40’s, when I was a teen, the 11 yr old sister of a friend was upset because her little boyfriend left her because another 11yr old would sleep him, & not her. So, you assuming kids are on some new thing, no. Was it every 11 yr old no, of course not. TALK TO YOUR CHILD. Knowing whom you are attracted to is never to early, how do you tell yourself I am not attracted to this person because I am… doesn’t work like that. And, you trying to suppress this will only have her hiding it from you, WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT! Can’t just blame youtube, media… people have liked the opposite sex for eternity… and people are now making sure you know they are boy girl, non-binary , or… Sorry, trying to keep your kid in 50’s ideals, is not going to work. Only thing is you will lose her trust, she will share less.

I think it would be harder to not have a label for herself as bad as that sounds🤔 not knowing if you fit in, or if other people are like you is really scary. It has a name and a category but it doesnt define her personality as a whole… shes still your daughter but she now knows that shes not alone🙂

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That’s the popular thing to do these days

Just tell her love is love and let it go. She’s a child exploring emotions and relationships and should be granted the freedom to do so.


My daughter did this when she was 11 also. I have no issues with whatever sexual orientation my daughter decides she is, I do agree though that 11 is a bit young to know what you really like. I just listened and let it play out and now that she is 13 she has a huge crush on a boy. Honestly this is the age that kids are figuring out who they are and what they like, it really doesn’t make a difference if you limit what they watch or what they see. They all go through this and its our job to listen and guide and just let them grow in to who they want to be as long as they are safe.

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As a parent it’s your job to teach right from wrong. I could never support her.