My 11 year old told me she is gay, what can I do to help her?

Honestly being there for her!!! Embracing her as a person and your child no matter she decides to do with life!!! Unconditional love :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Just treat her the same and be there if she needs to talk about anything. Don’t act shocked if she mentions things about girls or whatever. treat it the same as if she came to you to talk about boys. Just be there :slightly_smiling_face:

As a mother just let her know you got her back no matter my now 20 year old told me when she was 10 that she was born into the wrong body they are now a trans man n I love my son!!!


If she has not spoken to you about it yet, don’t bring it up to her, the fact that she trusted your mom with that info and then it was shared to you could make her lose trust in others because that boundary was broken. I understand WHY your mom told you, but to her that all in itself may be a bigger deal than you think. Just love her for who she is! Just always reassure her you can come talk to her about ANYTHING judgment free!


My son was 11 when he told me he was bi.
You do nothing accept support them. And you tell them that “regardless of who you love, as long as they love you back that’s all that matters.”

They are just listening to their piers they know what they are yet

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Try not to make a big deal about it. If there is ever a question or conversation about sexuality or something similar just downplay it. Like if she were to mention someone she knows is gay mention something about that person that doesn’t pertain to being gay. For example if she mentioned Jojo siwa coming out you could say… yea I heard, she’s so courageous and I just love her blonde hair and big bows. If your talking about accepting other people just mention that you don’t care if they are gay, straight, big small, black white etc. Just reminding her that you love people regardless of their skin, religion, sexualtiy or even if they don’t like animals like I love animals. It’s ok. I accept people for who they are. Just try showing her that you are open and accepting of all people with a good heart. I always told my son I love him and will support him in absolutely anything that isn’t hurting him or anyone else.


Well i honestly think this may be a phase but very well might not be. Only reason i say this is because my daughter also came to me with this at that age, she is now 13. I heard alot of other parents say the same. My daughter finally told me and we sat down and talked. I told her that she may be confused because she told me she cares for all her gfs but i think she was thinking thats why she felt she liked girls. I told her that she really wont know until she actually starts dating and developing those stronger feelings for others. I dont give a damn whi she is with as long as they treat her right and she is happy. Im good. Thats exactly what i told her. I said once you really know for sure just know in behind you 100% and will never ever stop loving you. No matter what. She cried in relief. She is now 13 but hasnt mentioned that to me anymore. She is not dating mot even worried about it. So we will see i guess.

She doesn’t need to worry about that at her age, let her know you love her and whom ever she chooses to love is her choice. Let her know she’s young and will know the answer when she’s grown and ready, not to worry.


When my daughter was that age, she experimented too. I always made sure that she could come talk to me about anything & everything. Even if it’s something that you don’t necessarily agree with, try to have an open mind. It isn’t always easy, especially if it’s about a topic you’re not comfortable with or maybe upsets you. Put that poker face on mama!
I straight up told my daughter that her sexuality doesn’t define who she is as a human being and she is still capable and worthy of everything she sets her goals to in this life. I also asked her if she would like for me to throw her a “coming out” party- she declined. She “dated” the girl for a few months, until the girl was making negative choices that my daughter didn’t wish to be a part of (which i’m glad. Girl was stealing her mom & grandma’s vehicles & all sorts of shit i had no idea about- the vehicle i did- when a 12 year old little girl pulled up to my home sitting on a fatass phonebook with a roll of paper towel stuffed behind her so she could reach the pedals- & yes i contacted her mother, as well as the police). My daughter has sense moved on & has been with her boyfriend for a year and a half. Accept her for who she is, and tell her every chance you can what a beautiful human being she is & how much you love her and that nothing would ever/ could ever change that.

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First off, you are an AMAZING mom and she is so lucky to have you. Let her figure it out and just tell her you support whoever she loves. Let her know you support lgbt+ too and she might come out to you.

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Just listen and be there all you can do. And I always remind her that no matter what she does you love her and and will be there


I applaud you for reaching out in order to help support your daughter. We need more parents like you in the world that are loving and accepting of their children exactly the way they are. :purple_heart:


Be supportive, but for some children this is a phase OR a means of getting attention. For others, it is very real.

I thought girls were yucky at one time, but I changed my mind. There is to much pressure on kids to categorize themselves. Don’t force a decision.

“I love you no matter whether you like girls or boys. You will know for sure when the time is right – don’t worry about it.”


My daughter is the same age and likes girls too. I don’t treat her any different. I respect her choices and just walk beside her, emotionally speaking, and be there if she needs me.

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I wouldn’t do anything until SHE tells you, like a previous comment says, if you do something she will question who told you and/or get offend/hurt that her trust was broken from the person who told you!

Good on you though for being accepting! Just do some reach on the matter and be ready for when she does tell you!! Let her know your always going to love her and that yous will go through it together and that she is not alone!

I think it’s important at 11 years of age to make sure she knows that she doesn’t need a label and that she is still becoming who she will be. It’s fine to like girls or boys or both or neither. Too much emphasis is placed on making choices when sometimes liking or not liking something is transient, a ‘phase’ (tho i hate that term as it sounds belittling), a transition through a period of hormonal chaos that can wreak havoc with logic and reason or can bring something sharply into focus at a time when the emotional maturity to interpret thoughts and feelings is still developing.
You’ve got this :grinning: just go on being you, showing your love and support and letting her know that you’re excited to share her journey of self discovery to become whoever she will be, and whatever her preferences are xx

Sit down and talk with her.

Before I write what I want…my opinion…I love all the hate the comes along with peoples ignorant comments,because they don’t agree w/me and I should go back up to my “Ivory tower”…bunch of little children up on here lurking…

Do just what your doing and be there for her.She’s opened up to you how she feels,which is a really good thing.


Just tell her it’s okay. And it’s normal. And there is nothing wrong with it. But either way we don’t allow boyfriends or girlfriends until whatever age you allow it. I wouldn’t make it too big of a deal. Just let her know it’s normal. And you are totally okay with it.

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My daughter said the same thing and turns out she is bisexual. You just have to support them and be there for them no matter what.

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I don’t think it should be made to be a big deal. We are supposed to accept it like it’s normal so treat it just like
She came home and told
You she likes a boy.


She’s not gay. She needs guidance


Hey my 11 yr old just did the same! I bought pride shirts🤷🏻‍♀️


Just don’t make a big deal about it. She’s 11 and not old enough to date for love. It’s infatuation. Just let her tell you and carry on with life. If she dates girls later on, at least you knew early on


I have no advice other than what some have already given you but I applaud you as a parent for wanting to support her and continuing to love her. There are so many kids who come out and their parents disown them or treat them different.

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Tell her that and leave it at that! When she is ready she will tell you

Im glad you’re accepting …But being lgbtq+ is a sin and an abomination in God’s eyes. I would tell her that it is not natural to like the same sex, and she is only 11, so she dont have to be interested in anyone RN.

Tell her that no 11 year old girls like boys. Time will tell.


My oldest son went through this about the same age. He told me and all I said was “as long as you are happy and being you, I don’t care who you wanna be with” he was shocked and then acted like he was always gonna shock me. My family all knew and he knew that we all supported him and his choice. About a year later he decided he does infact prefer to like girls. In our school it was almost a big huge fad/phase that all kids were going through. Many of them “grew put of it” and some were actually gay. We’ve just always made sure that all our kids know we will love and support them no matter what.

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My son is 9, came out to his therapist (different issue for therapy, dad passed away a few years ago unexpectedly) but it was almost 3 months before he finally told me, I didnt press the issue or make a big deal out of it, he came to me about 2 weeks ago and said “mom guess what I am, I am not single anymore” I just responded with oh really what’s THEIR name not he or she and he told me “nathan” which is clearly a boys name and while telling me this he was standing at my bedroom door looking at me through the crack of the door as if he was hiding or nervous to tell me, I just asked him where did he meet Nathan and all the other questions I would ask if it was a girl, its hard to not bring it up to them and wanna discuss it with them but just give her time and she will come to you when she’s ready!


Tell her just that and match your actions with your words.


Let her come to you
Don’t tell her it’s a phase, just tell her you love her and you support her
I’m BI, I knew when I was around 13 that I was BI, all my nana told me was she was here for me and she supports me and all she wanted was for me to be happy
If my kids come and tell me they’re gay I’d hug em, and tell em I love em just the same and I’ll support them no matter what as long as their happy


Just love her as you sad

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I would buy and hang a pride flag out front of your house.
Not only let her know that it’s OK however she is but also that it’s OK the world knows it when she’s ready, that includes telling you. When I started to suspect my daughter was that’s what I did. Lots and lots of pride just to show her exactly what’s in my heart so she’d feel safe sharing what was in hers :heart:

Sure, maybe a phase but really it doesn’t matter. It’s how she feels right now and she has a wonderful mother who doesn’t really care which way she leans.

Some of the comments here are what she’ll face in the world, stupidity and hate… make sure she knows at home, with you… she is loved. Can’t protect our child from hateful adults but we can slowly teach them how not to stand for it.


Love her no matter what.

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At 11 she should like barbies and dolls not boys or girls. Too young to think about that yet . Nothing wrong with liking boys and girls but way too young to be moving so fast


I would just ask her “hey babe u talk to nan about something but your not sure how Id feel just know no matter what it is toy want to say ill love u no matter what as long as you didn’t kill someone we good?”

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Don’t pressure her. The calmer you are the sooner she’ll open up. It isn’t a phase btw.


I knew before I was 11 that I was bi. Just be there for her supporting accepting and understanding. There are really helpful books online! Maybe a local support group for both of you. Sending love and hugs to both of you!:purple_heart:


You tell her you support her then actually act supportive. Let her express herself the way she wants.
Don’t tell her it’s a phase. Lol


Just sit down with her and talk to her about how much you love her and how you will ALWAYS be there for her. Then just act accordingly.

Yeah… I knew when I was 12, right before I hit high school

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Maybe tell her just because you like girls doesn’t mean you are gay.


Talk to her about it, and let her know that you love her no matter what. That’s what she needs

At 11, she shouldn’t even be thinking about sex!

People tend to say they knew at a younger age but don’t tell if they were encounter at a young age . I had a friend who is bi sexual I asked her when did it start she said her mother’s female friend use to touch her and do things so to me that wasn’t a decision she made on her own . It hurted my heart because she was so confused and never told any one till she told me. I had no good answer but I asked her which sex treats her better but she couldn’t say because both were emotional and physically abusive to her. I told her maybe she should talk to a professional about it. Also she believed someone touched her son.
Pt2 my grandson was sexually abuse from age 5-7 we never knew till he got older so he suffered mentally . He tried both but still he wakes up crying and all. But I love him and told him no matter what or who he choose is his decision… But to be forced into a lifestyle is horrible .

Tell her you support and love her and will always no matter what

It’s not a phase. You like guys, you likes girls, or both. If she really dislikes guys, she’s definitely lesbian. And there’s nothing wrong with that especially figuring out your sexuality at a young age. A lot of people chat figure themselves out even in their 20-30s. So props to her


First, don’t say it’s a phase. Validate her feelings and let her guide you!


First off, don’t tell her it’s a phase.
Would you do that if she liked boys? No.
Just say, “okay, I don’t think any different of you. You’re still my child. But if you start to date anyone, even if it’s a girl, let me know. Love you!”


These comments make me wonder how many of you have gay kids that are afraid to come out because they’re afraid you won’t accept them


You can tell her what I told my daughter. Also 11. She’s too young to worry about those things. I mean there are so many terms now. Bi sexual, homo sexual, hetero sexual, pan sexual… She’s not sexual anything yet. And I don’t care who she loves when she’s old enough to have a relationship, unless they’re creepy. I will not allow creepy or dirty. So we laughed about it and she knows whatever happens in future will not be an issue. She’s too young to be stressing about something like that. For now she must grow and be a child, only just starting to become a young lady. I want her to know herself and love herself and have the confidence to be anything she wants to be.


I would just let her bring it up to you when she feels comfortable to do so. Don’t push nothing out of her or anything but when time comes and she tells ya just be like I still love you and be happy for her that she’s happy! I would also let her know that you support her in whatever she wants to do!


Well 1st u need to give her time to tell u herself. She told ur mom & ur mom told u. If u say something to her that could backfire for all involved. She will tell u when she is ready.

But what u could do is buy gay supporting items without saying anything. Small things just to place around the house.

Just simply tell her whatever path you chose for love I’m here fully supporting you as a mom & counselor anytime

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Just support her and understand as she grows and her understand of self grows, that this could change. But support is key, so ask HER what she needs from you.


Let her guide you like someone said in the comments. She might not like boys because a group of boys might have bullied her or how boys treat girls in school but that doesn’t mean she is gay…don’t get me wrong! Being gay is a choice and we have to be supportive in our children’s decisions. But don’t guide her let her guide you so you both can understand eachother


I wouldn’t approach her about it, because that would break her trust with her grandmother. She trusted her grandmother so she confided in her. I would just wait until she come to you about it. And maybe suggest it here and there or hint here and there that you accept your children the way they are. Maybe put a movie on with gay couples in there and then start talking about the topic and just the topic only. so she’ll know where you stand.


A bit young to decide she doesn’t like boys since she still believes in cooties!!!


When my son told me, I said okay. Then hes been angry because I didn’t give a dramatic response. I think some things are just different perspectives and some are attention seeking. They’re going to do whT they choose, unfortunately hormones change sweet babies into teenagers

U tell her no matter what that you will be there for her and love her. I will tell u thus now I hide it from my parents for a very long time my dad caught me with one of my girlfriends at 19 and I told him don’t tell mom. They were against it. More so my mom then a few years ago my mom got sick stage 4 cancer. I DID tell her and she she she doesn’t agree 100% but that she loves me and as long as I’m happy and healthy it foes matter what anyone has to say. My mom passed away January 27 2020

Join a parent support group and ask a lot of questions.

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I came out to my mom at this age and she supported me. I’m 23 and I’m bisexual now but have been with more women than men. Id just support her and show her that you’re there for her. Show her that it’s okay don’t act as if she’s wrong for liking girls.

Let her find her way and just be supportive


Don’t tell her it’s a phase. Her feelings are real. Just talk to her

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There’s no such thing as a phase… She may later learn that she also likes guys, but if she felt strongly enough about liking girls to come out to your mom, she likes girls… That being said, exactly what you just typed is what you should say to her… That you were raised to accept her, and that you will… With most LGBTQ+ kids, that’s all they need to hear…

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You shouldn’t have to ask anyone how to support your child emotionally. Do what comes natural !

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Start watching lesbian tiktok lol

No seriously I understand you wanna be sneaky because you don’t want her to know you know. But just tell her “I know you are getting older and we should talk about the birds and bees. If you get a boyfriend, or girlfriend if that’s your thing just know I will support you” and boom done.


Tell her what you told us, just that you love her no matter what


Exactly that you tell her you’ll love and support her no matter what.

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Literally tell her that you love her no matter what. Encourage her to talk to you about her feelings, without leading her. Listen to all she has to say.

My daughter thought she was gay at 10 and now she’s 11 and like boys again and goes back and forth between straight and pans , I just told her this, “your feelings are 100% valid, and I’m going to love and support you regardless. it’s not a big deal to me but as a child I want you to avoid labels for yourself, or any decisions that you may phase out of, and maybe not, just don’t put too much concern on your sexuality because it’s not really time for you to pursue it anyway. Be happy, focus on finding yourself, and whoever you feel attracted to regardless of gender, i just hope they align with your values and support you being happy. Remember to be fluid because you will be changing a lot in the next few years. You don’t have to commit to anything that defines your future relationships being with a man or a woman right now”


Start modeling an ally friendly home. Do you have books and shows that include LGBTQ+ characters? Do you have any PRIDE flags or ally gear in your home?

Do you have LGBTQ+ friends and mentors in your life or attend community events? If not, that’s a great place to start.

When talking about heteronormative events, do you also include LGBTQ+ language?

Do they know your love is unconditional?

This will help cultivate a safe place to be able to come out.

I’d also ask yourself where the value of “it’s just a phase” may have come from. It can take time to process emotions about your child’s identity and challenge beliefs that come up. Sometimes, talking to a counselor can be really helpful in exploring that and giving extra tools for communicating and supporting your child.

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Get Grandma on board first with talking to your daughter because as said above she did break a confidence. Talk to her together and let her know Grandma was concerned that she didn’t feel like she had enough of a support system with you not knowing but that you love and support her as she is. Make sure she knows no topic is taboo and you welcome her talking to either of you as she feels comfortable. Then just hug her, hug her lots because she might be very confused and emotional with coming out to even 1 person.

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Just let her know that you don’t care who she loves male female or otherwise as long as they treat each other right and respect each other .
My 13 yr old is bisexual and her boyfriend is trans . Love is love is love

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Go up to her and say ur gay and that’s okay I love you no matter what :slightly_smiling_face: your still you

I realized I was bi at 12. Maybe find some literature and let her see you reading it?

Just love her. The world needs more parents like you.

I remember from a young pre teen age, and still to this day, my mom always told me “I’m with you when you’re right and I’m with you when you’re wrong. No matter what I’m behind you 100%” And she always has been. No matter what was going on or I was going through.


Just tell her what you just said there you’ll be there that you love her no matter what then give her a really big hug

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I’m going thru this with my 10 year old daughter. We recently started a group together with the LGTBWQ community she loved the fact that I attend every Friday night with her. We went to an event and they gave out pride bracelets I wear one that I say represents her. So that in itself has made her feel so much more comfortable. Dad and I have always expressed that she can come to us with anything with no judgement at all and whatever it is will be discussed together…her opinion matters just like ours do. Just be there for your baby momma that’s all you can do :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Treat her the same, support her in everything, love her unconditionally, and freedom of expression. Dont overwhelm her, let her know your comfortable with it and accepting.

My daughter is 11 and told her older brother that she likes girls and boys. She thought I would mad at her. I told her I wasn’t. Doesn’t matter who she loves as.long as they treat her right

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oh come on…little girls do not like boys…do not likeboys… it is perfectly normal…whan they grow up itisquite different…you young parents are nuts,


Jus be there for her, tell her she’s got a support system…don’t try and force her to change who she is.(if you know what I mean) She is who she is! Love her unconditionally tell her Jesus won’t hate her cause of that…he will love her even if shes gay! Tell her to ignore the haters too :smiling_face:
If she’s happy let her be happy

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Have her grandma talk to her about telling you. If she finds out her grandma said something she may stop trusting her


Just accept her. It MAY just be a phase, she IS quite young. You don’t need to encourage her, but just accept her.

You say, “I love you and support you no matter what… let’s go get our nails done (or whatever she’s into)


Tell her you love her no matter what!!! Encourage her to have talk with you and that you will stand behind her!

Iv always told my daughter from a young age that I love them no matter who they decide to love wither it be male or female as long as they happy im happy and I will support them no matter what happens in there life x

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Wait for her to tell you. And then support her.

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Myself personally, I’d ask her why she thought she was. Listen and say okay. I wouldn’t encourage her at all, but I would deter her from having any type of sexual cocntact or even kissing, with anyone shes only 11, I’d treat her just like I would, if she was heterosexual. At 11 she is having all kinds of emotions, give her time, to really find herself, and if she turns out to be a lesbian, treat her like you would if she was heterosexual. Be there for her, why treat her any different.


You are off to a great start.

Many have known from an early age, even younger than 11, who they are attracted to. Let her be able to openly talk to you and allow her to go from there.

Check for support groups for her, and you and reach out to the wonderful LGBQT community around you.

I dont know you but I am so proud of you mama for loving her as is. My heart is full xoxo

My daughter ended up going through a “phase” around 12-13. But obviously we didn’t know that’s what it was at the time. Speak openly with her about it, let her know you love her no matter who she’s attracted to. But also let her know that as she gets older, if her feelings change, that that’s OK too. I think my daughter had a harder time telling me she didn’t think she was attracted to girls anymore, than when she first came out to me. Also, don’t smother her, they’re still teens/preteens and like to keep stuff to themselves

Omg…11 is too young to feel sexual about anything. Has to be a thing with her friends talking about it and she wants to fit in so saying she is gay for attention. All little girls dislike boys. Lol. Tell her wait and see when a teen how you feel. Feelings change when get older and right now dont know one way or another. Not mature enough hormonally yet to know.


There is some parents on here that font deserve to be parents! My son came out as well. He is 21 and the most respectful person you will meet. None of our family is like this except him. We support him 100% in whatever he wants


You tell her simply that. Maybe bring up in conversation how you think it’s great that people have the freedom to be and love whomever they want.

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As ever changing as children are the only thing is support and love. Being there as the one they can go to for guidance to protect them from others. Keep her on a path to talk to you and trust, not allowing pressure, bullying or anything to put her in a situation she’s not ready for till she’s older. She’s going to need you.

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Don’t feed in to this 11year old don’t know what they like maybe boys r being mean to her make her feel good in her skin let her know she is beautiful and boys can be mean start doing things with he like bra make up shopping girl things let her know the lord don’t like that he made her special as a girl not a boy don’t feed in to that