My 12 year old still wets the bed: Advice?

He’s afraid of something?

My son is 11 and I’m still waiting also :expressionless: I’ve heard many times though that its normal and they will grow out of it eventually.

Stop letting him have liquid past 4pm


The best I can tell you is to just make sure he doesn’t feel bad about it, im 20 and I still wet the bead every great once in a while cause of issues and it’s big that I or anyone else get support for it. Talk to your doctor more; there’s got to be something they can do. Also no fluids 2 hours before bedtime and it’s good to go the the bathroom right before you lay down for bed

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Alot of children have this problem. Most grow out of it. I had a cousin that wet the be through adulthood through. He had kidney and bladder problems. Hopefully he’ll grow out of it. :pray::pray:

It could be a urinary problem that he’ll eventually outgrow. The best thing is to not make an issue of it. You can get adult incontinence products and underpads for the bed. Maybe have him stop liquids a couple of hours before bed. If he gets thirsty before bed, keep popsicles in the freezer for him. I know it’s frustrating for you and for him, but the best thing to do is try not to dwell on it. Keep incontinence supplies available for him in his room and before you know it, he won’t need them anymore.


Try no more liquids past 6 pm

My sons 11 and wets the bed a few times a week. It use to be every night but it’s gotten a bit better. My brother and my dad wet the bed till they were 16 so im not worried. Neither is his doctor

Get him into therapy. It’s possible something has happened to him that y’all are unaware of.


Have you cut fluids off two hours before bed :face_with_monocle:

My son wasn’t that old - but we quit getting him up to pee before we went to bed - AND I quit changing his bed every day. He complained about his bed stinking and I told him that I was tired of washing his sheets, etc every day. Wasn’t long before he started getting up at night to pee. We figured he thought he was getting himself up at night when we got him up - Whatever - it worked

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Try adult diapers. Extra small. So not such a mess for him until he can make it through the night

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If this just started, he should be checked for worms.

Put puppy pads in his bed
Don’t give him anything to drink past 5pm… if he goes to bed at 8:40 pm for school then don’t give him anything to drink 5 hrs before.
How large is the bathroom? Maybe get him used to sleeping near the bathroom or inside bathroom. I know that’s odd to do but if ur desperate… doesn’t hurt. some kids get scared to walk in the dark and so they just wet the bed and or pee in a corner of the room.

Usually regression wetting the bed is a sign of trauma tho.

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Adult diapers for use at night? That would at least save the sheets. However, this could be psychological rather than physical. It’s not really common for a 12 yr old to still be having accidents.


Urologist and a good psychologist to see if any physical or emotional abuse happened and he kept to himself


Oh also check for diabetes. Get a doctor to check his A1C


My cousin had this problem his whole life. His wife said if he pees when she is in bed with him that she gets up and goes and gets in bed with one of the kids.

My oldest son, now 17, wet the bed until he was 13. No psychological issues and many many MANY doctors and specialist visits found no other issues. By the last few years it wasn’t as often. But he sleeps like the dead. Nothing could wake him, even the urge to pee. He was just as frustrated by it as we were but we got in a routine of no liquid past 7pm, bathroom every hour before bed and gave him the room closest to the bathroom. We also invested in many plastic mattress liners and got him very good at doing his own laundry. Once puberty hit full on, it was like it just stopped all in it’s own. What was most important for our home was to make sure he knew that there was no shame in it and made sure he knew how to take care of himself and stayed consistent. We were all very relieved when he finally grew out of it, especially him. My advice is if you have eliminated any potential psychological or physiological causes, just grant him grace, patience, and understanding. Make sure he feels loved and not judged and know, with time, most of these things pass.


I had them stop drinking after 6pm and woke them up at 1am.

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Please find a Chiari Malformation Neurosurgeon Specialist who is familiar with Tethered cord…
Hoping this isn’t what’s going on but if it is, nothing else will help

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Have you talked too your doctor? My 5 year old kept doing that, and found out he’s a type 1 diabetic. Get him checked too be safe

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Could something be troubling your son? How is his home environment? Maybe get some therapy…could be something he’s not telling you.

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They have to grow out of it. Mine did. Just one day he stopped. They said he could have inherited my small bladder. Then mix that with a hard sleeper and voilà.
What ever you do, do make a crazy deal or make him feel lousy or like he’s a failure. This honestly isn’t his fault.
We did try to watch the drinking before bed and still……

Be patient and supportive and don’t talk about it to others when he’s around or to where he’d be embarrassed!
I’m sure he already has issues from it and you don’t want to make it worse.
Ask if he’s like to go talk to a therapist about it for his own mental well being because he could be being very hard on himself and affecting his self esteem.

It would be worth it to try Dr. Berg Keto diet. Good protien with good fats nourish the hormone-adrenal system. Also sugars in the circulatory-urine system draw water to it, therfore over whelping it… This might take a whole family diet change for the better.

cut off his liquids by 6, go pee every 30 min before bed & see if it helps… he might have a small bladder

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My sister had this issue when she was younger.
It ended up being caused by kidney and bladder issues. She wouldn’t feel that her bladder is full while sleeping and wake up soaked. She had constant kidney infections caused by allergic reactions to chlorine and such. So basically, if she had baths at all (which she used to have daily) or went swimming, she would end up with kidney or bladder infections and wet the bed. Now that she’s much older, she’s learned what her kidneys react too and can control her bladder, but she did recently get diagnosed with a “non-cancerous tumor” on her left kidney.

So basically just saying, please make sure you have ruled out ALL possible medical reasons. My best wishes :purple_heart:


Take him to his Pediatrician, go from there.

Could he wear a pull up type underwear? I don’t know what size they go up to be there are adult size underwear that would be far easier to deal with.

Adult diapers and soaker pads…till you figure it out

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Maybe have him see a therapist. You could try pull ups/ depends

Stop fluids 30 mins before bed and have him use the toilet right before getting in bed. Also, whatever Edna Souza said! Exactly that. Urologist and psychologist. It could also be anxiety or night terrors.

I reverted after we moved to a different state and it didn’t go well. It took months to gain control again. There are various incontinence pads that can be used until he gains control. There are a number of men who have trouble gaining night control until they are in junior high. I read that even Michael Landon had problems, and his parents shamed him for it. Hang in there, and keep encouraging him.

See a dr asap, I’m 31 and have a really small blather sometimes I still have issues, I have what’s called urinary reflex disease, and my kidneys are effed up, if I wait too long to go to the bathroom my bladder will just give in.

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Had this issue with my son till the day he died in a car accident, he was 26. Drs said he slept too soundly to wake up. We tried every gadget out there to help the issue. It didn’t happen often after he left his teen years, but when it did it wasn’t good. Cut off his fluids after 6 pm worked best for him. Make sure you get a drs advice. There are medical issues that can cause it. A sound sleeper with a small bladder was our issue. It happens more than you realize

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He needs to see a pediatrician. He likely has SIADH and needs hormone therapy.

DDAVP medicine every night

I would talk to his pediatrician. have him tested for diabetes. And maybe about possibly taking him to a nephrologist. It could be something with his bladder or kidneys. I had this issue alot when I was younger and when I would start waking up was up ALL THE TIME. As an adult I have had issues with my kidneys and I have cystitis. And im diabetic.

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My brother wet the bed till he was 17 but his was mainly due to the trauma we suffered as kids abuse from our mom and constantly being moved from foster home to the next i wet the bed till I was 12 or 13 same reason my brother did, but also I was molested at 9 years old in one foster home


Definitely speak with his pediatrician. Best of luck. Sweet kid to get up and wash his bedding. I’m sure he is frustrated by it as well.

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Have you talked to his doctor ?? Put him in ( adult ) diapers if you can.


My sister wet the bed every night till she met the love of her life. She stopped then and as far as I know doesn’t do it anymore.

My daughter had to wear an alarm. It took a while to work, but she eventually stopped. Her Dr. found out she was still in pull ups and recommended she get one. Amazon has reasonably priced ones. They clip to the underwear and there’s a sensor that triggers the alarm.


I had the same problem with my son he is the same age and honestly cutting off drinks after dinner helped a ton especially caffeinated drinks but my son has kidney reflux so there are things he cannot have to drink

Has his tubes been checked? Bladder? To make sure they’re not too small or backflowing? Maybe a UTI.

Try a therapist/psychologist to see if there’s an issue he needs to get off his chest.

Since its inconsistent and most children can hold it through the night, I’m not thinking it’s him just wanting to be lazy.

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Drink less water but have him or her checked by a Doctor. May have kidney issues

I use to have a similar problem as well. I grew out of it eventually but I did have to stop fluid intake like an hour before bed. There was nothing specific I can remember when I finally out grew it

We have the same problem. My son is 9. I’m hoping he grows out of it too. He has to shower every morning and wash, dry, and make his bed. I know the frustration!

Magic stuffy… I used the magic ostrich… it honestly worked wonders

Highly suggest a therapist


Get him some depends basically and a therapist. The pediatrician too of course. But there are several things he can wear to help

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Having the same problems with my 7yr old daughter and being a family of 7 the washing stressful and I hate the smell is disgusting was ruining everything I’ve gone back to pull ups and you can get them for all ages

I had the same problem with my Son, he still was having problem right up the Age of 15, Than out of the Blue it stop. No more wet beds, It’s not his fault this happen, something you have to deal with it, Bless him now his Son has the same problem, slowing he is getting better, he nearly 14 years Old now, but it was worse for him, he was even like it during the day, Bless him, Teachers was told when he needs the toilet he must go, as he will not to be able to hold himself, But he slowing got over with that problem by the Age of 8-9 years bless him, Yes they will slowly get over this problem but it does take time, And we Mothers have to cope with the washing as well, Before you know it, It has stop for good.

I have read it can be fear of a parent


Don’t restrict fluids, it will cause bladder irritation. Puberty is often the time this stops.
Obviously medical checks must be done and if it continues after puberty, I’d ask for uro dynamics testing. Use umbrella sheets or similar. Don’t use adult or child nappies unless absolutely necessary (ie on holidays etc). I’d only go to adult nappies after puberty if it continues. Also worth talking to a local continence service.


I’m usually the first person to be harsh on kids bc I grew up old school and from another country where kids aren’t as babied as they are here. However I will have to disagree on this one. Twelve year Olds know this is not OK. They are embarrassed by it which is probably why he does all the washing and setting up on his own. What is lazier and better? Getting a full night’s sleep or getting up full of piss and needing to take a shower, remove the bedding, wash it dry it and go back to bed if he can at that point. My son peed his bed til he was 8 and he was always embarrassed about it. I’ve met other 12 year Olds that aren’t a fan either. Yall make it sound like waking up full of your own piss is a dream come true, no they hate it and feel awful.

30 mins after he falls asleep wake him up and make him use the bathroom and do this every night for a couple weeks. It breaks their sleep and helps their brain recognize the need to use the bathroom while sleeping

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Try a moisture alarm, that’s what I’m going to do with my 6 year old. They have a lot of good reviews. Trains them to wake up when they actually have to pee and not just randomly. But you have to sleep by them for a bit to make sure theyre waking up for the alarm.

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An alarm. My son had one when he was 10 it clips to your underwear and it has a wire that is connected to the alarm that u wear around your arm. It worked!!! He woke up peeing a couple times and the alarm woke him. He wore it for a month and that’s what it took. Kind of gets ur mind and bladder working together.

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They outgrow it on their own normally between 12 and 15 years old. One of my sons was 14 before he stopped and one of my grandsons was 12. I limited liquid intake after 9 o’clock and he went to the bathroom just before he went to bed. But it still just takes time.

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Have you had him checked for seizures. That will make them wet the bed. They don’t have to have grand Mal either . Good luck. Been there down that.

Perhaps he was born with only 1 kidney, I know someone who got in trouble for wetting the bed just for her parents to find that out.

My kid had the same problem we went to his Dr apt they said some people are in such deep sleep they can’t wake up. Dr put him on meds to stop urine production in the night works great

He is most likely a very sound sleeper my son was the same an just grow out of it…for my son a bloody tornado could carry the house away,an he would still be sleeping lol… I could not believe how sound he slept

Some children have defective bladders mishaped underdeveloped etc many reasons ask GP for a scan :kissing_heart: