My 13-month-old is biting at daycare: Advice?

have u tried a spanking. sometimes they need to know u mean business.

Hate to say it but bite him back. That’s the only way he’ll learn that biting hurts


At 13 months they are still oral fixated and biting things brings them pleasure. They don’t feel the pain they inflict on others. When someone bites them back and they actually feel the pain, then they will understand cause and effect. If another child bites them back, you simply make sure no real physical damage has been done and then you reinforce with the child that biting “hurts”. With time and reinforcement they start to learn. If an adult bites the child back, this becomes more of an issue. You must be goal oriented and all adults must be informed of your plan. If you bite back, it should be only hard enough for the child to pull away. Then you must look the child in the eyes and make sure he is looking back at you. Then reinforce that that is biting and it hurts. Don’t do it to anyone! This is not the end of the world and you must remember the child has to learn. Never bite your child to actually cause trauma! Good luck…

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my son was like this. and as sad/mean as it may seem, I bit him back and showed him it hurt. Not to hard just enough for him to feel it. He never bit another person again


My mother was told by her pediatrician years ago that if it’s more than an occasional bite, bite them back just enough and they’ll stop. Proven to be true as it stopped my son from biting


When my son bites, which is RARE i scream out and ‘pop’ his nose or cheek. Its not hard. Just enough to grab his attention. Alot of people think im crazy for saying this but it works for my son and has literally hasnt bitten me or anybody in over 5 months.

I agree bite them back! I did that with both my kids. After i bit them they never bit anyone again lol


My son did that phase. I bit him back. Hasn’t done it since :woman_shrugging:t2: if he doesn’t stop a bad behavior I do it to him n he stops


I was going to get kicked out of daycare for biting. So my dad bit me back. I never did it again.


See a Doctor and rule out medical, dont bite him back :woman_facepalming:


bite him back, not hard but enough to show him it doesn’t feel good


My son was did that as well he got his teeth early and when he was biting we would bite him right back to show him that it hurts to bite


I had to bite my son back not hard just enough to get his attention


Bite him back. I did that to my daughter twice and never again!


It’s a phase they all go through. I just yelled real loud one day when he bit me and it scared him. He bit less after that. But it is totally normal and sucks

Yep bite him back and make him watch u do it


My son bites during play. I always stop playing and say ‘No, I’m not playing if you are biting’. I also bit him back and he was so shocked. He hasn’t bit hard since. If I’m am carrying him and also stop what I am doing and say no and I put him on the floor. I don’t pick him back up for a bit.


Bite back or smack a little harder. I know not everyone will agree with that but sometimes it helps. No, it’s not abuse either…


My little sister bit my mom and left a mark, so she bit her back. Not hard, but hard enough to realize it hurts. My sister never bit again.


My daughter did this at daycare too. We used these necklaces which seemed to help

A 13 month old cannot communicate their feelings. Biting is very commonly used at that age as a means of communication. My daughter was horrible with the biting. I tried to help her through the frustration the best I could while also letting her know biting was not okay. It’s a phase, she eventually stopped


Definitely bite back…!!hard enough to show them how bad it is… this worked for me when my kids bit me…


My daughter bit one time and I bit her back and she never did it again. Of course be gentle with it but it still shocks them and they realize they don’t like it.

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Toddlers generally bite because they’re trying to communicate, but they don’t have the words. They want a reaction out of the other kid. They aren’t doing it to be mean, they just don’t understand how to communicate properly yet. Sometimes they’ll bite if they get overwhelmed and whatever (or whoever) is close to them will get bit. I worked in a toddler classroom for 8 years. I’ve seen it all. Talked to “biting specialists” And now I have one of my own. I promise he’s not being a mean kid. And it’s perfectly normal for toddlers to bite. He’ll grow out of it. I’d maybe watch and see what happens directly before he bites. Is he acting overwhelmed? Does he want something from who he bites? Does it happen when someone gets into his personal space? It will stop once he has the tools to communicate more effectively, so don’t worry too much mama!

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He doesnt relate the biting to the pain it causes…my daughter bit her lil sister to the point she would draw blood…for no other reason than simply standing by her or playing with her…I bit her…once she realized that biting caused her pain, she never bit again.

Remove his top two teeth.


Bite him back . It can be normal for some kids . But as little as they are they are learning how far they can go with things.

They will put him out of daycare for biting other kids. I for one would be furious if my 12-13 month child came home with a bite mark.


I bit mine back. Not hard, just enough to get her attention.

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Bite him back lol jk

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Definitely bite back :heart:

My son bit me the other day (2), I bit him back. He hasn’t done it again, I didn’t bite hard enough to leave a mark but he got the picture.


My little guy started biting we tried everything and nothing worked so i bit him back and he hasnt bit since lol

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The next time he bites you be overly, ridiculously, insanely dramatic. Screw up your face, bawl your eyes out loudly, say OW, OW, OWWWWWWW!!! Like you’ve just been stabbed with a butcher knife. That’s how I stopped my son from hitting.


My daughter used to bite, hard… One day when she went to bite me, I moved her arm so she bit herself. She never bit again.:grinning:


I agree with the bite back. Not hard. Just enough they know it hurts and don’t feel good. If they cry explain that how others feel.

Absolutely, bite him back.

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Bite back worked for me

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Bite him back until it hurts and he gets the message.

I bit my kid back too . enough so he knew it hurt

I bit my mom ONE time when I was small. She bit me back and I never bit again… thankfully I never had a problem with my son biting

Firm believer in biting them back or letting the victim bite them back! I have 4 kids! Only one was a biter. She was absolutely terrible with it! After I bit her for biting her brother we only had one more biting incident! She bit a family friends toddler (F.F. was baby sitting) & I told her to let her baby bite back! No more biting after that!

My son went to a daycare with a little girl that uses to bite all the time. One day when picking my son up, I saw she bit him so hard that it left red teeth makes hours later. I looked at her and told her if she bit again I was going to bite her. She never bit him or anyone again.

He needs to feel what it is he is doing and sometimes all it takes is one bite! And coming from you would be better! If he bites you then you bite back! Remember that it is for their own sake!

Bite back. Not too hard. But so he understands it hurts.

Bite him back I did my son and he never bit me or anyone again

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My daughter bit me once so hard that she drew blood. So her mimi grabbed her and bit her. She never bit again until recently

My son was a biter. He would bite me and anybody else if he didn’t get what he wanted. I allowed a kid his age to bite him back after getting bit more than once by my son. He never bit another kid again.

I flicked mine right below the nose when they bit with a stern very serious NO!! You can’t flick the lip because if you flick the wrong way you can flick a lip into teeth and that’s no good. It was unpleasant enough without causing injury that it got the point across.

My son bit me once. I bit him back. He didn’t bite again. That was 15 years ago.

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Pop his mouth or bite him back so he knows what hes doing hurts, I’m not saying to hurt him but just enough so he understands that hes hurting people

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I bit my daughter back, I maneuvered out of the way so she bit herself. I tried redirecting her with teethers. Firmly saying no or Ouch that hurts mommy. You name it I tried it. Nothing worked she kept biting. Usually when she was frustrated or excited. She eventually grew out of it as she gained more words. Good luck!

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Bite back! Once they realize it hurts they usually back off.


Bite him back hard enough that he will get the idea of pain but not enough to leave marks. He’ll stop


Feed the bite. Also take away toys and give no attention. Kinda like a time out. Just push down on the back of his neck/ head when he bites you and he will gag it will stop over time. Works like a charm

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The only thing I have ever seen work is biting back

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Oh common …the child dont kno that …the child gum is itching her or him

Definitely dont go to get their teeth removed at the dentist as punishment for biting


Bite him hard enough to leave teeth marks then he kniws NO

Bite him back, just enough that he realizes ow that kinda hurts. I bit my neices and nephews back and my daughter…works every time. Same with hair pulling


Being a preschool teacher for over 20 years,and dealing with biters daily there are more productive methods to stop biters.Teachers aren’t allowed to bite back.We are taught to redirect and confirm that biting is not okay.There are many toddlers books that are based on biting.Its a challenge to deal with everyday,but redirecting usually works. A child who can’t talk about feelings feels frustrated so they usually bite. Teaching baby sign works to help a child with their feelings.


Bit him back and tell him it hurts Don’t it so if u don’t want anymore u need to stop biting others I had a niece that bit my little dog on the ear and he bit her back but my niece was 12 years old did I punish my dog no He was only 2 years old

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I bite my daughter back and she never did it again


The only thing that worked for my son was when he bit me I took his arm and pressed it into his teeth (not super hard or anything just enough to show him look biting hurts) I did everything else under the sun besides biting him back

I had to bit my daughter hard enough that she knew it hurt and she never did it again


Hes still only a baby he really doesn’t understand what he is doing making a big fuss about it will make him keep doing it its only a phase he will grow out of it give him a lil time I would just say no and take him away for the situation

Surly biting a child will teach and show them how wrong the behaviour is :woman_facepalming:t3::unamused:

I use to have a daycare and there was a little girl who was biting her twin brother I mean he would come with bite marks all over his body one day she went after my son, so I told her she cant come back till she stops so I told the mother take her home and bite her back when she bites cause she doesnt know how it feels and its hurting her brother so she did just that and the brother came back with no bite mark ever again…I know it sounds mean but it works and you have to think about the safety of other children…


I bit back and it stopped instantly


I bit them back and they figured out the first time it hurts, bad! :woman_shrugging: Judge me, idc.


My little didnt quit biting until I bit her back. Not hard enough to leave any mark or bleed but enough to show her it hurts and she stopped.


Unfortunately every time a child biter gets a bite back they stop. It’s been proven many a time. Since back in time. Sometimes things just are the solution to the remedy. Even if it’s frowned upon. It works.

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I had trouble with mine doing this for a few months. Really it’s partly just a stage that they will outgrow. We got some books about biting and read those a lot but not sure how much they really helped. I think what helped the most was making sure he was getting plenty of sleep. Bedtime got moved earlier to compensate for his naps not being as long at daycare as they are at home. Also made sure that daycare was giving him easy access to water since being hungry/thirsty can also lead to biting.

My mom bit me back and I remember it still to this day 20 some years later. I also remember never biting my sister again.

My son did this at day care and he ended up getting kicked out. So i talked to a new day care about him and she took him in. She was saying thats he way of communication. So when he would do it at the day care i put him in his room for a couple minutes with no toys and said you got to stop biting. And after a few weeks at this he doesnt bite he is the most well behaved kid.

I was mean n bite my kids back they do stop as they will remember the pain

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I bit my mom once, she bit me hard enough to show me, but obviously not hurt me, and I never did it again. I’ve done the same thing with both of my neices, whom I cared for, and they haven’t done,it since.


I’m not into the bite them back thing, but when he is about to bite, put his own arm in the way so he bites himself.


I work in a daycare, it is developmentally appropriate for kids to bite infant through 2s, we use bite books to teach about not biting with songs too, we re direct them to bite somthing if they try, alot of it is because they cant express what they want to say with words

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I’m an older mom. My one twin was a biter, I bit back. No more biting

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Bite him back that’s what I did with my son when he was biting other kids at daycare they actually asked him to leave because he wouldn’t stop. So I bit him and then I went in the other room and I cried while he was crying and he stopped biting but they still wouldn’t take him back. He’s 12 and still remembers it.

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Bite him back. He’ll learn real fast.

I know some parents say don’t fight violence with violence but sometimes it works. Bite back or pop his butt. My son has bit me a grand total of twice both times I popped his butt and he has not done it since to me or any on else. I also say owe at the same time when he does it and then pop him once. As far as biting back only do it enough to prove a point but not enough to leave a mark. It work on some kids.


I have 6 children and breaking the bad biting habit was one of my easiest task ever that worked and only took a few times and non of my kids ever bit again. Yall might think I’m horrible but it’s a method I trained with our labrador puppies as well and 100% works. During the biting phase I wear a rubber band or hair tie on my wrist. If a puppy or one of my little ones started nipping or biting I would snap there mouth with it. Never left a mark on any of my children but did it hard enough for them to remember that biting hurts and is a big NO.


Bite him back. He’ll never bite again.

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I have heard using lemon juice or hot sauce…I never had a problem with my kids biting. But I hope you find way to get the biting to stop. Good luck.

Bite him back. My daughter was pulling hair at 1/1.5 yo. I pulled back and she stopped immediately


Squeal like over the top when he does it. Squeal high pitched and shout ouch put him straight on the floor and cry xx

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I bit mine back and it only took one time. He never bit again.


Bite back they don’t do it again

Bite him back, he will soon learn.

My eldest was a biter. I bit him back and he never did it again :woman_shrugging:

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Bite him. Just enough to get the shock on his face and you’ll know you got his attention. It works.

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i had a biter was bloody frustrating bit nearly every child she knew so one day i bit her so hard on her arm i left a mark she squealed i felt very guilty BUT cured her good luck

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I knew of a horse that nipped. It was a police horse. One day the police officer bit that horse back. That horse never nipped again. :woman_shrugging: true story lol

I never had to bite my kids back…I simply made them bite themselves…& it worked!

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I bit my son wen he dd this to us n I ddnt even bite him very hard, but wen he felt that wat he was doing is sore he never tried biting me again

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How does he do with your hair? Did you have to teach him to not pull it? Can you use some of the same techniques for teaching to not bite?

I stg bite back!! It works…not hard just enough to gain their attention

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Understanding why they bite is the first step. It’s typically frustration and they can’t voice it.
Biting them back doesn’t mean hurting them, biting to break skin or cause damage and it doesn’t need to be mean. If done to teach them, this hurts and this is how it hurts, it may work. However, teaching them another method of expressing themselves would be better.