My 13 year old is addicted to video games: What can I do?

Parental controls.
Take the cord, turn the wifi off, limit his time.

You are the parent


If he is truly addicted removing it will make it worse, not better. He needs therapy. He is obviously having trouble regulating his emotions and needs more help than you can provide.


Take his games tell him until respect is given chore are done no games period in this house he don’t need to be scaring the younger ones 6ft or not my son told me to screw off he’d be sleeping on a mattress with a bear room for a week no games tv nothing.


Simple. Take it away. I have a 16 yr old.

Sell it and dont let him have video games. When he’s gone off to a friends or something or if he’s there :woman_shrugging: If he bows up at you or anything call the law and have him bakeracted for behavioral issues :woman_shrugging: I don’t understand how a parent let’s their own kids scare them and run them over and the fact you know he knows it. Put your foot down.

Change the WiFi password. Take it away.

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I don’t care how big my son is, it would be a cold day in Hell before he spoke to me that way. He needs to learn to respect you as the parent

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Take the tv, conputer, tablet, phone whatever device he uses away from him & get him into counseling.

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Take away the game unit. You are the parent.


You are the mom he is the child no matter his size. It is your house. For his own good take the video games away from him.

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I have the same issues with my son just different circumstances. I feel for you!

Simple fix take away videos games for bad behavior


Take it away. It’s literally that simple. You’re his parent, not his friend.


Take it all away and if that doesn’t work whop that ass thats what these kids needs these days. I don’t care if he’s 7 foot tall and 400 lbs. My children will not talk to me like that. That ass whopping will work he will eventually not want that ass whopping and learn some respect. There’s a difference in an ass whopping and a beating and if you don’t think you can do that send him to a boot camp somewhere for awhile

Fist of all. Is he online in his room? Take the internet connection away for starts. Apply parental controls. Taking it entirely away wont work as he will resent you forever.

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You’re the parent. Take it away from him

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Change wifi password…
Nothing like a active sport…
Military school

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I say family therapy for him to learn how to express frustration and anger and you to help him through it. Also finding other things that he can get into other than gaming…

No games then. There is no reason he should be talking to you like that. 6ft or 2ft…unacceptable


Take away his game system while he’s gone, and tell him he can earn the system back, when he shows some respect. AND earn his controllers and games back one by one as time goes on. Give the games back first, and give the cords and everything back separate as well. Set a time limit for how long he can be on there. If he doesn’t follow it then get rid of the system completely. And I’d put him in anger management he shouldn’t be acting the way hes acting over a darn game system.


Therapy and anger management. Also, act like a parent and take away privileges. :scream:
He acts like that because you allow it.
Change wifi password and don’t give it to him.
Send him to military school.


Take it away until he can learn to respect you… If you don’t it will only get worse… I speak from experience my daughter was the same way until I broke her from yelling at me… She was grounded from any games for months before she learned how to treat people

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You say it “scares” your younger children and he knows your not going to make him do anything? You have an abusive and apparently uncontrollable force in your home and child or not you need to protect the other inhabitants from that abusive behavior, he could possibly have intermittent explosive disorder or just thinks might is right because its what works in his video games, either way protect your family first then try to diagnose and fix him

The video games shouldn’t even be in his room still.

My mom always told me “it doesn’t matter how big you are, you will never be to big for me to take you down”. Put your foot down and remind him who’s boss. Be the parent, not the friend.


Turn the internet off
And say you don’t know why it’s not working :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:
Win win if ya ask me.


Well let’s just say another kid for the leather belt …it does not hurt a kid to get his butt whipped…it gives them respect…but why ask if you are not gonna take affirmative action

You need him to realize who the boss is, take it all, take the door off and ask him how it feels to screw off.

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Take that whole system away from him while he’s gone. Seriously??!


Removal of all games systems until such time as he learns some respect.
My kid is only 8 but I get that attitude from him sometimes. Raging at games and becoming nasty if he doesnt get his own way.

I’ve banned him permanently from that bloody awful fortnite game. The amount of parents that tell me their kids play it and behave the same way.

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He needs therapy, even if only to start learning more mature responses, because once they get large enough to fight you back, if you haven’t managed to instil the respect just on the grounds that you’re the parent, it becomes a dangerous situation. Luckily, I got my now giant 14 year old in therapy long ago, for adhd and bipolar, so he already has the respect for me and the tools to control his own temper when he feels challenged. Sadly, even if he DOES hurt you, it’s a matter of him not being able to control his own temper against the hormone tornadoes of puberty, and not indicative of him lacking love for you or even that he’s a “bad” person, but he DOES need to start learning better control before it possibly comes to that too.

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Make him earn the privilege every time and use parental controls.
You don’t have to make him do shit when you can log him out from your phone

Turn the games off and as big as he is you should Never feel threatened or scared by your child … make him earn things back also try boxing karate the gym to help his rage your the adult your his mum he should do as he’s told

Unplug it. Place behind back tire. Get into vehicle…back over. Go foward…back over…repeat til you feel better.


I wish my son would even try me. I’m 5’3” and if he don’t want to listen or talk disrespectful to me about a game he knows what I would do. Go grab my trusty HAMMER and smash every last piece of his game system. You are the parent!!! Idc how big they think they are!!! Smash it!!!


Take the system away completely it’s that simple and stop being scared of your own kid cause if he harms you or someone else press charges he’ll definitely learn then. Sending him away isn’t the answer cause it doesn’t fix the problem at all.

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I’m a huge gaming addict and I recommend taking away all video games for a long while, ignore any tantrums

Oh that hit home i unplug everything until he can wind down :grimacing:

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Take the whole gaming system away and be done with it

Take it all away. If it isn’t there he can’t play on it.

Take the power cord … He needs to earn it back… The system will be there but he can’t use it without power cord

“I’m not going to make him do anything and he knows that”

That there is the huge problem


I think you should send him to a Military school

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So basically what you are saying is you are scared of a child you pushed into this world. It would be a cold day in hell before a child of mine would run my house. Leave his disrespectful butt where he is at.That get out of his room would have been shut down real quick also. His bid ass don’t own ish and when I would have finished with him he would have been singing a new song. Yeah ok with that screw me.

lol at size- my 5 ft something Ass can shut his shit off just the same- when he pitches the fit Call the police and let them take his ass away- I ain’t even sorry

Therapy. You can take away whatever you want, but if you don’t address the root of the addiction, he will just replace it with something else.


Take the internet away and take that door off. I would also video tape his tantrums so he can see what he looks like

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Therapy and take all game systems until he can fix his behavior.

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Doesn’t matter how big he is. That is your CHILD. Sending him away doesn’t fix the issue it just sweeps it under the rug and creates resentment. Take every single gaming item out of his room or the house. Until he can respect you and your house then no games. He could be over 6ft and over the age of 18 he should never intimidate or disrespect you let alone create fear. Stand your ground. Address the issue with his father and develop healthy boundaries for you and your other children


Why do you allow him to play in the first place, Shut off his internet, phone, get rid of all gaming stuff. Problem solved

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Get rid of the games??? My son plays video games at his dads all the time… he comes here and doesn’t even mention games cause he knows I don’t allow video games in my house. Plain and simple. You are allowing this reaction to happen by allowing games in the house… when you can’t control the person playing the game. Take the game away, take the system away and if need be… take the TV away! Not that difficult, it’s really not! Give it a week and they’ll get over it and move on. He can have the games at ur ex house they don’t need it at yours especially if its causing so many problems and scaring your others kids!

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Take the system completely once he acts right and earns it back he can have a certain amount of time on them

My 10 year old step won is so hooked he started pooping his pants because he dosnt want to die in the game n becoming increasingly lazy and moody (I cant get his mom or dad to listen to me or do any discipline and it’s gotten to were he poops his pants every time now for over a year)

Also I think you can set times on the system where it locks you out

Kids are rough I’m sorry


I would be making my best effort to get to him for a nice one on one talk ,before he gets to his video games for the day, about your feelings, how everyone else feels when he rages and the impact it’s having on the household. I would also be trying to come up with multiple fun things to distract him from the games so that it gets limited to maybe an hour or two before bed. Counseling may be good for him but I believe that hands on and one on one with him, keeping him busy with other activities and even chores would definitely help. I believe busy work keeps boys out of trouble and decent amount of family time helps with better attitudes. Good luck!

Unplug an remove system, stand up to him, if he harms you he goes to juvenile
Hall an he Won’t like that either! Kids need to be removed from these an join a Sport sure he would make a Football player!

Take the game. STAND UP HES UR SON AS LONG AS UR NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT AND HE KNOWS IT THAN HES GOING TO RUN ALL OVER U. No matter how big he is u are still the boss the one in control of what he does in your home. Till he’s grown and out on his own he will listen. My step son is 25 and he still respect me and his dad even tho he’s huge 6 ft 4 I’m 5 3 size is nothing

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he needs a good hiding get out side do the lawns

Do not. Ever be afraid of ur child!!


Change the WiFi password take away the controller, i did that with my son, bad behavior you dont get PS 4 cards for, call the cops if you have too


Are you able to set up (don’t know the tech name) a WiFi passcode timer to make it so he can’t get into his game? Also, see if his TV has the sleep password system in it too. This way at a certain time he can’t use WIFI or his TV. May seem harsh but being unplugged is good for everyone before bed. If he’s struggling with anger maybe some outside chores and counseling will do him some good.


People using a laughing emojis are sick. Wtf is so funny about this post. Its serious.
Take the system away. Sell it while he’s gone.


Sell. The. Game. Lol


If he’s unruly and abusive like he sounds file paperwork with the court and get him into therapy


You ladies all seem so sure that this literal giant (compared to her) won’t physically attack her. Yes it’s her child, but there are obviously some deep issues here. He could potentially be dangerous if she turned off the games, sold them, or took away things. It seems to me its past that, and he needs to go therapy.

Take the video games away . Empty his room to bed and clothes. Also take his power away. When my son was a teanager he informed me he paid for the game. I said i pay the electric so i went diwn staires and pulled tge breaker . I was lucky all the rooms were on its own breaker


Bruh. Take the game system away. :woman_facepalming:t4:


My son is 14 he has anxiety disorder…video games are his safe place. I monitor what he plays and who he talks to I’ve educated myself on the games and him on safety as long as hes not neglecting his life aka school chores food showers we are good he has responsibilities if he doesn’t take care of them the video games are gone till he fixs the issue. This is an agreement him and I came up with together!!! Talk to ur kid like hes human and capable of communicating!!!

My son is 11 years old at least 5’9-5’10 and 200 lbs and he is a gamer and rages and screams also but when I holler for him to quit he knows it better happen and lord forbid he ever tell me to leave his room I pay for or screw off as you said yours tells you… lol his teeth would be through the gaming system!!! Better control it now or you won’t be able later!!! I say BEAT THAT ASS!!!

I would definitely consider getting him into counseling and taking his gaming system away until he can handle only playing for a certain amount of time each day. At my house my kids can play after they have played outside or did something productive. Good luck and law down the law!

ummmm take away all access to games and technology…don’t let him play…do family activities…watch him…door off bedroom…no tv or tech access in bedroom…THERAPY for anger management …tough love!

Me and my husband legit sold our oldest sons Xbox. He was being hella disrespectful, would play on it for hours, didn’t do chores, so we sold it! Answer is simple… Take it away!

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Remove it all! Video games, TV, his bedroom door… all you need to provide him with is clothes, a mattress (doesn’t even need a frame) and food. Make a chore list. He can receive rewards after behavior improves.
My boys are 8 and 6. They know when I say “put it away” I mean business, size will not stop me. They may hate me in the moment but later they will tell me I need to walk away and I couldn’t. Put your foot down momma, if you let him “walk on you” the others will see that and do it as well.

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Take away his gaming systems if he’s there or not. If he lays a hand on you call the cops.

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Take it away and change the wifi password. Problem solved

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Take all the electronics out of the house… And find other activities… Talk to a counselor a doctor etc…but if you don’t stand up to him now… He’s always goi g to bully and abuse you

Don’t have them in their rooms my sons is in the communal family dining area Put limits let him stay with his dad for a while won’t hurt him

I agree with everyone else except DO NOT take his door.

Turn them off. You’re the parent in this scenario. Outside, chores, sports, church activities, can I suggest more?

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Take his systems and throw them away…. You’re the adult not him


My 13 year old step son is on the spectrum. He’s the exact same way. Height weight and angry. He can also be violent. It just depends on his day and what triggers him. He goes to therapy three times a week to help. The game is his safe place though so we don’t take it away unless it’s absolutely something awful that has been done.

Seek help for the family as a whole while he’s on a break at dads. It will get better. Good luck momma!

Take away the system. Make him earn it back with respect.

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I have an app on my phone & turn off the wifi. problem solved at the end of the day we as parents have control


I have a rule in my house, no consoles in bedrooms. I monitor that way with my 15 year old who also spends alot of time on it.

Take his game. See a counselor. Put him in a sport. Talk to him.


I’m so sorry you are going through this :disappointed: I would take it away,no matter what!! , He is going to treat girls/women horribly if you keep letting him disrespect you the way he is!! , He definitely has some sort of mental illness to go off the way you’re saying!,I would either make him go live w his Dad,or tell him you are getting him counseling and when he can treat you proper and the rest of the family isn’t afraid of him, he MIGHT get his video game back!!,I’m so sorry! This has to be so hard and so sad for you​:disappointed::pray::heart:


I remove ALL electronics from the living room into my closet and they stay there until the kids act right I am a single mom only parent. And know my boys will be really big boys! So while they are young I set this rule to avoid intimidation once they pass me in size! I feel for u MoMA it’s not easy! But talk to ur family doctor she can refer you to some one that can help !

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Take it all away for at least 3 months let him throw a fit! I have a 13 yr old as well, cut all ties with any electronics! Adter 3 days they will all be playing outside with one another! Buy sports stuff, water balloons, fun stuff to do outside!


i tell my adult son who behaves the same way to get up and do as he is told or im changing the password on the internet. its hard at first but be consistent. you decide how long you can stand the yelling for, but you tell him for every minute he yells, he loses one hour of internet. you could take allowance away etc. but as for the video games if he goes too far take the whole game system away. same concept, for every minute of screaming, he loses for an hour, or a day or whatever you think is appropriate. tell him what you expect from him and if he doesnt want to follow the rules then he can go to a group home. just make sure you are willing to follow through the consequences.

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There would be no video games in my house if it were me!


Put his game in your room.

Find the electric breaker to his room and turn it off.


You’re the parent. You should have controlled it from the beginning. If you’re afraid of him,he shouldn’t be living under your roof. Things will continue to get worse,bc he’s used to having things his way


You should never have to be afraid of your own child.
Sell the system and put him in therapy. Video games don’t just do that to you, he needs help.


This is exactly why my kids don’t have electronics. Our TV is only on in the evenings, no video games or computers, no tablets, nada. They have acreage and each other.

Seriously, take his shit away.v

My second son has always been bigger then me. Right now @ 18 he is 6’1 and weighs 320. I say that to say he knows I will not take crap like that from him. I will go toe to toe with him.
Take his systems way. That is the best way to start. If you believe he is addicted it will get worse. I would also see about turning the wifi off.


Tell him that game streaming is a valid way of making money in the future and nurture him instead of punishing shit behavior. Have him watch others live streams

So he’s being a teenager?

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If you really think he will get physical with you and are afraid cause of his size he needs therapy ASAP. Do not let that little boy grow up to be a man who ends up assaulting and endangering women


If you allow him to run over you, he will continue to do so. Take his game system. Every electronic.


My 10 year old does this ! He’s not bigger than me but he does pack a punch ! I calmly walk over to his PlayStation and unplug it ! He tries to hit me I then take the cord he tries to throw something at me I take the controller and if he yells after that I take the console !!! You gotta do it momma it’s for his best interest!!!

He will scream and call you names and say he hates you he will even try hitting you with physical force or by throwing but in the end he will cry and an hour or so later he will say he’s sorry and that he will try not to do it again! Be brave momma ! I’ve had to even back hand my son over this and I’ve had to put him in the corner in the fetal position to show him my place over his ! It’s worth it in the end there is ways to accomplish all what I’ve told you with out beating the child you just have to manage with what you have and keep your own attitude and physical force in check while doing it it’s hard but it can be done!

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Take all video games out the house!!!


Girl I don’t care how BIG my son gets if he ever talks to me like that Im going to whoop his ass! Get rid of the video game! Be a parent! He’s 13! Run your house and stop letting him run it!!!