My 13 year old is addicted to video games: What can I do?

Bye bye game…end of story


Take the video games away.


I went through this with my son, it was sooo bad, he did the same thing screamed at the games and then screamed at me when I said enough. I can’t count how many controllers he broke when getting mad at the game. I had many talks with him when he was NOT in that zone, all promises to not scream at me when he got angry at the games and to tone it down with the games. Eventually it stopped, slow process though, I think he grew out of it, don’t get me wrong, there are still evenings he is swearing at the games but it’s much more toned down and all I have to do is his knock on his bedroom door for him to stop. He’s 17 now. Good luck!

Um actually unless he is paying rent it’s your room. Just saying. I myself would remove the system from the bedroom. And I have taken my child to the police department and acted like I was going to leave her there. A police officer had a talk to her. Big change. You have to get the boys behavior under control or you are going to have a long trip through teenage years

Not sure if taking away the gams will work. With my son, I started having a few of his friends over on the weekends. He would start raging and they would get embarrassed. A few of them talked to him about it, and at first he didn’t calm down, His friends saw it and quit coming over. When he saw he didn’t have friends around anymore, he started changing, and they started coming back over. He learned people don’t want to be around someone they have to protect their selves against. Now he might grouch, but after, they laugh about the screw-up and they keep playing.

When they come home. Homework. Eat dinner then as long as everything is done and no attitude they can game. Weekends and summer? Get up do some chores or something nice for family. Spend time together if you can and then from whatever hour to whatever hour they can game. But not for too long a few hours at a time max. Did that one summer with my 2 boys. Now they stop gaming come see if we need help with anything or they stop and go play outside. It works you just have to stick to it

My house has electronic free days 2 to 3 days a wk. No TV no games no phones unless to make a call. We connect and have fun together.

You can’t make him do anything, but you absolutely can take the xbox.


Take away the games and don’t give them back untill his attitude changes. Get him a punching bag for all that aggression also consider taking him to see someone he can talk to about his problems. Therapy helped me deal with all the crazy teenage aginst.


Take the games away for good. Make him go cold turkey. For real. Do not allow him to walk on you or he will know you can do it. Maybe get him into some therapy. It may help.


Mine was like that…I told him time was up n he threw a fit… I unplugged the cords from the back of the console n locked it up…we sat down n came to a mutual agreement…


I took video games away from my son for years I removed them from our home I blocked the internet and took his phone he went to treatment for his anger issues and he is now 18 and can play games without getting angry if you don’t buy him games if you don’t give him internet then he can’t play them your the parent take control or all your children with start bullying you to get there way because it works for him if he get out of control call the cops get him help while he’s young before it’s to late sometimes you just gotta put your foot down and be the bad guy he will thank you later when he’s graduating from high school and not reform school

Take the game. Make him earn it. After the time earned change password to account if he dont get off. Set ur rules and make him follow them step up as the parent. If he cant control himself look into counseling.

Take the games and the controls , the cord … I don’t gaf how big he is . You’re the parent !


I’m no expert on the subject… so I’m sharing a post from someone who is. Redirecting...

There is a reason he is so Angry. Until he addresses that it will never change. I have taken the power cords to work with me. Or put a lock on another. My 14 yo is stuck on games also. We took vacation and I made it clear no system on this trip. But we talked about the reasons he plays and other possible outlets. I would put mine in therapy but his dad won’t agree. I also hide power cords to devices so things can’t he charged to deter him or punish him.

I think you did the right thing, sending him to his DAd. I hope the Dad can influence his behavior. There might be more going on with his rage than video games. I hope you are able to talk to his Dad to strategize how to address the behavior. If he is going to come home to your house, maybe there needs to be a contract for him to sign regarding his behavior. I can see how he was intimidating you and his dinlings

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He needs help, the same as anyone with an addiction. Taking away the games is not going to solve the problem anymore than taking a drink out of the hand of an alcoholic. He needs the help of a therapist. Preferably one trained in addiction.


Remove the console whilst he’s out the house, when he gets back talk to him and remind him that having a console and games is a privilege and that you pay for him to have it, if he can’t respect the rules you put in place then he doesn’t have it atall, no shouting or screaming just put the boundaries in place whilst he hasn’t got it and make him earn it back, I feel your pain as I have a 2 boys 13 and 15 who also sometimes scream at their xbox and when that happens I walk in and BLIP… off it goes xx

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To anyone saying take his games away you are completely missing the point. This child is in need of attention, and the stress he feels he can only released with video games, taking that away from him is like someone punishing you for needing to go to the bathroom. He’s the oldest, and clearly has not gotten any positive attention for a very very very long time, when was the last time you told him you were proud of him? The last time you sat down to hear what he has to say? Video games is not the problem here. This child is in dire need of acceptance, and understanding. Level with him, listen to what he has to say, respect his boundaries, accept him for who he is and watch how fast it will all turn around. Watch him play, just ask to sit there for 10 minutes, without judgements, with no side commentary nothing just enjoy the company and thank him for allowing you to appreciate what he loves.
The divorce was hard in him too, you can’t deny it nor feel guilty about it. But he needs you just as bad as you needed someone to be there for you. So be there for him. & please stop looking for a way to punish him for his pain. IT IS NOT HIS FAULT


Funny how all of you say this but it’s the exact reason we have assholes as adults, kids killing themselves,ect. Please don’t do this to your kids… cause pain and punish them with the only way they know how to release it. I feel sorry for all of your kids and the pain and money they will have to spend on therapy to realize that you were their problem all along. It’s time to wake up and do better, be better people, be better parents, you wouldn’t allow anyone else to treat you like that, why do it to them. Dustin Wagner Claire Battershield Love Lali Bardi Hurst Teresa Lopez Ruiz Rachel MzStarr Benavidez Rose Beeler Sarah Welsch Savannah Hall Kayla Clark Dee Bishop Tammy Gallawa Kayleigh Oakes wake up!

First of all he’s 13 who buys the games? Second who allowed him to start sitting in a video game for hours? Third most of the games are rated for 18 and older, what games is he playing ? Sounds like a parenting problem not a child problem. Children are a product of how they are raised and what they are taught at home ?


Debra enough with the angry faces…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My 13 year old is addicted to video games: What can I do? - Mamas Uncut

Whether he outweighs you or not, you’re the parent. The Xbox goes in the trash and he goes to therapy/anger management. Step dad doesn’t just get to ship your kid off though. He would go before my son. When you’re a parent, you’re a parent even when it’s hard


Take the video games away ! You’re the parent . Not them


Take all social media platforms out of your house including the video games for everyone!


Take the damn cords away and get him into anger management

Throw the system and games into the trash and tell him when he learns to control himself and his gaming you will consider replacing them. Be prepared to call the Police, you seem to fear him.


Bring his butt home where he belongs and take it away.
Itll be ok mama. One step at a time.


Take it away…that simple. If he wants to act like an entitled brat id break it in front of him. I’m short an I wouldnt care if he was bigger then me, if he ever got the balls to put his hands on me, id make him remember where he came from and he would regret everything.

Give him a warning if things don’t change Xbox is going in the trash.

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I’d take it all away. He can scream and cry all he wants. If you don’t try now he will grow up to be a horrid person. Your the mom.


I have the exact same problem and my son is the same size I can definitely empathize with you

Take the console away? You’re the parent. Don’t give an f if he’s 6ft whatever, he goes to lay a hand on you then you whoop his ass.

It’s not about size… but I think your son believes this and uses it to his advantage.
He needs to EARN his video time, imo.
I don’t care if your 3ft tall…YOU are the parent.
Take the whole system from his room until you get some respect.


While he is gone, remove the gaming systems from the house.


He can’t play what he don’t have :woman_shrugging:t3: but honestly if your worried about your child trying to fight you you got bigger problems and he needs help with anger management! Take the games while he’s gonna pack them up and be done with it being his butt home and get him in with someone who can help him with big feelings


Sell it. Give him 3 chances by the 3rd sell it. I did that with my daughters tablet and her game addiction is better because she knows if she cannot behave right I will sell the other devices too.

Get rid of the machine, be the parent


Let’s see. Be a parent. Shut the internet off. I had to do it. I took my son to dr. It helped. My son screamed and cursed slammed doors. Internet was shut off I called dr and we are good now. He is back on but there is limits and I can control the internet usage u can do it. Be a tough parent it’s tough love u will he ok

And thats why " kids" act the way they do! Take control of your kids! Your kids don’t control the parents… or shouldn’t anyway.


Get rid of the video game


Bye bye video game console!!!


Take them away. & when he can’t start acting better,give him an hour a day. My son is 13 also and he only gets an hour a day on his Playstation.

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Get rid of the video games and ban them from the house

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Thought you were the parent???

Idgaf if my child was 8 feet tall. Sell the damn game

Take it off him simple

Wait until he’s gone and throw it away


While he is gone take it all away and out of the house. If he rages and you are that scared call the police. I personally don’t care how big my kids are, I will whoop there Ass into next Saturday over that kind of behavior. They also know this and don’t defy me too much. Your son needs to know your in charge. Police don’t necessarily have to arrest him, but I guarantee they will scare him.

Give him a chance to do right. Tell him if his attitude doesnt improve then you’re taking away the xbox and seeking counseling. If no improvement with that, start “bootcamp” with him. Show him everything he has is because of you and he will not disrespect you or his step dad while hes under your roof.

Thoughts and prayers

Find you an old school grandpa and grandma and let them show you how its done.

Take it away before he even comes home. Make him earn his place. Sending him away isn’t an optiom in my house i too have a bigger son and younger kids, he knows his place. Yes we argue but he sure as hell does not have privileges without earning them

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Get rid of the video game and put him in counseling for his anger issues.

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Doesn’t matter the size he is, he will always be your baby boy. He’s only 13! You don’t stop being their mother when it’s not convenient for you, specially for a man (step dad).

As a parent you should monitor his time consumption on technology. Let him scream and rage, those are normal human reactions. Built a closer relationship and talk it out and negotiate!


I’d throw that shyt out the door


We’re gamers, not me as much, but dad is. My 13 year old has been playing since he was 2. He’s a good kid so I don’t mind too much.

You give him a time limit and if he doesn’t follow take the counsel from him.

Just take them away… Simple.

My son is the same age and build, and does the same thing. When he calms down I’ve had talks with him. Discussed how it makes him feel, as well as everyone else in the house. Now when he starts getting upset I just calmly say “maybe it’s time for a 10 minute (or whatever you agree upon) break”. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Bottom line though that he needs to learn is that his size doesn’t matter, no matter what, you’re his mom, and he needs to respect that. Turn the wifi off if the above doesn’t work. Not sure your relationship with his dad, but maybe you could speak with him, and see if he’ll have a discussion with your son about needing to listen to you when your son’s with you.


Sounds like you need to be a parent and MAKE him do it. He cant play whats not there. Get him therapy for anger management.

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I would literally cut the cord to the system and watch the tantrum that unfolds. Not in my house. He better learn now before it’s too late.


Once you take away the video game, offer to do some fun stuff outdoors with him. Introduce him to some different hobbies.


Been there, take them away he’s 13, he does not rule your house. Yes he will strop but he will soon realise you mean business. Do not send him away as that only causes more problems in the long run.


Sounds like you need to learn how to be a parent instead of letting your child control you. I’d bust the game period


Get rid of the system?

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Take away the cords. And the controllers. He can earn them back when he learns how to behave


Leave him with his dad

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Uh…take the game system away. Simple. Then get him into anger management. And no offense, but maybe a parenting class. You admit to flat out refusing to control your own child.


Take the game out of the house :woman_shrugging:t2:. A child doesnt tell you what to do in your house.


You own the house and pay for the electric. Throw that shit in the garbage! You are the parent! Don’t let that child run you.

If you feel he has anger issues, get him counseling. If he’s being defiant, be firm; take the power cords on his systems and ground him, and get him to understand why it’s happening. Also; TALK TO HIM!; find out if he’s having trouble with school or the like, since right now that’s pretty freaking rough on kids.

So everytime he gets angry at you for not getting his own way, you send him to his grandparents AWAY from the siblings that probably drive him crazy? So it’s a win/win for him everytime? :heartbeat::heartbeat:

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First of all he will only do what u allow him to do. Take that shit away!

take them all away. Period. Don’t give them back.


Get a belt, flip flop or use your bare hand…sell the console or give it to goodwill.
Keep spanking his ass until he learns to respect you, get him under control before he’s 18 and blows up bc he’s mad!!

Behavior therapy. Those games are addictive and affect his mind. He needs help. Be a parent.


Take away the Xbox ( PlayStation ) whatever it is before he comes back home remove it from the house. … you can’t let your child no matter what size disrespect you like that because than he becomes the boss not you

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Take it away. And he doesn’t it get it back. He wants to act like a baby throwing a tantrum then he gets nothing. You sizes mean nothing, if he puts his hands on you then you call the cops and let him get it through his head that you aren’t playing around.

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Take it away period… regardless of size. You’re still his mother. Break out a toothbrush and tell him to start cleaning… nothing wrong with tough love.

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Maybe, change the WiFi password daily, kiddo can have it when he is being respectful and has to earn it. Most gaming requires WiFi nowadays. With COVID and everything online gaming is much more of a social get together with friends so consider that before just getting rid of it. Just an idea. Hugs mama.


All I say is " BEEN THERE DONE THAT, GLAD IT’S OVER " You are in my thoughts and prayers!! And remember one day you wish you still have that problem!!:disappointed:

Take his power cord to the video game she’s make him earn it back. Even if you have to sneak into his room to get it. He would have to learn that he can’t scream and yell at me or others over something as insignificant as a video game. On a side note, a bedroom door is a privilege as a teenager. Bathrooms are for privacy. My daughter lost her door several different times as a teenager do to yelling at me to get out of her room and it slamming the door. It may be his room, but it’s YOUR house.

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Since when do we ship our kids off because they are saying no? You think it’s going to get easier with the other 3?..


Girl in my day it was my stereo! My dad took it . I had to earn it back. These days it difficult. Take it away . And set them rules . He is only 13. Don’t send him away! Just be firm and let him throw his fit. You are the parent. You run him. Without you he would not have the games.

My husband was the same good luck -

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Before he comes home, you get rid of all of it. The games. The console. The chargers and cords. All of it. Then you tell him the games and things he has in YOUR house are privileges. And he will no longer have them if he can’t respect his mother and the rest of the family. If he has a problem with it, then it starts with a change in attitude. Maybe some good quality time with mom and the rest of the family will be good for him. Therapy probably isn’t a bad idea either. Whatever you do, you can’t let him rule your house and walk all over you, just because he’s bigger than you. Be the parent. No matter what that has to look like.


Take it away don’t give in don’t give it back


Id take the whole system away. That kind of behavior is a nope in my home. We had some issues last year with my teen son and we also added in counseling/family counseling and it helped soooo much.


13 year old step daughter rules her mom and mom doesn’t step up. Daughter told her oldest sister she won’t talk to her dad because he wasnt there but has been the entire time. You are the parent make them know you mean business. When my oldest acts out he’s 15 he gets his stuff removed. Do it before he comes home. Gotta start some where

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Should have whooped that butt earlier in life then the respect would be there.

Send to strictest parents

This is what parents get when they allow kids to play on these thing endless, Have you ever thought he just may need to be with his dad, every young boy needs his father .

Go get the gaming system and sell it or smash it im small myself but no way will my child try push me around.

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There comes a point where a boy needs Dads involvement!

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Also side note 13 years old… 6 foot tall 250lbs. Put that boy in football!!!


Take this ish out of his room while he is gone. Let him know he can have it back when he shows respect, and will only get X amount of time to play a day.

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Take away the video games! You don’t keep giving an alcoholic beer if you want them to stop. Your house your rules. Get rid of the video games. And if he’s addicted then even a little is too much!