My 13 year old still wets the bed

Sleep specialist just told me Sleep Apnea could cause this! Maybe check on this…

I know a kid with this issue and turns out they don’t sweat properly so when they overheat while sleeping their body cools off by emptying their bladder. Dad has the same issue

DDAVP meds. Helped 2 of mine.


Sleep apnea. Get him tested ASAP.

My daughter is 16 and goes through the same thing and her dr gave her a nasal spray that she sprays once in her nostril every night and she hasn’t had a night that she wet the bed


There’s medication for that, children from 6 years and above.

This happened to me til I was 10 with no reason why. My dad got this alarm device that went off when I started to go and in two weeks my body learned to wake up and go to the bathroom to pee instead. Personally, I’d try this before medication


I also wet the bed for a long time, I was given pills to take . But my mom only allowed me to take them when we were on vacation or I was going to a sleep over. At home she cut off drinks an hour before bedtime, made me go to the bathroom before And took me to the bathroom in the middle of the night before she went to sleep. I also wore pull-ups & had pads under me. But most of the time she washed sheets daily. I did keep a mattress pad under my sheets at all times tho to protect my mattress. It was really hard on me. I was embarrassed and rarely went to sleep overs bc of it. I didn’t want anyone hearing a pull-up, or knowing I peed the bed. But it runs in my family. I am surprised right now that I ran out of pull-ups a week ago, and my 2 year old hasn’t peed the bed in 8days!!! Not once. I’m amazed by that.

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My last time wetting the bed I was 14. Never knew why, there was nothing wrong with me. Nothing traumatic as to why I couldn’t just get up to use the restroom and I’m not a deep sleeper. One day I just started getting up to use the restroom. I hope it gets better for him cause I used to feel so embarrassed and cry thinking something was wrong with me.

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My 3yr. old great niece starting wetting the bed which was something she never done, took her to the dr. and she was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic.

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My husband’s cousin came to I’ll to s5ay with us he was 22 and wet the bed I made apt our dr he say his alarm clock don’t work not do any thing I called my mom in at she say had that prop with one my bro dident have a lot of help back then 50s say get a bed size. Rubber sheet I could only find half size b7t sure helped and cut down on laundry

my daughter was older as well she as on ddavp for years it worked for her though when she took it. she stopped about age 11 didnt need it anymore. honestly they checked her for everything to she was just a deep sleeper.

I had a kid did same. Didn’t stop until few mths after she started her periods. Found out while she was in 2nd or 3rd grade she had/has grade 2 bladder reflex. So everytime she peed, little wisp goes back into kidneys. Just kept eye on it cause that level they can grow out of it. Also, where the urine goes through relaxes at night so more comes out as during the day, those muscles/tissue of where urine goes through is inflamed some from regular standing/movement. Also everytime she drank something, 30 min later it hits her all at once and she has to use restroom immediately. I looked into the alarm thing but never followed through.

Men have the equivalent of kegel muscles too. Try having him do exercises to strengthen them.

Having this issue with my oldest daughter and am planning to bring it back up with her doctor again soon. Her daddy had this issue up until he was 13 and was given DDVAP. She’s 8 and I know that she’s eventually going to be invited to sleepovers and I want to save her the embarrassment of having an accident at a friend’s house, because let’s face it, kids are brutally honest and can be pretty mean.


Have him checked for sleep apnea…his tonsils may need to be removed!

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I peed the bed until I was 10 and saw multiple doctors turns out that it’s common for your bladder not to be as mature as the rest of your body and you can’t control that. Hopefully your son will grow out of this but since he’s so comfortable and not embarrassed by it it may just be pure laziness at this point for him.

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Maybe try seeing a pelvic floor therapist, same for the dad. They could be dealing with urinary incontinence.

If the father does it, it seems like there’s some genetic hormone problems going on

If all medical avenues have been explored and ruled out and the doctors can’t find a reason for it then yes he can help it. My nephew went through the same thing and it took a combination of a couple different things to stop it: 1) nothing to drink a minimum of 2 hrs before bedtime, 2) a trip to the bathroom right before bed and 3) punishment for wetting the bed, (which is gonna be different for every kid, depending on how stubborn they are and what works for them, for him it was simply taking his video games away) I know it sounds cruel but if no consequences are offered and enforced for wrong behavior then they pay you no mind and do what they want. My Nephew is now 25 and hasn’t had an “accident” since he was about your son’s age, i talked to him a few months ago and he still goes through the same routine every night. He actually brought it up because he’s got a girlfriend now and he’s so thankful that he doesn’t do that anymore because he “wouldn’t have her if he did”. Perhaps your son does have some underlying condition that makes this happen, my nephew did not - he simply drank way too much fluids too close to bedtime and didn’t bother to go to the bathroom before bed and even when he did sometimes it didn’t matter because of how much he had drank. I hope you find a solution and that it isn’t anything too serious.

There is an alarm that you can buy. It goes inside their underwear. If it gets wet at all, the whole house will wake up.
All three of my boys had urinary problems. The first two were put on medication, when I took the third, the urologist said they had this now. Within a week, he had stopped bed wetting. Six months later, he had an accident, used the alarm again, and never anymore problems.

Our urologist said that part of the problem was that they just sleep so soundly, that they don’t wake up, to the urge to urinate.

I was a wetter. I came from an abusive home,high school,and boyfriend. Once I was done with all of that I didn’t wet any more! My :woman: said it that it was because I was lazy! Who would WANT to lay in that?

By age 8 children so have control of the bladders fully. If not it can actually need medical help in order to stop them from bed wetting. There are prescription meds that’s can be given to a child that will assist with the problem & help your child gain confidence. I applaud you for not shaming him since that doesn’t help & will only hurt him in the long run. I would try another Drs opinion at this point & see if you can get help! :sparkling_heart:

there is a machine that is an alarm and if it gets wet it sounds off and the whole house wakes up. it is like a mat that lies on the bed and when it goes off you have to physically get up shut it off change the sheet on the pad and splash face with cold water to train the body to wake up when it has the urge to urinate.