Least she was honest and told you
Take her to counseling and hold on tight.
Put her in rehab you can do that as a mother she still young where you can do it besides kicking her out
She needs your support more than ever
What kind of parent are you??!!
Kick her up the arse!!! Tell her if she wants to smoke start looking for a job to support her nasty habits!!
Or keep her home
Not to condemn you but you’re the parent you have to make her so right and wrong. It’s the only way I learned as a kid 14 is too young. I’m sure she’s beautiful and bright and that’s not the path she wants
As far as the drugs, tell her you are not going to turn her in for smoking, which is illegal at her age but tell her you will put so much heat on her friends if they are doing drugs or giving her drugs that they will be in jail, and that they will never speak to her again. Threatening her will fall on deaf ears but threatening her friends might get you some leverage. You can’t kick her out, she would end up in a sex trafficking house or worse. And you are legally responsible for her. Tell her you love her and you are going to keep her safe.
For God’s sake DO NOT KICK HER OUT!!!
Tough love is the only way they learn
I would never put my daughter onto the street, you’re her provider and protector, act like it and grow up. She will find a way to do anything and everything you tell her not to do or that she shouldn’t do.
Pretty sure that would be considered neglect. Just sayin
she is 14, still a baby. Ground her, cut friends off, and be the bad guy.
Send her off to military school before it’s too late. That’s out of control
No, tough love. Make her ward of the court. If she thinks she can do whatever, let a group home leader deal with her. Believe me she’ll crawl back crying apologizing for her disrespectful ways.
Kicking her out won’t do anything. At that age I was doing the same my mum put me in a kids home where I got into all sorts. More drugs got a criminal record. It makes the child worse when you just chuck them aside. Sit her down and have a serious talk about drugs and how they affect people and they you can die from taking them. Xx
tell her sleeping with oxygen is not fun.
please don’t throw your Daughter out over this.
Work thru this together.
everything future is determined from this moment.
Bust her ass pull her out of that school put her in private school and counseling as well as a drug and alcohol abuse program. Don’t play arround with this! I thought of hes just being a Teenager but hes now 30 and still battleing addiction
Lock her in the house and take her phone away. Ground her.
Talk to her about her future health and take away cell phone laptops or computer and spend extra quality time with her
Private school with no phone or internet access to rid her of the fleas(friends) she has caught.
she is 14. still a babe. a parent needs to love unconditionally. love her no matter what she does. all you can do is state your concern. it is, after all, her life. your job is to love her and not take her being a rebellious teenager personal. dont kick her out. she is way to young.
You have to deal with as a mother. That’s a hard job.
Don’t kick her out ! Worst thing to do!!
So I was 14 and smoking weed and graduated with a 4.0 gpa and no criminal problems. My mom wasn’t supportive at all and would hate me smoking, but never kicked me out or stopped being a great mother. I respected her feelings towards it, never had her smell or see it, and never had it cause a problem that’d cause her a problem. It’s not all rock bottom when teenagers smoke weed. I also never tried any other drug in my life so there was no concern I’d go for harder drugs. Sometimes education and mutual respect go a long way…
But you have to consider that you are responsible for her.
I got caught smoking and I got my ass Whooped! Did smoke again for years!
Charge her Rent and Bills !
If she could afford a habit , she could afford Bills !
That’s including her phone , take yours cus you bought it ! And make her buy the one she wants and pay the bill for it w her own money !
Make sure she gets a job so she could afford that habit !
She wanna do grown things make sure she do grown things then !!!
Making her leave will only make this worse
Put her in a different school.
Step up and parent her.
Just ask her why is she doin it maybe something bothering her
Sex trafficking is extremely high for teens and young women. I highly suggest a good counselor and being involved. I know we can all suggest things, but until you’re in someone’s shoes you don’t know all the dynamics. I’ve said to my 12 year old if you think its easier get your stuff and go, but I wouldn’t allow her to. Its out of frustration and to prove a point that she needs to be respectful. I certainly will be praying for you
Put her on year round swim club team.
You’re a shitty parent for wanting a 14 year old to pack their bags, you’re only going to damage her more and I wouldn’t blame your child if she ran away from you. Go ahead, kick out a minor and let the law deal with you. Shitty just straight shitty
Out the door she goes.
Fight for your child! That’s it
Don’t throw her out because you are then just transferring your responsibility onto one of her friends parents. Grow up yourself and tell her she will not be smoking anymore. Take her to a Dr and get chantix it will make her throw up if she tries.
Ok throw out a 14 year old girl out into the world where she’ll possibly be trafficked get into more drugs n die… very smart move!! Be the adult here take back your power as her mother obviously theres something lacking in your parenting why shes doing what she’s doing.
I was 14 when I started smoking. Nothing my parents said could have stopped me. Nothing they said mattered. I still found ways to do it. I still smoked weed, hung out with shitty people… wasn’t until I was dumped in the woods at 15 in a troubled teens wilderness program for FOUR MONTHS that I finally got my act together. Cost something like $45,000 to send me there. Kicking your 14 year old out of the house for not listening to you is the worst thing you could do. What she needs is for you to sit down and figure out WHY she is smoking. SMOKING is not the problem. Smoking is a symptom of a problem. She’s probably missing something within herself or within her relationship with you. You need to find and treat the ROOT of the problem. Sounds like she’s doing this stuff because she wants to fit in with her friends which screams a self esteem issue to me. Take away her electronics and TALK TO HER. Don’t kick her ass out. She probably thinks you don’t care about or understand her to begin with, and throwing her out will only cause more damage in the long run. Get her in therapy. Ground her. But kicking her out is abandoning your responsibility to being her parent. Your job is to teach her a lesson in life that she can take on to being a functioning adult. So TEACH HER. Don’t abandon her, which is exactly what she will think if you kick her out. And it will cause more problems for her in the long run that could take years and years to correct.
As a child who left home at 16 because my mom said get an abortion or get out me and my mom have a rocky relationship 10 years later so remember this is the time the good and bad stay with you what is she smoking
Two words: Doctor Phil.
Stop her life she is 14 still a child
This will stunt her lungs! Get her council. Plz don’t put her out.
If she continues to smoke don’t pay for her phone don’t do anything for her tell her to move out make sure you stick with it or you can take her to the cemetery and let her know that she will be in a coffin soon and she might end up getting pregnant and having stds
Um yes…
You’re wrong, you’re asking her to leave home at 14 for smoking?
So what, she can then do the drugs and you have a heroin addict at 20? Do you want to go to your child’s funeral? What is wrong with this blood world.
You are the PARENT!!!
Get your shit together and be the mom she needs. She might hate you, but she will thank you later!
I’ll take her if you’re going to kick her out
Kicking her out will be a whole nother problem.
It’s not her it’s the drugs who have been taking her making her a puppet, the way to make her understand is to keep talking to her and let her know your concerns by throwing her you are just letting her go get her help a consulting but you are doing the worst mistake throwing her out
Give her a chance. Don’t lose her if you can help it.
Report her… Juvenal detention center… Hospitalize her…
Maybe get some family counciling.
My Child will have NO Unsupervised Time…TILL I SAY SO!!!
File a chins or have local police talk to her
Ummm I would never tell my child to pack their bags. Especially at 14. That’s super young. You’ll have to work thru it with her. Bootcamp may be an option but not telling her to leave. That’s extreme. I have a 16 yr old and
A 12 yr old both girls. So, believe me, I feel your pain!! Good luck!0
Press charges… its call uncontrollable child…
What, your daughter is 14, take the fuck care of her
Oh man… That’s only going to push her into that life you dont want for her.
Thats fucking awful! Shes 14! No wonder shes smoking. Shes a child and got to worry about being homeless!
Definately agree., I’m a mother of 6 kids been through this crap 5 times already .Tough love is the only thing that works… Work ways better then anything else. Make it known u aint tolerating it .
Kicking her out will make her worse…
Cut ALL privileges.
Show her who’s in charge.
I am so glad my mom didn’t kick me out
Buy a pack of Newports and have her smoke the entire pack in front of you
That may drive her right into their world.
Whoop her ass!!! All the way around that damn house!!!
.if you put a 14 yr old girl out on her ear over a damn cigarette… you’re a piece shit!.
Maybe she was sending her somewhere and not just throwing her to the wolves🤷🏽♀️
It’s called TOUGH LOVE.
14… your throwing the towel in pretty quickly. Where is she going to go? She’s your child and your responsibility.
She’s 14. Not 17-18.
Keep her in and get control.
I think my 13 yr old smokes weed…so i stopped letting him out the house! Problem solved🤷
Well where are you going to send her? If you throw out on the street, you’re going to go to jail…
Sometimes you have to let them fall on there Ass in order to see what there doing is not right!!!
I think it’s too harsh for smoking.
If she is on drugs take to an NA meeting
Knock it out of her real quick unless you want her living in the streets to support her habits!
I can say from personal experience that you messed up. I grew up with my grandparents because my mom was strung out on drugs. She told me the same thing when I started smoking. I “ran away” at 15 and had my first son at 16. I wish I would have made better choices when I was younger but I can also say that I wish my grandma fought for/helped me instead of pushing me away like you are doing your daughter… It’s only going to cause her to question your love. Believe me. The thought of you even saying that to her is going to be in the back of her mind forever and I suggest you try to do anything you can to get her to realize you love and support her while also trying to get her to realize her choices will end up causing her life to be harder. It took me 10 years to talk to my grandma again… 2 children, a marriage, and my life is what she missed out on. I grew up way to fast for my own good. Made bad choices and also very good ones. Please, try to take that comment back… she needs help, not distance.
Some parent you are. She is 14 tf
Ppl kills me saying that stuff starts at hm not all the time u can raise ur kids the best u can n then bam peer pressure friends it look like they hv n fun n they want to try it so go head with that bull n u definitely can’t out talk dick or pussy I hope this young lady can find another solution dont gv up on ur child if she was older I would let her do her but she’s b n pressured by the look of things n smtms u hv to try putting urself n their situation n communicate with them instead of fighting we where all young once n no one is perfect u can’t blame the parents on all wrong decisions ur child hv chose
Kicking her out cause she smokes seriously… wow
You dont want her on the streets.
Sounds to me like you are throwing her to the wolves.
Stop it, it’ll destroy your health. Vape is twice as bad.
A good talk with a paddle will do it
She is not only smoking she is doing drugs beat her ass
You shouldn’t kick your child out for smoking pot. Are you kidding me?
Call the cops on her…and tell them u need help or to put hwr in line mabe it will scare her straight.
Don’t kick her out !!
You cannot kick a minor out.
Your a parent. PARENT HER.
You are 100% wrong, she is your daughter now be her mother and put her little ass in her place, she is 14 and if she wants to smoke then she doesn’t need to have any devices that you pay for, she doesn’t need to have any of the luxuries that you pay for, you cannot stop her from smoking nobody can but you can make sure that you don’t pay for it, you can make sure that you don’t make her look luxurious doing that, you cannot kick out a 14-year-old but you also cannot let a 14-year-old child try to run you, be fierce mama this is not an easy one and I think most of us have or will go threw it, good luck, light and love❤️
Against the law. Find out who and how
Humm who is the parent
Get ready to be a grandma if you do that…
Your not wrong kids think every thing is funny
Id show her who is the boss. I know this is old fashion of me.
Yes bring her to Jamaica and whoop her ass.