My 14-Year-Old Daughter Started Smoking: Should I Kick Her Out?

Do NOT kick this CHILD out!!

Tell her to quit or leave. Plain and simple. Your house, your rules.

Ground her don’t kick her out. Take all devices away and lock her in her room lol

Who’s selling her cigarettes? That’s illegal. Ground her 14 yr old attitude. No phone no nothing.

Shes a rebellious teen so you kick her out? Fail :disappointed_relieved:

Oh yeah you’re wrong!. Hope you are reading that you are so very wrong…wrong kinda person to have kids, wrong for wanting to put your 14 year old daughter out… fucking sick.

Also why the fuck are some mums saying kick her out!?

An expensive habit, and deadly.
Who finances this?

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At fourteen years old where is she supposed to go?

If possible do not allow her out of the house or to go anywhere take a look like Tronics and everything out and also be a snitch snitch on the other kids smoking and doing drugs at that age I would hope the parents would do something in care

Yes, you’re wrong for telling her to leave.

My Dad did the same to me when I was 14-15. I ended up sleeping either outside or in a youth shelter, I had to quit high school because it was either pay to take the bus to school or work and feed myself. My very first ever job, was just a trap for a creepy old man to drug me and do whatever he wanted to me. I’ve had trouble being able to take a job since. I’ve been on my own since… I turned out okay, considering all the odds I had stacked against me. But the kids I stayed in that shelter with? A good portion of them are drug addicts, and the rest of them are dead because of it.

The point I am trying to make, is you can’t leave a child to their own devices. She has a much better chance at finding a decent path at home, than she does out and about doing God knows what. She’ll smarten up eventually, most of us do. But don’t throw her out, you’ll likely regret it and it won’t fix anything in terms of how she acts towards you. Believe me.

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I have a 13 year old son and to be honest his attitude is so horrible!!! Good luck. LOTS OF PRAYING FOR YOUR PEACE OF MIND.

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Coming from someone who was kicked out at 14… fuck you.

Yes take away all her favorite items and she can only earn them back period after you get a father figure to bust that ass

Do u guys smoke or do drugs?, be kind,14 is too young

Shes 14. Don’t kick her out??? Maybe help her instead???

Keep her in she 14 ,who’s the adult here…

I’m not sure what makes you think kicking her out will help.
You need to ground her. Take away all her shit including her best clothes.Make her pass a random drug test.
Be a fucking parent. Your kids smoking and doing drugs your not doing enough.

Where will she pack her bags and go to?

Kicking a 14 year old out for something as stupid as smoking :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Where’s she supposed to go?

She’s 14. You’re really going to kick her out??

Show her how much it cost per year.spray cigg smoke on clothes spray perfume on it and make her smell It

I wouldnt kick her out. I personally started smoking at 13. And my mom found out when I was 16-17.

She’s a teenager that is when they are learning about the world. She felt she could be honest with you. If you shut her out because of smoking, she’ll never tell you anything again.

Also, did she say she was also doing drugs or just smoking? And vaping is worse for her then smoking actual cigarettes.

I get its a choice you don’t agree with, is there something about your life your mom did not approve of? Did yoy stop or just keeping living your life?

But kicking her out because of smoking is a little overboard at 14. Your putting her in way more danger then anything. Depending on what state you live in may not be able to even get a job let alone get a place to live.

Even adults save money to be able to pay the 1 two months on an apartment. Your not even giving her that if you kick her out.

Where does she get the money from?

I started smoking on and off at 13 :persevere::person_facepalming:… I regret it its a horrible habit… It’s time for a real serious talk with her!. I only wish my mom did, this is a teaching moment and we may not like what we have to teach but it’s our job to do it. Guide her and ground her! But do not give her a free pass to do whatever when ever, because at the end of the day your her mom she is still a child… Its hard at that age , be stern and also try to be graceful… It is a hard time to be a kid and especially with Covid ! I really don’t even think she wants to smoke especially since she came out and told you. Give hugs love shed tears and be a God fearing parent. Good Luck!

When i went bad at sixteen, my mother sent me to my aunts house for the summer. Sometimes, getting away from the family dynamics and patterns can be a great relief. I cane back a much happier teen. Quit Now is an organization that can help with the smoking. They have counselors ti scare her strait. I hope this helps. I feel for both of you. No throwing teens out!

In my day we use to get our asses whooped so we knew damn well to respect our parents

Who’s the adult here? You or her? Tough love…

Pack her bags and go where??

Respect is Earned. If you’ll kick your 14 yr old female child out knowing human trafficking is too real and she’s already exposed to drugs. What’s really going on with YOU?


You waited too long to teach her discipline and respect.


At 14 who is paying for cigarettes for her?

Kicking her out is the wrong way to go about it. She could go from smoking cigarettes to being homeless, doing hard drugs, and resorting prostitution in the blink of an eye because kicking her out would make her vulnerable to these. You don’t want this path for your baby girl. As an oncology nurse I am a firm believer in education. She’s smoking now because she thinks she’s cool and invincible. Oh young people! Show her COPD and lung cancer. Make sure she sees what they look like, how they affect day to day life ultimately leading to a terrible death, and the link between smoking and those terrible diseases. Again, she’s a rebellious teenager and this might not make an impact right the way but you are planting a seed of knowledge. Set house rules. She can’t smoke in your home. Do not give her money freely but meet her basic necessities. Seek out family counseling and therapy. Sounds like this behavior is just the tip of the iceberg. Hugs mama!

How? Where is the getting the money? Who is buying for her?

Is she smoking weed or cigarettes?

How is she getting the money for cigarettes?

What exactly is she smoking?

What is she smoking?

How can she afford it ir access them?

Take all her belongings except the necessities so take her phone computer etc and don’t let her hang out with friends. Goes to school and comes straight home.

Wow I don’t even know what I would do… i pray I’ve raised my kids well enough to know better. Grounded for sure, thats unacceptable.

Home should be a place you’re never kicked out from.

You kicked out your baby for SMOKING?

Your doing the right thing it’s the only thing you can do. I agree with you and I’m sorry it came down to this. I’ll be praying for you. God bless

How can u pick a 14 yr old out?

What about the father?

You are MOM, sure smoke! …endure the consequences of whatever path you chose,my loves.

Yeah. 14. Take it away and make her life miserable for even thinking that would be okay. Be a parent, not a friend. Geesh. Quit being scared to force her to be a decent human being. I hope my boys never meet your girl. Why would she pack her bags? Get her into therapy, rehab. Don’t give up on THE CHILD. Help her.

Check out a FB group called ‘Joyful Corage for Parents of Teens’ great group for this kinda stuff

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14 year olds aint dumb. They know what they r doin :joy: yup let her go live her life in her big gherl shoes. She will come home when she realizes smoking aint shit and she needs her fam.
Lil shit id kick her ass grounded take away everything cool n no friends over…

No dont kick her out,take all her things u have given her , phone,clothes ,ground her ,beat her a–, hope she comes to her senses soon,good luck,God Bless u dont throw her out please !!

You are in A Spiritual fight. Not with your daughter. I have been in your situation. Relax pray the Blood of Jesus Christ on her. This will protect her. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict her heart. If you put her out you giving her to satan…Talk to her and just began to pray over her at private moments anywhere let her be present Allow the Spirit to help you. Don’t get angry but stay calm and love her unconditionally.


Who’s buying the cigarettes?

Lol her room she goes online schooling she starts lol away goes the internet password cut contact from those friends lol find her new good friends and a awsome video of what happens when you smoke make her watch till she is educated

If you’re prepared for your daughter to be raped? Drugged? Sold? Pimped out? Murdered? If youre prepared for A funeral, then yeah let her go! You had 18 years to turn a child into a adult and you’re not done yet. But if she turns out to be an amazing human being because of what you did to her then be prepared to not have a life with her in it. Be prepared to not be invited to a wedding or childbirth or anything else. Because you better hope she’s nothing like you. So quick to give up. You better hope your making the right decision. Nothing is worth losing your child. A real mom would be worried sick not just now but for the rest of her life.

Hey momma,
I’m not here to tell you what to do, but I do agree with other commenters. Do NOT throw her out when the hard times arise! It will only cause her to rebel. Try to sit down and talk to her and see if there may be some type of issue that is causing her to smoke? She may be dealing with emotional issues, she may feel that helps calm her nerves if she’s upset about something. Also, could she maybe have peer pressure going on? Most Every child goes through it at times in life during school. I’m NOT saying she will, but if you kick her out, she will end up hating you in the long run when it may be a cry for help if she doesn’t know how to express herself. Maybe she’s struggling!

I agree as to not being her friend, stand your ground and be her mother. You want her to trust you! You don’t want her to completely turn away from you! Get this child help if she needs it. Dont let her face it alone, if you kick her out, you are enabling her to make more bad decisions, in the long run you will regret your decision! Think long and hard about this!

Also, you may want to address where she’s getting cigs from? I’m from South La, but I’m pretty sure it is across the board being 18-21 years of age to purchase cigs! I obliviously know ppl can buy and give them to her, but then that opens a whole new can of worms!
Iknw my opinion is unpopular but it’s the truth, in hard times, EVERYBODY needs to hear the truth whether they agree with it or not

Prayers momma, remain strong!

I do feel feel bad for it but you don’t know what to do.i also did alot of praying.

Don’t leave her alone, she is just 14. I would recommend sorting out her friends!

Who puts a 14 yr old out!?!?

Are you going to kick your kid out for smoking? How about telling her no for anything money order hang out with her friends now stay home and then show her all kinds of disgusting images of lungs and surgeries will scare the shit out of her. Take her phone away you know and tell her no parents need to tell the kids now and let them see consequences my opinion I hope something works

14!!! good luck lady. shes testing you. b sure you and husband agree. at least in front of her.

I am not sure it woukd would work today or not but back in the 50’s when I was a young teen,my mother told me if I wanted to smoke the cigarettes were on the coffee table,if I wanted to drink there was booze in the cabinet and I guess if it was ok with her then I care to do either! I never did smoke but do enjoy a cocktail every now and then!

Take her to a cancer hospital. Reality check

So smoking is worse than making her homeless :thinking: I’m sorry I’ve lost the logic

Dont throw her out. Its too dangerous out there. Get her serious intervention and help now.

Home school her. You will see great results

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Start drug testing her. Start monitoring everything she does.
She wants to act grown then put her into some college courses, counseling, a part time job, have her wake up every morning ass frack of dawn to run a mile. Time to tighten that leash

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You can’t wait until she’s 14 to start disciplining her.

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No you’re not wrong. She needs to learn now before it’s to late.

Find out why she’s broken. Heal that and the rest will go Away.

My dad used to give me allowance. Found out I was smoking. Grounded me, (took away phone, allowance,.couldn’t stay out). And then after I was reinstated he bought a drug test and said hes gonna randomly drop me, and if I come out positive I will lose allowance. Allowance was incentive to stay clean.

For the record though, I started smoking at 14 too. I grew out of it on my own by like 19. Still smoked here and there but I’m over it. I dont think it causes brain damage. Just causes existential crisis lol. I just took my practice test for nursing and the school was blown away I got 100%. I’ll update you when I get the results for the real test!

About the smoking she will get over it cuz it’s a disgusting habit…

Well then she needs to get a job to buy them smokes. And you take away everything you pay for

Make her smoke an entire pack till
She gets sick. Lol jk

Dear Whoever this post pertains to mom… you’re overwhelmed. I understand. You got this. (P.s. Wine does help with their whine)

Omg i thought this was an easy one!! You people Are crazy! BEAT HER ASS!!!

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Just when the kid needs you the most…

Put her disrespectful ass in either a treatment, psych ward or juvenile center…I say psych ward/3rd floor. If she wants to act retarded, put her in with them… especially if she’s trying to do drugs :woman_shrugging:t4:

I absolutely believe in the power of tough love.

no allowance and she needs to get a job

Sometimes. You. Got. To. Learn. The. Hard. Way. All. My. Sons. Smoke. Their. Dad. Smoked. I. Don’t. Smoke. My. 2. Older. Boys. Were. 12 & 10. When. They. Started. They. Are. Now 42 & 39. They. Wish. Now. They. Had. Listen. You. Can. Only. Do. So. Much.

I mean, I would try changing schools, change something that would eliminate her seeing those druggies. I wouldn’t go as drastic as moving but if that’s what it would take to keep me daughter away from drugs, I’d do anything.

Kicking her out isn’t the right solution.

I would put her away somewhere for inpatient therapy.

Change schools Immediately if she doesn’t go online. Take away everything in her room and phone.

If that’s the path she chooses ain’t nothing you can do. Let the world make her fall on her face a few times

Get her a part time,job for filling her time at fast food for filling her time for money and fun.

You’re going way too far by kicking out a 14 YEAR OLD !!!
Take things away, her phone, laptop/computer, ground her ect but do NOT kick her out. Kicking her out allows her to be out in these DANGEROUS streets, where is she gonna sleep? With a stranger? Older friend? Think about that and what happen… talk to her, ground her, get her help.


Under 18 you can be charged w/ child abuse. Reach out to some of your community resources. Contact her Dr. for advice, if thats an option. Maybe the staff at the local Juvenile Crt. may have options for you. Can you ground her after school , which really isn’t very effective. Though you might consider taking away her privilege’s, like the phone, and she can earn that back .Who in the family/community ( adult) does she connect to? Alert the school principal that there are a group of “friends” engaging in this, he/she may have options. I, too, had a teen daughter who thought she was in charge. Prayers for you Mom.

Your daughter needs love and respect too.

Tough love! So sorry you have to go through this!:pray::cry::pray::cry:

Dont kick out a 14year old!! Discipline her and punish her!!! She 14 ur the parent

My girl friend has copd let her talk to someone with copd

Call the cops and say she’s doing drugs maybe one night in jail might teach her unfortunately :cry:

Kid is experimenting we all did at this age I know I did but shes a minor and your willing to throw her off on streets where theres human trafficking, child pedophiles out there. Instead kicking her out get her help! Stick her in rehab or whatever instead of throwing towel up. Makes me think your the problem

Smoking cigarettes or weed?

U need to be very strong in telling her the facts of life u have to be in control. Let her hate u. U have to protect her from herself.

Ground her and take away all of her things and if she starts to get in trouble there are programs for parents who are struggling they will have a curfew can’t hang out with people who have probation and have to do chores whatever you ask or you call and tell them and they go to juvy get a hold of the juvenile courts and ask them to get a # my son who is almost 16 almost got stabbed for getting into an altercation with an older guy at a party and almost got alcohol poisoning a few times and has got in trouble it’s sad please don’t ever give up be there for her just take a up by showing you are her parent and take a step up you control your daughter

I do not think you should tell a 14 year old girl to pack her bags and live on the streets becouse she makes a bad choice! Seems disrespect is the new norm for kids! I know if you wait until their 14 to put your foot down about respect, it’s just as much as your fault as a parent! You don’t turn your back on your child becouse they have a mind of their own! I would suggest offering support to get through the challenging times as a teenager! Show he how to be a leader not a follower. Or just let her pack her bags and wind up in the hands of child predators and they will teach her their way. Prayers for you and your daughter!