My 15-year-old blocked his father on facebook: What do I do?

So yesterday I took my boys down to spend there a weekend with there other siblings and their father was supposed to be there. Well come to find out there father refuses to come out because he can’t bring his girlfriend with him. And the only reason she can’t come with him is cuz he pays more attention to his new girlfriend then he does the kids. So the other kid’s mom doesn’t want her there while he is visiting the kids, and I agree with her… But anyways, the kid’s father texted me yesterday asking why our oldest blocked him on Facebook. I told him I didn’t know he blocked him. So should i have a talk with my son or just let him be? He is 15.


Talk to him as a friend, make sure he is ok. 15 is a delicate time if rejected by father


Let him be he is old enough to make his own choices.

This isn’t a problem for you to fix. Your child’s father needs to repair his relationship with his kid.


Honestly if the father shows his gf more attention than his own kid than it’s the father’s issue


I would talk with him just to hear him out and see how he’s doing and that you care. I think he’s old enough to make that decision


Talk to him about why he blocked him. But do not make him unblock his father.


Let him be. Sounds like your son has every right to block him. Maybe you should have a chat with him. Just to see if he’s alright. I mean that sounds like he’s upset. Hang in there


He’s old enough to decide.

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Talk to him and ask why but don’t force him to unblock.


Let him talk how he feel Bout his father…its not your job to tell his father for him since hes old euoght to tell himself to his father unfortunately he had right to block him if he dosent want do nothing with him for only " good reason "

Sounds like you need to have a talk with your son as to why he blocked him. He doesn’t necessarily need to be friends with his father on Facebook, but I would want to know the reasons behind the blocking and discuss it calmly to see if it’s something that can be resolved.

Talk to him. Abandonment is a strong feeling that needs to be addressed.


I did the same years ago. Let him be

I feel he’s old enough to decide this for himself. His dad didn’t put in the time therefore it’s his fault your son feels like that. Your sons feelings are his alone and I wouldn’t force him to make an effort with a father who doesn’t put forth an effort to begin with.


He made his choice like his father. Hes old enouph to decide who he wants in his life.


Talk to him just to be there and get an understanding as to why but he’s old enough to make his own choices regarding that… So let him keep him blocked but just try to find out why

He is saying if he is blocking me in life I’m blocking him too

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Let it be. He has his reasons. Give him time

He chose his girl over his kids I would have blocked his ass too

Have a talk but remember he is old enough to decide and see. At 16 I gave up on my dad with all his empty promises and decided to begin to ignore his calls etc. now 30 I haven’t spoke to him since and have zero regrets. I made a point to be a better parent and also marry a man who would be there for his kids.


I would talk to him. But I would NOT push him to unblock his father. He did it for a reason. Just talk to your son and make sure hes ok.


At 15 its his decision. I would stay out and let him and his father work it out.

Let him be. He’s old enough to make his own decisions about who he wants in his life :heartbeat::heartbeat:

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Let him be. He doesn’t have to allow his father to be apart of his life especially if dad isn’t making any effort.


You can ask but I would let him make his own decisions on blocking him


Let him be. It’ll be fine!

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Ask what happened and let him make that decision.

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At 15 he can make his own choice! He feels the way he does for a reason. His father needs to step up if that relationship is going to be mended.


Have a talk with him, but don’t force him to unblock him. His feelings are hurt he realized dad’s new girlfriend is more important and I don’t blame him for being upset

I’d say he’s old enough to decide

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I would just talk to my child to see if they need anything on my end to help them cope with what they are going through. But, if his father wants to know why his son blocked him, perhaps he should put in the effort and come speak to his son himself.


It’s your childs way of being sick of it. Parent shows up or shuts up. If the father wants to be in his life he can be a parent and do it in person, not through social media.

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Good for him. He doesnt want the bullshit! You should leave him be. Or you might get blocked too​:joy::joy:

I’d let him be. Hes old enough to develop his own opinions on things and determine his relationship with his dad

Talk to your son but still respect his decision his old enough. He has also the feelings.

Girl, I blocked my sperm donor on Facebook when I made myFacebook. Best decision I’ve made.

Let him be. He is more than likely angry at his dad for chosing his girlfriend over him and his siblings.


Ask questions to see where he is at , sometimes kids just need a parent to listen, but it is his choice.

At My 15 he knows what he wants! I’d not interfere!!

Sounds like hes done the best thing at 15 there not stupid and very aware it’s obviously hurt him he pays his gf more attention or he wouldn’t have got blocked

Sounds like you need to just check in with him and make sure he’s okay I wouldn’t push in the unlocking he did it for a reason

His relationship with his father is his and his father’s. I have been there you can’t force it. Let it be between them. Keep a line of communication open but his father is an adult and if he doesn’t care enough to be a parent let it be. Your son sound like he is figuring things out and understanding the he is not a priority in his fathers life. Smart boy.

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No it’s his choice, if he doesn’t want to block his dad it’s their business.

Ask him why out of concern for his emotional wellbeing but respect his wishes to block his father.

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I’d ask him why he did it just so you’re in the know, and if he’s a mature 15 year old, I probably wouldn’t take it any further.

Let him decide. My 16 year old kinda went through the same thing with his father. I feel it’s his fathers job to try to repair the relationship since he’s the one that broke it

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There’s nothing you can do, it’s out of your hands. He is at an age where he wants to make that decision. My dad and stepmom always no matter my age gave me the choice to have a relationship with my bio mom.

Ask what happened but don’t force him to unblock him. He is old enough to decide if he even wants anything to do with his father so he is definitely allowed to chose whether or not he has him on facebook


He’s 15. I would let him decide for himself. The donor made his choice and your son made his.

Its between him and his son. The kid is allowed to have feelings.

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He’s obviously hurting, Have a talk with your child. I wouldn’t force my child to have a relationship with anyone. The father should be ashamed of himself.


I it’s his choice he obviously wants nothing to do with his father

Lol its just Facebook! I block people all the time. People can be blocked on Facebook and it can mean nothing in real life. Just mention to him that his father asked about it, and see what he says. He’s 15, so he’s old enough to make that decision. Just let him be!!

He’s 15 and has a right to protect himself from what appears to be toxicity from his dad. I’d talk to him to get an understanding where his head is at, but leave the choice of having the man on social media up to him.

No, I wouldn’t talk to your son about blocking his father on Facebook. He set a boundary. He has that right.

However, I understand how the kids would be upset about their father’s girlfriend. The lack of attention they receive when she is around. However, you ladies can’t control the situation about his girlfriend. The three of you should talk about it. Make him aware of how the kids feel when she is around. But the kids need to get used to her.


Let him be. Id ask why he blocked him and then respect whatever he says. Obviously his kids arent important to him.


That was very difficult to read. Grammar.


Id ask just to see how he feels but not force him to unblock him…
As for dad he needs to communicate with his son and find out and not you…

If he’s blocked dad, I’m sure he has a reason. Just keep your ears open. Maybe siblings know.

I would leave it be,

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He’s a young man. If you trust him enough to have Facebook then trust him enough to not need to pry.


I know damn well why your son blocked home and so do you, dont be naive. He blocked his sperm donor ass, because he picked his fruit tootie girlfriend over his kids. And if the girlfriend had any sense, she would have sent him by himself to see his children.

He does it because he sees his father doesnt care to be with them. Simple as that. It’s like my brother when we were younger our bio dad was never around us but he was always around his other kids, his gf and her kids. Let him be, he sees what his dad really cares. And obviously wants no part of it. Just let him be.


Yes i won’t let my son disrespect his father. I tell my son to have self respect by giving respect especially involving his parents. And I don’t even talk to his dad.

The father should have that talk. Not you, you’ve done nothing wrong.

Let him be. He sees his dad choosing his GF over his kids.


He’s 15. If he wants to discuss his feelings and why he did it just listen. Don’t tell him he has to unblock him or have a relationship. He’s old enough to see his father is choosing his new bed buddy over his kids and decide whether or not he wants to deal with him.

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Leave him too it he is allowed to make his own mind up an he clearly has

Leave it alone. That child is upset about something and when he’s ready he will unblock him

Just let it be. He’s 15 and pissed at his dad (rightfully so imo).

He will tell you if he wants to

He’s 15 & probably hurt and disappointed. It happens. Family doesn’t mean you have to like each other.


Im mad i read this bs

I would talk to your son about why he did it , but respect his decision.

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I’d leave it be about the blocking him, but you can always talk to him to see what going the through his mind…

I gues his father listen he’s girlfriend so the hell with him. Let your son do what he wants, but talk to him nicely!

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I mean you could always ask why and see how hes feeling and support whatever decision he made with Facebook and who to block but 15 hes old enough to do that

Let him be. He is 15. He is probably seeing the true side of his father and doesn’t like it. He is old enough to be able to judge


He is 15. He is smart enough to realize who makes him a priority and who doesn’t. Also if you allow him to have facebook then you should probably trust his judgement about blocking his dad. As long as you and the mother to the other kids are agreeing to still let the siblings spend time together then dont worry about the dad. If he cares he would reach out your son. You should be more proud that he is willing to eliminate all the toxic from his life at such a young age. If you want to ask him why he did then great but then after that I would leave it alone


Anyone actually parenting your son (sounds like that’s just you) need to have open access to his social media. However, his father clearly isn’t doing that, so I would just check in with your son and ask how he is feeling and if he feels like he needs anything from you with regards to his dad and blocking him on Facebook.

Let him be he’s 15 years old. He is old enough to decide who he wants or doesn’t want in he’s life. If you are concerned then talk to him but, don’t force him to unblock he’s dad. I don’t have my own mum on Facebook because as a kid/teenager she would always post stuff when me and my brother got into trouble or other private things so, I don’t have her on Facebook because I don’t want to see it.

Leave it alone. He’s old enough to know what he’s doing.


He is old enough to make the decision on his relationship with his father.
My ex had he’s kids every other weekend didn’t spend much time with them his daughter was about the same age as your son, it is your ex who is going to make a good our bad relationship now they are grown and have nothing to do with him, I tried to tell him he needed to work on a better relationship but he didn’t listen.
He is my ex now not for just those reasons but it really bothered me because I have kids and they mean the world to me.

I’ma leave this alone.

My daughter cut her excuse for a father out of her life for good when she was 14,best thing she ever did,my husband has basically brought her up since she was 4 anyway, she’s definitely more stable, emotionally xx

Your 15 year old is more than likely hurt, upset and disappointed. Maybe have a talk with his dad about how putting his Gf before his own kids is cruel.

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I say leave it. It’s his decision and at age 15 they who makes them a priority and who doesn’t. He’s just hurt.

Let him be. If he wants to know why then he needs to come talk to talks son his self.

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Hes 15. Let him be. He sees how if father really is. Hes old enough to make this decision

Let him be. He is 15 and knows if he wants someone on fb! Also, I would always tell him you are there if he needs to or wants to talk.

15 year olds are old enough to make their minds up about who they are wanting to talk to in their everyday lives. Are you going to force them to interact? Moderate the conversation? Maybe Dad should act like a parent and try to parent and if he wanted to talk or resolve this he can try on his own. I d ask my kid what was up but not force him to interact.

I would let him make his own mind up but still talk to him to make sure he is ok

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He’s old enough to see who cares for him and who doesn’t. If he sees his dad not being there he has every right to block him🤷

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Let him be. He has his reasons for it. There’s nothing wrong with that.

You be there for your son if he needs to talk but let him be on who he allows on his FB, this is an issue between father and son so father needs to make it right and get his priorities in place concerning his relationship with his children.


Let him make that choice. Until his father makes him a priority. Keep your relationship solid with your son and encourage him to talk to his father but it’s his father’s job to actively engage and maintain that relationship.


Stay out of it. 15 is more than old enough to make their own decisions.


Leave it be, your son knows what he’s doing.


Just ask your Son. Check on him make sure he is OK. Then let the his Dad & him work it out. He’s 15.