My 15-year-old blocked his father on facebook: What do I do?

That’s the consequence for the dads actions :woman_shrugging:t2:


He’s old enough to decide legally if he wants to talk to his father and it appears right now he doesn’t, so I’d just let him be. Let him handle things with his dad, his way


Seems like dad is the childish one. Throwing a fit because his girl can’t come when he needs to spend time with the kids, grow up. The son sees this and is probably hurt by it. I would let the son do his thing and block him. Dad needs to step up and show his love.


He and his dad should talk

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Let him decide, just offer to be there if he needs to talk


He is recognizing something you’re not and if he wants to block him its between them…tell his dad to grow up


Let him be… kids have feelings too and they are valid.


Let him be. Dad ruined that relationship with his kids all on his own🤷🏻‍♀️


Leave him be. I did something similar to my dad when I was around that age because I felt I needed to. Basically I told my dad he wasn’t allowed to come to events of mine if he couldn’t come alone,(he had remarried and me and his wife did not get along) there was an incident with a birthday of mine where I felt my day was overshadowed by her being there. This didn’t go over well with him. I didn’t tell my mom and she had no idea. Maybe talk to him about why he did it but I wouldn’t force him to unblock him. He definitely has his reasons.


Let it be. His choice.

Let it be. Your ex made the choice to become a parent and now is making the choice to ignore his kids. Your son is old enough to decide if he wants him in his life or not.

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Mind your own business if he wants to discuss it with you he will.:woman_shrugging:t3:

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I’m 41 and I blocked my dad whilst he was visiting toxic rellies. He can’t control himself and I don’t want my family photos available for him to show a peadaphile and a junkie what my family looks like or what we are up too. It’s strictly private! If I come to learn someone shares a pic or shows someone they’re not intended for… They get cut off :scissors:.
I only say this as there are reasons why people block people. Your son would have his… He is 15 which is still learning who he is and what he wants to stand for. If this is his statement… Ask why but respect his will. Teens have it tough enough these days without added pressures from their parents as well. So if someone cuts you, more than likely you handed them the scissors.


I’d tell the dad that if he wants to know why his son blocked him then he needs to go to his son. The boy is old enough to make his own decision on who he doesnt want on his Facebook (if you don’t object to the people on there). If the teenager doesn’t want his dad on there then let it be. Let this be between them but let your son know that if he wants to talk to you about anything you are there for him with no judgements


You just listed off why your kid blocked him. Give the ex a taste of reality


let him decide if his father should be in his life or not.


Dad should be talking with his son about it. Like you said his is 15. So I would not be getting in the middle off it. Let them figure it out.


Let it be. Your son is old enough to make a choice. Your son will tell you when he is ready. Probably cause Dad puts girlfriend ahead of his kids. He should have gone without her. It is a weekend for God’s sake, she will survive.


Let it be. Don’t force a toxic relationship. If he felt he needed to block or distance himself. Let him. He has reasons. My oldest does the same thing with his bio dad.


Dad ruined that relationship its not up to you to fix that


Tell him you were contacted, you know he blocked him and if he wants to talk about it - you are there for him and then drop it.


The kid is 15. And his father is supposed to be an adult. Tell your ex to talk to his son about it, not you. He can call him on the phone, or send an email, or write a letter, or shoot him a text, or drive tf over (sans gf) and have a face to face conversation with his fully functional teenage child, like a fucking parent! OR he can go ahead and die waiting to find out why the boy blocked him. Who tf cares?
Next time he inquires about it, tell him, “I don’t really know. Sounds like a you prob, Bob and imma A.B.C myself out of it. thx. byeeee.” And then hang up on his 8lb 6oz little baby ass.

Let him be and support his decision. He is clearly in pain from his dad’s lack of interest .

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Sis let him be, he knows his dad is a pos and doesn’t want to deal with it right now. When he’s ready he’ll unblock him. You can’t tell him how to feel.


you kinda answered your own question. you can talk to him if you want an answer from him but i think it’s cuz his father is choosing the girlfriend instead of his kids and the son has had enough


I would ask my son why he blocked his dad and then I would respect my son’s decision and leave his butt blocked your child has feelings and they need to be validated and they need to be respected so if he doesn’t wanna be friends with his dad on Facebook then he doesn’t have to be and tell his dad to get over it and grow up because it’s Facebook for goodness sake!!!

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Seriously let him. My father was an asshole to me to. Worse actually. Now since I’m older. We have a different relationship. But let him. Poor boy. Obviously hes making a good choice. If he father isnt really in the picture. And doesnt give a damn about his child. I’d leave him be. Seriously.

I would just casually mention to your son that you know he blocked dad on Facebook and that if he wants to talk about it to you, he can. And just say something like, “you’re old enough to make your own decisions and I want you to know that I’m always here for you if you ever wanna talk about anything including your father or myself” and drop it. Let him come to you if he decides to do so. Father messed up his relationship with his son. Let dad fix it.


Maybe you should have a talk w your oldest on their feelings and why they felt they needed to do that. I can bet there are underlying issues going on. A 15 yr old can make that decision though. I know I have blocked my father out since I was a child due to abuse.

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I would ask my son. But wouldn’t tell him what to do.
I’d just ask to ensure he’s doing ok or if he needs an ear. Cuz if a child is blocking a parent…there is a reason. If dad wants to know it…ask the one that knows. The son. It ain’t your place to be telling your son’s business even if you knew why. He’s 15. He’s mature enough to have some control of his own life. We’re just there at that age to ensure they’re staying on the right path and helping them stand back up after life knocks em down.
So id be asking my son. But only to inform him I know he blocked dad. I don’t need to know why. But that I wanna make sure he’s ok and to ask if he needed to talk or not. Beyond that. NOT my business.🤷

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Your 15 year old is setting better boundaries than most adults. Let him be.


Let him be.! His dad is picking his GF over his children & I’m sure he’s over it.

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I wouldn’t even tell kiddo that his dad is whining to you. For the first time ever, daddy has to face his own music. IF son says anything to you, let him vent. Some of us organize their thoughts that way. Son is three years from being legally independent, don’t weaken your bond with him. He doesn’t need your permission or persuasion to have his opinion of his dad.

He’s 15, he knows how he feels, just let him be. It’s between him and the father. If the father cares, he can make time for a phone call or visit and not use you as the middle man. I’d personally have his(the son’s) back and support how he is deciding to process and heal from a toxic person.


Support your son but don’t push him to talk about it if he doesn’t want to. He’s clearly hurt by his father’s treatment and needs to distance himself from that relationship to save him any more pain. I bet “Dad” is posting or being tagged in photos with New GF while he’s supposed to be with his son and Son is fed up with playing second string. His emotions are valid and so are his actions. If Dad wants to be unblocked, then he’s the one who needs to make it right, not your son or you.

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You can talk to him if you want, figure out why but honestly dad burned that bridge and I would not force your son to have a relationship, he’s definitely old enough to make that choice for himself and a judge would listen to him too🤷‍♀️

I would talk to him to make sure hes ok…but its HIS facebook and he is old enough to make that decision for himself. He sounds like he is over his dads crap.
Let him know ur there for him, that’s it. His choice

Let it be. Obviously he’s had enough of dad’s choosing the gf over his kids and has choosen to cut dad out.

He has his own feelings about his dad, just let it be.

I would ask why and then Let it be. Your son obviously has strong feelings about his dad.

Let Dad call his Son to discuss. He’s 15 and he’s old enough to discuss with his father.


His father picked a girlfriend over spending time with his own kids. I would have blocked his ass too

I’m on your sons side.

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Just let him be. Dad did this to himself and now must face the music. If your son wants to talk about it then just listen and let him vent. I personally wouldn’t say anything to him.

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Let him know you are there for him if he wants to talk about it then let it go he until he is ready to discuss it

I think your son’s father is about to face the fact that his choices have consequences, and prioritizing his girlfriend over his own children is going to make them feel negatively towards him (rightfully so). If anything, talk to your son as a means for him to express these feelings, NOT to dissuade him of them and absolutely not on your ex’s behalf.

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I’d talk to your son just because it sounds like he’s very hurt by his dad choosing the girlfriend over him and his siblings. I’d encourage your son to tell his father why he blocked him. Be there for your son and tell your ex to grow up and step up for his kids.

He is 15 I say let him be. He is old enough to make those decisions on his own and if you start pushing at those buttons it may turn into something towards you. I say that’s his father’s problem and he should learn to be a better father!


Let him be maybe he has had enough of his father’s antics … your son is 15 and if anyone needs to talk to should be his father. As he is the problem

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Let him be
It’s his account and his valid feelings

Tell your son you know he blocked his father. Then let your son know your there for him if he’d like to talk about it or anything else on his mind. If his father can’t figure out it’s okay to visit his kids & pay less attention to his girlfriend while their visiting that’s on dear old dad. At 15 your son can see a loss cause, but will still be hurt his father can’t stay focused on his kids for s visit. That’s dads lost. Kids come first.


I think you already know why your son blocked his dad. Tell his dad to wake up and smell the coffee before it’s too late. Don’t press your son for detailed reasons why, but let him know you’re there for him if he want’s to talk about it.


at 15 I’d let him do that because he needs to express himself and how he feels about his father ignoring him essentially choosing his new girlfriend over his kids, sad.

I would try to get him to open up to you. Let him know that you’re there for him and that anything he his feeling is completely valid. My mom and I didn’t have a great relationship when I was younger (my parents got divorced when I was young and my dad has full custody of us kids and I felt like my mom had abandoned us) and I had her blocked on Facebook for a long time. But no one ever really sat down with me and said hey I’m here for you and I love you and your feelings are valid. When you feel like a parent has abandoned you it messes you up mentally. At least it did with me I still have issues from it even years after my mom and I have made up and had a heart to heart. Just show him you’re there and you love him unconditionally.

That’s between him and his dad. Let dad ask him why and earn the love from his child. Sounds like your son is feeling unloved by his dad.

Sounds like he is mad that dad is choosing girlfriend over his own son. If dad wants to know dad should ask him. His dad needs to learn to communicate with his son.


I would ask him why but don’t make him unblock him. He’s probably fed up with his fathers shit

Let it be, sounds like it’s a discussion him and you child have to have. That and it’s just facebook…

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Let him be his sperm donor is nothing but a piece of shit

Ask him why he did it, just tell him it’s his decision if he wants to keep him blocked it’s his Facebook. lol but I’d want to know why he did it.

Let him be obviously the father is choosing the girlfriend over his kids ur son is hurt

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Let him choose where they’re relationship on media and life goes from this point.

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Let him be, he’s old enough to make his own decisions


I would leave him alone … just make sure he knows you are there for him if he does want to talk. I know that I didn’t want much to do with my dad growing up because he did the same thing.

his old enuf to know wat he wants and feels

Let him be he has a right to his feelings, but keep communicating with him about how he feels concerning his father.

Its between Father and son! Father must sort it out himself period! Dont get involved! And if the father dont want to spend time with his son leave him! He will regret later in life when the girlfriend is not around!

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You just build your bond with your son!

Dont let the father use u to get to his son!

Maybe talk to your son. But let him do what he needs to. He is obviously miffed with Dad and maybe he is sick of his BS. Let your son decide for himself what to do with that.

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My fiance’s 15 yr old did the same to her mother. Her mom left when she was 6 and her sis was 14. Moved to FL with her abusive boyfriend, we are in PA. I said to the now 15 yr old, you are entitled to feel how you feel, your feelings are valid. I encouraged her to go to counseling and talk to someone who has no stake in any of this. Which she is. My fiance told his ex when she complained that she has to fix it not him. We keep our conversations and thoughts between us and do not talk negatively about the bio mom issue. And trust me I could write a 30 page paper on all the girls have told me and what I’ve witnessed in the year and a half I’ve been here! Stay strong, back your son and get him some counseling!

Of course I would speak to him and see what’s wrong but I wouldn’t force him to unblock him at this age.

talk to him always talk to your children, if he will talk to you any way I know at this age they don’t like talking much

Let it be he’s old enough to see whats going on hes entitled to his feelings and opinion on the matter but be open to talking about it if he needs to vent

Let it be your son is old enough to decide this !!!

At 15, it’s really his decision. Tell Dad he’s welcome to call and talk to his son about why. I would also tell your son that his Dad called and suggest that he call him and discuss why he blocked him. Encourage him to be honest but respectful. Then, I would leave them to sort it out, or not.

I let my 11 year old son make his own decision…I offer some gentle guidance,if he takes it he takes it,if he doesn’t he doesn’t…
They are entitled to feel how they feel about their father and just because they’re a child and he’s an adult doesn’t mean they have to accept behaviour they don’t agree with.

Let him be, he is well old enough to know his boundaries and know his inner feelings.

Let it be he did it for a reason…maybe one day ask him why but let him know its his choice

Talk to him. There is a reason that he feels valid. Help him work through it.

He has a right to feel how he feels and expressing it is more than natural. Its between them two
You and the father aremt together, and hes a grown man who should fix his relationship with his son. Not you.

You need to talk to your son, always be aware of what is going on and see what you can do to help

First of all…do what’s in ur heart. You know the ppl ur dealing with…ur son and his dad. But…i would def talk to him very calmly.

Sounds Ike if it’s that important to the Father, he needs to ask the Son in person!
Communication works wonders!!

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I agree let him be, because no matter what, your son is still the child and it’s not his responsibility to reach out to his dad. It’s dads responsibility to reach out to his son and be involved. I’ve been in this same situation and don’t know why any parent would pick or put another person above his own children! Once they get to that age, you can try to defend his dads actions and make all the excuses for them. But believe me they know and they watch!! Just keep reminding your son, it’s not his fault and his dad will soon find out when his son stops wanting to see him all together. I was heartbroken when my daughter was 13 and said she wanted to be emancipated from her dad. I told her I’m sorry she feels this way…she said he isn’t a dad anyways, says he don’t call nor do things with me, isn’t involved and even though she was right about her dad. I said baby he will have regrets later on and I’m sorry he can’t be the father you need.


When this happened at my house I said to their father, “I am their mother. You are their father. They blocked you. Do the same thing I would and reach out to him/her and inquire why!” My thought was that my children needed to learn their actions have consequences and potentially uncomfortable conversation attached. I had NO problem with the fact that they blocked him but it was a great opportunity for a teachable moment that if you choose to do something you better be able to handle the aftermath of that.


Facebook is NOT the place for real relationships. The dad asked you, that was wrong. He needs to reach out and really talk to and with the son. As a 15 yo, he still answers to the parent. If 18, and paying for his own internet/social media access, then he can do whatever. However, you are being passive aggressive by saying not your business. Until 18 and on his own, he answers to you, your rules. YOU are the adult and parent. Still dad needs to reach out. He’s an “adult” also.

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At 15 he is old enough to form his own opinions and choose who we wants in his life. I would mention that I got the call and let him know that I support whatever he chooses.

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He’s 15 hardly a trial but not getting adult if he is angry with his father I would let him feel that emotion it is not your place as a mother to force a child to love their father, I understand that you want your child to have a good relationship but the father of your child has to try just as hard you forcing your child or trying to put a relationship there is only going to make things worse

Let him be. He obviously has a strong personality to take that decision. Good on him.

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If his father wants to know why he should be asking his son,it’s their relationship. You need to be there for your son if he wants to talk about it. I wanted nothing to do with my father after their divorce and it had nothing to do with my mother. I was 10 years old and knew how it was going to be with him and me.

Let it be. If he wants an answer he can ask his son what he did to make him do that because obviously it needs to be dumbed down

He is old enough to have formed his own opinion of his dad. Actions speak louder than words, leave him be.


Let it be. My dad walked out of my life at a very young age, and our relationship has never been good. Your son knows who’s there and who’s not. I’d just let it be.


Let him be he’s 15 and has probably formed hi view of his father, plus it doesn’t really sound like dad is super involved. This has caused him to block dad.


Let him be. He is trying to show that he doesn’t want his father in his life. He wanted to connect but the father obviously is more interested in his gf. At 13 they are allowed to choose who they want in their life by court.

Tell the kids father to text his son…sounds like they need to have a heart to heart

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Let them work it out your son is old enough to speak for himself and the dad needs to be a dad and communicate with his son


Let it be. It’s not your sons responsibility to make his dad pay attention to him… family or not toxicity has to go! And no relationship should be forced

Let him be. His father is an adult and if he can’t talk to his child about it up front and center then he doesn’t deserve to be in the child’s life. He’s almost an adult so he’s old enough to decide if he wants his father in his life or not. It’s obviously a sign