My 15-year-old blocked his father on facebook: What do I do?

Your son is not kid anymore he is 15 he know what he have to do with his feelings and if he thinks this is right thats its… Thats their relatioship.

Let it be. That relationship is long broken and unfortunately that’s do dad and son to fix. I don’t have contact with my biological father either. He’s blocked too. But you can talk and ask if he’s okay. It’s a bunch of angerand hurt.


Let it alone. If the father wants to know let him ask his son. It might wake him up to the fact he needs to put some time in with his children.

It’s not up to you what to do. This is the son’s descission. And probably a good reason

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I’d let him know that you are there if he wants to talk about it and let it be…there must be a reason for it

He’s 15 let it go they know how they feel, it’s up to dad to maybe call and ask him himself. If dad wants to really know he’ll put some REAL time in with the son


Let him be. That is for him and his dad to work out. But it wouldn’t hurt to just tell him you love him and if there is anything he wants to talk about you will always be there


Let him be I agree
My ex has nothing to do with his kids they don’t talk to him, His made it that way not the kids
Other woman came first then his wife
You SON, knows who is there and whom isn’t kids do things on their own we don’t point things on them
Just let it go father should be asking him not your EX, asking you

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By all means talk to him so you get an understanding of why he blocked him but let him keep him blocked until he is ready to unblock him.

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You probably already know the reason why he did it it is a lesson teaching moment for him and his father Let It Be he has a right to feel hatred or whatever it is that he is feeling you don’t want them bottling that stuff all inside until it finally explodes or something worse happens.

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Let him be…he will eventually have to figure this out…he has obviously formulated his own opinion…

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I would let it be. I think it is up to the child’s father to talk to him about it. It might only cause problems with you and your son. It also sounds like his father does not have his priorities straight. To be honest, can you blame your son for blocking him?

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Id let it be. At that age they are old enough to make that decision. If he wants to talk to you about just be supportive.

Let him be. But i would talk to him. He might need to vent and boys are more easily to shut down on topics like this.

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Let it be. Your kid is old enough to make that decision themselves on whether or not they want the father in there life

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I agree if dad wants to Know what his issue is with him then he needs to communicate with his child. You can offer to be there if there’s something your son wants to talk about, not mention anything specific just reassuring you’re there for him and keep it moving. It’s not your job to maintain or fix their relationship should there be an issue. At least not before dad makes an effort and it’s nothing harmful.

Nope, let it go. Tell Dad he needs to discuss it with his son. Don’t get in the middle.

Let him be he is old enough to see threw his dad you see what is more important and I would tell his dad that

Not too much you can do about that when he gets over his mad spell he will/should talk to him.

Your son is old enough to decide if he is too angry to talk to him. Let your child have or regect his dad right.

Obviously your 15 year old is mad at his father. Is he wants to block him let him. Dont force him yi have that relationshipw ith his dad id his dad doesnt do the same.

Let your child be. Even if he doesn’t tell you why…he felt he had a good reason.

Let it be. Give dad time to grow up. Keep communications open if he needs to talk.

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My daughters father walked away from her before her 3rd birthday then tried to have contact again back in 2017. He didn’t like my rules that he had to be supervised until me and my mum could trust him again to have my daughter on his own. And he didn’t like the fact that I didn’t want his now wife around my daughter because it should of just being him and my daughter time. Then after 1 weekend she was at her auntys and he had to bring her back to me, she told me what her father was putting into her head about me which I found wasn’t fair on her. So I stopped the contact because why should a little girl have to hear what her father says about their mother who has being there from day dot. And she has made it quiet clear that she wants nothing to do with him. I have tried asking her if she wants anything to do with him and if she wants she knows to come to me and I can contact his family to see if we can make it happen. But for now she doesn’t. And for my son’s father well he doesn’t make an effort. I’m the one who makes the effort for my son to see his dad. And my daughter use to look up to my son’s father as her dad but since he doesn’t want to make an effort for them then why should I?? Also my son’s father needs to be supervised aswell

I would talk to your 15 year old and see if he needs to let anything out but in the end of the day it’s up to him if he doesn’t want a relationship with his father.

Let it be…he’s old enough to make his own decisions about who he wants in his life. Just be sure to never bad mouth another parent cause things could change and he’d need a clean head about it. Also ensure him your there if he ever wants to talk.

As long as your son doesn’t disrespect his father, let him figure out what he wants to do, if the dad doesn’t realize there’s a problem he just might need this as a wake up call.

Let it be. He blocked him for a reason and if/when that reason is solved he will unblock him again

Maybe your son is tired of seeing his father’s posts involving his girlfriend.

Its dad’s job to maintain a relationship with his son. The son blocking him on facebook is a direct result of a failure on dad’s part. Let them work it out.

I would just ask him why. But I don’t get on him about it. And if he doesn’t want to talk about it let it go.

He has his reasons if dad can pay more attention to his girlfriend then why should his son pay dad attention?!!!

Let him be, do 't get involved. His father needs to hash it out with his son, not you.

Dad’s responsibility to get to a place in his son’s life to not be blocked. And if he asks again why he is blocked tell him straight. Your son is upset with you, fix it.

I’d ask, but be supportive

I’d ask if hes okay but not make judgement

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Tell his daddy to focus on his son not his lil gf

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I would sit down with him and have a serious talk. Imo

Id personally ask him why but just so i know why. i won’t tell him to unblock but atleast im on the same page as mt son

Actully the father should talk with him not you…

Let it be you can talk to him and ask why but that’s it

Let it be that’s between the two of them.

Talk 2 him
15 yr olds can be a-holes!

Take his phone away. I’m sure you bought it for him!

My 13 year old blocked her birth father

Let it be… Hes 15 and its social media not real life.

Just let him be. Let him and his father work it out

It’s none of the kids mother business

Let it be he is old enough to know what he wants and there is a reason for his actions

Let your teenage son be. His father is choosing his gf over his kids. The kids are aware & your son is acknowledging this. This is a consequence of your ex being a selfish dick. I’ve been where you’re teenage son is at. Only we didn’t have social media back then. It’s the equivalent of not calling your parent when they tell you to. He may add him back on FB. That’s up to your ex. He needs to step up as a better father


Let him be!! Their relationship is not your responsibility!!!

Let him be! Also, in fairness he needs to tell his dad. Then, go from there

Let him be, my daughter blocked her dad when she was 11!!!and still has him blocked

Just let it be. This is something that no one other than dad and son can fix. If dad wants to know why his son blocked him it’s up to him to find out.

Leave it alone,the boy is hurt and has good reason.Let it be,he’s old enough to understand what a Jackass his father is,if he chose her over him…

My son’s sperm donor has kids with 3 mom’s me being the first, my son is 21 and then he has a 18 yr old daughter with the second mom, and 3 with the last mom, my son has tried to do stuff with his donor, but the donor just turns into an asshole, well 2 yrs his donor wanted him to work with him so he told him to be at this place to pick him up my son waited 2 hrs after that he texted his donor and said he was done with him bailing on him, my son turned 19 and changed his last name to my husband who has raised him since he was 4 months old, your son sounds like he knows what he’s doing so let him momma, if you try to push you’ll push him away for you as well, at age 12 I told my son it’s up to you if you want to talk or see him (which his donor was rarely in his life) he made the decision to distant himself and he’s never been happier, all my son cares about now is him taking care of the last 3 kids and treat them better than he did him, that made my heart melt that he cared , my son unfortunately doesn’t see any of his other siblings and that’s his choice, he has a sister from me and his " dad" he says that’s his only sister . Let him decide he’s old enough hugs sweetie

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He sees how little he means to his father so I don’t blame him for blocking him no man or woman should put anyone above their children your son is a you g man now and he is letting his father feel the pain that he is feeling so you should talk to him and let him know it is ok to block his dad but you should get your son to talk to you about why he did it and what he is feeling

Your son is old enough to know his father is not interested in his life and blocking him on Facebook is fine. Maybe now his father will get the message. He seems to think a woman makes him a man and has to have one around to be the big little man he is.

He is old enough to mange thise decisions and if the STUPID donor rather put a female before his own…he had no right questioning you about your child actions :facepunch::muscle: