My 15-year-old daughter is pregnant: Will DHS really get involved?

How old is your daughters b/f or father of her unborn? I dont think they could do anything if you guys dont give his information as long as she states it was consensual, but idk.

I got preg and delivered at 14. No one was called on us, only reason they would have was if the dad was 16 and older.

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I was pregnant at 14 had her at 15. DhS was only involved because her dad was 3 years older than me.

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It’s pretty normal now for them to report it to make sure it wasn’t rape I know in my state age of consent is 16

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My guess is that it may be because she is under the legal age of consent in their home state


I got pregnant at 15, and none of that ever came up

Depending on the state, they can get involved.

One of my old friends for pregnant at 14 had her baby at 15.
Nobody was called or nothing.

I was pregnant at 16, I didn’t have DSR, or as we call DCS.

Well what’s the rest of the info here!? Did they ask who the father was or if she was raped? Is she special needs? If she is - I totally see CPS being called. Drugs in your house? Honestly if you gave off a red flag there might be a reason to suspect. It’s hard to say because you haven’t given but 50% of the information. PLUS, if nothing is fishy then why are you worried? As a medical employee & I’ve worked with pediatric patients, it was my responsibility to report families that seemed off or gave off a suspicion.


I work in labor and delivery and its just to make sure she has what is needed to bring a baby home. A crib, support system, etc. Its not a open active case unless that is needed

Babies having babies!


I know my daughter will be on birth control by 13
So that doesnt happen.
Better safe then sorry. I was a teen mom and although I dont regret my kids at all, I wish I would hv waited. My job as a parent is to make sure they dont make the same choices I did. I dont want them to struggle. And some of yall be having kids at 13,14,15 WHOA
 You cant even work, or drive
 how tf you gonna take care of a baby! Educate ur children ppl! I know teenagers dont listen
 but damn I thought having a baby at 18 was hard
 cant imagine any younger.
As far as OP. If CPS is involved
 atleast rhey are making sure ur daughter wasnt raped. I dont think they can do anything else unless father is way older

And then in that case you need to re-evaluate ur parenting.


Depends on state

I got pregnant at 15. Dad was 18. We never had to report it. Nobody got involved. This was in VA though. Not sure where you are or what laws apply there though.

I’m more concerned that you’re putting YOUR daughter’s business out in the public. She is her own person - are you allowing her to make the choices necessary for HER future?? Including an abortion, if that’s what SHE wants?? Obviously, she didn’t feel comfortable asking to get birth control


I was 17 and my fiancĂ© was 16 (just turned) and she can say she doesn’t know who t is so there isn’t a problem. You guys will get custody until she is 18. I know a lot of teen moms who kick fuckin ass so just support her and let her know she has options and whatever she does you’ll be there helping her

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I had my son at 13
 Im in a commonwealth state and cps never got involved.


CPS isn’t always bad sometimes they can help you out a lot and other times they can make things worse and it sucks not really knowing what’s coming your way I wish you the best for you and your family

My daughter was 15 when she had her first child. DHS did not get involved this was Florida

As long as your house is clean and u got 3 days worth of food they ain’t nothing to worry about

Im in illinois and I was not only pregnant at 15 my mom signed for me to get married
this is some stuff that I have never heard of.

Here in new York in order to have legal sexyiu have to be 18 and even if it was consensual they can still say it was rape because anyone 17 and under do not have concent

I live in California and had my son at 16 and none of that happened to me but that was 13 years ago so it could have changed.

I know of a 14 year old that had a child and CPS took the baby after it was born, the grandparents had to step in and fight to get the child back :roll_eyes:


I had my son at 16 and nothing happened they didnt call

All depends on who the father is. Age matters. It really doesn’t effect you directly but the father if he is older then18.

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I had my son at 15, dhs called and checked up on me whilst pregnant but they never opened a case and got involved like that in our life!

No there is no need for cps. They wont get out of your life

That nurse was just thinking she’s being helpful when in all honesty, no. Cps and dhr shouldn’t be called unless the teenager is an obvious drug addict or something of the sort. I’ve had so many friends when I was younger get pregnant and never have to deal with anything of the sort. But I also can’t say it’s the same for every state or county.

They are just making sure she wasn’t raped or anything like that since she is underage. I’ve heard of a few people who had to go through this and it took about a month since they cooperated with them & was consensual. Speaking from being in Kansas.


I had my son at 16 they sent a nurse to check his vitals and length and weight in my home and I never saw or heard from them again this is in PA 5 years ago. As long as your gas works, you have electric, the waters on and there’s food in the fridge and obviously a clean house they typically leave you alone however I don’t think you’ll have much to worry about. Especially if they see you are giving her a good support system


I was 14 when I got pregnant and 15 when I had my son
not once was cps in my business and total violation of HIPPA in my opinion. It’s no one else business unless she says that they can release that information.

It’s probably to make sure she isnt being forced into any decisions she doesn’t actually want.

I had my son at 13 and they never said anything like that to us or cps or anything like that. This was in California 12 years ago. Good luck and be there for her as much as you can.

I was under the impression they only report if they feel abuse/rape was involved

Lot of teen pregnancy, jesus


Yes unfortunately they do this because she’s a minor and they could even arrest whomever got her pregnant if they are 18+. Considered child abuse. I think it may vary from state to state though. They have to be sure she’s not being forced into anything.

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I got pregnant at 15 & my sons father was 20. My parents didn’t notify anybody. Only because the fact they didn’t want them to try to take the baby away.
I would for sure question your daughter make sure she wasn’t raped or forced into anything.


The amount of chicks on here saying well I was pregnant at 13, or hey I had mine at 5 is astounding :neutral_face:


I don’t think that sounds right

DHS will probably only get involved to help with insurance and food stamps and things. That’s what they did for me. But I am older

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I live in tennessee and I got pregnant at 16 not once did dhs or cps get involved. I hope all goes well. A heatly pregnancy safe dileviery and a heatly baby! Good luck girl

Every stateaw is different plus I know a lot of laws have changed since my pregnancy 15 years ago. I’m assuming whatever state you live in that because she is under 17 or 18 they just will do an interview to make sure it wasn’t a bit older than 18 and that she wasn’t raped and then just offer resources on what options she has. If this is a law in your state it’s not a bad thing to be worried about. I think it is a good law to make sure young pregnancies didn’t start from a crime. Your best bet is to Google the actual laws by your state

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Depends on how old the father is

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Yes I was pregnant at 16 they came and talked to me and asked who the father was and asked about the whole situation and due to me being young at the time they put him on child support

I think it’s because under 17 they are considered old enough to consent to sex so they have to look into everything and give her options and advice

I new a family that had a daughter that got pregnant at 15. CPS was involved for over a year. I guess it would depend on circumstances. I wouldn’t worry so much about cps as much as how ur daughter is doing/feeling. I have no idea what they will do or make u do but I wish u all luck. I hope her pregnancy is safe and easy for her.

Never heard of them having to report to dhr/cps sounds weird. My brother had his 1st at 15 also his girlfriend was 16 they never had to report anything.

Most states the age of consent is 16. I’m assuming that is why unless abuse is suspected.

I was pregnant at 15 and we never had that issue

Doesn’t make sense. Maybe a state law???

Well, this thread is full of babies having babies. :neutral_face:

Birth control and abortions for everyone!


Got pregnant at 14 had him at 15, I was pregnant in 7th grade a random dude pulled me out of class and was asking allot of questions I eventually cussed him out and told him I’m not saying shit cause when I asked if my mom knew he was here he said no so I didn’t say a word. Eventually we went to the cps office and they sat me and my mom down. She knew I was seeing a boy but had no clue I was having sex. So I told the cps I lied to my mom all the time said I was staying at a friends house and was actually running off to stay with my baby daddy. Main thing they wanna know. Was you allowing your kid to spend the night with her boyfriend or kids father for this to happen. I lied said no she had no clue. They dropped everything never had a problem sense and my son is now 6 years old.


I had my first daughter at 13 due to rape. Of course the hospital called CPS and they told me I had 48 hours to sign my rights over to my mother
 I told them no and never heard from them again :woman_shrugging:t3: that was also 8 years ago sooo.

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I was a minor and had no issues my bf was also 5yrs old then me. He signed the birth certificate and was at the hospital with me my entire stay. Seems odd to me

My friend had to deal with the same thing as she got pregnant at 15. It’s mostly because she was already a foster child and they mostly just wanna make sure there is no abuse. That and to make sure the person who got her pregnant isnt way older than her because the age of consent is 16.

I know it all varies state to state but here in Georgia they had to notify DEFC when the baby was born cause my ex husbands niece was only 14 but they dont really do anything but come in make sure the baby can be cared for talked to her and my sister in law and they made sure shes wasnt pushed into anything and make sure nothing bad was happening and that she had plenty of help with the baby and stuff and that was it never heard anything else from them after the one trip out to the house and talked to a few of us and they offered her parenting classes and all kinds of help so for us here it wasnt a bad experience but i cant really speak for other states and people but that’s what we whent through with her so I would say nothing to panic about

In some states if she draws aid or if the baby is born using any aid, her parents will have to repay all the aid and medical costs. She is a minor, so they make the parents financially responsible.


Not common in colorado I was pregnant at 16 never had that issue. Seems like a violation of privacy and HIPAA laws.

Not unless its by your husband :flushed:

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I got pregnant at 16 and dhs didn’t get involved however that was back in 2006 and in Georgia.

I got pregnant at 15 with my oldest. I lived in NC at the time so no help with this being Texas. But if you or she ever feel the need to talk to someone who has walked that path I am here. I pray everything works out for the best for all involved.

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You should also have a talk with your daughter on what happened. Any doctor or nurse can call CPS if they suspect something happened more than consensual sex, or just because she’s a minor they could consider this neglect. DHS almost always gets involved because of medical insurance and etc. Not so suprised like some of these folks seem to be. Like I said I hope for the best for your daughter.

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I had a baby at 14. My first son who is now almost 5. Normally CPS/DCF does get called simply because it’s a minor having a baby, but that doesn’t mean that they will open a case or anything just means that they try to help with support and educating the minor, having a child.

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CPS only gets involved if they suspect neglect, abuse, or rape. Something must have gave them a red flag. They will want to talk to & interview your daughter in private. Hopefully they will find nothing .

Not if you supply the safe environment for her and she doesn’t do anything for them too feel the need too be involves.

I had my first son at 15. He’s now 9, I’m 25. No regrets what so ever. But I also had a lot of support and I kept too the right path with parenting.

Good luck :heart:


They will just come to make sure your home is stable.


Is CPS showing up for the teenager? Or the baby? Did she test positive for anything illegal while they were giving her the pregnancy test?


I’m assuming it’s just to make sure that she wasn’t abused
 Also despite what ppl on here say, every state has an age of consent. meaning they can’t consent until said age. She’s still a minor.


I’ve never heard of that and I worked for CPS for years. The only thing I could think of is if she admitted to being abused or something. Idk, I’m lost on that one.


I was 16 when I got pregnant & 17 when my son was born & the only reason anyone got involved is because my mother decided to call the hospital & tell them she was scared my sons father would smother him because she was mad I wanted him to stay at the hospital with me instead of her the first night. Granted, this was 8 years ago, but still. Maybe wherever you are is different, or they report to rule out incest(which is a valid concern for far too many pregnant teens I’m sure, unfortunately) but as long as everything is good you have nothing to worry about. :heart::heart::heart:

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My daughter was 15 and had my grandson at 16 we had no problems

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I was 15 when i found out i was pregnant with my son and 16 when i gave birth and my family had no problems.

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My little sister got pregnant at 13 and had her baby at 14. CPS never got involved. On a happy note, she is now 32 and an ER nurse with 4 more kiddos.


Cps would only get in involved if your daughter tested positive for drugs or if they think the baby is in danger.

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Aren’t you curious to know who got the minor pregnant ?


When I got pregnant at 16, there was no CPS/DHS at my door to make sure anything was going on
I hope for your sake this doesnt happen.

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Medical workers are mandatory reporters. As long as she wasn’t being raped, abused, or neglected you’ll be fine. Also they need to determine whether her residence is suitable for a baby

They probably want to check to see if there are signs of abuse. Stay strong and love on your baby girl!


I honestly thought The only reason they confront was for abuse so if she was with someone much older than her on the lines of that but they wouldn’t know of course unless something was said so was something said ? If not I feel like it’s just nosy without probable cause but if you get a chance ask them maybe you can ask her doctor or a professional about it because even girls younger like 13 dhs and cps aren’t involved unless abuse is reported

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My 15 year old sister in law was pregnant at 14, baby at 15. CPS got involved because of the hospital. It will most likely happen, don’t worry. Their goal is not to take the baby but rather have her learn important skills to be the best mom she can be.


Since kids shouldnt being having babies i would assume that its a raise for concern


It’s to make sure she was not raped or sexually abused by anyone in or outside the family. Also to be sure she isn’t being neglected and left unsupervised


You pasted the question twice, btw.

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Its also to ensure shes not been sexually abused/human trafficked. In a lot states it’s becoming requirement for drs to report teenage pg. I wouldn’t lie. Parenting skills might be called in to question but just be honest. Some states feel like if you’re properly supervising she wouldn’t be pg but that’s really unrealistic expectations.


Different rules they need to establish consent if father is over 18 or under age etc
normal don’t stress


Actually it all depends on your state. Doctors are mandated reporters. It doesn’t mean they will be involved. You have no clue how many calls and reports and complaints come in that get put to the back or just dismissed.

I had my son at 17, last year. This never happened. You will most likely have custody over her child if she chooses to have it- but I’ve never heard of cps getting involved.

They can’t really do anything until the baby has a social security number, and is born. They will probably investigate when baby is born. Make sure she has everything for the baby, your house is clean, food in the fridge, formula if baby isnt breast fed. Relax, and you don’t have to let them in your house at all. They are not the police so they cant put any charges on you or her. Legally they can’t even investigate.

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No. Social service is only notified by you or if there seems to be an issue like drug/alcohol addiction.

15 is below the legal age of consent in probably every state :woman_facepalming:


Where I live, I would assume they would be involved because legal age to consent is 16.

That certainly wasn’t the case when I was pregnant at 15. Although that was 16 years ago.

I got pregnant at 14 and had my son at 15 and never dealt with anything until I was about to leave the hospital and that was ONLY bc my sons father was 21 and signed the birth certificate


I was pregnant at 15 and I didn’t have cps involved

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They are going to make sure it is not incest or rape

Best for you to contact your local Department of social services and child welfare to establish what the true circumstances are. Instead of guessing and getting anxiety from other people’s situations it’s best to educate yourself on the laws in your state. Most often DHS are so overburdened that unless there is a reported problem they are not looking to open a case. Very often there are programs available through DHS to help keep young mothers and their babies healthy. Very often DHS holds an interest in making sure all parties responsible for the baby are being responsible.


I got pregnant at 15 and this didnt happen. Lived in Illinois, dr in Indiana

Just because she called, doesn’t mean they will invade. They’ll probably just do a single home check. I had my daughter at 16 & they never said that to my parents. I’m in Wisconsin.