My 17-year-old has been taking too long in the bathroom: Advice?

No phones in the bathroom


Cut his phone off.

Take the lock off the door, not the handle just not be able to lock it.
Sorry if my kid is in there that long and I’ve got to go, especially while pregnant then I’m coming in anyway.


No phones in the bathroom :toilet:


I grew up in a 1 bathroom house with 11 kids and 2 adults. I cannot tell you how many times I peed in the bath tub! Locks on doors and reading material were not allowed. But coming in to pee while someone was allowed. We went in, did what had to be done and left! I can’t tell you how many times there were 6 people in a 5 X 4 ft space at the same time.

6 people and 1 bathroom? That’s the problem.


Get a water bottle and start spraying him like a cat. Just ask nicely once, then open that door and spray spray. Maybe he’ll learn :woman_shrugging: If not you’ll probably feel better.


Family of almost 6 & you only have 1 bathroom??? Sounds like your problem. Let the kid have some damn peace lmao. & to make him pay rent at 18??? Awful. You should stop having kids if thats how you’re going to treat them.

Maybe with the rent you want to charge him you can add another bathroom for the 6 of you. I couldn’t imagine charging my kid to live with me let alone as soon as they turned 18. Being in the bathroom as others have said maybe his only sense of privacy which you clearly also invaded


Turn off the wifi when he goes to the bathroom.


Tell him to ask if anyone needs to use the bathroom before he goes if he’s going to take that long :woman_shrugging:t3:


He’s jerking it. Let em do his thing. Damn woman.

Definitely take phone away when he goes in to bathroom!! That is very disrespectful!!


I am soooo disappointed in your husband, he KNOWS why your son is in there!!! ESPECIALLY if your son doesn’t have his own room!!! :woman_facepalming:t2: And the immediate shower…Yes, I get most of y’all are female…so y’all missing with your timer and no phone advice :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:. I’m a mom of three boys. He is dealing with “morning wood”. Geeze!


Kind of sad let me make you pay rent while I have money to bring another kid into this small ass house🙄

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Build another bathroom! If you can’t take out a loan. That’s too many people for one washroom.


We have the same.thing here our 16 year old grandson,his Mom lives with us too. She works at the local OR so she is out of here by 6am, when school was in he was in bathroom so long, same when he takes a bath. We only have 1 bathroom for the 4 of us,when My.husband and I need to.go,we are 70 can’t hold it long either.

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Anyone gonna tell her that he’s not actually just sitting in there and playing games on his phone? No? Mkay. He’s 17, in the bathroom, for 45 minutes. He’s doing “boy things.” No phones allowed in the bathroom, unless it’s you or dad, and move to a house with more than 1 bathroom. Plain and simple.


New rule…NO PHONES IN THE BATHROOM. Put a little basket outside the door that say phone here before you poo…and he can get it on his way out… If he doesn’t follow the rule tell him he will lose his phone.


At least make it fair for everyone- no one can have phones in there


Make him leave phone out side on table.


No phone in toilet & if in the shower too long turn the cold water on & he will get out when the hot turns to cold " :thinking:& if he is working he should pay rent "


I use to do the same, bathroom was an escape.

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I’d say either build another bathroom or get a bigger house with 2 bathrooms


He’s playing with his wee wee lol. He’s a 17 ye old boy. Tell your husband to think about when he was 17 and had to hide his magazines from his mom. Now it’s in his hands lol. Plus if he has that many bad habits otherwise they should of been dealt with at the time instead of letting them get worse. You may be partly at fault. You need to sit him down and be serious with him about what is bothering you both. Not asking Facebook. You are the adults. Take control.


Tell him to gtf out of the bathroom… who’s in charge? Who pays the bills?!


Welcome to having a teenage child……put your foot down be the parent, once he has a job then yes he should be paying rent no one can live for nothing plus he needs to learn the value of money etc.


Tell him to masturbate in his bedroom next time. He’s not playing games on his phone my dear.


Take the damn phone.

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He may be doing something else in addition to being on the phone :cucumber::sweat_drops:


Is he really just playing on his phone? Is he constipated? Is he meeting other private needs? Does he have his own space? Five people and one bathroom is just rough.


Welcome to older teenage kids, mine do this won’t matter if phone is in there or not. If you can build another bathroom, use a bucket or go outside.


When you keep knocking on the door, you add 5 minutes, minnimum! Some of us go alot slower than others. .Also get a toilet chair, cheaper than an extra bathroom, and convenient in a pinch

Grew up in Fam of 7 one bathroom …we had a written shower schedule🤦‍♀️also …the boys had to pee outside at times …no phones in bathroom …no magazines…hopefully tht guy has his own room …if not …hang a curtain…somthin…everyone deserves privacy

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You need to remove this phone so he can’t be jacking off to the porn on there

Tell him no more phone in the bathroom and if he can’t be considerate of others he can move out. He sounds very entitled.


I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13709 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


Just say no phone in the bathroom

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Good luck with that , I have a grown man that has now extended his bathroom time to 2 1/2 + hours several times a day . Im building him an out house !!!


He’s 17 he is absolutely doing age appropriate things in that bathroom, Does he have his own bedroom with possibly a lock on the door that may alleviate the amount of time he spends in the washroom give him privacy hes at that age where he needs it,


Rules…Rules…Rules…Follow through too. Turn that cell phone service off, call the company and request no services to it for 30 days. This was free when I did it, tell them 1 time, that’s all, kid loses his/her phone once and they likely will see that you’re serious and will start changing their ways. Kid have a car? Take the keys for a length of time determined and set by you and dad before the need arises. (he helps with the other kids? well, mom and dad are going to now be inconvenienced, but you have to follow through) My biggest beef when mine were growing up were hearing their friends talk about how their parents “tried” this or that to discipline them, but it never worked, they only lasted a day, or whatever. And they’d talk about their parents being pissed because their lives were interrupted. Well, that’s part of having kids. PLEASE consider initiating discipline, actions have consequences. It’s never too late, you’ll thank yourself down the road.


It takes me a long time in the bathroom as well. Maybe he needs a book to put his feet on to make the back door business to flow a bit faster. Just saying

When my daughter is taking forever in the bathroom I tell her to get out. I make the demands around here. She learned a looonnnggg time ago not to play with mama :bear: I hate to be the one to say this but he’s 17, no changing the behavior. Unfortunately he’s already comfortable with his habits, and you have not been enforcing any change as these habits started to worsen.


The Joy’s of a teenager

Ummm mom :eyes: He needs some private time too​:joy:

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Does he have his own room for some privacy away from everyone else? He’s either looking for privacy or he has a stomach issue. Find out which one then deal with it.


I’d tell him to do his private business else where. No phones in bathroom allowed . It’ll hurry his poops along. Make him.know u know he may meet to rub it out but to do it in room then toss paper towel in trash a d to not do it in clothes if he expects you to touch any of his clothes or towels. maybe start a shower schedule too incase he decides to rub it out in shower next :laughing: :rofl:

My son has constipation and is 17. Can’t really do anything

l get paid over $ 155 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16347 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Put one of these in the back yard and for rent he has to clean it and empty it!!! It will build character and give him a sense of being…rotfl


Sorry take the phone away he will do his business and have respect for his parents and siblings. Old enough to be an example to the lil’s growing up under him. To be a man in society in a year and typically be responsible for his own apartment. Mom and Dad have done their job.:blush::heart:
Your welcome


It’s a man thing my boy spends that long on the bog he gets a red ring round his arse :rofl::rofl: heslike e any one wonna go before I do :rofl::rofl:

Change the router password. Personally I don’t charge rent to my children. But they need a job. With many in the house there’s a schedule and if he doesn’t follow it he can use a bathroom at a gas station or something. I have 6 kids 3 are teens and 3 under 7. 1 bathroom as well.


Lol my husband does this :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

Does he have any household responsibility? Maybe have a set time limit and then if he’s not out shut the lights off or the water off? Yes I’m that mom. I don’t think my kids would ever be so disrespectful. if you tell someone you got to go they need to have common decency for other people if they don’t I’m going to assume it’s because they were never made to


Maybe he is having a hard time using the bathroom. I have issues for years and it takes me forever to go. It’s the worse thing to be using it and someone beating on the door. Maybe ask him some questions before assuming he’s just playing on his phone. Maybe you did, I don’t know. Just seems like you assume that’s why it takes him so long.

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Leave his phone out of the bathroom

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My son in law plays phone games on the tolit forever

He you considered if he could have ibs or if he hasn’t got his own room could he be doing private time in the bathroom

Can I kick my husband out for doing this same thing???


Maybe he has anxiety? 3 of my 4 kids have anxiety and they go to the bathroom (doctors call it bathroom anxiety) :pleading_face: may be worth your while go sit down and have a chat! Being a teenager is hard!

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Have hubby explain to him that if he needs a wank he can do it in his room just to clean up with tissue not teeshirts or socks :flushed::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I also think a no phone in the bathroom rule is a good idea considering your family size. Perhaps put a phone holder outside the bathroom door and if you catch him taking his phone in the bathroom the phone can be taken away for the rest of the day/week if he keeps doing it :woman_shrugging:t3:

We have 3 kids and plan on supporting them as long as needed within reason. We will also be charging rent starting at 18

Make him wait until every one else is done, he will learn.If you are paying phone bill you could stop it for several hours worked for my grandaughter

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Encourage soooo much water , poop will c0me out fast cut soda n stuff , basicly buy very little. Also a tip .prevents any excuse of constipation. Coffee a fiber diet , probiot8cs will make ya go. Faster. If there less comfortable they tend to be more in and out.

Well some people have IBS and take awhile on the toilet. Sometimes the phone is what keeps them entertained while they’re going. I personally have IBS and I can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 60 minutes to finish going.

Take his phone…take the soap and shampoo out of the bathroom…tell him to use it without those necessities…or

Shut the internet off lol! He will be out real quick


He’s not in there scrolling.


No phones in the bathroom…make the rule and stick to it…if he still does it then take away a privelege that he cant do without for a period of time…AND STICK TO IT

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say to him
im worried that your having issues using the bathroom,if there is an issue can u let me know so we can sort it out . if your just using the bathroom to masturbate can u please use your bedroom i’ll provide you with a bin and wet wipes and a lock on your door but we are a family and we need the bathroom
or are you just being selfish sitting on your phone playing games while you make us all waiti?
so you choose what’s going on in here but it’s being sorted today and this isn’t going to continue on !

leave the ball in his court his either going to say i’m having problems ,
or he is going to get embarrassed you know his jacking off and he will stop doing it then
or he is going to hopefully hurry up and get out in a good time !
that’s how i would deal with it

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Pretty simple no phones in the loo or tell him you’ll all just come in while she’s doing his business

He is “relieving” himself. I have three sons. They were not using the toilet. They were using their hand.


If you pay for the phone, take it away.

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Yeah. Playing on his phone. Definitely playing with something I’m sure lmao


Soo he might be “taking care of himself” in there lol. Does he have his own room? If he does maybe hubby can talk to him about private moments being ok but we also need to be considerate of our family and only having 1 bathroom. If this is the case, not allowing a phone in the bathroom should help with the problem lol.


First thing in the morning most likely not just “scrolling”


Im afraid you have waited to long to house break him now😂

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Thats the problem it’s 5 of yall and 1 restroom. I also had 5 kids 1 restroom and 2 bedroom apt. Why as soon as they turn 18 certain parents ready to kick them to the curb or charge rent yes our kids need to learn responsibility. But make him go to college and be successful in like don’t just kick him out. And restroom wise I don’t know what to say. Lol


Just tell him to Jack off in his room and dispose appropriately. You and/or your husband can have that conversation and I’m sure it’ll cut down on the occupied time.


Been 17 is he just in there scrolling or doing other things maybe to himself especially if straight in the shower after

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It’s probably the only place he can have some true privacy :woman_shrugging:t2: I used to shower for so long because it felt like the only quiet space I had for myself to really be left alone. Just something to think about!


I’ve never met a male yet who doesn’t take a phone or a book into the loo
I live in a family of six (2 of which are male)
The worst thing is my young grand son takes forever in the shower and uses all the hot water

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A little to late, you have let this happen!!! If you are paying for the phone take it away from him until he can respect the families needs!!!


You need another bathroom, especially with another kid on the way.

Does he share a room? If so, the bathroom is likely the only place he has ahem privacy. He needs his own space.


This is absolutely ridiculous.

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This should have been addressed long before now.


If he has his own room then i would suggest for him to leave the phone or to set an alarm early to go in the bathroom prior to everyone needing in or to go last. Make a morning bathroom schedule for everyone and suggest if possible to do hair in rooms since everyone needs in to use restroom and brush teeth so everyone can get in. If he has a shared room he really needs his own space and time for himself at that age. No just for hormones but just privacy.
I do not think he should be out at 18 it’s just so hard on everyone right now especially a new 18yo who’s not had that responsibility but I do believe he should have responsibilities at home and contribute to a bill or a reasonable amount of expenses without making it a burden or breaking him so he can’t save but enough to teach him responsibility and to appreciate things and for sure also to have him pay for his own phone or extras. imo bc it wasn’t stated, if he doesn’t have his own room I would for sure try to make that happen for him or as a possibility have him pay the difference for an extra room when you work that out.
I also have a 17yo son too and I understand. I am going to be setting up a responsibility portion for him to contribute to and I do not pay his phone bill. I do pay internet and they use Wi-Fi and iPhone to iPhone. My daughter is 21 now but at his age had a lot more responsibilities. Now she is very mature for her age and smart with her finances and on top of responsibilities. Very proud of her.

Growing up We only had one bathroom and 5 kids in the house, we would just knock before coming in when we needed to use the bathroom bad enough if someone was in the shower. But that was something we always did and so it was common and not awkward. That being said, if he wants to spend 45 minutes sitting on the toilet, he can do it in the middle of the night. It’s inconsiderate to others in the house. We would have been banging on the door constantly to get him to hurry up :sweat_smile:


It’s funny how so many people think it’s a ridiculous idea to get a different home or build a second bathroom… but I mean a whole ass nother child will cost more then the additional rent increase to move. Adding kids when you don’t have the means and space isn’t ridiculous? So I’d guess the government money that comes with it? I mean enatwad of giving your child the best start at adulthood by getting a job and saving money and getting their own place and zero confidence in how they an hold their own so change them rent… for more money… but but all means add a " less stressful" replacement for him. :roll_eyes:
He won’t be a problem much longer when he moves out cause a newborn is screaming and you are frustrated and can’t find a solution other than jumping on FB with judgy adults that don’t respect a difference in opinion to their own so they feel personally attacked and Inault each other … the 17 year old is probably more mature then most of these people. This discussion has turned very quickly into a chat about him masterbating I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate… why don’t you tag him he’s almost a adult and let him have a read and maybe take some of this very " helpful" advice. I mean if he an pay you rent… he an read the thoughts you have on him. You and the father raised him to form these habits … but now it’s not convenient for you and you have a issue and need help to correct the behavior you showed him was okay but 2 grown adults who are bringing another child into the world can’t come up with a solution to their 17 year old taking to long in the bathroom. I dunno… I’m sure there’s bigger fish to fry…if not … be thankful that at 17 that’s the only problem you have with him. I mean you could be becoming a grandmother as well as a new mother at once :crazy_face::woman_facepalming:
Thankfully, not my circus. :yawning_face: good luck
… let’s see how many people I trigger and prove my statement accurate on immature grown adults :grin::grin::grin::grin:
Helpful advice … have him announce when he will be using the washroom and ask if anyone needs it first. She’s already tried taking his phone people… he got mad :woozy_face: boohoooo

I already make my 8 year old leave his tablet when he goes for the same reason LoL

As a Mom of 4 boys, I give you props cuz I would’ve been over a bucket or squatting in the backyard :rofl::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging: seriously though, I’d take his devices until he can respect that other people need the bathroom.

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There is me and my son … he is 19 and I don’t know how u manage it . I’ve pee d out the back before while waiting!! It could not be helped. Get a hire loo and send him there

People post the weirdest stuff on here


give him a taste of his own medicine … take a longgggggg time in the bathroom so he can see how it feels :joy::joy::rofl::rofl:


Embarrass him and he will stop!

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new rule, no phones in bathroom !!


Oh god, I have 2 teenage girls an 1 bathroom, they are constantly in the bathroom messing with make up and hair ect even though they each have their own rooms with mirrors and dressing table. Apparently the bathroom has better lighting :rofl: we struggle an there’s only 4 of us, can’t imaging 6! I’d defo stick to the no phone in bathroom,if he’s anything like mines, he’ll then be rushing to get back to his room before the phone withdrawal kicks in lol

He um…yeah. He’s … taking care of himself


My son does this too

pee on the bed of the offender… maybe they will get it… consequences can be a bitch…

My 16 yo son takes forever in the bathroom now if he knows it’s going to be a while he ask if anyone needs to use it first it’s been a huge help here idk if y’all have tried that

Show him what it is like. When he is 18 and out of school. He needs a full time job. Then he needs to pay a 1/4 of what he makes.If he eats there, he needs to pay so much in groceries. Needs to save 1/4. So he can move out.