My 18 year old daughter wants her boyfriend to stay over: Advice?

Our 20 year old is not allowed to have a boy sleep over- they have been together off and on since she was 15. They are careful and she lost her virginity to him.
They want to spend the night together, get a motel room. (Most will only let you rent a room if you are 21. But a few allow 18) Have respect for your parents…

My son’s gf lives with us , I have no issues with it. When Covid started I made it known I didn’t want them running around and risk bringing that crap home to me. So we decided for her to stay with us . But you have to do what’s right for you and how it makes you feel.

Just make sure she’s got contraception, at 18 shes practically an adult who should be making her own choices, understandably it is your house at the end of the day so perhaps explain that you are a little uncomfortable about it, some of us had to learn the hard way, I couldn’t have any guys stay over until I was 18, I usually stayed away from my parents house tho, so she may go somewhere else to do whatever she wants :thinking:

No boys over night. She needs to respect you answer.

I can’t answer for someone else, but my sons have been allowed girlfriends stay over at weekends and vice versa since they reached the age of consent (16 here).
They learn a lot on those weekends.
Firstly to ALWAYS use protection. They learn conflict resolution (under my watchful eye), how to respect their partners, they cook dinner, make breakfast and a cup of coffee in the mornings for them etc.
My older sons are 29, 27 and 21 and they have no babies. (I had my eldest at 17)
To me it’s part of learning life lessons, relationships aren’t easy and it’s not just about sex. :smiling_face:

18 or not she don’t need to be sleeping with a man under her parents roof. If she thinks she’s mature enough to do that she needs to buy her own house and do whatever she wants. It’s being respectful.


He might not leave! I would say no she is 18 get her own place if she wants sleep overs with men!


Not under your roof. Tell her to get her own place with money she has earned and then do what she wants.

Just can’t sleep in the same room. Sorry sis your sleeping with momma tonight.


Our Daughters boyfriend stayed over when she was 16 and she’s 20 now and got her own business and own house. It doesn’t mean she is going to get pregnant. We set boundaries, we talked and they had respect for us. Yes he stayed a lot but he was a lovely lad and very respectful. It’s all about keeping in touch and talking with each other. Hope this helps xxx

Tell her to use birth control

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Just tell her No that’s just shows no respect to you for her to even ask. I wish my kids would ask me that :joy:


Damn you got a brave daughter to even ask you that.When she gets her own place she can do whatever she want to then.

She’s 18. Idc if she’s living at home. She should still be allowed freedom within reason. And to me this is within reason.


Your house. Your rules. She wants to sleep with her boyfriend she can get her own place


It’s your house. Your rules. My daughter is 21 and still does do that. An she has been with her boyfriend for 4 years.


Birth Control? They’re going to do what they want to regardless.


That’s hard. On one hand she’s being honest and asking permission, on the other hand it’s your house and your rules… and yet on another note…tbh something in me would be comfortable knowing they’re under your roof instead of God knows where.


It is your house your rules so if you don’t want him to stay over night say no. She is also an adult and will make her own decisions you can’t protect your daughter from everything especially getting pregnant young. She has to learn some things on her own especially being an adult.


The only time I’ve ever slept in the same room was with my ex at 27 and we had a 3 month old at the time visiting my family. Unless it’s my HUSBAND that is a no go under my parents roof. Get a hotel room if that’s the case :woman_shrugging:t3:


My 20 year old in the army brings home his GF but he respects us and she sleeps in his sisters room and him with his brothers. Him and her both think its disrespectful. That and he has younger brothers and sisters he wants to set an example for.


When my niece was a teenager, she wanted her boyfriend to stay over at our house. Her mom and dad were divorced and living in two different towns. I made a deal with the kids. One could stay at our house the other could stay with her dad. They agreed. I talked to her mom and assured her that they would be in separate houses. They have been married over 6 years now and have a 4 year old.


Your house your rules


I was also a teen mom at 18, and I don’t care what anyone says, 18 was still too young, I hadn’t even experienced life yet, and I will be the mean, overprotective mom. Having babies and jumping into serious, life changing relationships at too young an age is a cycle I would like to break with my children, and I do feel like 18 is too young for that.


Give em some condoms and ask them to please have some respect and not have sex in your house…but if they’re gonna anyways use condoms if they dont want a little crying surprise 9m later.
I was 17 and my boyfriend stayed over. We were pretty well behaved, nothing teenagers dont do anyways.


Definitely talk to her about birth control and safe sex if you haven’t already. It’s your house so its up to you but just because he isn’t staying at your house doesn’t mean they wont do it somewhere else.


She can sleep in her room and the boyfriend can sleep on the couch? Its still staying over .


She’s shown you respect and trust in coming to you. You can choose to repay it or continue treating her as a child…


That’s a hard no in my house! I didnt sleep in the same room as my now husband in my parents house until we were married. It was out of respect and maybe old fashioned, but it worked for everyone. No uncomfortable looks, awkwardness, etc.


What do you want your boundaries to be in your home? Thats what it comes down to. Her having sex is a separate issue really. I too had a child young. And I’m now facing my daughter’s sexuality and knowing its gonna happen sooner than later. I have told her my story and how it changed my life plan. Ive spoken to both her and her bf. They know its not something I want for them right now, and the many reasons why. However, I really have no control over what happens when Im not there. They arent allowed to be alone much at all and it will stay that way for a bit. (Shes a young 16). But I also know my parents thought they had a good grasp on me and surprise! I think with you and I understanding the struggles of young moms, the most important thing is to give our daughters access to protection. Ive debated this a bit, but after a very candid conversation this weekend with my daughter, she admitted she would probably be too scared/ashamed to approach me even though I’ve tried to tell her it would be ok. I wouldnt blow up. The most important thing to me is that her life stays on track. So that means I must put my feelings and worries aside and give her all the tools and wisdom I can, while expressing my concerns and reasons to wait. Good luck. It does break a moms heart to see our babies loose that innocence.


Your house your rules.

Is she responsible? Theyre probably already doing “stuff” your best best is to have a contraception chat with her if uou havent already and then lay down some ground rules like “he cant sleep over unless you have contraception, only one night a week etc”

Shes an adult. Make sure she’s on birth control and has condoms

I was engaged and my fiance still slept in another room because my parents said so. It’s your house. Plus theyve barely been together. It be a no go for me

I would ask if she is already having sex, if she is then if he stays at your house or not, then they’ll find places to do it. I would rather my child be on the pill having sex under my roof than doing it in a car or a park.


Not really related to a “sleep over” but I was 15 and my boyfriend ended up moving in with me and my parents because him and his grandma became homeless and we slept in separate rooms until I was 18 when my mom decided it was ok since I was legally an adult then. I guess it depends on the parents :woman_shrugging: I begged them to let him stay because if it and my parents were terrified of me getting pregnant young. Now were 25 & 26 married with a 2 year old :woman_shrugging: and we stayed over at his moms alot as teens. I wouldn’t have a problem with it as long as my child was being safe if they were doing anything.


She’s an adult but its ure house. If I was her I would just move out and set my own rules.

She’s 18… if she gets pregnant, she gets pregnant. You can’t prevent that from happening if she’s meant to get pregnant, she’s meant to get pregnant for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. I can see as a parent you trying to protect her, but she’s an adult. It might take baby steps but I personally would step off a bit and let things work it out for themselves. You don’t want to be far too involved in that side of her relationship… that isn’t good for any of you. I get she’s 18, your child, and I don’t know if she’s paying anything to live with you at home BUT - if I were in your shoes, I’d let him stay the night. Your daughter is a young adult. You don’t want to push her away.


She’s respecting you enough to ask
She’s 18, and there’s only so much you can try protect her before it works against you and she rebels.
Saying no she’s likely to just find a way to do it anyway

Better to have open communication
And make sure she can come to you if anything goes wrong
Plan b with communication is better than a tainted relationship with your daughter and an unwanted pregnancy


Birth control. It is going to happen one way or another & a part of the kiddos growing up.


No, tell her if she wants her boyfriend to stay over they can get there own place


Birth control should be talked about. But if you’re not comfortable its your house your rules. Personally this is an easy no for me. They want to act like adults they can get their own place like adults.


Speaking from experience at that age… I wish I had a mother who would talk the only thing I was ever told was you have sex you die and that was it talk to her see if she wants to go to get birth control and just be there…

Education and honesty are so important. Explain the risks and consequences, provide anything they need to keep themselves healthy and safe. They will find a way any place they can, perhaps offering somewhere safe with the Education and honesty they will be less likely to take additional risks and chances by quick meetings in parking lots or something


Talk to her about bc options and condoms. Make sure she feels comfortable talking to you about this kind of stuff, for one. If you don’t feel comfortable with it, say no. It’s your house. But then she’ll leave and do it somewhere else.

That’s a NO for me. I think that’s disrespectful. A lot of people might say, if they want to have sex, they’ll find the way. It’s very true, but that won’t be allowed in my house.


He doesn’t have to stay over for sex to happen. She needs to responsible for her sexual health and contraception and now is a great time to have the conversation.


My mom wouldn’t let my bf stay in the same room as myself under her roof until/when we were married. Even when we moved out of town and lived together. When we would visit we would have to sleep in deprecate areas. She told me you’re not playing house in my house until you’re married.


Birth control. Even if you say no there will be a way. Might as well have protection


Your house your rules!

They’re gonna do it no matter what.

Wish my mum let me have my boyfriend stay over cause probably wouldn’t have put my self in stupid situations.


They’re going to have sex whether it’s at your house or somewhere else. 1 part of me says it’s safer in your home rather than in the car in some parking lot or somewhere. The other part of me says not my house. I wouldn’t want to hear it or know it’s happening. You got to weigh the pros & cons here.

Better they under your roof where you can set some boundaries than where you can’t

Tbh she has probably had sex elsewhere with him… in my similar situation when I knew my daughter on contraception …to me that is better than thinking she won’t have sex…

I would say no. They can do that when they have their own place.


It’s not even about the sex . They are probably sexually active already . It’s more about respect . How is she going to ask u if her boyfriend can spend the night ? My daughter at 18 wasn’t allowed to go in her bedroom and hang out . They had to hang out in the living room or porch . They are still together 10 years later and have a 2 year old and their own place . As parents we have to guide and prepare them for adulthood . And allowing the boyfriend to spend the night and if she doesn’t stay with him she will think it’s ok for all her boyfriends to stay over


They’re probably already having sex. But if you’re not comfortable with it in your home have them sleep separately.


At 18 i moved in with my boyfriend and unfortunately we later wound up homeless so my dad allowed us to live with him i was on the pill. Now im 24 were married with our own place. I think each kid is different and you should do what you think is best.


At the same point she is asking. Not just assuming and trying to make it happen anyway. So maybe compromise. Maybe if you are comfortable with it Yes he can stay the night but I don’t want him sharing a room with you

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I was allowed but we couldn’t sleep in the same room

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My daughter is 28 intelucal disability mild her partner is 50 i still worry like he’ll up stairs though probably same things teenagers do its a worry

Hell no, they ain’t married yet

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stop looking for the “yes & why nots” from certain “Moms” just to tell her yes! Isn’t that what your really looking for so you don’t feel bad?
It’s not right. And you know in your heart it isn’t.
Shows disrespect to your home and you as a parent. She wants sleepovers with boyfriend (separate rooms my tail or NOT) tell her to get her own place. JMO


Our daughters 18. Shes had a boyfriend for about 18 months now. Hes been living with us since about 8months in. We had our girl on contraceptive at 16, way before she was sexually active. For our own peace of mind, and besides that, she’s one of the most responsible kids I’ve ever come across :heart:


Make your rules and stand by them, esp. If there are younger children in the house.


Your house your rules if you don’t want too say no if she doesn’t like it tough

Idk. If you dont let her I mean shes going to either go to his house or a friends house. It’s a hard situation and all these people saying no are trying to protect their daughters/sons but it’s all you and your house because I was there at 18 and now me and my man have been together almost 6 years.


I’m a mom to 7 boys 1 girl (she passed at the age of 20) and 1 foster daughter. Hell to the NO! Am I a prude… :roll_eyes: was I married… after my first son yes… within 2 months. My parents weren’t the best at telling me to abstain… my dad said well you wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it :woman_facepalming:t2: 18 is still very young, plus men don’t mature until they’re in their 40s. She can wait, he can wait! I’ve told my kids see what the world has to offer you! Achieve your goals! Do things others only could wish they did! Also no none of my kids had kids until into their 20s. I had my first at 19… was very very hard.


Honestly be open with her. Talk about the struggles you went through being a parent at an early age. Make sure you give her options on contraceptions and make sure she always has condoms for protection. If they are wanting to have sex they will even if you don’t approve. Just make sure she’s safe. No I’m not saying give her permission to do it or give them a place to do it. If you decide to let him stay have rules and stick with them. I’m sure she’ll respect the fact that you’re open with her than just forbidding her to do it.


If shes in your house shes safe but if shes in your house shes to follow house rules keep her with you protect her at all times when possible give him the sofa

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Of course. If they want to do anything, they will anyway. I would rather them at home and safe. My daughter is 18 and her boyfriend lives with us. I was always open and communicated with my children. When she was ready we went and had her lady exams done and had norplant put in. We talked about being responsible and respectful about it. That’s what it’s all about. I would hate for her to leave and struggle when she could stay at home.


My mom allowed my boyfriend ( now husband) to stay. He had to sleep in the living room and me in my room. I was 18. He also went on vacation with us.


I moved out at 18 and had who ever I wanted over when ever I wanted. That being said I still respected my mom enough not to even ask when I decided to move back home until a different apartment opened up I had been on a wait list for. I was home for about 8 months and would still come and go as I please but there was some lines I didn’t push. I never wanted my mom to be thought of as “that mom” and I didn’t want to be “that girl” that everyone talks about. :woman_shrugging:

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Your house…your rules

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I say no. Our girls deserve better.

NOPE, one night turns into every night


She will go somewhere else with him if you say no, I say take her to the doctors make sure she is being safe before you let him stay and have a talk with her. Make her feel like she can come to you


If a strangers advice is worth any value, I say be open-minded. The fact that she is asking means she respects you and wants to be transparent. It’s better that she’s at your home, safe, than somewhere else. My husband and I got together at 15 and 16 (2006) moved in together at 18 and 19 (2009), moved out (2010) and got married several years later (2014). My husband was my first kiss and the only person I have ever been with. Trust your daughter, allow her to make choices and mistakes.


Sorry but for me it’s a NO.

It’s just that you need to talk to your daughter and make her understand that there is a rule she needs to follow. Make her also feel that yes you trust her but there is always, always a boundaries. It’s not that your over protective but yes your just protecting her for us Filipinos 18yo is still young but yeah allowed to have a boyfriend. :slight_smile:

All you can do is be sure she has access to protection and trust her.

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NO NO NO!!! If he was any kind of man, he would be providing a place for himself and her. If you allow him to stay the next thing would be babies and you would be expected to babysit. DO NOT enable this dysfunction

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Well at 18 shes an adult so yes I would allow it.


I would allow it… With rules, also understanding it will NOT become everyday/weekend.

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Let him stay over, but ask her to keep the door open in her room. Realize that you might walk by and see them making out or something, but with the door open, they’re probably less likely to do anything that’ll result in a baby.

Your house your rules. If you’re uncomfortable with him spending the night say no. Just tell her, you don’t like the idea and it makes you uncomfortable but she does in her time is her business but you won’t encourage it

LOL. Most are jumping to conclusions and saying they’re going to have sex or get pregnant. :rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming:t2:


She’s 18 there for old enough to make her own choice , it’s your house so you can have your rules but she will go off and do what she wants anyways :woman_shrugging:

I would sit down and have a heart to heart, and talk about birth control

Birth control would’ve been on the table long before 18 in my home, but if it wasn’t in your home… I would sit them both down for a heart to heart about being safe and take her to the doctor to put that in motion. I would also offer my help in finding this boyfriend a decent job or furthering his education while under my roof. They would be expected to help with household chores, but I wouldn’t ask them to pitch in on the bills so long as they were looking for work, working, or furthering their education. There also has to be some follow through with how it’s going to go if these things are not happening.


Teach her safe sex and make sure he knows and understands consent .

First get birth control and then let her bring her boyfriend.Its gone to happen one way or other.

just have her promise u that she will use protection, its better than her be sneaking around behind ur back and not using any at all

She’s 18 from experience if she’s not with him at your home she will be with him some where else.

Tell them they need to get a hotel room. If they can’t afford it then they shouldn’t be sleeping together


Are they going to help pay household expenses? Have respect for you and your property? One night might lead into living in. At your expense. Do they have jobs? Vehicles? So many questions.

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Not a chance in Hell. If does have to happen then one sleeps on the couch. If the day comes and they get married… One still sleeps on the couch.

Absolutely not. If she’s 18 and wants to have company over then she needs to be able to invite him to her own apartment that she pays rent for. Kids want to act like adults can be adults for real. Certain things I’m super laxed about but this is not one of them. He will end up moving in and pay very little to no rent.


She’s 18… give the girl some credit… she’s asked ur permission. Just make sure she knows to use protection, witch I’m sure she does


Everyone going on about sex when that wasn’t even mentioned in the post!! Maybe she just wants her boyfriend to come stay a night at her place? Doesn’t mean they’re having sex🤷🏽‍♀️
Also if she is having sex etc I would of chucked her on some type of birth control well in truly before hitting 18!!
Just make sure if (sex) is the reason/case for the over night stay they know to be safe! Maybe even buy her some condoms and just let her know they don’t only prevent pregnancy etc​:v:t3::smiling_face:


Shes 18 and they’ve been dating for 6 months. Pretty sure they have already ticked that box. If she’s not already on birth control, chances are she will follow your footsteps. Get her to the GP and make sure she knows they take time to work so rubber up to be safe. If you aren’t comfortable with her having a guy over (she is an adult after all) then tell her she needs to move into her own place.