My two-month-old daughter will not sleep by herself and honestly hardly sleeps at all unless it’s in the truck. We have tried everything from propping her up to laying her flat to playing music to sitting with her for hours, keeping her calm, and letting her cry it out. Nothing helps. It’s to the point we have to put her in our full-size bed to get any sleep, and there is hardly enough room. We are getting dangerously sleep-deprived. This has been going on since the second week we brought her home. I will fall asleep standing; my husband falls asleep at work. It’s causing us to fight and be irritable. She is fine, she’s not gassy or anything. She will fall asleep in my arms, and as soon as I lay her down, she screams and won’t stop, but if I pick her up, she immediately falls back asleep. It’s a never-ending battle. I know newborns are like this, but this is a little too much. Something has to give. (I apologize if I’m not making any sense I’ve literally had no sleep in weeks) So, what do I do? I feel like I’ve tried everything. Please… Help me…
Have you tried swaddling her?
I’m not nor have I ever been a fan of kids sleeping in parent’s bed. That would be an absolute LAST resort. I agree with trying to swaddle her. It seems as if you’ve tried quite a bit already. I hope it gets better.
Have her ears checked
Wrap her in swaddle style, try a rocking cradle that rocks on its own I used for my daughter, it keeps the child from being spoiled, make sure the milk is not the problem. It can be gas or you need a Dr. to make sure it isn’t an internal issue.
Have you thought about a chiropractor? My mom used to take us in as babies when we got like that. Maybe something is a bit out of whack
Maybe putting her in a baby carrier during the day so you can still get stuff done. I had my son in one when he was a baby, he would cry unless I, nobody else , held him.
Try to swaddle her it’s a comfort some babies need
Get a small weighted teddy to lie on the babys tummy
Keep her swaddled and maybe try putting one of your worn shirts around her!!!
Swaddle her or try a baby swing my grandson was like that he grew out of it at 3 months old
Try laying her on her tummy. As long as there are no obstructing objects/blankets in her bed. That’s the only way my almost 3 month old will stay asleep when I lay her down. Just make sure she isn’t face down. She will sleep on her own now for hours in her bassinet. None of my other babies did this and she is my 3rd but first to primarily let sleep like this.
Try a swing or rocking bassinet
Get a nested bean zen sack! Our daughter was the same way it was getting out of control. We got one of those and she was sleeping through the night! Good luck and don’t forget to ask for help!
I may be untraditional, but I always slept with my children. I always slept well as did they. It’s human nature to want to be close to another human. Eventually they moved on and slept on their own. I have three very independent strong teenagers/young adults.
No one person can tell another how to do it or what will work. But whatever you find to work for you whether it’s traditional or not is your choice.
My theory was I needed to sleep and so did they. That’s just what worked for us.
Weighted blanket? We use the homemade rice weight to put beside my granddaughter she likes it up against her sleeping
Get the house warm, give her a warm bath. Rub her body in warmed oil/lotion. Clothes should even be warmed in dryer. And feed last feeding. All this should be done as late as possible. I usually did my baby after nine. And my child slept straight through to at least 5 a.m. I was also old school I add a little cereal to the milk to make it thick and able to give her that full feeling. Worked like a charm.
Try recording your heart beat and let her listen to it
She sounds like my granddaughter who had acid reflux. Take her to the doctor, and if he says no, ask for a trial. The doctor told my son no easy, but that’s what it was.
Is she getting enough to eat. We just let ours cry and eventually they learn
My godson was exactly like this and they found he had horrible acid reflux. the minute you picked him up he’d fall asleep because the burning stopped. They also had to give him heavier formulas to help stay down.
I def recommend the swaddling. Also recommend at bed time warm bath and lavender lotion. Have you talked to the pediatrician? Maybe she has colic??
There is a book called the “sleep book” find it x
Babies need to learn to go to sleep from awake . My two drove me nuts like this too. A kind baby nurse helped me solve it with that magic book x
Talk to her peds doc
Going to sound silly, but I’d take her to a pediatric chiropractor. I did with all my babies and as soon as they got their treatment, they slept a 1000 x’s better. Sometimes there is something simple as a pinched nerve or hip being out of place and it fixes it. My 3 child was like this, and after he got his first treatment at 3 months old, he woke every 4 hours, & slept in his crib. Some nights I had to put him in the swing (4moms mamaroo swing) as he also had reflux. But it got way better! I had to sleep on the chair with him strapped to me in a carrier to sleep, and even that didnt always work.
Is her nose stuffy? Babies get a lot of boogies and snot so if she sounds like she’s stuffy try sucking her nose. Or saline drops…They won’t sleep if they can’t breathe. And a good swaddle always helps Also look up sleep regression…it explains a lot.
Add some baby cereal to her formula in a push up bottle… She will sleep all night… My son refused to drink anything but cows milk… So at a month and a half he was content and sleeping…
With my babies, “white noise” helped. Leaving the radio or television on with no specific channel and just letting baby hear that, could help. Also, swaddling helps and so does using a shirt to wrap them in could work as well.
A rocker with a gentle vibration along with swaddling May just do the trick. Don’t give up!
Good luck!
Try swaddling and give her white noise.
Also consult her pediatrician!
They have to learn to self sooth. If she stops when you pick her up she is not in pain. If she isn’t wet and has been fed and burped I say let her cry it out. I used to lay my son in his crib and rub is back and kept saying sssshhhh. After crying 15 mins I go back and do it again but I didn’t pick him up. Then I started waiting longer and longer. Eventually he stopped and the crying periods got shorter. Good luck. It is nerve racking. I have 2 boys and I have never put them in my bed. It works for some but I was told once you start it’s a bad habit to break so I never did it. Good luck
Try getting a swing that has vibration in the seat and out her in it with one of your shirts. We did that with my daughter. We put the swing on light swing mode and put the vibration on it calmed her and that’s what she slept in for awhile. Hope it gets better
Ok listen, my first child was exactly like this. Every body kept saying “let her cry it out”. Couldn’t do it. She didn’t sleep a whole night through until she was three years old. Second baby comes home. Put her directly in crib and let her fuss. Honestly, it lasted ten minutes. As a toddler she climbed in the crib when she was tired. You are going to have to let her learn to soothe herself. She is depending and yes, she is manipulating you (not consciously, of course, she’s two months old) You have set the precedent that you are going to pick her up. You made her this way now you’re going to have to “break” this very bad habit. PS: my second kid still loves to sleep and she’s 29!
Is she taking any kind of medicine
After you make sure its not the basic necessities let her cry it out, she’ll get tired eventually. Instead of her learning how to self soothe she’s relying on you. I have 2 sons that I did it with & I can promise you it doesn’t hurt them to cry it out
Get one of your tops you’ve warn all day and put it in her bed then swaddle her it’s the only thing that would get my son to sleep sending mama hugs I know it’s hard x
She is a new born , and the child is adjusting . Every day is a new venture . She will by defect set a time schedule to be fed . Most time after being fed , the babe will sleep. It maybe the child sleep system is not established yet and you may have to help form it . Put the basin net in your room and understood you may have to go around and around for a period . Once the child has adjusted to the bassinet , it wi be good. And even allow the child to cry . It will not harm the child at all. Switch off tending the baby so both of you are not worn out. Check with the pediatrician if need assurances. It maybe the child is hungry and you must know they feed approximate every 3 to 4 hours . Also as the babe get used to the sounds of the world , they will adjust. Eye. The. Child is very young and like I said every is new. Talk to the bay even in their ear so their familiarity with your voices is being established.
I can fully relate… drove round for hours to get my eldest to sleep …
With my 1st kiddo, we had a sound machine and played white noise all night. Once she moved to her own room, we got a machine for in there too. She had colic for a month, and a vibrating chair/seat with a seatbelt seemed to work like a charm during that period. With the 2nd kiddo, he slept in his swing. (It was a reclining swing laying down) with belts to hold him in. He loved it and slept through every night. He hated his bassinet and crib. He didn’t seem to be appeased as much by the sound machine lol. With the 3rd kiddo, the sound machine came to the rescue again. Sometimes u gotta let em cry it out…even if u go through some tireless nights for a few weeks. Most have been through that and survive. The sooner u break him of the habit of being constantly held, the sooner u both will get some much-deserved sleep.
She is only 2 months old.
She’s only 2months! This isn’t unusual. Even through the day, when she wakes, feed, change, wash play, cuddle etc. , then put her down to sleep alone. You may have to learn the controlled crying technique. . Its worth it.
My brother was a crier like that. That’s when the grandmas, aunts, and cousins took turns giving my mother a break.
She’s an infant, who needs a mother’s touch. Sleep with her. Let her sleep with you. Get a sidecar for your bed. She’s tiny, unable to reason or “obey” and to teach her that you will not be there for her, that she’s unsafe and alone and abandoned, that’s wrong. She’s a baby, stop being so insensitive to that fact.
Sometimes you just need to let a baby soothe themselves to sleep, let her cry, buy yourself some earplugs
Can you give her back. J/s
You said you tried letting her cry it out. I’m guessing you eventually gave in. Don’t. I know it’s hard. I started letting my daughter cry it out around 9 mos and it broke my heart to listen to her cry. It took everything I had to not go pick her up, but she eventually quit crying and went to sleep. From there on I didn’t need a bedtime routine and she slept great.
I have same probs with my baby bfore… she cry, make me exchausted… n she only quiet in my arm… wen i reach home, then i take care of her, bcos she only sleep in my arm…even in middle of night , i have to carry her all time… n i thot i having heart attack soon, bcos not enuf rest…
After few months, she grow up, and the job getting easier … now she is 7 years old… n grew up as a beautiful girl…
Anyhow try to change brand of the diaper … sometime the baby feel irritated bcos of wet pee…
N i dance n sing slow to comfort her n make her sleep…all time…
I seen somewhere this thing you can buy and it simulates like being in a car.
Hummmm…she is 2,months…its kinda a given that you and hubby will be sleep deprived…Welcome to parenting…Just take comfort in knowing it’s a phase she will grow out of it…I would say 2,months is a lil too young to leave her to sooth herself…if you decide to go that route just be sure to check on her every 15 mins maybe a couple of butt taps to sooth her and let her know your still there…Goid Luck
… sorry… you think you are tired now?.. it hasn’t even started.
Mother of 5. Sometimes we used a swing. Sometimes a bouncy seat on top of dryer. Sometimes they had to cry. Sometimes we would take turns. We put a bed in the babies room and took naps w the baby. Give it some time. This is all new for the baby and u guys. It will get better.
My grands liked the baby bouncer to fall asleep
Putsome cereal or fruit in her bottle after a warm bath
Swaddle her nice and tight
Get a cotton glove, put some uncooked rice into it (Not heavy), using a rubber band close/seal the glove and warm it in the microwave for a few seconds… Not Hot but Warm to the touch and while your putting her down to sleep lay the glove next to her or on top of her… The goal is for her it to feel like you are still holding on to her while she sleeps even though you not… put her bassinet/crib in your room and take naps throughout the day with baby… It’s a process babies go thru…
Try swaddle her I had a baby just like her swaddle her up and she will feel safe
my children woke in the middle of the night but would go back to sleep after a change and bottle, so I started with rice cereal in their bottles just before sleep at night and they stayed asleep for at least 8 hrs and that was enough for all of us to get some good sleep also. Never did the co-sleeping because it’s hard to break kids of it as they get older.
first. momma you are doing great. breath, all babies come with a certain amount of difficulty. I would first suggest you and hubby start splitting the nights. you take one he takes one. then stop coddling during the day. yes love and cuddle her but it doesn’t need to be all day. I did a gradual time increase with my now almost 2 year old. every day he had more tummy time or more swing time, anything until finally he didn’t need to be in my arms all the time. and just keep laying her down in her bed. dont just give in. it takes time but she will get it. again you are doing great and you are a good mom. keep it up.
Glad I don’t have kids! I can’t stand their noise or cries or whatever!
Is she like car rides, try the bouncer that vibrates. My son would only sleep during var rides or if I put him in his car seat and turned on the dryer and set him on it, of course I held it in place but that was years ago before the vibrating bouncer came along
2 months? She’s still figuring it out. Just love her, hold her, and swaddle her at bed time.
Give her a nice warm bathe then q warm bottle at her bedtime. Put a little bit of baby cereal in her bottle to thicken it. About a couple of teaspoons and shake well. Yes, it’s supposed to be spoon fed. But, it will help. Let her drink a little bit of room temperature water after the bottle. Then, make sure she burps. Put a onesies on her to keep her warm.
My 2nd daughter was the same, I didn’t breastfeed so she was a formula fed baby. Around the age of 8 was diagnosed with celiac, looking back I now realize she was in a lot of pain, we her parents was her only comfort.
This happened with my first granddaughter. She would scream bloody murder if you laid her down. The pediatrician said she needs to learn to self soothe. If she’s crying and you know for sure nothing is wrong, then pick her up for a few minutes to soothe her and lay her back down and leave. Repeat every 10 to 15 minutes. She told my daughter it would take some time, won’t happen overnight. But it worked. And we swaddled her as well.
Get a bigger bed so she fits. I know how awful that is, I co-slept with both my kids.
If you have a cradle swing they are amazing…my son had colic when I brought him home…I totally relate to what you are going through…my pediatrician also said…put him in his room close the door and play some music or something and just let down…but you tend to feel like an terrible parent when your kid is constantly crying…for your sake…get some sleep I know it will get better…
Try putting her on her tummy. Check on her regularly though. That helped my munchkin.
I had the exact same issue and decided to co-sleep safely with her. We both got some rest and at age 16 she has happily slept in her bed (regardless of critics of co-sleeping) for many years now. :-). Do what works for you and your family.
This phase will pass ,really it’s not the end of the world,she is comfortable in your arms why not work with her ,yes it sounds cruel but this is about her not you the adult ,she is strong willed and guess what mommy,s arms is the best for now ,soon she will detach and move "away"as her baby behaviour expands ,if it means this how she wanna sleep allow her don’t fight her little mannerisms you wasting out on sleep , maybe if she is deep into sleep relax your arms maybe and sleep , reality is a baby dictates
what and when concerning time , enjoy her and be calm
Have you tried a space suit or swaddling or a sound machine put her in a pitch dark room sometimes it’s hard for them to get use to the light also you might have let her cry it out.
My daughter was the same way think about how warm she is upaginst you then when you put her down its cold we bought my daughter a stuffed animal that you warm in the microwave and would lay her next to the warm snuggly stuffed animal she would sleep for hours
It could be colic. In a raised position she’s getting some relief while laying flat her stomach irritation evokes. Colic generally attacks in evening and at night. Try gripewater. At the extreme, make her sleep on your chest slightly upright . Dear if it’s colic you’ve to bear it. I’ve suffered with my younger one till 5 months.
First do not put anything in the bottle at that age. It makes me them too tired from sucking to get enough formula/breast milk for proper nutrition. 2nd call your pediatrician and ask them if doesn’t offer help ask for a referral to a developmental specialist pediatric OT etc. To make sure there is nothing going on with your baby that could be medical and/or metabollically wrong. Then I ask social media for advice.
Give her a warm bath using lavender shampoo then some lavender lotion. Swaddle her and give some star anise tea. This worked wonders with my baby. Star anise helps them relax.
She could still be hungry.It doesn’t hurt to give her alittle extra.She could be cold.Put some warm jammies on her & swaddle her in a blanket.As a mother of 7,I have learned that when they are young.Will sleep well when held but not own their own.It’s the warmth of your body they want
Swaddle her and try playing some relaxing rain sounds.
What about a bedside sleeper? Then she is right there you can touch her and reassure her but yet she is in her own bed too.
I swaddled my son and got him to sleep in one of those swinging vibrating chairs. Hed get more than an hours sleep, I’d get more than an hours sleep, and I wasnt burning gas to do it.
Trying a rocking bassinet. My son slept in his rock n play till he was 4 months. And my daughter we got a graco duo glider bassinet. It rocks and has vibrations. My kids hated to be swaddled. This rocking bassinet is a huge life saver.
my son was sleeping on my chest / stomach most of the time. even when he was a few months older and couldn’t fall asleep I put him there and rubbed his back. try to lay down with her every time she’s sleeping (also during the day).
and your husband should sleep in another room for a while to get some rest.
put her in the baby stroller and go for a walk. and let her sleep in there when you get back home until she wakes up.
don’t let her cry it out. a baby’s brain is very vulnerable to stress in the first year bc it’s not fully developed. baby’s cry bc they’re feeling alone. they don’t know you’re not far away bc they can’t talk.
Hahahaha hahahaha 2 months, we’re 19 months in with my second who has yet to sleep for longer than 2 hours in his whole life
Merlins magic sleep suit on amazon! And rub your scent all over it. It’s weird but “wear it” under your clothes while youre at home. She wants your warmth and smell. They want to feel close to you like you’re still carrying them. ALSO she can feel your energy. Start your bedtime routine EARLY. So you’ll be calm. Do a lavender soap and lavender lotion. Stay calm. I hum to my boys and pat their butts with a paci. It works for me. Yes I know the belly but that’s the way they slept. I’m SLEEPING and they slept amazing on their stomachs. But the sleep suit is great. Try that. Warm bath. And soft music from you. Telling her it’s ok. While rocking her. Be calm mom. This storm you have to get under control!!! Especially if you breast feed. You’re transferring that anxious energy. No judgements but I know first hand. I can tell the difference in my four month old.
I can’t believe ppl are saying let a 2 month old cry. Wow. Just wow. Please don’t mama. Having a kid is a sacrifice. Please walk away if you are getting frustrated until you are calm but don’t let her cry it out until she sleeps. Imagine yourself that small and in a belly for nine months to be a world with all these different smells and sounds etc. you’re her world. It’s so hard in the beginning.
Get a cosleeper or something that has the recorded sound of your heartbeat. She needs to be bear you to feel safe so you have to replicate that for her
Read up on the 4th trimester, use a sling, ask someone to take the baby for a couple of hours for you to get some rest (the baby will be fine). Maybe the baby has some kind of intolerance to formula/breast milk? (Some women have to cut certain foods out of their diet if they are BF). Other than that you’ve just got to ride it out. It’s tough but you’ll get there. Good luck x
woaw thats extreme tho. Yes maybe tight swaddling or the baby carrier where you can carry your baby on you all day and night. Besides that, speak to a doctor bc that sounds extreme.
With my third one she was similar so I would sleep with her or prop us both comfortable and safe on the couch and let her sleep in my arms. She eventually started sleeping in her own crib. It takes time dont give up. Every child is different and unique. My first one cried for four hours straight and nothing i did could soothe her. My mom patted her back for 15 minutes… and she farted. Take shifts with the baby and sleep if it helps you both get a little sleep. Once she is routined and feels safe it will get easier
Kick your husband out and keep her with you. I still sleep with my babies and they are 5 and 6. I love it.
At 2 months you are supposed to hold them. Thats literally all you can do with them.
Can you call someone to come help you? A mom, sister aunt?
It’s not safe for her to be in bed with you both at this stage of exhaustion. I’m sorry mama. Just hang in there and please ask for help
Do you swaddle her??
Tough it out-sucks in the beginning but you’re all they know and all temperaments are different. Take turns relieving eachother so you both can get a nap
Swaddle or sleep sac, soother, white noise… try those!
I’m sorry you are having such a hard time!! I went through the same thing with my first and we finally settled on co sleeping (queen size bed). It was the only way I could get a few hours of sleep. Yes, it can be dangerous, but it worked for us. I pray you find something that work for you!!
Have you tried white noise?
Have you tried swaddling her?
Try a swing. It worked like a charm for my child
Shes only two months old… Give her some time. Babies need alot of attention day and night. Make sure shes eating enough and make sure you burp her ans swaddle her before putting her down. A swaddle is important for them to feel secure while sleeping.