My 2-month-old daughter will not stay asleep: Advice?

Co sleeping was a lifesaver with my first kid. My second sleeps in a rock and play or her swing.

Google the fourth trimester and kiss sleep goodbye for another month of so. She’s to young to cry it out, she needs your touch! You may be able to take one of her sheets to her crib and lay/sit with it for awhile to give it your scent, then try to lay her in there after she’s asleep. I have a 2mo and a 2.5 year old, I literally cannot get anything done without my husband home, because my 2mo will not sleep by himself yet. I know he will eventually and I’ll miss him wanting me to sleep, so it is what it is. The nights are long but the years are so so short!


Co-sleep. Either get a bigger bed or get one of those sidecars that attaches to the side. Co-sleeping is very safe as long as you follow the guidelines.

Our daughter went through a phase where she was up 11+ times a night, starting at age 2. So we put a little mat on our bedroom floor and she slept in our room ever night. We could even put her to bed and leave her alone for a few hours before going to bed ourselves. Knowing we would all be in the same room brought her comfort. Everyone told us we were creating problem a bit we didn’t care because we all slept for the first time in months. And guess what? When she was 5, we moved to a new house and on the very first night in her new room, she went to sleep without any issue. Never had any further issues at all.

So first I am sorry your having so many issues with her sleeping patterns I would definitely bring it up to her Pediatrician if you felt that something was wrong. Around this age Colic or PURPLE crying really starts to settle in and it can be hard for everyone around, what helped my son was to baby wear during the day and take a walk outside just as the sun was going down he liked the air on his face . My son had mild reflux so he couldn’t be flat and needed to be propped up at night to help him as well he was on a special formula for a protein allergy. Both of those can cause so many issues that it’s important to discuss with your Pediatrician. Also please do not take your child to a Chiropractor as some have suggested, no reputable Chiropractor would see an infant as what they do can seriously harm a child. They are not taught proper techniques for handling babies and can hurt them with out meaning too.

Newborn sleep is hard and every single baby is different there are many regressions that happen and as soon as you think you have it figured out it changes again. I definitely recommend TheWonderWeeks app as well it was a big help for me with my son.

I used a heatpack bunny my son’s bed. so he had the warmth of a body next to him…just don’t heat it too much obviously but worked like a charm.
Sometimes using a fluffy blanket instead of fitted sheet works really well to. It sounds like she’s seeking comfort :slight_smile:

I bought her a sleep sack or swaddle and it helped. It makes them think they r still in the womb. She liked to have her arms free so we bought one that was sleeveless looks like a sack but for her arms r free and she wouldn’t sleep without it.

Maybe try a swing? My son was extremely fussy when he came home and thats one of the things that helped the most during the day.

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my youngest was like this and 99% he slept in my arms or between myself and hubbie, out off 3 kids he was the only 1 to be like this, by the time he was 10 months he was sleeping in his cot more and more.I did this to allow the rest off the household peace and quitet

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Try swaddling her. I didn’t see that you’ve tried that. All of my kids slept well while swaddled.

My baby did this, I put a nightdress in her pr and cot with her, one I had worn, she loves the smell of her mummy x

I had the exact same problem when my son was born, I literally tried everything and the only thing that worked was to let his sleep on his tummy (I know it’s not recommended but we had been through all the options). I also got Hummy (white noise toy) which I think also helped and I gave him my pyjama top so he could smell me. I feel for you, it’s so, so hard but you will get through it. Easier said than done but trust me, your mama instincts won’t let you give up. The sheer fact you’ve asked for help tells me that you are a good mama.

This book saved my life when my son was an infant. He was getting up 7 times a night and wouldn’t sleep even in a car. Babies sleep is on a 90 minute schedule. Up for 90 minutes, sleep, up for 90 minutes, sleep…it only took a few days to see changes

I know she is only 2 mths, but all babies love consistency. She wont feel comfortable until u keep at whatever method u use w her for a few nights or so…she will cry, but just console her and let her know u are there. Try to swaddle…elevate the mattress under her chest…try a paci…whatever method u decide, stick to it and just keep at it. She will adjust. Maybe w trying all these different ways, she just hasnt gotten comfortable to 1 way yet. Stay consistent. My best of advice but do wish u a lot of luck
Btw, she is 2mo…she will wake to eat anyways…just listen to her, but also set a routine for her

Prop yourself in a corner on the couch. That way you dont move. You’ll get some sleep that way. Not much but its something. Let him sleep on you. It’s not co sleeping. Dont kno why so many are suggesting that when every medical article and doctors say it’s not safe. Rolling over on baby and such.

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I don’t have one but will be getting one very soon for my first born :blush: they sell different brands but I want to one

Swaddling, swings, and rock and play were life savers for us.

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I’m sorry but this is completely normal behaviour for a baby this small! Look up the 4th trimester. Could you possibly buy a bedside crib that attaches to the side of your bed ? That way lo is close to you and not taking up any bed space.

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Shower in the afternoon Wear a stretchy nighty or t-shirt for the afternoon and to bed so it gets all your smells on it, people smell slightly different in their sleep, that way it will have your regular person smell your deodorant and if you wear a perfume regularly make sure to wear it! Then stretch that t shirt or nighty over bubs mattress and put her regular sheets back on. She might just need mums comforting smell to be able to sleep well. After a couple days repeat this procedure unless she wets through or pukes in her bed then you will have to do it sooner. I did this for 2 of my 5 kids and for them it worked like a dream.

I had a velcro baby.
I just wore her, slept in bed & stayed close…
Until 8 months we did this. It’s just what she needed. My son didnt need any of what she did.

Also try putting your bed directly to the floor. Our will help not feeling worried about baby falling out

Owlet sock. Pop it on your baby and cosleep. It was a game changer for us as our LO would do the same thing when he was younger. Cosleeping isnt recommended, but with the owlet I felt safe. If your baby stops breathing or the heart rate gets to high or low you know instantly and it’s a loud alarm

Get a bigger bed.for you and a small bassinet for her. Also swaddle her tightly. She feels cold and alone in a big crib. Kind of like of you were sleeping naked in the middle of a field.

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After all she did just kicked out of a nice warm womb.

Try winding an alarm clock and putting it next to her. Sometimes this crazy idea does work. It worth a try. Don’t get her used to sleeping in your bed. I made that mistake and it took me three years to get my daughter in her own bed.

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My daughter was the same. The only way we could get her to sleep without being held was to let her sleep in her vibrating baby chair all night. Cost us a sodding fortune in batteries lol but it was most definitely worth it! Wishing you all the very best of luck :crossed_fingers:

swaddle her in one of your shirts or cradle swing

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Get a bigger bed and cosleep?


Try putting her on her side,

i wish i had advice my 5 month old will not nap anymore and barely stays asleep through the night and it’s been going on for weeks

My son didn’t sleep for the first 6 months, it’s the only reason why I’m against having another baby. It was draining and I wish I had an answer for you! Just remember it doesn’t last forever. :frowning:

I never had this problem at first but the past month my son has started doing the same thing. Hes 9 months old and sleeps in my bed with me every night or he will just lay and cry. The only thing I’ve found to help is I will literally take the shirt off my back and give it to him and push a pillow or stuffed animal close so he feels cuddled and it let’s me get some extra sleep

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My daughter would only sleep if we swaddled her and put her in her swing. She lived in that thing for the first 3 months

Swaddle and try a vibrating chair.

We went through many months of this with our first. It was really awful. Our doctor recommended gripe water given every few hrs through the whole day to help digestion. (Get the kind with alcohol, these are desperate times!) It did help a bit. My only suggestion is to get help!! Either a relative, a night nurse, at the very least a baby sitter during the day while you take a 3hr nap!! And some help with housekeeping!! And don’t let anyone tell you it’s anything you’re doing wrong!!

She is training you. They are smarter then you think. It is hard to get them back in their bed. But you have to do it. I know been there done that.for your piece of mind an her safety.

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Sounds as if she’s got her days and night mixed up keep her awake during day and wrap her close in her blanket at night and be sure there is not a medical reason for it

Sleep training you can do a min for every week old she is and set a timer, I didn’t like it at first but honestly once we all got the hang of it life became manageable again

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She’s spoiled lol. All you can do is let her cry it out.


Can you get a bed with a vibration they can be great ,they are use to your movement and it’s home to them

Lay down in the crib with her and once she falls asleep get out of the crib.

You need to swaddle her. This will help her sleep. My daughter was up every hour and a half until she was 2 years old. Sleep deprivation is part of being a new parent. Swaddling should definitely help though.


Bottle fed or nursing?
Have you tried swaddling her?
Letting her sleep in swing?
Do you have a relative that could come over and help?

Try walking with her in the daytime asleep or awake, they cannot rest well when being jostled around , at 3 months we started putting a little oatmeal cereal in the night bottle ,never use rice cereal its very constipating

Swaddle her in a blanket,noise machines help,theres actually swaddlers

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the “crying it out” method is outdated and has been proven to damage how babies develop emotionally and psychologically. try to keep her awake for longer stretches in the day. wait about 15 minutes after she falls asleep in your arms before putting her down so she’s in a deep sleep. when you go to put her down, lean all the way so when you remove her arms you are still huddling over her. then slowly stand. it just takes time. make sure she is fed enough, and give gas drops after her last feed before bed. sometimes they just want you. they’re babies. the world is scary.


Babies are wired to be near to you. I know it’s not the most popular answer but safe bed sharing saved my sanity and my marriage. I have bed shared with both my girls, no they don’t stay in your bed forever. My two year old has transitioned herself out to her own bed at her own request, she felt confident and ready to sleep alone.
My current baby is still in bed with me. I can’t emphasize the safely bed-sharing part enough if you go that route. Seriously though my daughter both sleep very well unless they aren’t feeling great so long as they are able to be cuddled up next to me.
Hang in there mama, I know it’s tough but you’re doing great.
When i say safe, if you know you’re a heavy sleeper just don’t do it.
No blankets and one pillow positioned away from baby
Nobody else in the bed (I sleep in the middle of my husband and baby)
Bed on floor with nothing at all around it
No loose clothing (if we are being real I just sleep with shorts and no shirt) babies like to nurse at night
Research it if you’re curious, I found the explanation for why they sleep better this way interesting


I had to cosleep with my son. First time I brought him home was the first and last time we used a bassinet. He would just scream. He’s almost 4 now and has been sleeping in his own bed since he was about 7 months old


I used to have lots of pillows around me. Would let him fall asleep on my chest then I would sleep too in a semi sitting position. Then have pillows around the baby so he doesn’t slip and roll down the preggy pillow. Just in case i get into a deep sleep and dont feel him roll down. Those power naps were helpful. Try having shifts at night with you hubby too. He sleeps then takes over then you sleep too.

Adjust her nap schedule… it’s tricky and frustrating but it’s the only thing… patience is key of course and never surrender is a must!! Ur the boss and U do it out of love and health. Less long car rides if U can… spend more time at home till she’s sleeping properly or don’t go out until she’s had a nap… or take the trip right at nap time… if U are doin alot of driving… (been there, done that). Do NOT let the sleeping in mom and dad’s bed go past NOW!! It will only make it harder for her… especially the longer it takes U. All this shall pass… and a new frustrating stage will emerge BUT U got this!! Good luck :metal::wink:

When my daughter was newborn till 5 months she would only sleep in her swing. So I got a bassinet that’s like a rocker and it vibrated. Maybe that will help?

Put her in single bed with bar on side so dosnt fall out. We put single bed in our room she started sleeping thro. We moved into own room when she was four. She choose all decor herself. Had few blips but she now sleeps in own room, all night

Get a sling and wear your baby. I’m a mum of 5 and baby wearing was the only way I’d get anything done.
Co sleep with her. I’ve done it with all my kids. My daughter now does it her kids and if the stay at my place they’ll co sleep with me. Sarah Kate

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On becoming baby wise read it follow it get it off of Amazon IT SAVED MY SANITY

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I have this issue sometimes with my son and one thing I found that has been helping was laying them down about 5 mins after they fall asleep in your arms then I’d they wake up try to calm them down and if you’re able to, try to get them to sleep while they are still laying on their own. It may take a little bit but eventually she will get comfortable enough to sleep on her own. You can also try swaddling her before laying her down, I find that helps tremendously

Swaddling. And check out dunstan baby language on YouTube. Once you know what baby wants, they are happier and settle down quickly

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Put her in the cot and put your hand on her tummy and gently rock, perhaps in a swaddle put her in bed first before putting her to sleep - depending on her age you can do the 2 hour method of awake for 2 hours asleep for 2 hours if it gets really bad there’s such thing called a sleep trainer they should be able to get you into a routine that you can follow and provide advice :relaxed:

I only co slept with my daughter twice and it was in the first week home. Then she got swaddled and put in her crib. I would fed her then rock her for about a half hour. Then go to her bed rock her a few more minutes(still in her swaddle) then lay her down. Worked like a charm

Pick up, put down method! Done it with my son at 6 weeks old, he was the same way! He’s 2 now and still sleeps like a dream :raised_hands:

We are a family bed family personally. So I don’t have a clue for what to do when that isn’t an option. But have you tried white noise? I made this white noise today to help other moms that are having a difficult time. My boy was the inspiration behind it. (hence the title name) but it is traditional white noise mixed with rain sounds. I had a lot of success getting him asleep in under ten minutes with the combination of the two sounds. So it could be worth the try if nothing else is working. Keep your head up mama, you got this! White Noise for Colic - YouTube

Co sleeping can be dangerous and if u have been sleeping with her in ur bed frim 2 weeks old thats y she wont sleep alone…my mother always told me never put the baby in ur bed n i never did n i have 3 kids my youngest 7 weeks sleeps in her crib every day n night so idk maybe try keeping her up for longer around after dinner i do play rime every night at 6 till 8 feed her n hold her for a bit n then try to put her down than n nap through the day if she does

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My daughter was the same way she had reflux that’s why she didn’t like to lay down might want to check that out. She won’t go in a swing and didn’t really like a jumper

Have you tried a swing? That’s all my daughter would sleep in. I could not co sleep, I was too aware that my child was next to me and was terrified of them being smothered somehow.

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My daughter is somewhat like that. It seems like she only sleeps when we hold her or she’s on her changing pad. But we just started letting her fall asleep on us and after a few minutes we put her on the pad on her stomach and she stays asleep for 3+ hours. It’s wonderful!

I co slept with all three of my girls from birth and im pregnant with #4 and plan to do it the same way again. Crying it out has been proven to have negative effects on the brain. Plus i dont know about you…but i could NEVER sleep with my baby crying. There are safe ways to co sleep. And ive even done it on a TWIN bed with my ex the first week i was home from the hospital with my first born!

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Get a bigger bed! She’s only 2 months old this is completely normal. You can’t expect something that was grown inside the warmth and comfort of its mother to just come out and sleep by itself. Babies NEED to be close to their parents. I haven’t slept a full night in 7 years and I’m fine. My best advice is to stop fighting nature. If she wants to be held or close to you then put her in a baby carrier on you during the day and get a bigger bed for night so she can sleep with you.

My son cried all the time and it ended up being reflux we had to change bottles and formula many times. Not sure if your breast feeding but you may need to change your diet, definitely talk to your dr. I would try swaddling and or putting her in a swing where she is up right.

Have you been using a swaddle? Also butt pats help a lot

Put one of your used shirts under her when laying her down, she should recognize your smell and sleep a bit longer.