My 3 month old baby is refusing the bottle, advice?

This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.


My daughter was like that too. So, I switched the shape of the nipples and she takes it now

Or change your bottles

Try different bottle or nipple


Or if it’s not the nipple or the bottle hold the baby higher in your arms it might hurt to suck it may have an ear infection

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Call the pediatrician you may need to change and milk

Check for thrush in the baby’s mouth. That was one of the reasons my son refused his bottle.

Yea, try the new page, called “everything to do with scarecrows” they have the best advice for new moms! Trust me!

I would speak to your health care rather than asking strangers hun.


If baby is breastfed this is normal to refuse. Try other bottles babies are picky. If baby is formula fed and has taken this bottle forever it could be baby isn’t feeling well or they also might now hate the bottle. Look up bottle aversion it happens often where babies just don’t like the bottle anymore.

I will never understand how people ask total strangers health questions.


Try filling her bottle with Mountain Dew. She’ll love it.


Maybe she wants her nails done :rofl::rofl:


Just breastfeed… Problem solved.


Might check mouth for thrush too could b sore

Check in the babies mouth to see if he has thrush

When my son was born he refused to eat. The DRS kept telling me it was normal. I kept telling them ni something isnt right well 24 hours later he still hadn’t eaten. Turns out We had to change formulas

probably nipple my daughter couldn’t take the harder niople only the cheaper soft nipples think it was gerber

It took me trying for three months to find the right bottle and when they get hungry they will eat.

My grandma would have me rub a little formula on the outside of the nipple, allowing the baby to taste. Then gently ease your baby to want it. Good luck sweetheart!!

My daughter went through the same thing it’s called a wonder week we tried every other nipple in the book she gave us so much trouble we took her to the doctor and she told us just to watch out for dehydration and keep an eye on how much she is eating .

Talk to pediatrician about changing the formula

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Also have pediatrician check her mouth, tongue, for any sores or possible infection. She may have a cold or sinus problem and that doesn’t make them want to suck. You will do good to take her to her baby doctor. I hope things get better.

Apply a different coat of nail polish?


Let him get hungry he’s gonna cry but ur just gonna have to be patient in till he takes the bottle

Could be formula, nipple to bottle could flow to fast or not fast enough, could be gassy or collic, could have thrush or ear infection. Could be not feeling good. Best thing to do is take baby to doctor. There could be so many reasons why.


Eventually he will be hungry enough to eat.

With my oldest I tried a different nipple first and then a different bottle and then the doctor suggested to try a sippy cup that has a bottle nipple and it worked. It could also be because the child needs a different formula or even a medical problem. I would definitely get an appointment as quickly as possible so that your child doesn’t lose weight and you get reported to dcfs for failure to thrive.

You should check for a sunken soft spot

visit the pediatrician.

Maybe he prefers beer


Send it to bed with no dinner.

Consult a doctor rather than a nail page maybe???


Maybe try a different size nipple?

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Different nipple or try a sippy cup style bottle with handles

Have a few brands of nipples on hand. My daughter was very picky about that.

Try a different bottle

Ear infection. It hurts to drink.


More context is needed. Are you going from breast to bottle? Or is your baby suddenly not accepting it when they did before?

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Are you switching from breast to bottle or is the baby exclusively bottle fed?

If weaning, will learn when gets hungry enough, they’re resilient little beings.

Sometimes babies do this because sucking is hurting due to an ear infection. See a healthcare provider.

My baby started this at 17 weeks either not wanting or not taking more than 5 oz. so I decided to give him a little bit of food it gave him a big boost in his appetite finished bottles and more importantly looked for his bottle

Try another brand. My son did that. Some brands he hated like Dr brown. We. Tried nuk. He loves them.

Did you Breast feed first ? Change nipples.

Take the baby to the dr. To make sure theres no tongue tie… Sometimes this is missed… Also might have something going on in their mouth?? Is baby strictly bottle fed??

Try different types of nipples


Try different bottles and nipples


That’s a tough one. They will get hungry soon to the point that they will take the bottle but I wouldn’t feel right about that. Maybe pick up the baby and walk around and outside for a little while. That might calm down the baby to eat. Hell I really don’t know


Take the child to the doctor


Stick that boob in tha mouth


Change teats, maybe change brand of milk, failing that talk to either doctor, or health worker,

Try different formula or teats ,you haven’t really explained what has been happening or if your breast feeding as well,need more info. :slight_smile:


Talk to your doctor. Could be they need a different nipple. May be ready for a sippy cup. May just be independent and want to do it on their own. Could be they don’t like the formula you’re using. Really isn’t enough info here to give sound advice.

My son was like that. Eventually he got hungry enough where he took the bottle (yes I tried different bottles).

Might want to see if the baby may have an ear infection, that makes it hurt when they suck and kids that age are prone to them because the little tubes in their ears havnt closed. Def check with your pediatrician

Dr brown is shaped like the breast

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Old school here try a touch of honey at the end just a tiny touch after six kids I found it helps

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You don’t state whether they are breastfed ??, entirely bottle from birth ??
To early too wean , will feed if hungry eventually if not seek immediate advice please

You aren’t making it right. Read the instructions again

Just give it a glass and tell it to grow up.


Make sure the nipples not clogged and if it still doesnt work you need new nipples, maybe faster flow

try Dr. Brown bottles and nipples, they have nipples for diff ages on milk flow

Time for sippy cup my daughter did the same thing give it a try just watch her

Is this a baby page now???

Then give him or her the breasts


Talk to pediatrician, but I would try a different bottle as well. We went through a lot of brands as they get older what they need changes

Try a different type of nipple for the bottle. Sometimes it’s as simple as they don’t like the nipple


Change the nipple type

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Try a weighted straw sippy cup. My daughter was entirely breastfed but I still pumped so her dad could feed her too. She started refusing the bottle at 4 months so we switched to the weighted straw sippy cup and she took it like a champ while continuing to breastfeed

Check mouth for thrush :thinking:

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Check nipple , could be the hole is too small or plugged? :woman_shrugging::thinking:

Check the bottle, or milk

This is a question you should be calling the pediatrician for not Facebook


Consult a professional such as a lactation consultant :thinking:


Whats with all the baby posts… unless your kid is cheating or lying to you, make your own damn page. :shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face:

I remember my baby had strep throat glad I took her to Dr.s

Why are some dim wits posting medical questions on this page? i am about to exit this group. I did NOT come here for this!!!

When did this page turn into an advice page for babies… ask your doctor :roll_eyes:

Babies cant have honey. It is toxic for them. Try dipping hippie in Karo syrup or sugar water what we called a sugar tit in the olden days plus homemade formula before premade was made with Karo and canned milk

  1. What kind of nipples are you using? I went through this with my daughter. Once I found a nipple that she liked it was smooth sailing.
  2. Are you using formula or breast milk?
    If formula he/she may not care for it and might need to change it to something else. If nothing works then definitely contact your pediatrician for additional help. Best of luck!

Check the babies mouth for thrush or other irritants, infection.

Is Google broke today and I don’t know about it​:woman_shrugging::joy: why are ppl asking complete strangers medical advise for themselves or a baby on FB :joy::joy: Am I the only one who finds this odd af :woman_shrugging::roll_eyes::unamused::woman_facepalming:


It takes a village yall. Dr offices are closed on weekends typically. I personally would try a different nipple on the bottle. If baby doesnt eat by tomorrow call your pediatrician and get in and make sure theres not more going in with baby. Teething, ear ache, any sinus pressure, or anything could literally make baby not want the bottle. Something as simple as wrong position during feeding or temp of formula or even type of formula. I had one child liked room temp bottles and one that liked warm bottles. Try different things and all else fails if baby doesnt take a bottle in 24 hrs go to see your dr. Best of luck!


She’s to young to start drinking😏

I agree try real nipples as in on real breasts that’s best for ur baby any way


Cheating and lies and people are asking about baby feeding? Why are they refusing a bottle? Breastfeeding baby? If so yeah my baby never took properly to one. If they’re doing it just now they’re probably over fed. Never wake a sleeping baby they’ll let you know when they want feeding. Long as they have wet nappies. Why is this even a question on here

All the wrong advice hahaha because nobody has any medical knowledge. Ask a baby group. A mums group on here.

Y the baby not breastfeeding u probably have ur reasons but u can spoon feed the bby with a small clean sterilize plastic spoon preferably

Might have a yeast infection in mouth …ie thrush …quite common to happen…look at tongue and if it’s got a thick white coating …very possible …best go to doctors…


Try different nipples and bottles i use the breast nipples they are really good and the baby do not get air they sell them at any store or Amazon good luck

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What’s with all the pregnancy questions? Jesus. Not everyone cares about pregnant women. Honestly I don’t know how people are comfortable giving out medical advice on Facebook and taking it from Facebook. Even welfare has a nurse line you can call. They are very helpful and very very friendly. It’s their job to answer these questions.


Titty? Duh? Like…your titty…

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I’m SICK TO DEATH of ppl asking Facebook questions that are better suited for medical professionals.


Look in the mouth. See if you can see anything. Like redness or white. If a baby has a sore in the mouth or a sore throat or even thrush the baby wont take a bottle. Is your baby extra fussy. Maybe the baby is constipated or really gassy. It is very frustrating when you dont know what’s wrong. But there are many options to try. Many are listed. If all fails then call your baby’s doctor. Sometimes no matter how hard we try we my miss something. Best of luck. And you are doing good. Sometimes there are little tricks that other parents have used that others do not know. Dont let the divas bother you.

Put the baby on the breast!!!


Is the milk coming out.

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It helps if the milk is body temperature. If the baby was breastfed they might prefer it to be really warm. Also try different nipples!


Good luck! Mine would starve to death before having anything but momma.

Get a new set of nipples. They may be ready for a stage change.

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