My 3-year-old daughter likes to take her diaper off and mess everywhere: Advice?

Mommies I need 3-year-old daughter loves taking off her clothes, diapers, shoes you need name it. Well, lately it’s been a major issue because three times now she pooped and well you can guess what happened next. Today she went in her big sister’s room to play while I cleaned bread crumbs upfront; 2 minutes later, I walked in to check on her. Pooped was everywhere, her hair, face, toys, bed sheets, wall. I’m not going to lie I did get upset, and I’m trying to remember shes a child. I can’t understand why she keeps taking diapers off. Anyone has experienced this, or what suggestions can you give me?


Shes ready to be potty trained.


Taking clothes off is a sign of readiness for potty training. Maybe it’s time to start if she’s showing other signs as well!


Have her iron checked.

Past time to potty train


I agree, it isn’t fun and that potty training needs to start.


Means u should start potty training


Its potty training time. She doesnt wanna crap in her pants lol, so…she takes it off.


My second son was bad for that. We ended up taping his diaper across the front tabs with painter’s tape. He couldn’t take his diaper off and it was easy to rip to change him


Potty training time! Woo!

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My daughter did this so i got 1 piece jammies so she cant do it. You can try potty training but sometimes it doesnt always mean that. Kids just like to play its finger painting not poop to them.


Time to potty train for sure

Zipper (footless) pjs one size up and backwards


Way past time to potty train her…


She’s ready for potty training

I put underwear over my daughter’s diapers and she stopped taking off her diaper

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It’s time to potty train her she should already have been potty train


My daughter did this forever! I don’t miss it.

She’s 3. Potty train her. Good lord


Time for potty training!

She’s three? She needs to start potty training. She probably realized she doesn’t like the feeling of poop in her diaper but hasn’t been shown the proper way to handle it. I’d get a little potty & keep her diaperless,set a potty alarm :slightly_smiling_face:


When my daughter started taking her diaper off i put her in pull ups

She should be potty trained by now. Talk to your pediatrician.


Mine we potty trained by 2 1/2. My vote is take her diapers away a t teach her to poop In the toilet


At 2 years old my 2 boys potty trained never had these problems with them .

She should already be potty trained.


She’s 3yrs old, she should be on the potty. She’s probably tired of diapers and sending you a message :woman_shrugging:t5:


It means she’s ready to potty train. She is likely taking off because she’s wet or soiled it and she doesn’t like how it feels. It’s a good indication that she’s receptive to going somewhere other than in a diaper.

No mom shaming from me about why she isn’t yet. Why are people so judgey. The rest of you “perfect” moms take your negativity somewhere else.


It’s potty training time. Keep her diaper off and let her poop and pee in her clean pants. She’s a smart girl and she will realize she doesn’t like to do that.

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Every one is ready for potty training at different times talk to your pediatrician and see if maybe pull ups are next or shes acting out due to recent events that traumatized her. Also try leaving her in undies and if she pees herself leave it til she says it itches thats how i got my daughter out of pampers and pull ups


My 3yr old granddaughter pottie trained at 2 and a few months.easy she done it all in so fast. It was over…

While yes she may be ready for potty training everyone saying she “should already be potty trained” are 100% wrong
Evey child develops differently and hits milestones at different ages


Get her to use the toliet? She’s 3, it’s past time


Way over time to start toilet training her


Potty training time. In the meantime… 2 out of 3 of my kids would do this the second they woke up, or when they were suppose to be napping if they pooped & I wasn’t in their room immediately. I took footie pajamas & cut the feet off them & put them on backwards… it was the only way I could stop it from happening. If I put them down for a nap & left their room… they’d strip & play in their diaper instead of going to sleep.

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Signs that potty training needs to start

I would have her go to the doctors and get her tested. See why she is behaving in such a way. Maybe she has underlining issues…maybe not. But sounds like a sensory issue to me.


Everybody wants to go to a pediatrician like they aren’t busy enough. Just put her on the potty every time she does it for at least 3 minutes. Either it will put her on the route for potty training or either she will not like it and stop taking her clothes off. I started pullups at age 2 with ours.


Best time to toilet train girls is when they are 3. Some did it earlier but 3 is a good age to do it. They pick it up pretty quick at 3

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Time to potty train!

Maybe she’s just uncomfortable in her dirty diaper and takes it off. I would start potty training!

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She’s 3. Potty train her.


Sounds like she is ready to start potty training.

I would saying she’s showing signs of being potty train ready. My son started doing this and we were able to train him in about 5 days. Good luck momma!:blush:

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She’s THREE. Ie, old enough to damn well know better (hopefully you’ve taught her, anyway). I’d have popped that ass, made her clean it up and keep heron a strict short “leash” as in always in my sight and on the potty at least every hour n a half for the next week.

Put her diaper on backwards first and definitely start potty training. Start putting her on the potty at times once they have gone in the potty. I then left my kids and grandkids naked all the time and when they would pee I would run them to the bathroom. Do what works for you.

My kids did that I know this sounds wrong but I used duct tape to put over the tabs so they couldn’t take the diaper off, my soon to be 2 year old does this and I normally put a onesie on her back words so she can’t unbutton it, she hasn’t done it for awhile now. I’m potty training my two oldest girls my one oldest was doin good but she did a 360 when we had to go to her Grandma’s house for a few months we have our own place again so I’m tryin to get her back on track with the potty training. What I did with her I put a bowl of candy in the bathroom and told her if she goes potty she gets a piece of candy it worked well she kept on wanting to go potty then I would buy a fun potty and try her on that. I been there with my kids so I know the frustration

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Best reaction is none at all just explain everytime it happens n start training her get pottys star charts prizes u name it n the world of praise… if uv other kids or toilet trained kids around n about try asking them to show her… mentally I cant imagine the trauma ur going true right now but it kinda sounds normal Iv heard of a lot of kids doing it der just figuring things out :see_no_evil: best of luck n if ur concerned in a few weeks maybe have a chat with gp or phn :blush:

At 3 years old… She should of been potty trained.


Potty training time!

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Potty train her🤦🏽‍♀️


My daughter did the same took her to store to pick out panties she has only had like 4 accidents in the past 2 years

She’s taking her diaper off because she’s ready to potty train.


My daughter does this. Well not the poop thing. But she loves taking her clothing and shoes off. And for all the experts who think oh it’s time to potty train y’all should know every child is different. Just because your perfect child was potty trained at 3 Karen doesn’t mean this child is ready. This could mean more than all the Karen’s are saying. I would talk to her pediatrician. My daughter is almost three and no where near ready to be potty trained.


Time to potty train and teach her to clean up to mess


She should have been potty trained by now, best to start about 18 months or earlier.


When she wakes up from her sleep or nap straight to bathroom and clap your hands when she pees or poops. Every half hour to the potty. Thats what i did with my kids.

Potty training time and make her help with the clean up. She can add soap to washer. She can use lysol wipes as long as you are there with her and watching her close. And she clean her self up in the tub. Maybe just maybe if she has to help clean the mess she will stop playing in it. All 3 of mine took diapers off at one time or another. My youngest is currently doing it she doesn’t play in her poo tho. She has pooped and taken pull ups off and set on her sisters bed but she’s 1 and doesn’t understand yet. But she has been potty training for roughly 2 months.

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Why is she not potty trained?

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Potty training time!!!

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Potty training time!

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Way past potty training time. I never forced my kids into potty training but I saw the signs when they were ready.

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Trying to tell you she’s done with diapers put her on the potty

Why is she still wearing diapers,and not being potty trained?


She’s ready to potty train.

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She’s ready to be toilet training

My darling daughter did this. I have five children. The other 4 are boys. NONE of them did this. Just her. It was awful… lol… we survived it. She potty trained after that just fine and thankfully that was the end of that…


Time to get her potty trained-my boys didn’t have diapers on after a year&half

They do that, duct tape it on

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I was the one that I asked for the question to be posted. Few things I should correct is she just turned 2, I wrote 3 by accident. She is in pampers pull ups (I call them diaper didn’t realized pull ups and diapers were so different). finally she is being potty train. Ever since i can remember she never like clothes. we tried everything and she always managed to get out of the clothes. She will say when she have to go, its just now she will play with the poop

Thier all different.

Start using duct tape on her diapets. She wont be able to get them them off.

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Uh no you spank her and get her out of diapers already why you not potty training her?! Shes well over the age!! Smh


Possibly showing her how to draw with chalk or water paint might put her creative art work into happy time - we used a time schedule for potty time - but then asked every hr or so - if needed to use the potty - Sounds like she is ready for the potty chair - plus asking her what she wants to wear - Just remember when she gets older and argues - tell her she was anel compulsive as a baby - it isn’t uncommon for little ones to do this.

Not gonna lie safety pin them


I think its time to start potty training. She doesnt want to use a diaper anymore


Put footless onsies on backwards (zipper on her back)


Time to party train!

Time to get pullups and start potty training

Why isn’t she potty trained yet? She’s showing alll the signs that she’s ready? I started when my daughter started taking her nappies off which was around 2


She is big enough to be potty trained…

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My sister user you duct tape her kids diapers :joy:

Potty train! In the mean time buy panties for her and put them over her pull-ups?

Shes tryin to tell you shes ready to.potty train

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Yes toilet training she us 3 yrs old my girls were all potty trained by 2and half

I would say that it’s time to potty train.

At 3, she should’nt be in diapers through the day, she should be potty trained or training. And for night time, I’d use duct tape

sounds like its time to potty train

That’s when I would spank my child. Tell her absolutely not. Put her in time out. Well obviously clean it all up but then put her in time out. She knows what she is doing she deserves a spanking

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Guys she corrected and said she is 2 not 3 that was a mistake and she has her in pull ups, didnt think diapers were that different than the pull ups. So she IS trying.

Diapers?? My 2yr old been potty trained 4months she will be three in may.

You can directly toilet train her. Be strict to her on this issue. She may get seriously infected if she eat any of it. Be strict in that matter and try hard to put her in toilet. I underwent this and was so so strict to my daughter and within a week she was toilet trained. Later for a month she was on diapers only at night and now after 6 months she is completely toilet trained. I didn’t use potty. I just removed her daipers and asked her to go pee once every three hours. If she peed on floor I stopped talking to her for a while and it worked. She herself started saying she needs to poop by then

Time to potty train… Shes a big girl now and has to use the toilet lole big girls do!

For most of you saying she should be potty trained by 3 years of age is not true most kids aren’t potty trained till almost 4 sometimes 5 years old due to learning disabilities and what not and all kids are different than your own child so dont be little another’s child because there child is not potty trained by 3 years old


Zip-up sleeper (without feet) put on backwards

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Potty train she is 3 and ready.

This is a good natural consequence. She has to help clean up any messes that she makes. This will help discourage the behavior because it stops being a game.

Potty training toilet accessible to her at all times. even if she’s chilling in the living room have a toilet sitting right there. Praise her, give her stickers… when she uses it.

I use snap onsies on my 3 year old nephew that does this

It’s definitely time to get her her potty trained try and stick to a schedule of getting her o the toilet when you go take her with you and put her on the potty most kids want to do what you do so see if she will mimic what your doing put her on the potty about every 2 hours or so as for playing in poop you need to show her consequences to her actions what will and will not be tolerated put on a jumper backwards so she can’t take it off get her pull ups it’s all about setting a routine an making her stick to it it’s a process but if you stay firm she will get it and it’s normal to get upset and get frustrated we’re human and mommies have there limits too