My 3-year-old daughter likes to take her diaper off and mess everywhere: Advice?

My niece used to do this we were wondering if she was going to be an artist

At age 3 she should be at least trying to potty. And maybe try a onsie on all the time. Harder to get off

I went thru the poop faze a little but I was having her run around with no diaper bc I didnt think pull ups were that different from diapers so I didnt use them. If you going to use them, then atleast sit her on her potty every 30 mins or so.

U need to potty train her…she big enough

My 3yo daughter wants to be naked constantly! I cant keep clothes on her to save my life but while she is trained to pee in the potty she still brings me a diaper when she needs to poo. But I understand your frustration with the poo my 1yo Son likes to play with his poo. We have to keep pants on him so he cant get to his diaper before we do. Its a very timely thing like as soon as you notice the poo face get in there and change it. My hardest times is when he goes before i got to get him out of bed sometimes he will have gone and its every where! Good luck momma

Sounds like she’s ready to be potty trained


Time to potty train!

Three year old child should be potty trained.


Put it on backwards they can’t get the strips to pull

Show her where to put diaper in the garbage and get her a sticker or reward chart
Shes showing signs she doesnt want a diaper on anymore
Put potties in every room if you need to

Mmkay. My time to shine.
My son did this except he use to throw his poop all over the room. I would clean it up, change him and find him doing it later on. When i would catch him with his hands in the poop, i swatted his HANDS. Said “no that is icky, dont do it again” which obviously he kept doing. So i switched him out of the pull ups and into underwear. When he peed/pooped in them he noticed they were not absorbent soooo we ended up going to the toilet. Then we fought over him pooping on the toilet. He was fine peeing on it. SET. TIMERS. FOR 30 MINUTE INTERVALS. SERIOUSLY. Kids will NEVER say they gotta go. Eventually he got annoyed with me taking him to the bathroom every 30 minutes so he started going on his own terms. We also started this when he turned 3 and had insentives to keep going to 4k school.

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It’s time to start potting training if she is doing that stuff

3 and still in a nappy are you kidding me??? :flushed:


She should be potty trained at 3yo

Potty train her! She’s 3 :blush:

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Potty training time! :heart:

Shes ready to be potty trained!

Sounds like she’s ready for potty training

Cringing that people said to spank this child :pleading_face:

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I agree with a lot of you…definitely time to potty train. When a child is able to take a diaper off it is time to get them out of diapers and on the potty.

When I was raising my nieces they would love taking each others diaper off. Such a pain cleaning poop off the walls and constant baths… we tried putting sleepers on them backwards and they still figured it out. Well… duct tape on the tabs worked to solve that problem!!!

She needs to be potty trained.

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People gotta realize not all kids are the same they get potty trained when they are ready my son wasn’t potty trained until after 3 people need to shut up about that just because your child was potty trained before 3 well good for you. And it sounds like she is ready so start trying mama and hopefully this will solve the issue

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It’s time to potty train. Little girls are different. So here’s my advice make a special day of shopping , get McDonald’s and then take her to the store to pick out a potty and big girl panties. My girls wore silk panties because when the messed they didn’t like the feeling of them. So you get big girl panties and they sell plastic rubber panties to go on the outside, during the day at home have her wear panties and in public put the plastic panties on her as well, at bed time let her wear a diaper. When you buy her potty and panties also buy a little box you can put little treats and dollar toys in and every time she uses the potty reward her. If you stay on her and keep taking her potty she should be able to go on her own pretty quick. Possitive reenforcement and making her potty before bed helps a lot, but never shame her or spank her for accidents.

Letting her pick out big girl underwear. Reward her for going in the potty. Whenever she needs to wear a diaper like at night get her zip up footie pajamas and put them on BACKWARDS. :+1:t3:


Put everything on backwards

My daughter tried to do the same thing I just put underwear over the diaper. It work for us.

If she is three, she should be potty trained, stop the diapers.

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Make Her clean her mess… she is not gonna like it !

At 3, she is sick of messing in her pants. Potty train that child :woman_facepalming:t3:

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She probably ready to be potty trained.

My first baby was potty trained at 1 1/2 my second is almost fully trained and wears diapers at night only. It’s time to potty train. I do timeouts when there is an accident. And I do positive reinforcement like a piece of candy when they make it in the toilet.

My 2 daughters were potty trained at 18 Months :+1::blush:I was very lucky they were really easy!

Try anything honestly and see what fits her. Maybe duct taping the tabs or potty training. There is no wrong answer and what do you gotta lose? Its a learning experience for both of you and I hope you find your answer girl :pray: :heart:

Do you need a 3-year daughter or have a 3-year daughter, that likes to take off her clothes?

Try potty training or tape her diaper on so she cant get it off.lam old with 2kids and 5 grandchildren

What l said about. taping its not mean.

Umm shouldn’t she be potty trained by 3? I think maybe try training she probably will stop playing with her bms. Training isn’t that hard take her ever hour anytime she uses the potty positive reinforcement and stickers.

Let her pick out lil panties. I did this with 4 daughters. She may be ready.

I would say she’s definitely ready for potty training. If she’s doing it repeatedly when she has to poo it seems she knows what’s coming and doesn’t want to have it in her pants. The day my 2nd child took his diaper on and peed(thankfully outside) was the day we got him on the potty! Best of luck!

This is a silly question. You need to potty train her…

I’ve seen kids still getting around in diapers well past normal potty-trained age…the parent argues that its up to the child to decide ‘when the time is right to give up the diaper’. Poppycock. That’s just laziness. Parents guide…not just look on. My two were trained by 15 months - even overnight. Its not hard if you reward them when they get it right. Encouragement, praise goes a long way without making it an issue.

she maybe ready to start training… she isnt liking the feeling of it sitting against her skin… my kids all loved to strip soon as we would get home… almost every stitch would come off… when the diapers began getting ripped off every time they went potty in them i took it as a sign of potty ready… i switched to pull ups and got a baby toilet…

Clean the walls. Wash the bed sheets. Bathe the child. :woman_shrugging:t3:

What I’m doing with my son is taking him every half an hour to his potty and I’m sitting on my toilet pretending to go, and making it seem like a fun experience. When they actually go potty in their potty Id reward the hell out of them. Praise them a little too much so they know how proud you are. Taking a diaper to the potty is still teaching them to potty in their diaper. It’s definitely hard to potty train but me kind of “going potty” with him does seem to help. Of course it won’t work everytime but the more times you do it it’ll get better. Patience is key. We are just now putting him in pull-ups but the pulling the diaper off will still happen. You got this!!!

Try putting her in pull ups

Time for toilet training.


Start potty training…


I had a friend with this issue who started putting footie PJs on her daughter backwards so she couldn’t take her clothes off


Potty train her :woman_shrugging:t2:


Have you tried showing her the potty? My girls were potty trained at 2… if your daughter is 3 maybe she’s showing you she’s ready for the diapers to go away and use the toilet like a big girl?


Potty training time.


Start potty training


Sleeper on backwards


Its time to potty train her so she knows to go to the bathroom when she needs to go


Mt second one did this multiple times. I forget how I got her to quit. Man all over her crib, bed, herself. I had to run a tub then clean… every nap time she would do it… I wish I could remember exactly how I got it to stop.

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She his ready to got on the toilet or a potty trainer!


Sticky tape on the nappy

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I know exactly what your dealing with! I have two this ALL the time (2 and 3). Your best bet is to go with it. She is probably ready to start potty training. Try having her use the potty every 20 to 30 mons, if possible. You can also try and put her in big girl undies, she probably doesn’t like the feel of it against her bottom so she definitely won’t like it on just clothing against her. I’m not sure what type of parenting style you do, but when she does go outside her diaper, have her help you clean it up. Also, if she has a big sister maybe have her take her to the bathroom when she has to go as well. Make a huge deal about it when she does use the potty and reward her even if it is with an m&m or skittle, sticker charts work amazing too, it’s then a visual for her to see how good she is doing. After so many stickers (weekly/monthly) allow her to pick a bigger reward like a small toy under $5, a movie she wants to watch or a special snack. Good luck mama!


Have you started to potty train ?
I know where I live kids need to be toilet trained by 3 to go to pre school nursary :thinking:

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She’s ready to potty train :D❤️ I’ve been told that’s a sign when they’re ready

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Time to potty train. She’s too old for diapers.

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Potty train her… That why she knows where to “go” also getting her her own little potty might help cuz then it’s just for her.

I also say it’s time to potty train, but make sure you discipline her when she does that. She has to know that’s not okay and that the behavior has consequences.

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That’s a tell tell sign it’s time for potty training as everyone else is stating

Probably time to start potty training.

Sounds like she’s ready for potty training

All 3 of my kids have done this(usually in the crib at nap time) and after about a week straight of cleaning poo I put my kids in a cold shower… not like as cold as the water gets but cold enough they no longer enjoyed getting a bath after they pood in their crib. It was rough but only happened one more time after that


Time to start potty training when they do that

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I would still discipline her for this behaviour. She’s 3. That’s old enough to understand that’s not allowed. Not being potty trained is one thing, behaving this way with it is another.


Hand over hand have them clean the mess. My 3 year old refused to potty learn so I had her help me clean up the mess, no anger, no raised voice just the reality of the ramifications. In less than a week she conceded to the toilet.

Duck tape around the waist, over the nappy lolol

Following. My son will be 3 in june and does the same thing sometimes. We have been trying to potty train him since he was about 1 with zero progress. I also make him help clean the mess and that hasnt helped either.

My children were potty trained at 2, but in pull ups till almost 3 because of accidents. Sounds like its past time to potty train.

We put undies over my 2yos diaper. He’s ready to potty train but isn’t comfortable on his potty yet. Its helped tremendously!

My 2 year old daughter did this when she was 1 1/2 and that’s when I started potty training.

That’s their way of saying they don’t want the diaper anymore and you should start the potty training :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Why is a 3 yr old still wearing diapers!??:woman_shrugging:


My 15 month old does this. Its potty training time.

I would have her help clean up any messes like that. She’s old enough to understand.

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Some of these parents replies are disturbing at best…


should be potty trained by 3

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My 3 year old and my 2 year old are already potty trained. But when my two year old was 10 months, she did this one time and I started putting clothes on her she couldn’t take off and started taking her potty with me. She was potty trained by 15 months

I think she’s letting you know its time to potty train lol


I think that means she is ready to be potty trained

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Potty train her. Simple she wants to be out of diapers

Time to potty train and use pull ups

I was the one that I asked for the question to be posted. Few things I should correct is she just turned 2, I wrote 3 by accident. She is in pampers pull ups (I call them diaper). finally she is being potty train. Ever since i can remember she never like clothes. we tried everything and she always managed to get out of the clothes. Playing with the poop only happened 3 times so its not a constant thing


Potty training, as soon as she wake in the morning put her on the pot. After each meal put her on the pot, before bed the pot. Each time she goes, point to it, clap for het get excited, tell her she did a great job. She’s the best!!!


Have her help you clean it up maybe

Potty training time.

I had to put blanket sleepers on my kids backwards to keep them from doing that :woman_shrugging:t3: also try potty training her sounds like she may be ready

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Grow up and train her to use a toilet… Pfft 3 Jesus no wonder she is taking her nappy of


My son did this just before he turned two, Christmas just gone $he turned 2 in November) I went OK toilet time and I put him straight into toilet training jocks (they just have a plastic lining so when they have an accident the mess isn’t as big). I used treats we used small bits of chocolate, jelly beans and we are now on to cheese (he bores easily of the same food) I would just keep asking and if I know he has had a bit to drink I will ask more often and within 30 min of him drinking get him to go to the toilet. We get the occasional accident now but we are almost there. He know wants to pee like daddy :joy:

3 and isn’t potty trained. Thats the problem.


My daughter used to do this too. She would wake us up every morning smearing poop all over the wall and window. Honestly, she just grew out of it, we tried just about everything we could think of.

Maybe when you put her nappy on get a onsie with button put a pair of knickers over them then a pair of leggings then her normal pants or put her nappy on backwards and duct tape it up. Some kids are not ready at three (3 years old) and if u push it it will not help with toilet training

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Why is she not potty trained?


Both my girls were trained by 2 and 1/2
One was in pull ups at night till she was 4 coz she wouldn’t wake for the toilet at night but was fully day trained