My 3-year-old daughter likes to take her diaper off and mess everywhere: Advice?

Pretty sure she is asking for advice to help her NOW since she is probably sick of baths, laundry and messes. Been there. So, despite the age of the child, some actual helpful advice would do. All of my kids did the saaaame thing, and we duct taped their diapers until that phase passed. She doesn’t need your child’s training accomplishments. We should help her up not push her further down. Imagime if it were you. Right. Now hush.


Wow, how annoying to read all the “potty training” comments. So unhelpful. Obviously that would be something this mom has or is working om. A child who has no concept of disgust towards poop will be very hard to potty train.
I would say use a combination of the more useful advice - offer the potty and let her bigger sister and yourself show her how you use the toilet regularly during the day; discipline her when she messes with the poop and praise when she let’s you know there is a poo; use pull-ups, tape etc to make it hard to undress; try and take note of when she usually has a bowel movement so you know what time of the day to check more regularly; ask her sister and other family to help look out for signs that she is having a poo so you can change it immediately.
Some kids can toilet train super early and others only get it much later. Even a month or two at that age makes a huge difference.


Try putting on sleepers backwards so the zipper is on her back, footie ones wont work unless you cut the feet off, when she makes a mess make her help you clean it while explaining to her why whatever mess she has made or makes is bad or could make her sick. Also So glad there are so many judges when all she did was ask for some advice, instead of being smart ass know it alls how about giving the advice she asked for🙄. Nobody cares that your kids were trained at 2 or younger, not all kids are the same some progress faster than others so the snide remarks about potty training are bs, give her the advice she asked for instead of judging or dont type your bs at all.


Potty training time.
Also, try to hold composer best you can and not make a big scene in front of her. Make her help you clean it all up as well.

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Put plastic diaper cover on if they still make them
The ones we used with colth diapers

This can be a sign she is ready physically for potty training… babies get the oral phase(everything in their mouth) and around that age is the anal phase( no pun intended) :joy::see_no_evil: she will grow out of it but potty training will help!!


As the grandma of an almost trained 3 year old, all i can say to you is… LIGHTEN UP!!! Obviously, you are too old to remember diaper training…I do.

My daughter just turned 3 and also hates clothes I’ve learned to picked my battles. If were home she runs around in her underwear 90% of the time. If she has an accident I just correct her and make her sit on the potty so she knows where shes supposed to go. They will grow out of this stage and they won’t run around naked forever


I would say the fact that they keep removing it, indicates it’s well past the time to be toilet trained.

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Usually if they’re taking them off they’re ready to be trained

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It’s a phase. As already mentioned, start potty training.

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Some of these moms are bitches. Here’s a article that might help Potty training: How to get the job done - Mayo Clinic Good luck :heart:

She is ready to start potty training. This is her way of telling you

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Should be potty trained

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Sorry I’m going to be mean now but your 3 year old daughter shouldn’t be in diapers anymore. She should have been potty trained by now. Its now a game to her.


My 2 year old son now goes and stands at the toilet poops in his diapers and then tells me he wants to poop in the toilet. He started taking off the diaper even when he doesn’t want to poop and tries to sit on the toilet. Potty training time.

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Sounds like she’s ready for potty training.


Start potty training.


Put her in a backwards sleeper so she can’t get it off. Make it hard for her to do it and then she will hopefully stop.


Ready to be potty trained.


If you’re not ready to potty train, keep her in some kind of clothes that she can’t get off and get to the diaper or maybe some duct tape.

We cut the feet out of feetie pajamas and put them on our son backwards

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My three yr old is doing this she is my third baby of five … my eldest has autism Spd and adhd… with just this behaviour alone I’m 99%sure my daughter has sensory processing disorder m, she is such a sensory seeker I highly recommend you see a pead

My 2 year old daughter does this to tell me she’s gone potty and it’s time to potty train


Potty train her! Goodness


Potty trained…my daughters were potty trained at 2 years old

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Potty train her, girls are so easy, probably could have had her trained at 2


She’s ready to potty train that was a sign our son was ready…


Onesie with no feet backwards

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Put mitts on her til she quits

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Put her diaper on backwards so she can’t undo the flaps. But I’d honestly consider potty training it sounds like she’s ready get some pull ups. I have a friend her 18 month old does this so she put him in pull ups instead.

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It’s time to potty train her if she keeps doing this

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Like everyone is saying, as a mom and a preschool teacher who has potty trained at least 100 children in my career, she’s telling you she is ready to potty train. Get the plastic covers for the couches. For the bed, do sheet, then waterproof matress protector, sheet, mattress protector, sheet - makes for WAY easier cleanup when she does it in bed


Its potty time. 3 she understands


Beyond time to potty train.


She is ready to be potty trained :heart:


DUCT TAPE if potty training doesn’t work.


Some kids do that honestly

My son used to put stuff in his diaper, THEN when it was time to sit he took it off SMH. Time to potty train lol.

My son used to put stuff in his diaper, THEN when it was time to sit he took it off SMH. Time to potty train lol.

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Time to potty train!


Onesies and slip on diapers.

My girls were potty trained at like a year and a half


She’s 3, potty train her! If she’s pottied on herself she’s taking it off to remove the nastiness.


Potty train…I started all mine before 3, they know when they have to potty.

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3? In diapers still? She needs to be potty trained. Like a year ago


She should definitely be potty trained


Why is she not potty trained?


My niece did this and they made her wear backwards overalls till she quit trying to take them off.


She could be telling you she’s ready to potty train. Poo poo outside of the diaper or clothes deserves praise period. So maybe put it in the toilet and show her. When you put it in the potty she gets a treat. Soon she will go in the potty to get that treat and praise. When my kids were ready to potty train I was fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom. I put undies on them and let them run around in shirts and undies and if they took them off they took them off. It’s just part of the potty training and you can worry about the keeping clothes on later. And don’t listen to the comments about you should have already started. Kiddos will tell/ show you when they are ready and at that time it is best. Every child is different and if you start when they are ready that’s when it’s most successful! Good luck fellow mama!


My daughter would wait until nap time take her diaper off, poop behind the closed door, then when Id open the door it would smear everywhere!!! It didnt matter how long I gave her to poop before nap…

Time to potty train, or if youve started already, enforce it more… use pull ups.

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She’s telling you that she’s ready to potty train…and at 3y/o you should have already started…


Why is a 3-year-old in diapers?


Yall smart mamas!! I’ve never had this issue, or can’t remember if I did but these are awesome suggestions if potty training isn’t a solution right now.

We bought the frozen castle and told her when she poops on potty she can open it… worked… nothing else did…


Diaper on backwards so they can’t reach the straps footless jammies on backwards.


Time to potty train.

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Seems like She’s ready for potty and wants your attention. Get her the potty watch. It works and keep both of you track. Hope this helps.

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To all the moms saying why she still in diapers at 3… WELLL if you didnt know MANY kids are NOT ready at age 3. Only ONE of My kids was ready before 3. the rest came close to age 4.
Now lay off the moms who have kids in diapers at age 3. There is NOTHING wrong with that at all so stop mom shaming!


The ladies in my family always told me when they start taking it off its potty training time


My sons has Down’s syndrome and for some reason he plays in his poop! All I can suggest is overalls maybe she wouldn’t be able to get out of those?

Potty train for sure, no matter what…

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My daughter did it once I made her clean everything wall bed and then we started potty training


Hope you made her help clean up. Unacceptable for 3 years old. Needs to be held accountable by cleaning it


My daughter would take her diaper off. That was I way to know to start potty training.


I would start taking her to the potty and rewarding her when she uses it at three years old she’s old enough to be potty trained when they start taking their diapers off that’s a sign :slightly_smiling_face: She’s a big girl she can do that Take her to the store let her pick out some special underwear make a big deal of it make her feel special tell her she’s a big girl and Tell her she’s not a baby she don’t need diapers :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe she’s ready to potty train? My 3 yr old is potty but I know some kids take longer.

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My kid wear a bodysuit (?). But she might be ready to be potty trained.

Definitely introduce potty training now if you havent already. But tighter fitting toddler pants helped me combat that a bit before my kids were ready. Takes longer to get off, so if you see them trying to get the pants off head to the potty!


duck tape or gorilla tape…


Put on backwards tape in back and at three I would clean bulk up an let her clean herself up past that she won’t want to do this potty training time


Ready for potty training!:blush:


I’ve heard of kids taking diapers off because theyre ready for the toilet… Anyways
My son did this while potty training. He would squat and poop on the same room, same spot because he didn’t want to use the toilet for some reason. I broke him of it by telling him he needed to poop in toilet to feed the toilet because sometimes it gets hungry. (I know it’s gross but it worked and in no time he was using the bathroom.)


I put them on backwards

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Ready to start potty training


Potty training? Diapers are for forever!

Sounds like she ready to be potty trained​:hugs::clap: ( i hear that a good sign and theyll be easier to potty train) :blush::blush: good luck momma!:heart: dont let anyone put you down!

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Has she a diagnosis?


My kids were potty broke by the time they were 1 year old, I started as soon as they could sit up. I put them on the potty, not to go potty but to get them used to the potty chair. I always made sure I was up before my kids woke up when I heard them moving around I immediately picked them up and took their diaper off and put them on the pot.


My son peed on the floor I just looked at him and said I do not know whether to paper train you or potty train you. I just sat him on the potty ever so often during the day put training pants on instead of diaper and carried potty in car. Stickers if they go some kind of reward works also. It was a long frustrating job never thought he would get trained.

It’s time to potty train her


My almost 2 year old son started doing this just after Christmas and the only way we could get him to stop was to keep him in onsies at all times or backwards sleepers. I know everyone is saying that it is a sign they are ready to train but believe me my son is not by any means ready. We tried for 2 weeks and he wasn’t understanding it at all. I know I’ll be shamed for not keeping with it but I can’t spend all day in the bathroom with him when I also have a newborn to tend to.


Just star putting her on a potty chair every 15 min or so. I know its time consuming, It sounds like you are not keeping a close enough eye on her. Make sure you have special ups for bigs. She should catch on fast. Wouldnt hurt to give her a snack or drink


Time for potty training

Maybe she didn’t want to do it in her diaper, for her to feel and smell, so she took it off .

Sounds like she is ready to start potty training. At 3 she knows it’s not ok behavior if you correct her more than once for it. And taking diaper off is a huge sign that she is ready. Mine was getting 3 minute time outs at that age for misbehaving.
Have her help clean it up, and try time out. Smearing poo is not an accident, I’d never suggest punishment for an accident, smearing poo is intentional. Teach her about the potty and get her using it. :purple_heart:

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She’s ready to start potty training

I would say at her age, this is her being ready to start potty training.
That being said our youngest daughter could take her diaper off by 1, not only that but she is a twin and could take her brother’s diaper off too. :woman_facepalming:
You can image how that could get messy. Lmao. Trust me it did.
We tried everything, backward pj’s, backwards onsies, backwards diapers, etc. She just took it all off. The backwards pj’s(zip up footies with the feet cut off so we could turn them around) were the only thing that slowed her down and that didn’t last long. She learned to slide them off her shoulders and down. Diapers she also just slid off if we put them backwards.
In the end it was masking tape wrapped all the way around the diaper, twice at the tabs that worked the best. Not tight enough that you can’t fit a couple fingers into the edge of the diaper but just tight enough so she couldn’t slid them off her butt. Duct tape didn’t work because she could take it off. Only wrapping it all the way around twice worked. Masking tape was perfect because it wasn’t hard to tear when it was time to change her. In between we let her go without a diaper for periods of time but kept her in our sight and put her potty chair in the livingroom. It did help that we luckily had hard wood floors at the time.

I would suggest starting potty training and using masking tape to keep her diaper on when necessary.

Our daughter is 7 now and still comes home and strips down to her underwear almost immediately. :woman_facepalming: She is not a fan of clothes and I have to make her put something on when we have company.

My now 8 yr old wasn’t ready til he was 5 or so… he is special needs… my 2 yo will pee but not poo :poop: on her potty :confused:

Eh, my first thought is maybe it’s time to try potty training.
Maybe she’s just bored though, and being destructive shrugs

Kids are crazy, and unique and you just have to go at it 100% with potty training or duct tape her diaper on her :rofl::joy::rofl: (or put it on backwards where she can’t reach the tabs).

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My son does something similar he dont take his diaper off but he does dig in it and gets it everywhere we’re working on potty training at the moment bc I thought that was a big sign that it’s time

I would say she is ready for potty training

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My neice did this . We had to put one piece jammies on her backwards so she couldn’t get them iff


My mom used pretty little panties with ruffles across the back to potty train me at a very young age. If I didn’t have an accident, I got the pretties, if I had an accident, it was back in diapers I went. Of course, mom had five kids before me so she was an old hand at it by the time I was born.


When my daughter was two she would do this at nap time. I finally had to cut the feet off her blanket pajamas and put them on her backwards so she couldnt take off her clothes to get to her diaper

3 is too old to be playing in their poop. And too old to not try to potty train…


I saw a 3 year old in onsie once this was probably why. Try putting her in different clothing like a jumper or overalls or something.

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I love this post so much.

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Bless you momma! We have twin girls (we took them in last year and they turned 3 in December) finally got 1 interested in using the potty, but she refused to poo in the potty. We are still working on it, and praise her highly when she goes to the potty. But she could care less if she squats in her panties or sits on the toilet. :woman_shrugging: The other is not interested at all. She will sometimes go pee in the potty, but no sooner we get her done… she hides under the table or in a corner and poops in her pull-up. And of course, her twin thinks she can handle taking her dirty pull-up off, and then runs away screaming that her sister stinks and is nasty :woman_facepalming: only because she’s smeared it all over her trying to be her “mommy”. I had 3 boys and 1 girl… I don’t remember potty training being this hard before, but it could be because I’m older and slower now :joy:. Be patient, start the training process, and remember, they are only this age for a short time… I say I won’t miss these days, but I know I will. :hugs:

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