My 3-year-old daughter likes to take her diaper off and mess everywhere: Advice?

Wash her in cold water… might sound harsh but i know families that this was the only way to get the kid to stop… they only had to do it once!


As soon as they take the diaper off they are ready to start potty training. If you’re not going to wear one you have to go party like a big kid. Those are the only two options

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Backwards blanket sleeper

Potty train her. Duh.


I used a really gross method to potty train, but it worked. I told them the toilet was hungry, and all he ate was … yep, poop. It wasn’t good for kids. It’s nasty, but it makes the potty happy. Took about 1 day for my first child. It was about 3 days for the younger. She was a little stubborn.


Put a full piece bathers on her so she can’t get at her nappy or strip when your going out places. Then when your at home really start toilet training process. My lil sister done the same sorta thing when she was little, was really embarrassing.

She’s 3 and needs to be potty trained. Buy the book Oh crap! Potty training.

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My eldest did this at two I would put the diapers on backwards and that worked for a while but once it stopped I literally would use duck tape :joy: needless to say we potty trained ASAP

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My first question would be, why is she 3 and still in diapers??


Everyone telling you “she’s 3 and still in pampers?” “Why isn’t she potty trained?” Sorry Karens of the world but not every child is potty trained by age! Some kids are stubborn and being pushed into potty training can potentially set them back! Every child develops differently! 3 years old is NOT too old to still be in pampers! Your daughter will let you know when she is ready, which is exactly what she’s doing! Seeing how her poop doesn’t bother her I can tell you might have some issues potty training but that’s ok!!! Go at your own pace and remember accidents will happen! Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:


Just my personal opinion, but I would say at 3 years old surly she shouldn’t be in nappies anymore, maybe she dont want to wear them so start potty training her? Each child learns at a different rate I am aware, but I think any 3 yr old should definitely be out of nappies (obviously with exception of them with medical problems) both my daughters was out of nappies and dry all day and night by 18 months old.

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She should honestly be potty trained already. She doesn’t want the diapers anymore. When she poops take her poop to the toilet and let her know that’s where it goes then sit her down. If she pees or poop in the toilet make it a huge deal and applaud her so she’ll want to keep doing it.

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Just potty train her dude lol


Could she have sensory issues? Be hyper-sensitive to the fabrics she’s removing?

It’s time to potty train. She’s literally giving you signs that she doesn’t want to poop in her diaper anymore.


No more diapers. Potty train… and full speed ahead with toilet!!! If there are no physical or mental issues , by age of 3 she should be well on her way to use of toilet!


I put my sons pajama sleeper on backwards,after I cut the feet off.

Yes use the duck tape it works

My daughter’s son is doing this too …,:pleading_face:

Footed pajamas. Cut feet out put on backwards… cant reach zipper so cant take diaper off.

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3 years old should have been potty trained Starting at 2 years old…


Make her help clean it

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I dont mind her still being in diapers. My daughter wasnt fully putty trained until 3.5. My question is why is she taking her diaper off at 3? At that age they should know not to?.. idk. Maybe shes ready to start potty training :slight_smile:

My daughter used to do that too when she was younger though. I would try and potty train her. Maybe get some big girl panties that she cant make a mess in, I’ve heard that helps.

If she’s 3 and doing this I would say it’s definitely time to potty train and this is a sign she’s ready!

Uh. She’s ready to potty train clearly

My almost two year old does this and we’re starting to potty train him on his birthday (March 20th)

3 yr old should not be in diapers

She’s ready to be potty trained