My 3-YO Is Obsessed with Gaston from 'Beauty and the Beast': Should I Be Worried?

Haha I was like this with Johnny Depp…and I do believe I grew out of it and got over it esp when he never loved or married me lol…but where you never a girl with an over the top obsession love crush on a famous celebrity…I had a few haha I even slightly fantasize now as a grown woman( I mean have you seen dean Winchester)just in more grown up ways lol but geesh back off and realize it’s a girl thing and just realize she is 3 and innocent and let it be just that…there’s plenty of time to freak out and over analyze her crushes and there type and her way to handle it when she is older and is pursuing real relationships in her life…for now she is 3 and innocent and you should leave it at that…if she is detouring to grown things at 3 then maybe you are showing/telling her way to much to lead to more uninnocent types of thinking…still doesn’t make her wrong more you then her…she is 3 and innocent again leave it at that…

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My (now 3yr old) son has been obsessed with Scar since his first time ever seeing lion king. He’ll tell you “Scars bad” but he’s his favorite knows every line he says and everything he does word for word movement by movement in the moviE :woman_shrugging:t2:


Haha don’t worry about it my little girl is 3 and she loves all the villains she literally cheers on Jafar, Captain Hook, and Ursula…

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I mean, it’s a fictional character. She will outgrow it. My 3 year old is obsessed with the Hulk to the point his favorite color is green and he wants to grow up to be in SHIELD. :woman_shrugging:


lol shes 3. im sure shell have worst crushes in the future than the cartoon :rofl::unamused::grimacing:

so maybe u should relax a bit because if not u have a future full of worry and stuff.


No ones as real as Gaston
Freaks moms out like Gaston
No ones stealing more toddlers hearts like Gaston.

Relax. She’s a baby and last I checked, he’s fake. Though don’t worry. Anyone pounding back that many raw eggs will get rid of themselves anyways :rofl::rofl:


When I was a kid my crush was Jack Skelington… my husband is like the sweetest dude ever and definitely not a skeleton :woman_shrugging:


As in, the Disney Gaston?
Anyway. Shes 3 man. Let her use her imagination. Its innocent. At 3 i was gonna marry Johnny depp. I loved him. But tjere was nothing romantic or sexual about it…
Now at 28 I’d still marry him, but theres all the adult reasons :joy::joy::joy:


It’s called she’s a three year old with a crush on a cartoon villain :thinking:

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Let her outgrow her feelings its a crush on a cartoon character i crush on gaston too lol and i turned out alright lol

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She’s literally three. She will grow out of it. It’s like when kids are obsessed with popular movies and have to have allll of the toys, books, clothes, etc. that match the movie lol :joy: I can recall seeing a lot of little kids literally dressing like Elsa or Ana and owning everything Elsa/Ana related whenever I went to the store once Frozen II came out

As far as him being a “villain”, Haven’t you heard that most girls like the bad boys when they are young? :rofl:

I wish my child was head over heels for Gaston! Instead its Blippi lol :joy: She’s fine I wouldn’t worry. Kids go through different phases yours just happens to b crazy about Gaston


Gaston is kinda hot though.


I’m an adult and think the grinch is my soulmate. :woman_shrugging:t3:
She’s still a baby. Let her be


My 5 and 9 yr old are super into that Five Nights at Freddy’s thing. With the animatronics? My daughter knows the entire story behind it and every detail of each character. And the shows are a bit disturbing. But their great kids. It’s just something their into for the time being.


Hmmm…she’ll grow out of it. But personally, if I wasn’t liking my children watch certain characters, I would have stopped them watching it way before this point. I wouldn’t have encouraged it with costumes, books and visiting. As parents, our job is to guide them and expose them to what we feel ok with. Each to their own, but it’s worth recognising your part to play in it.


:rofl::rofl: this is kinda cute but yes she will grow out of it, we all have our cartoon crushes when we were 3-8 yrs old. Tbh when i was about 4-5 i had a crush with danny phantom :sob::rofl: i kinda cringe about it to this day. What your daughter is going through is just a phase, she will move on and like something else.

She is just three. Didn’t we all have some ridiculous baby crush on something at that age? I can remember being that age and swearing I was gonna marry tv show McGuyver. Then it was Mel gibbons character Braveheart, you’re making this more serious than it needs to be. Hell my kids are obsessed with the animatronics, cartoon cat, bendy and siren head. Its weird asf but its just a phase. We all go through different stages of interest at various points in life. Calm down Karen


Its a phase just go with it. That being said if it is that upsetting for you then don’t keep buying new Gaston stuff. She will get tired of what she has and move on. I have 3 boys and all 3 went through a phase around 2-4 where they loved anything pink and purple, rainbows, unicorns, Dora, Doc McStuffan, Sofia the first and princesses along with dinosaurs. My 4 year old has a unicorn backpack for school. I have been told that I shouldn’t allow it because he’s a boy but we feel its just a phase and we just need to let our kids be themselves.


My daughter is 2 and loves to help with the dishwasher. She will grow out of this and your daughter will grow out of Gaston…


I was in love with Beetlejuice when I was like 6 :joy:
I insisted he was so misunderstood.
To this day I think villains are hot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: don’t judge me. And I think I turned out to be an ok adult lmao


When I was 4-5 I was obsessed with Keith on the Partridge Family … The oldest guy … I thought he was so handsome :grin:

It’s also how Disney has glorified this person in song and dance…huge part of her crush on him. So gradually wean her off that movie and onto another.

I think it’s time for you to our grow those silly feelings! You don’t need to be so uptight! Ridiculous!


My daughter wore a Scoobydoo Halloween costume every day for a year, including TO SCHOOL. You win some you lose some.


She’s 3 and he’s a cartoon, there will be much bigger fish to fry. To quote another Disney cartoon character, “let it go”.


Wow… mama she is 3. She likes a Disney character leave her be. Its a phase :roll_eyes:

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It’s normal and something else will come along and consume all of her attention.

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She’s 3 not 13 this phase will not last forever… Just let her enjoy him


I think she’ll grow out of it. When my daughter was 3 she stood beside the washer and dryer and cried until her blanket was done everytime I managed to get it in the wash. She’s 9 now and could careless where that thing is!

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Shes 3, you control who she sees, what she watches, reads and dresses as for Halloween, perhaps if its a concern stop encouraging it? Don’t take a 3 year old old a meet and greet for that type of thing, don’t buy her books or costumes? She doesn’t understand that this individual isn’t a good person she is 3! Set a better example!


Very unlikely she will have these same feelings in the future :joy::joy: it’s just a crush she doesn’t understand fully about her feelings she will grow out of it, if your really worried I would just try to introduce other good guys in cartoon movies :joy: I think it’s cute tho, she will get over it :joy:

My favorite characters were villains (especially Maleficent) when I was very small. There could be something small she really likes about him that she fixated on or she’s just going to go her own way in life. It definitely doesn’t mean she’s going to marry someone like him or anything of the sort.

She will get over it lol. My kid was in love with the vampire Barnabas from dark shadows for awhile. Lmfao gotta love the kids


My daughter used to see Adam Levine and go “ooh Adam, I love you” I was never worried…its a phase and they grow out of it.

My son is 5 and loves chucky he knows he’s not nice but likes him anyways use it at your speech on her wedding day

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I can see where your coming from and what your fearing. I feel your question would be better asked in a gentle parenting group, I’m a member of A few, if you need some direction feel free to contact me :blush:
I’d just keep doing what your doing in terms of letting her know he isn’t a good “person” character or not cartoons are still real for kids. It is just a phase though most like so I wouldn’t stress, sounds like your doing a great job :smiling_face:

My almost 3 year old is obsessed with Blippy. She even is stating now that she loves him and he’s her blippy and he’s a real person. Lol

Maybe Gaston looks like an actual person in her life like a beloved Uncle??

At least it’s just cartoons. I remember having a crush on David Hasselhoff in The Night Rider and I still love his long legs and curly hair

she’s three… seriously think you’re blowing it into something so much bigger then what it is… though, you make a big deal about it, she may realize she gets attention- negative or positive, and continue with her infatuation… let her be a 3 year old with a “ crush “ on a “ villain”

shes a child dont crush her dreams she obviously gonna grow out of it as she gets older and understands more things

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My granddaughter had something that concerned me once but she outgrew I had no need for concern

In life she will grow out of it, just a baby!

It’s normal, it’s a phase, why are you hyper concerned about a child enjoying a character out of a children’s movie. I still love Gaston and the Beast and I’m a grown ass adult.

Shes 3 girl relax yourself every kid like this is this your first? Did you not go Gaga for some cartoon character as a kid bc I did… it’s a virus going on let her escape to a happy place or would you rather her turn off the TV and bother YOU lolol

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She’s 3 years old and you told her a fake person is vain, selfish, and jealous and are upset about all this Weird…

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Is Gaston the ladybird in Ben and Holly? :joy::joy::joy: hopefully, she will grow out of this and not grow up to marry a ladybird. Please God anyway.


I was in love with Beetlejuice and Raphael from the Ninja Turtles :joy:

She’s a child it’s a phase and as it is a phase it to b shall pass. She’ll find a new phase to nd new phase so on and so on. Anyone making it a big deal is you. Being star struck by a cartoon when you meet them is more of a shock that they actually got to meet that person.

My 3 yr old loves oogie boogie is that weird

Ummm…is this a serious question or just for jokes? If this is a serious question…you might need some meds for being so pressed about a Disney character

I thought I was going to marry my uncle when I was there :woman_shrugging:t2: … Pretty sure it’s just a phase :rofl:

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My daughter LOVES Ursula from little mermaid :grimacing:

Leave her be this is adorable!!!

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Good luck! My daughter has a crush on the class jerk. :woman_facepalming:

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She’s a kid so I think it will all be ok

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He is handsome though :heart_eyes:

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No. When I was her age, I had a crush on Simba. I turned out okay.


My daughter loves Jack from nightmare before Christmas lol

She still young let her be

Clearly we all know something is wrong here😂 You’re right to not like him.

I honestly came to the comments bc I wasn’t sure if this was a joke or not :joy::joy:


They do phases. It will pass.

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Eh there could be worse crushes. When I was a kid I had a crush on The Crow lol

W T F :rofl: she will grow out of it …

This is a joke, right?? Chill Fr.


Shes only 3 my dear. It’s okay lol.

Yo, she’s three. I think you’re reading way too far into this.

All men are villains until they meet the right one. Maybe she is the one.:wink:

She’s 3. Let her be.

Hopefully it’s a phase - some of us do just like bad boys :weary:

She’s 3 :confused: leave her be, she’ll probably not remember who he is by the grime she’s 5

Right before my youngest turned 4 he asked me to marry him with a plastic spider ring and according to my two oldest who are 12 & 13 Im the biggest villain who ever lived so I’m pretty sure she will be ok.


It’s a phase. She will get over it by herself. There is no use in talking bad about Gaston. As she is growing up, have talks about how she should expect to be treated by her partners and make sure she has a good Male role model in her life that treats you the way you deserve. At 3 years old, I wouldn’t worry about it. My oldest daughter was in love with Pinocchio when she was 3. She is a teenager now. No more Pinnochio.

You’re the parent you allow the time she spends watching it, reading it etc…

Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in Europe but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called him. he gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to him. he asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. he cast his spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. And he also told me that my husband will return that he has settled that After a few weeks my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.

Lawds, imma tap out on this one :joy:

Have you seen live action beauty and the beast?? Gaston is :fire:

Ridiculous question :unamused:

No Gaston is hot asf :fire:

Honestly this shit I read on here is unbelievable :woman_facepalming: she 3 for God sake!!


I think you’re using your adult brain to influence how you perceive what your child is doing. I think that some kids love Elsa, some kids love Nemo… Doesn’t mean they romanticize the character. She may just like his shirt color. Stop making it a big deal, and she probably will too.


My daughter was in LOVE with The Beast!! When he would turn into the prince she would cry. At Disney World we had to track him down!. She is 13 now and not attracted to beasts at all. Don’t worry.


When my son was little he was also Gaston obsessed. Halloween costume, doll, watched the movie a billion times. He eventually outgrew it but he still roots for the villain.


I don’t understand why you all would jump straight into thinking about marriage or her being obsessed with him, she’s just 3, she may just like the way he dresses or his hair, who knows really. My daughter says she’s going to marry her brother so yeah :joy::woman_shrugging: I’m sure it’s just a phase that she will soon outgrow :purple_heart:


She is 3 calm down lol

I was in love with Tuxedo Mask as a kid…Im 34 I didn’t marry an anime character life is good, relax mommy there are waaaay bigger things to be worried about then your baby crushing on Gaston


You know what when I was a little I used to be in love with the Lion king !!! An animal :rofl::rofl: so I won’t be too worry about that lol… I guess she find him handsome and she sees that all the girls in the movie likes him…

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I thought I was going to marry my BROTHER because I thought marriage was literally just marrying your favorite guy lol. Kids are smarter than we think but also totally clueless about romance. She just likes the character it seems.

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I loved Simba growing up, like loved him :joy::joy: my daughter likes decendents and they play villians but im totally cool with it xx

My daughter always pretends shes the boy… but she’s very girly. Remember they are just toddlers no need to panic! Let her enjoy!

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I think that’s adorable!
I personally love the villains too.
My daughter was obsessed with Elsa for over 3 years. We did frozen for 3 Halloween’s straight lol


My 4 year old son is obsessed with Anna- :woman_shrugging:t2: and I’m obsessed that he’s obsessed over a “girly” movie :movie_camera:

You are over thinking this. When I was 5 I swore I would marry Michelangelo the ninja turtle. I had a life size one I packed around.
I did mary a bald man who is a painter though :thinking::joy:


She’s 3, it’s a cartoon character, let her be. Now if she gets older and still likes bad boys then you can try putting a stop to it, but ultimately she’s going to like who she wants, she’ll have to learn her on her own who’s good and who’s not.


Leave the poor girl alone. She will move on from this. You are over thinking this.

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She’s 3. Let it go. If she’s still like this when she’s 12,you need to talk about it.


My daughter is in love with the beast. And doesn’t like when he is turned back human. It’s funny and cute

My daughter used to be in LOVE with Gaston too, she also wanted to marry him. So much so that we have a Labrador named Gaston. She’s now 6 and knows he’s bad and mean and doesnt like him. She has no plans to marry Gaston lol. She’s 3 years old and doesn’t know yet what jerks are. Let her be innocent.


She’s 3 and it’s a movie I wouldn’t be worried about it. Why would you crush her first crush? It isn’t even a crush she just loves the character finds him amusing maybe. I would just stop repeating over and over how bad he is. She’ll get over it just like every little kid.