Um…my 1 1/2 year old at the time (now 4yrs old) use to have a thing for Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal Rising. I did too to be honest. X3
But she grew out of it as soon as I put a stop to watching the movie once her father walked out. He insisted she watch it and get use to blood and violence…
As for Gaston, sure he is a villain, but not as bad as Hannibal! I use to have a major crush on Jafar from Aladdin and Scar from the Lion King. They still hold a special place in my heart, but I assure you, I know very well that I’m not gonna marry them.
When I was young, I said I would name my first child Pee Wee Herman… I told everyone. I definitely grew out of that and I’m sure my son thanks me
Good lord. She’s 3 and he’s a cartoon character. I wanted to marry Johnny Bravo when I was a kid, no one was concerned about that… because I was a kid.
But I mean, in her defense;
Who has brains like Gaston
Entertains like Gaston!
Who can make up these endless refrains like Gaston
He used antlers in all of his decorating
Who’s the man among men?
Who’s the super success?
Don’t you know? can’t you guess?
Ask his fans and his five hangers-on
There’s just one guy in town, who’s got all of it down
She’s 3 kids like different characters I was obsessed with batman and ash ketchum as a kid I wore my batman halloween costume for weeks my youngest son 4 loves elsa he now goes around pretending to have freeze powers when he’s mad he will act like he’s freezing you then gets upset that his powers won’t work
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My son dressed up as him for Halloween when he was 4 but he’s 7 now and understands why he is bad “person”
I always liked her growing up lol
She’s 3… Kids obsess over different things all the time. She will probably find a new thing to be obsessed over soon.
Give it some time im sure she will find something else sheesh Elsa and Anna lasted like 2 years for me
I always preferred the villains over the good guys when I was a kid and still do now! My fave Disney characters were Shear Khan, Ursula and Jafar I think slot of people are like that hun, I defo wouldn’t worry too much xx
Turn the propellers off Mama. Perfectly normal. Next year she will want to marry her Daddy
She may have empathy for a character that isn’t everyone’s first choice
She will be fine. My son wanted to be a bank robber when he was little.
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He’s a character in a Disney movie and she’s three I see no issue
She is 3. He is a fictional character. I think you are obsessing over this to the point you actually are considering having a real life discussion about things she CANNOT POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND. That’s a bit much. Ok. Its alot much
My 6 year old son told me he wants to marry me!
We all want the bad boys…
I’m still in love with Robin Hood. The fox…
jut introduce her to other characters, shes three shell move on lol
You’re overthinking it wayyyyyyy too much
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Causeeeeeee no. One shoots like Gaston. Wears boots like Gaston
Um. I’m pretty sure you have way bigger things to worry about.
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I shouldn’t be laughing…but I’m laughing!
You’re nurturing it! Shes 3! ignore it, shes not inlove, she just likes something about him, songs, dancing…but just ignore it
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My 3 year old likes Hans … It will pass lol
Hes not real so I think your ok
Every girl loves a bad boy. The issue is bad boys are ones you play with, not marry lol
Look at the girls googoo over him. & this “fun” song all about him. I’d say it’s completely normal for her to idolize him. I’m guessing she knows many men, and probably no villains, so to her he’s just a man. I think when she’s 15 might be a better time to be concerned with who she “looks up to” or “loves” and why.
It’s not that serious. She’s 3.
I’m assuming this is a Disney thing. Disney is woeful for its poor lessons, anti mother attitude and subliminal messages. Remove Disney from her life and I gurantee you’ll see a change (for the better) in behavior and attitude and morals.
That was me at age 9. I loved me some Gaston. Still do
Why do grown ass women fall for bad boys?!
This is so silly. Shes a child.
Is this a real question? She’s 3. Leave her the hell alone.
She’s just exploring what she likes. Dont take that away from her. She’s 3, not 13. She dont even know what marriage means. Dont take toddlers serious in THIS department. I wanted to marry that damn fish from Shark Tale but now that Im grown Im married to a real and good man. Stuff like that goes away. Sounds like you are overthinking this WAY too hard!
When my daughter was about the same age (maybe 4), she consistently made comments about “Gaston’s bicep” she is 6 and the phase is gone! Don’t stress it!
My son was obsessed with vacuum cleaners at that age. I mean, OBSESSED. He was even taking the attachments to bed instead of stuffed animals.
It blew over. Hes 8 now, but he still takes interest when a commercial comes on.
Im sure it’ll probably be fine.
From the two Disney on ice shows we’ve been to, they always have Bell and Gaston dance and sing together so it’s a little confusing to me about that considering he was the Villian. But! I always liked the villains in Disney movies and stuff like that. And she’s 3, she’s still very very young and will be obsessed with something or someone else shortly.
Well if you’re letting her watch the movies, buying the books, and taking her to meet and greets then it sounds like you’re not DIScouraging the obsession to continue. If you feel like it’s an unhealthy obsession be a mom and put a stop to it. If it’s not unhealthy and just a normal kid crush then let it be.
My daughter was obsessed with Joker around that age. She will outgrow it.
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Over thinking, let her be!
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Let her be a kid and use her imagination
It’s not a big deal. Kids get obsessed over certain things. Let her be a kid
She’ll be fine. Shes 3. Its a phase. One min they are obsessed with a color or character and in a month to 3 they move on to something new. I mean I was apparently obsessed with Barney at some point(bedding, bath towels toothbrush,brush the works)and cant stand it now im sure she’ll outgrow it like we did qith the things we obsessed about at kids
I’d maybe try introducing her to other male characters who are great. Maybe say things like “oh wow, he treats her so well! He will make a great husband!”
Use the movie frozen as an example! I can’t remember their names, but the blonde guy ended up treating Anna very well whereas the other guy was going to just leave her to die. Maybe use that as a teaching example
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I’m obsessed with Gaston too (Luke Evans) I wouldn’t worry too much. The song he sings is catchy and kids just like characters and singing along. She don’t fully understand that he’s a bad guy she just likes the movie
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Sounds like how I was with Negaduck from the Darkwing Duck cartoons
This is the cutest thing! she’ll outgrow it, or she’ll learn when the time is appropriate. I could tell ya about some villians I dated in my 20s. you live n ya learn!
I thought Gaston was a ladybird??
She’s 3. Purely innocent, she’ll outgrow it. Nothing to worry about lol
She likes bad boys, ur gonna have hard teenage years, good luck mama
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It probably has to do with Luke Evens
I used to say I was in love with Arnold Schwarzenegger when I was 3. I grew up to be a bodybuilding coach Dreams do come true
Piece of advice to make your life easier - the more you spell out the bad qualities of someone your daughter is attracted to the more she’s going to gravitate towards him
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What would you even be worried about?
Gaston the one in beauty and the beast.
My 3y/o daughter was too!!! We took her to Disney and when she saw him she cut to the front of the line and hugged him for a really long time. I was like come on Liv and she said no mommy I can’t let him go!! He had great humor and replied “I have this affect on all the ladies”. It was sweet! She’s 10 now and still remembers her first crush! Lol!
She is a toddler! She’ll move on. The more you fixate on the fact it’s a problem the more strain you put on your mother daughter bond.
My 3 year old loves maleficent and insists shes changed and is now a good fairy, just let them be little the world will teach them enough about cruelty
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My daughter was the same with Spider-Man , trust me it’s just a phase LOL
She’s 3 really there shouldn’t be a need for any other explanation. Let her be sounds like she has a vivid imagination and that is a good thing!
You are in for a fun time when shes a teen.
Simple, she like buff guys with long dark hair. I totally sympathize. Lololol
Oh no She’s already into bad boys, it’s going to be a wild ride for y’all in her teen years.
Let her be. She is 3 and its cool she even has a little crush. My daughter was in love with the Jackal off 13th ghost for years! And then fell in love with a super nerdy guy like her.
We have a 4 year old who is also obsessed. She loves it
Maybe she likes his impeccable singing
Ummm… She’s 3.
You’re putting adult logic to a small child’s imagination. It doesn’t have to make sense. Take a breath and let her enjoy her doll and her little crush.
One of my grandsons said to his mum when he was little if my dad dies don’t worry I’ll marry you… By the way he adores his dad but just wanted to look after his mum. It’s the way children think
My daughter used to sleep ewiith a knife. It was from a tea set. But still. She kept going on like that for a veeery long time. Was older than your daughter when she forgot about it.
She’s 3, don’t worry, all kids go through weird phases…your thinking way too deep into this. Just chill and let her do her thing.
Is this a joke? She’s 3… she’ll forget about it in a few months. Good lord.
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Gaston is a fictional cartoon from beauty and the beast so what? its part of her imagination let her