My 4-Year-Old Has Been Looking Up Inappropriate Things on YouTube: Advice?

My kids were doing this similar behavior and I took YouTube away completely.

Why does he have unlimited access to You Tube?
My kid has a tablet of his own. His tablet is set with appropriate limits…lets him watch approviate videos. He never has access to my phone.
I mean, we’ve had a time as he figured out how to make a new profile so he could ‘watch what Dad was watching’, but we caught it, and removed it.

Electronics/YouTube are NOT babysitters. You may be home but not spending quality time with him. He should be asking you questions, not a phone/tablet. Time to take away the electronics, yours too & spend time with your little. before you know it that opportunity is lost and so is any influence you may have had In his emotional and mental development.

Ok. Why is he spending all that time on YouTube? How about putting that away and playing age appropriate games with him? THERE ARE GAME BOARDS THAT TEACH THEM TO COUNT…THEIR LETTERS AND SHAPES COLORS. A B C’S. Not only that but you are bonding with him. Hes bonding with strangers that are not real. It’s so easy to give them those tablets and pretent that they are learning from them. They are learning but not things that age appropriate. Wake up mom. It’s just a matter of time before he wont need you at all. Then there is no going back. Spend time with your child. Not just sitting in the room while hes in there but hands on time. You’ll be glad you did and all those problems will go away.

Wow look at all the perfect parents. Just set up parental controls. Talk to him and they also have a kids you tube. You got to watch that too.

My sister-in-law only allows her son an hour of screen time. And it’s only Sesame Street and she is right there with him. It seems to work, the rest of the day is toys and nap. No You Tube.

He’s just curious, but idk that there is a “right way” to handle it. Use your best judgement, and I’d put a children’s filter on it. There’s also a children’s youtube app that’s completely safe and free of all that stuff. Might be worth looking into. Good luck :slight_smile:

You can set youtube to a kids account. That way even with the speech to search he won’t be able to look that stuff up. Actually had an incident not that long ago with my friend’s son. They were over and he was playing with my daughter ( they went to school together) well my daughter stepped out of her room to use the bathroom and I went to check in on them. He handed me the remote and asked me to look up PENISES on youtube. I was pissed. Told his mom and she goes: oh you know that’s not a good thing to do. After that cameras were put in her room, and were activated whenever they were over. I’m sorry but if my kid tried looking up inappropriate things it wouldn’t be “oh u know not to do that” it would be say good bye to tv for 2 weeks and when u do get it back youtube will be blocked.

I remember my grandson, at about that age, tried asking how to spell ‘Naked Princess Peach”, and warning that nobody should bother to look when he was on the computer.
Today, he’s in college majoring in engineering and builds computers.

Take away the device. Even my 8 year olds are not mature enough to have unbridled access to YouTube. My 12 year old has just been granted access, but I can still check his history. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Yes quit giving a baby access to the computer iPad iPhone or
guys are the problem not the child.

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You’re not alone in that aspect… my daughter looks up killer clown videos and stuff… I’ve been told my her counselor that it is normal for her to look up stuff like that because we try to keep it hidden from her so she is curious

I think you’re overreacting for a 4 year old. Butts are funny to kids. Don’t sexualize it. He may grow up thinking sex and his body is shameful. Talk to a child psychologist.

Take it away from him … crayons?? Play-doh?? Parental controls??

Parental control not just on the device but in life as well.

Why is 4 year old on YouTube,why would a child that age need to have that to play with

parental controls—end the vocal device

Why is He allowed to be on YouTube at that age ???

Put a parental lock on his device. Why is a 4 yr old looking at YouTube In the first place ?

Just install you tube for kids and get rid of regular you tube assuming he is using his own ipad

why is he on youtube at 4 is my question. Ridiculous…

Parental control feature. Use it!!! Quit letting you children be babysat by the electronics!

Is he a student in a gov’ment kindergarten? maybe it’s homework…snarc

Use kids tube you can put an age blocker on content

Why is a 4 year old on line?

Want some advice?..Dont let your 4year old on the internet!!!

Why is a 4 yr old even on YouTube in the first place

Why is your 4 year old even on YouTube?

Why is a 4 yr old on You-tube?

That’s why they have parent control

A 4 year old??? With a phone???
Play with him, read to him!!!

Take hi access away for a while. He has to learn.

Take the IPad away give him books instead!

Seriously WHY is he not supervised

Use the parental blocks. Or sign him into kids Youtube only :woman_shrugging:

Give him a book!! Who gives him a device to get on you tube.

why in the literal hell does your 4 year old have access to youtube and know how to use it? just that alone tells me you’re a negligent parent

There’s a you tube kids app that I allow for my 5 yr olf

My niece that’s 5 can only use KidsTube.

Delete the YouTube and do you tube for kids .

Put YouTube on a child lock

Why does he even have access to YouTube ?

Parental locks. We went through that with my grandchildren. No electronics for 3 months and we had to see what they were on. They have to ask permission to change games. If they search, no electronics for 3 months.

4 year olds have no business on you tube. Parent your child. I have to question your ability to do so. You are obviously not properly supervising him because you’re on the internet yourself asking for advice that is common sense. Grow up. Are you sure you’re not the toddler?

Take the phone/tablet away from him!!!

4 years old, lady? No kiddin’? :ok_woman:

how the fuck is a four year old on you tube???/ ever heard of passwords

Get rid of YouTube problem solved.