My 4-Year-Old Has Been Looking Up Inappropriate Things on YouTube: Advice?

Kids his age are fascinated with butts. I don’t get it. lol I really disliked working with that age group when I did childcare for that reason. Boys would show each other their butts… we had one that would randomly touch teachers’ butts… and they LOVED to just SAY butt. :woman_facepalming:t5:

Bust his butt with a paddle or stick talking calmly telling him you love him but showing there are consequences for wrong

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Lady the first problem you have is your 4-year-old having access to begin with. He should be playing with toys not watching YouTube videos. Or being unsupervised to where he can search. There’s a thing called parental blockers.


Dr. Oz advice no devices before 6. The low grade exposure from the cloud etc. isn’t good for the developing brain? Also the pull is stronger when charging. Charge in a room away from people. Don’t sleep with them or put them under pillows in the bed. Same for Bluetooth… therefore seems best to let them play with toys not electronic items, iPads, cellphones, etc. give them the best start in life as you can. This world is hard on children as it is. Let them enjoy their childhood without too many adult options.

Parents are so tempted today when they are busy just to give their toddlers the phone to play with. That is a big mistake, we all know it is hard to watch toddlers 24/7 but never allow a smartphone to become your child’s babysitter. And put blocks on the web sites that are questionable.

Are you insane!!! What in the world are you letting a child choose what to watch? Have you heard of parental controls? Take away the object or sit with the child during use to direct them to other subjects. Such as science, history, architecture, archeologists, astrology, biology. Give them something to explore. Other than butts? :man_fairy:

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I wouldn’t let a 4 year old have access to YouTube

It sounds like the parent needs to grow up and be the “PARENT”

I can’t believe this is a real questions. It actually makes me question did you forget who the parent is? As soon as he did this, you should have deleted the YouTube app, or parental controlled it and downloaded something more appropriate like YouTube kids and also monitored that! Hello? Who’s the parent? If he still gets into questionable sites on the phone, no tablet or phone for you, buddy! I don’t get it parents today are so fruity

I know there’s an App called YouTube Kids, download that for them instead. It instantly filters and makes sure everything is appropriate for little ones and looks generally the same as regular YouTube.
Another thing is this is natural behavior exploited in a time of easily accessible technology. Little kids explore and get to know their own bodies earlier on in life than some people might think. It’s normal for little ones to be curious about other people’s bodies. Maybe ask him why he looks at these things, and see what he says. Too often, adults sexualize things that children would never do on their own. Such as little girls wearing makeup, they don’t know anything about it meaning “they’re growing up too fast” until it’s mentioned by an adult. He jumps and apologizes because he’s gotten in trouble before, but from the sounds of it, doesn’t have the proper necessities to explore his curiosity, so it comes out the way it does now. Just sit him down and ask him what he wants to know about these things. It could be as simple as he’s a kid and thinks babies come out of mommy’s butts. (This is a common thought for lots of small kids) you don’t have to go into detail about anything, but he may just be trying to put two and two together, but going about it in the wrong way. Find out what he’s trying to accomplish and supply healthy forms of explanation to soothe his curiosity. I’m sure it’s not everything it seems to be.

Why does a 4 year old have access to YouTube?

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Why does your 4 year old even have access to you tube? Jeez the world is going down the toilet.

Four years old going on “YouTube”? Your fault, mommy. He knows how to read words?

Why is your 4 yr old on YouTube… wtf


Are you freaking kidding me?? YOU are the adult. YOU are the parent. YOU have control of TVs, computers and devices. Do YOUR job!

Why does a 4 year old have unsupervised access to YouTube?

Download kids YouTube and remove the regular one. Use parental controls. Take away the privilege.

Why does your 4 yr old have access to you tube?

Why does a four year old have access to youtube?

Why are you letting him watch???

FOUR?! that seems unlikely. strange

This can’t be real. But if it is don’t let him hurt you.

Kids youtube, block reg youtube

4 years old with free internet access…go take a parenting class

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Disable the you tube app should of been your first move

Take the phone away.

Lock the phone and have a honest talk.

Maybe stop giving your kid electronics and allowing them to go on YouTube. It’s so pathetic how many parents hand their children electronics and just like use that as a babysitter. A four-year-old should be playing and learning not playing on fucking electronics

There is no reason for a 4 year old to be on YouTube. Take electronics away from your baby and read him a fucking book

YouTube kids. Can’t get that shit then. That’s all my son has and it doesn’t allow voice as I blocked it

Take away his devices

Dont let him watch youtube. Simple

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you got to b kidding me

Um take the tablet away.

Turn off the wifi and spend time with your child

Lock the computer duh

once my older granddaughter was watching Dora with her Mom and up can a comment I like anal sex sickening how they can hyjack videos my grandsons are alwys looking up bad things

Maybe read a book ith him? These books help introduce kids to difficult topics. A Kids Book About Racism

Block u tube problem solved.

Why does a four year old have access to YouTube? WHY?

Don’t let him have a iPad ever…problem solved

Take it away !!! Duh!

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:. How can this be a legit question

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Wow, some of these comments are judgmental.

As I understand it youtube has parental controls…maybe this youtube will help (I didnt watch it so not sure)

How the heck did your s$ (FOUR!!!) year old son get access to a computer and have an ‘all access’ pass for whatever $hit you can get onlinee? You got problems, girl.

Turn off the devices is probably the best way to go.

Before all these perfect parents start slating you, youtube can be very helpful when you need 5mins to get things done although my son is four and instead of youtube we use YouTube kids perfect for his age, and with what he’s looking at it really isn’t wrong he’s four and ‘butts’ are funny. Baby in tummy, he’s probably just curious don’t just tell him off because then those kind of things are always seen as being bad, talk to him ask him what he wants to know and find a child friendly version. Good luck xx

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If a child is old enough to ask about pregnancy… it’s time to give them a lesson. That way instead of him looking it up you can make sure he’s getting the most informed information.

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Block him from youtube. Ever heard of parental controls?

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Then don’t let him on Youtube, get him Youtube kids so he isnt able to look up what he’s been looking up

My son was looking up inappropriate things to we took YouTube away for a month and gave him back only kids YouTube until further notice

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Take YouTube away that’s what I did with my daughter when I caught her watching inappropriate stuff she’s not allowed to watch YouTube at all.

Don’t blame the kids, snash that phone away from him ,but him a phone toy

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Only let them use YouTube kids not regular YouTube

I mean there is children’s YouTube…my kdis can’t handle real YouTube because they look up people swearing intentionally to hear curse words but I mean all kids do stuff they’re curious

Try useing kids YouTube that way he then won’t be able to access anything of that nature, covid is a difficult time but maybe take him for a walk and get him outside and in the fresh air .

I deleted YouTube and Safari of our sons iPad. He only has kids puzzles, YouTube for kids, color by number, and ABC Mouse on his.

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Because curious is a totally normal i would Monitor YouTube and only let him on when you are in the Room and if hes googling these things it means he wants to know because he has questions and is curious so maybe sitting and talking with him can answer some of his curiosities…if we tell kids its bad or wrong or It simply take it away they will just do it behind her back and not trust us instead of coming to us…daughters 8 turning 9 nd belive the things ive found out nd had to address r sometimes mind blowing but she Trust me and comes to me and asks me questions…


Kids are curious, it’s their nature


Why are 4 year olds allowed to have a phone or know what YouTube is???


IMO kids should never have access to YouTube.


My son’s are obsessed with butts and poop. Those topics are normal. I also have a 4 year old son who watches YouTube. He’s just curious. There’s nothing wrong with educating and informing them at a young age. If he’s curious about it, you should talk to him about those topics. Don’t yell at him for being curious. That’ll just scare him into not wanting to talk about things in the future and hide it from you.

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YouTube is not for kids especially a 4 yr old. As a matter of fact a 4 yr old doesn’t need an electronic device at all.


Get him of of the screen.

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Get rid of his device. Why the hell does a 4 yearhave access to you tube?


Download kids you tube sweet and it will ask for his birth year (I think it was a while ago I did my kids) contents on it will only be for his age and below and 100% all child friendly he won’t be able to watch anything thats on the adults one and he can still talk to it to find what he wants and thats what mine have they are 7 and 4 xx

My 12 y/o stepson recently showed us Omegele? Idk the spelling, but apparently its a video chat website you can chat with random people, there are no parental settings and it is NOT age appropriate. There are grown men on there masturbating. He was told he can never be on it.

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Does his device have parenteral comtrols

Dont let them use the internet. Turn some paw patrol on if you need to make dinner.

I would take the device away

My 5 year old gotten into scp monster videos once, i deleted all the channels to them but im thinking about deleting youtube all together except my phone which has a code to it. Theres more negative to youtube than good for kids so not really any use for them to watch it. I just stick with kids netflix or kids hulu for entertainment for him


Delete YouTube? Lol don’t let him have access to internet.


Limit his access on YouTube… also teach him that bodies are natural…The more you tell him this is wrong and this and that you’re only teaching him shame and to hide things from you… play with him take him outdoors even in a pandemic children need time outside I’m not saying go insert yourself in a crowd but go on a walk around your neighborhood.

I have 4 boys from 3-19. They’ve all had a silly obsession with butts. Shaking butts, pointing out butts, punching butts. . . It was a shock with my first, but seeing them all go through that curious, silly stage, I just roll my eyes and keep them in line the best I can. My older boys look at my younger ones with a disapproving glare, I remind them that they went through it too.

YouTube is a great resource but not good for our kids to be left alone on. My 3 & 5 year old watch tons of educational videos on YouTube. I allow them to watch shows they enjoy but my teens or myself keep a close eye. The ads that pop up throughout the kid shows are very inappropriate. We tried the kidTube, it’s just as bad. There are dark shows/cartoons that are made to seem kid friendly.

I would just sit close by. If your working around the house, hook your phone up to your TV so you can see what he’s seeing.

Good luck!

There is a YouTube kids…I would recommend that if he’s going to watch YouTube? But regardless, its not really that weird…little kids talk about butts and poop and all sorts of weird things :woman_shrugging:

Are you by chance pregnant? Maybe try the kids tube instead of regular YouTube so he can’t look these things up!

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Also be vary upfront and honest with him about body parts and things like that and just teach him that he must respect his body and everyone else’s as well and that it’s okay to be curious but if he has questions to come to you

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Kids at 4 think butts are hilarious maybe try not to make him feel bad about it and redirect him to some funny videos of cats or something and watch it with him


Honestly…not a mother’s opinion but the first sounds a lil sus. Maybe ask him if anyone is showing their butt to him that shouldn’t be and maybe he’s just curious to where babies come from.

Here’s a thought…turn off the device :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: go for a walk, colour in, he could help make a cake, read a book, make some craft, build Lego, watch a Disney movie​:thinking: He is 4 :roll_eyes:


1st things 1st im not going to judge u for your son using a device. I peraonally dont let my kids have anything like that my son is almost 3 and he isnt aloud to use tablets or phones. Anyway i think if u took away youtube it would help if u okay with him having a device put some fun learning games on it

You can set parental controls on YouTube if you make an actual account plus I think that YouTube has an actual kids pat

My 3 year old daughter watches YouTube videos of fetuses moving in the womb or babies newly born getting the APGAR test and cleaned from birth. She has a baby sister on the way and loves things like that. Butts is a normal thing for kids. They seem to be obsessed. Just talk to him.

Use the kid you tube and turn off talk to text

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What’s your four-year-old doing on YouTube anyways I’m a little old-fashioned but I think it’s way too young


Babies in mommies belly doesnt seem too inappropriate to me, maybe hes just curious about it. My daughters watch videos like that (of course with nothing innapropriate in them) & the butt thing he may not realize is bad! Lol i would just explain to him why its not okay & that peoples butts are private!

And that is what YouTube Kids is for

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Sounds like natural curiosity

Play with or talk to your children instead of showing them to the computer for entertainment. He might appreciate it one day

If possible just talk to your kids like a mom not a friend and tell him everyone has a butt and disable the YouTube app because kids are learning more and more at earlier ages about adult things and we as parents need to talk about it before the teachers and Internet

Get kidz youtube it blocks things out

A 4 year old shouldn’t have access to the internet in the first place… Take it away completely and problem solved :woman_shrugging:

Who’s the adult here. Take the electronics outta his four year old hands.:woman_facepalming::person_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:

In my opinion, he does not need access to full youtube. There are a lot of great kids and educational videos on there, but I wouldn’t allow full access to anything else. My other question is if he’s 4, I assume he can’t read and type that in for those searches so how is he finding these videos? I would think of that and also, if he isn’t using the device correctly, make it a special reward so he only gets it certain days/times. We do that with our daughter. She loves her learning videos, she’s 2, but most of the time we will sit down together and actually do a puzzle or I will interact with her with the songs or we do them without the videos. It’s much better for them to be engaged interactively than them just watching.

Speaking innocent, butts are funny. Butthole is funny. Anything butts is funny.
It’s normal.
Wait until the farts start :rofl:

It just sounds like he’s curious, maybe have a little small talk to him and explain the whys and it will stop.

Why are kids that young on YouTube or a tablet in the first place, call me old fashioned but kids should play, with toys and in the garden, stick some wellies on him and jump in puddles

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Try putting parental controls on the device that he is using. Or download YouTube for kids and that way it’s safer for him to watch.

Take the devices away is what I would do. Figure out how to put strong filters on the device (YouTube doesn’t seem to have any unless you get YouTubeKids) but the device itself can have filters put on it

Put a child’s lock on🙄