My 4-Year-Old Has Been Looking Up Inappropriate Things on YouTube: Advice?

Why is “baby in mommy’s tummy” inappropriate? Lol

YouTube Kids or no YouTube at all.


Why is a 4 year old on fkn youtube…


Uninstall you tube and only let him use YouTube kids, my girl started doing the same things but worse so shes not allowed on any devices anymore…at all,

Mom shaming is swell🙄.
My son was 7 looking at Mario bros and somehow it got on costume fetish…
I had ever parental control on- don’t ever feel bad! It’s gonna find them.

Parent to parent- turn off voice (you all can work on the alphabet together- win win)
And add you tube kids- it’s helpful🎉

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They have parental controls we had to do this for my nephew who’s 5 almost 6 but a lot of it is just curious kid stuff or them trying to be funny because the showing butts one to little kids boys definitely think it’s funny. The baby in mommy’s belly one sounds like he might want a sibling or is curious as to how it works(you can look up a kid friendly way to explain it) or are you or someone you know that you are close with pregnant he might be thinking that it’s your/the close persons actual belly and baby inside it. My son at two he just turned 3 so was two for most my pregnancy was super excited about my belly because he loved watching the baby move and feeling her move, he was so excited about the ultrasound pictures it was super cute and sweet I could see him trying that if he knew how to.

Just take away the phone and electronics. Tv only while supervised. My kids get the phone on the couch for 30 minutes while I cook.

Dont let him use YouTube. Download YouTube kids.

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Parental controls is a nifty control. My youngest is 9 and I get a notification for every single search and what results were blocked. Even the most innocent queries such as what is the whitehouse could lead to porn.

This is my opinion and I truly don’t care what other people think but he’s learned this from somewhere and you’re the parent and you say he’s literally never out of your sight well if that’s true then he wouldn’t even be able to look those things up. But baby’s in mommy’s belly is not inappropriate good grief. Either you or your spouse need to step up take the phone or tablet away it’s that simple. He’s a 4 year old child it’s not that hard to take sh*t away from them


you can put a restriction on that you tube account. Or, just use YouTube Kids.

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At that age he’s curios. You as a PARENT need to monitor him more. Put parental controls or erase YouTube completely! I’ve noticed even these kid channels are some what perverted!


This is not abnormal :blush: it’s natural for him to be curious. Here is where your behavior will steer the situation. Don’t shame him or tell him it’s wrong with no explanation. He will just get better at hiding stuff from you. Sit down and have a real conversation about his body. Let him know that it’s inappropriate because he’s still a child and that you are trusting him to make the right choices. Monitor his apps and limit screen time. This would also be a great opportunity to explore a hobby other than internet time. :heart::heart::heart: good luck! And remember our bodies are natural and the last thing you want to do is make him feel ashamed so he hides things from you.


My sons not allowed on YouTube its a simple solution. We sometimes watch vedios together stuff that we can learn about. If your kid can ask YouTube to show him a vedio and you later catch him, he isn’t supervised while watching YouTube.

How is that inappropriate? Good grief, if he never leaves the house then he learned it from you or your husband

Um parental control. Limit his use aka only when your next to him. I’d take it away til he learns .

Take away YouTube. I have a 6 and 3 year old and YouTube is banned in our house. I got tired of ‘Ryan’s World.’ I’ll not have my kids watching other kids play with toys. So that was that.


Honestly, it doesn’t sound like he’s doing it to be inappropriate (at least with the two examples you gave). It seems like he has a natural curiosity for the baby part. Make sure you encourage him to always come to you with his questions, and don’t deflect them when he does. As for other one, make sure he understands not only THAT it is inappropriate, but WHY. If you explain the reason behind the rules to kids, it makes them more likely to follow them in my experience.

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I would not let the child have access to YouTube anymore


Kids think butts are funny…nothing new
Why is him looking up babies in utero wrong?

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4 yr old boys think anything to do with farts poop and butts is hilarious. Moms no so much

“People’s butts is not out of the norm for 4. My 2.5 year old will stick her butt out and just say “BUTT” because she thinks it’s funny.

Also, baby in mommy’s belly. Can someone please explain how that is inappropriate?

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There’s also “YouTube Kids”
I’d try that

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Don’t let him have internet axcess! He is way to small amyways


Use the kids YouTube app.

Take the internet away. Download apps and put restrictions on them.

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Nothing you said here is inappropriate. Relax before you give him an unhealthy complex about butts and pregnant women.


Seriously A 4yo on YouTube :roll_eyes:


There’s a thing called YouTube for kids where you set an age limit for videos. The content is strictly for that age group, no outside searching allowed.

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Don’t give him access to YouTube. There’s a YouTube kids app if you must.

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Uh set parental controls or use youtube for kids :roll_eyes: my 7 year old got banned and restricted off youtube for spending hours watching kids play with toys…

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Very simple… don’t give your 4 year old access to it! Be the parent.


My kids have never looked up anything like that but they have watched stuff I thought inappropriate and I took youtube completely away for a week. After that, they don’t watch anything they know their not suppose to.

Wth is he on YouTube at 4?? Answer is easy no you tube period. Keep neglecting the issue and your kid will be searching porn before you know it.




That’s not inappropriate … he’s just curious :face_with_monocle:

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Take you tube OFF his electronics.
There is a kids you tube that he should be using instead

Have an honest conversation with him in a way he will understand. They only know things are inappropriate if it’s discussed. You can’t shelter them from everything, so it’s best to be open :woman_shrugging:t2:


YouTube is not for children. I don’t understand why people think it’s okay to let your children have access to YouTube at all. I don’t care if your right there all the time. I’ve seen videos that people have edited and put images and other things in the middle of videos. Anyone can post to YouTube. ANYONE! My fiancé and I just had a argument about YouTube when I got home from work and he wasn’t paying attention and they had gone on YouTube.

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Completely cut YouTube.
It is not for children!

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Really? Like I think most of us when we were 4 didn’t have anything like that so why does your kid need to be on the internet?

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I don’t want to scare you but this makes me worry that someone has been exposing him to sexual things/sexually abusing him. Children don’t necessarily become curious about sexual things until much older, so that generally means if they’re having those thoughts/implications then someone taught that to them or showed it to them first.


Youtube Kids is the app we’re using for my kids :relieved:


Most important thing to remember is kids do not sexualise body parts!
To them butts and stuff is funny, you just need to teach him that butts are private and we don’t show our privates to people and we don’t look at other peoples privates.
there is a YouTube kids app you can download which is YouTube but only age appropriate kids shows are on there.


My son is 4 and we use to let him watch Ryan and Cocomelon on YouTube on our Roku until I seen an episode of Morphie or whatever it’s called doing surgery on paw patrol characters. Needless to say if it’s not a dvd he picks out or playing on Disney jr at the time he no longer watches YouTube or tv for that matter.

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Wow. There are a lot of sanctimommies on here. Kids think butts are funny. They are. Being interested in where babies come from is normal. Why not just sit with him and watch a video on how babies grow in the tummy? You will have control and his curiosity will be sated. Then you can explain that you know butts are funny, but sometimes grown up put pictures up that little kids may not understand so maybe if he wants to laugh about bottoms you could do a shake your bitty dance together instead.


They have a kids YouTube download that for him! My son always talks about butts, farts and poop thinks it’s hilarious welcome to being a boy mom


I caught my 8 year old nephew showing my 5 year old son inappropriate things on YouTube one day he was over. I banned my nephew from going into my sons room with him alone, he is not allowed to be alone with my boys in their room or in the dark ( he likes to take them into a dark room, I don’t understand why) and definitely no YouTube anymore. They only have access to the kids YouTube on their Amazon tablet… even then I tell my 5 year old to play educational games instead. Once in a blue moon I let my kids put YouTube on the TV with me being next to them and they just want to watch people playing super Mario games . I’d say take YouTube away from him, it’s not needed.

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Lmfao here’s a thought stop giving the 4 year old electronics.


One more thing, where we are at school is all remote even for preschool. How do you just take away the internet? So many judgemental “moms” on here it is so ridiculous


Well if he didn’t have internet access :eyes::eyes::eyes::frog::coffee::frog::coffee::frog::coffee:


Youtube kids only from now on he is still little so or no unsupervised use of phone or tablet

Why does a 4 yr old have a device and internet access?!?! Jeez try entertaining your kid - read him a storybook, take him outdoors, teach him colors and numbers. How about actually being a parent?!?


So take away the iPad…


He’s curious, show him a video of live birth.


We have a amazon free time tablet for our son. He’s 3. It comes with parental blocks. He can’t access anything other than kid friendly YouTube. There’s also games and books and stuff he can play. He loves doing the puzzles. It’s a little pricey I think it was $100 but it’s worth it. He doesn’t even really bother with our tablet because he has his own.


Ignore the Karen’s to me it sounds like she’s curious and I know everyone isn’t me but I am honest with my kid she knows babies come from mommys belly she just doesn’t know how they get there and all kids talk about butts they think it’s funny I would just sit down with him and ask why he is looking up stuff like that and maybe turn it into an educated convo he’s 4 kids get curious and we give them way less credit than they should get they are smart and see things we don’t sometimes and it’s ok to be curious and that should be nurtured you don’t want him to stop asking questions and wondering because that’s how we all learn if you feel like hes too young just say that’s something we can talk about when you older but for now your to young always try to be honest


Kida are curious , unconsciously we as parents also talk about so many things like pregnancy n all to friends and parents , happened with me too , so don’t worry …
Ask ur child if he wants to see you both can watch together once n then he will get over curiosity :pray:t3::pray:t3:

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Ok hear me out. Your, “4 year old,” is LOOKING up bad things. How about take the access away??? He’s 4. Seriously…


Well first don’t shame him or he will always hide things from you because you overreact. He’s curious. He’s not being bad or inappropriate.


First of all he’s showing you he’s curious. You should have a talk with him about babies in mommy’s bellies. Keep it very G. Show him pictures of him in your belly! Second is he using a personal device, school device or something else? If it’s personal use parental controls. I blocked YouTube kids because my son found something inappropriate on it. He knew enough to bring it to bring it to me though. If it’s a school device talk to the school. We got youtube blocked. Teachers aren’t happy about it. But they were watching YouTube instead of school so it needed to be done.

Really not that inappropriate. Butt’s are funny and clearly curious about babies in mommies tummies. Maybe ask why they like watching that stuff. But 4 is young to have control of what they are wanting to watch


My 5 year old is on youtube all the time. With her its hearing things she shouldn’t hear. And at that age kids like to repeat. So if heard things she has never heard anyone say. So I know were it’s coming from. I feel like I should have bern more aware. I am with my older ones and they have limits. But didn’t think about it with her. I was so stupid not to. I messed up. I mean everytime I see her on it its kids stuff. But other things pop in as well. So… I downloaded youtube kids. We are not perfect and with everything going on. Sometimes you get blindsided. Just let your child know it’s not ok to watch things like that or say. And download the app for kids.

It sounds like he curious. Sit him down and talk to him. Answer him honestly but in his age range. If he’s old enough to figure out on YouTube. Then he’s old enough for conversion. Just answer his questions.


He’s 4. Surely he doesn’t have access without some sort of parental controls in place.


Try using YouTube kids you can set age limits on it. And delete regular YouTube.


How about you watch your kid while they play with the internet or don’t let them play at all simple.
I honestly can’t believe its a hard choice for you to make. Be a bloody responsible parent and don’t rely on the internet to raise your kid


Stop giving your small child access to the internet?

Like come on, we know all the nasty stuff the internet can hold and you just give him access?


Parental controls on everything and take away his private internet access. He’s 4 not 14.


Maybe discuss this with someone you know and trust instead of seeking advice from random strangers…just maybe.

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My son is 4 and does the same nonsense- “aliens with butts” because he thinks that green alien that dances is funny and will rewatch 100 times and laugh hysterically, or “funny feet” because there are videos of people putting google eyes on their feet and they say things in a different language, or “colored balls” because he likes the counting shows with the play dough balls but other random things come up. Even on kids YouTube. It’s good you watch him! Some parents don’t. Just keep reinforcing that these things, and other people/things in life are inappropriate & we need to do things that are “learning” and “helpful” that’s what I tell my son. When he really gets me frustrated I tell him that he won’t get to go to school or get a good job because he refused to learn nice and important things & they don’t let dummies into school :sweat_smile:

My 5 yeah old was watching videos of people killing each other in video games :woman_facepalming:.

Download YouTube kids and set up a profile. Best decision I made. No more nasty videos.


He’s just curious and learning. Children have missed out on so much social interaction without school. He’s maybe overheard a conversation and taken bits from it. I would just have a giggle about it and ask if he needs to talk to mummy about anything xx


Uninstall youtube and install youtube kids

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Idk why… But kids think butts are funny…


I blocked YouTube on all devices and my kids can only go on kids YouTube, you can create an account for them and pre pick what channels they are allowed to watch, much safer this way.

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He’s 4… watch him FFS🙄


My son did the same we took off you tube !!!

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Don’t let a 4 year old on you tube it’s that easy. Teach them whats appropriate for their age. Kids aren’t kids anymore they are exposed to things above their age and are missing out on just being a child.


Be a parent don’t allow a 4 year old to have access to stuff like that.


My daughter looked up the exact same things over the summer time. Like word for word :face_with_monocle: she just turned 6. I took YouTube away and told her since she’s signed into my account i can see exactly what she searches up in the history and that she can get in big trouble for looking up videos with butts in it. I eventually just set parental controls on it but there’s still weird shit on there. I’ve cut youtube off from my house completely now. It’s all inappropriate. They have Netflix and Disney plus, as well as the kids YouTube app. They don’t need regular youtube. I suggest you ask him where he even learned that stuff from (if it came from an outside source) if it’s YouTube then cut it off. He’ll survive lol

Are you using YouTube kids?

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Don’t let a 4 year old have internet access. Give them books, toys, play with them, let them outside etc. Treat them like 4 year olds.


Take it away from him. It’s simple.


try the app youtube kids. that’s what i let me 5 yr old watch! it all child entertainment and learning videos.

Dont let a 4 year old live on the internet. They shouldnt even bother with those yet!


It is ridiculous how rude some of you are being to a fellow mom/dad… :woman_facepalming:
Block YouTube, and only have YouTube kids. There are also usually settings on smart devices to turn on for kids only. I believe this prevents going to certain websites, and purchasing items (games, movies, etc).
Otherwise, next time he does it, take the device away for a few days as punishment, to try and teach a lesson that he can not do that.
At that age, they are very curious and start noticing differences between boys and girls. It is completely normal, as long as there is no inappropriate behavior (touching other kids, etc).


I would say take it off…but if he can figure out how to have the phone by himself, access YouTube…find inappropriate things on it…his ability to do all of that will far exceed your “block” or “delete”…he’s one step ahead…

If you don’t want to take away YouTube and the internet maybe disable talk to text. So that way he has to ask you to find what he needs.


My 8 yr old daughter loves youtube kids. Its great cause there is never anything scary or inappropriate otherwise she would tell me as she doesnt like that stuff. Youtube kids is great

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Kids think butts are funny and the more you give him attention for it the more he’ll do it. The internet is no place for a child, he doesn’t know what all is going to come up when he looks up this things. Download YouTube kids so he can’t watch those things.


Why 4 years old has iPad? You are crazy one!


Babies in mommy’s belly is inappropriate? Are you retarded? Like really?

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They make you tube kids and you can select what they are allowed to watch

My son did this he’s 7 now he was 5 or 6. I put a even more stricter lock on his device. He can only use kids youtube and games I approve. No searching or regular youtube aloud.


I think you should download YouTube kids it’s safe and you put what you want him to watch

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It’s not “wrong” he’s 4 he’s probably just curious. Get him a kids anatomy book off Amazon.


so so true get a life

Thats why there are parental controls on electronic devices


Far out some of you women are nasty!!
It’s actually vomit worthy :face_vomiting:

Grown women acting worse than children.


Download kids YouTube and put a parental lock on the other one


by any chance are you or anyone close to having a baby he may be just curious about
baby in bellies how it all works and fits etc and 4-year-old kids are obsessed with bums as its the age where they work out bowel movements farts etc and also have a giggly attitude towards bums, in general, I wouldn’t be to concerned nor consider either topic inappropriate just means he is curious but i would definitely switch to youtube kids to be safe x

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